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Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by PrimaNocta, Apr 1, 2019.

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  1. PrimaNocta

    PrimaNocta Well-Known Adventurer

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    Wynn’s economy is consistent in one area: inflation. Never good for an economy, but a product of some necessary mechanics. Anyhow, prices get adjusted for mythics in relation to inflation. Which means over time mythics will be worth more and more le.

    What does this mean? Never sell a mythic for pure le. To be specific, never sell a mythic for pure le and not buy another mythic. Why? Because your mythic will always be valuable, but the 4 stacks of le in your bank will become less and less valuable. I encourage mythic owners to simply use and have fun with their mythics.

    Since the economy update and the introduction of the in game market place. A lot more emeralds will be in circulation. Most emeralds just lay idle within player’s vaults and essentially vanish from the economy until they return. But with the in game market economy, we should be seeing a rise in inflation. More money being spent and gained and less money sitting in the bank means more inflation.
    Wynn: The Anime and A Human like this.
  2. 3:

    3: farlands pumpkin farlands pumpkin HERO

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    Not sure if this is some bizarre attempt at making an april fools joke, but at this point I'm afraid to even ask
  3. PrimaNocta

    PrimaNocta Well-Known Adventurer

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    There would be no reason to ask such a question if you read what I said. I started Wynn back in July of 2013, and have hopped in and out of the community from year to year. Every time I revisit, the same mythics become more and more valuable in terms of pure le. It's pretty much only mythics that you can invest LE into and make returns.
  4. 3:

    3: farlands pumpkin farlands pumpkin HERO

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    The fact that inflation's happening in Wynn's economy has been known for several years now, and right about everyone's already aware of it. That's the whole reason why a lot of the economy update's features were implemented.

    You claim that the market is a problem that makes the inflation worse, while in reality it's the exact opposite. The 5% tax is among the biggest, if not the biggest money sink in the game. If the statistics still hold up, the trade market tax alone gets permanently rid of ~20-40 stacks of le a day (source: Wynn's twitter). More money sinks, combined with nerfed money sources is going to decrease the total amount of money in circulation, and will actually result in the worth of le increasing over time, or at bare minimum, slow down it's dropping worth to a crawl. I really don't see your logic behind spending money being bad, since all it can possibly do is get rid of already existing money. Even real life has proven time and time again, that constantly moving money is good for economies.
    A Human likes this.
  5. PrimaNocta

    PrimaNocta Well-Known Adventurer

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    Don't put words in my mouth so you have an outlet to make some seemingly related statement. I never said spending money was bad and I said that the circulation of money is good. Also a common thing I see on Wynncraft forum threads on the economy is that we should model in-game economies to real life economies. That is hilarious, absolute comedy gold, you can't model the simple Wynncraft economy to real life. No video game economy in any mmorpg models their economies after ones in real life, because it doesn't work. Are there similar aspects in in game economies and real life economy? Of course, but you must consider the individual factors of Wynn's economy when you make comparisons to real life economy lmao. Wynncraft will always see inflation and the in game market does not remove enough LE to create deflation. The market actually promotes trade to the point where it adds copious amounts of emeralds into the market. I've explained this in the post, but I'll explain it again.

    Pre-market most players traded through shops. This kind of trading was extremely inconvenient and unreliable, so there wasn't much LE in circulation. In fact most LE sat in player's vaults until they bought maybe a horse or a well identified item. Now with an in game market, hundreds of trades, maybe thousands, are occurring every single day, compared to say maybe like 50 shop trades on a good day. So with all of these trades happening, especially with smaller items, the amount of LE in circulation is massive, more than ever before which means inflation is actually really high right now.

