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Buff Wish List

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by RazorGuild, Mar 18, 2019.

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  1. RazorGuild


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    Say anything here that you want to be buffed. (Items, bosses, ingredients, etc)
    (you can still wish for a buff, even if it is unreasonable)

    Idea from smashboards (smash bros forum)

    Here’s mine: I wish Fatal was buffed to compensate for it’s horrible consistency which damage is still outshined by other mythic wands. (Like singu)
    Asthae likes this.
  2. Turtlebomb

    Turtlebomb idk VIP+

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    Capricorn is pretty much a worse Memento with greater requirements, fix that.
    NITEHAWKX, Sauce, RogP and 6 others like this.
  3. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    i do think the damage consistency is an issue but i think its still a top tier wand, id say it outclasses all the wands excluding warp and gaia
    i think youre out of your out of your bonkers my dude, capri has been nerfed time and time again but id still say its better than any other option for boots

    personally id like to see Compiler buffed, or changed at least. out side of compiler, and maybe a few lack luster wands, theyre not too many non mythic melee wands that are tier stackable. i think compiler would be a lot better if maybe it saw a slight damage reduce, but changed from super slow to very slow, that wuold open it up to tier stacking, but also be not completely glassy, like most builds that need 6 tiers to get to super fast. gaia is my favorite mythic wand and since i dont have it anymore i would love to have a decent non mythic sub

    another thing i would like to see buffed is Luto Aquarum, maybe nut buff this but add another wand entirely, but excluding earth powdered hive wand, theres really no option for a good earth spell wand, it might not be that bad in a spell build, i havent really played with it so i wouldnt know, but i assume it would be pretty bad

    my last two things i think could be buffed a little are both in the same both, bonder and slider both seem really underpowered, sure theyre both good for mr on bonder, and ws on slider, but outside of that as a secondary, i dont think either is really that good. i could say the same for braker but i think its really good already for melee, both earth and fire powders braker outclass any other options for the elements. and i think stinger is just fine
    RazorGuild likes this.
  4. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    1. Hero. Hero is meant to be an air mythic spear, but it doesn't really stand out in air weapons. In terms of spell damage, well uhh I'd like to use hive spear; In terms of melee damage, well who uses air spear for melee lol; In terms of ws, even I craft a lvl 100 spear with some shitty ingredients I got more ws than it. Buff hero please

    2. Flameshot hilt. Add life steal for this weapon please
  5. Madkurre

    Madkurre construction worker HERO

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    petrified horror
    it's such a cool bow but with the reqs taking all your sp, if you want int youll end up with 0 def/agi, and gl countering all that - ws with 0 agi too
    you could brainwash it but it seems like this game has a grudge against 0 int spell builds so dont

    wishing star so it gets higher dps than drumstick when/if the bug is fixed
  6. Realises

    Realises was fun while it lasted ♡ HERO

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  7. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Every item I use should be buffed

    I'm not an item expert, but monster has always seemed underwhelming to me.
    trex1611, Realises, Lego_DW and 3 others like this.
  8. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    Let’s take a look at ingredients!

    Borange Fluff: A 3-star level 100 ingredient should not be this weak. 12% effectiveness makes such a small difference unless you use another boosting ingredient, like Unicorn Horn.

    Adamastor’s Faceplate: The only use I can think of is making a rainbow tank chestplate and using this to cover air defense. Even so, air is so easy to defend against that this has no practical use in air builds.

    Subsuming