    The only time inflation really matters is when LE is in circulation, aka when a player is active and spending that LE. Most players are inactive, and when I say most I don't mean like 50-60%, we're talking like 80-95% of players don't play consistently. Which means their LE is out of circulation and becoming. Do not model in game economies to that of real life. Real life humans do not simply afk from life and have inactive bank accounts. I don't know if you know this, but if your bank account is inactive for a very long period of time, they will start taking money from it. With that being said consider this. A new update rolls out and thousands of inactive players flock to the server to try out the new content, and they're definitely going to be participating in the market. All of that LE sitting in those vaults? Congrats it's all magically back into the economy, and now that LE is in the hands of other players. Think of how much LE was dumped into our economy from inactive players when this new update rolled out. Also that Wynn statistic on their twitter is not accurate. Actually I think they posted that to satisfy players lol. You never post statistics in an outlying period, because you won't have a data set that properly represents the average numbers over a long period of time. They posted these statistics early when a bunch of old players started spending their money on the trade market to make that tax number look bigger than it really is. Think about it. Thousands of players start using the trade market, thousands of taxes are included within every transaction, of course the tax is going to be damn high. But those same players will leave again and the market won't be so flooded. The statistics that represent daily stacks removed from the game should be released after maybe a period of 6 months, that will result in very accurate measurements. But the Wynn team is smart and they know better, they posted these numbers to make their update look good in front of their fans.

    The entire economy is poorly built, there is not enough incentive to spend emeralds on merchants so they nerf selling items and add a tax to the market and say there the economy is fixed. The Wynn team took the easy way out on this one. Looting items is a part of the adventure. In fact it rewards you for adventuring in the first place. Now looting items and selling them to the blacksmith is completely pointless, which makes me not want to loot at all. And a tax on the market is a smart idea, but honestly distasteful. Buying from forums shops will save you a lot of emeralds in the long run. The Wynn team solved their problem of massive inflation by means in which are both unsavory and uncreative.

    Lastly I'd like to say that inflation is inevitable, and my point still stands that if you want to make a lot of LE in the future, or be financially secure. Simply hoard mythics as they will always be highly valuable. Inflation is guaranteed, as deflation is even worse than its counter part. Inflation really isn't bad in Wynncraft, if you're not an active player then it's not like the amount of le you have matters. If you are an active player you'll be making emeralds and getting richer over time. Prices too will adjust with the amount of LE in circulation. And it's not like any of that matters, because most legendaries and rares are dirt cheap. This "issue" of inflation really is significant towards expensive items, and thus only really affects the richest of players. Solving problems in the most uninspired and poorly thought out ways even though they weren't really problems in the first place helll yeahhhh. At least the in game market is convenient despite all the other issues that weigh this server down massively. oh yeah and the biggest money sink in the game is not the 5% tax, but the poorly developed mechanics and world lol
    Wynn: The Anime likes this.
  6. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    The team "solved" the inflation problem the only way it can, by adding money sinks.
    If they didn't do anything it would have gotten worse.
    And of course inflation is going to happen, without actively changing the tax to match the natural emerald spawn it won't change.
    And the market actually helped reduce the inflation in another way, there may be more emeralds but people are trading them for more items than before so the process don't really go up and so the tax cuts way little by little.
  7. KoreanBarbecue

    KoreanBarbecue Non-Exsistent VIP+

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    Inflation isn't a reason to invest. The value of the mythic is based on its practicality not the amount of money in circulation. Obviously if LE is devalued and a mythic's price increase, that doesn't mean you've made profit, just means currency is weaker. If anything, mythics are an unbelievably unsafe item to invest into. Their demand is pretty elastic and are always being subject to balances and changes. Rare and high demand legendaries are probably best or maybe now ingredients (not too sure though - i’m not super confident on how that system works - haven’t played in a while). I can agree on one front, definitely don’t just keep sitting LE. That will definitely lose value over time.
    coolname2034 likes this.
  8. TokiKG

    TokiKG Newbie Adventurer

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    Inflation is not bad for an economy, as long as it is manageable, and with all this talk of money sinks it looks like there's been progress to lower inflation. The problem with Wynncraft is by design there will always be a net influx of emeralds, this is obvious, crafting materials respawn -> get sold to npcs with infinite emeralds -> supply of emeralds increase. But the taxing idea is a really good idea, the only other thing that controls emerald supply is when people stop playing and their emeralds are abandoned in storage.
  9. samaroni

    samaroni Skilled Adventurer

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    this is the most adult conversation I've ever seen on the internet
  10. LFox

    LFox Travelled Adventurer VIP+

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    I would rather invest in your profile picture. That's a very nice cat.
  11. Prismary

    Prismary Wynnclient Developer

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    Funny, I just read a post about Wynncash, an alternative currency. That might be something worth investing into aswell.
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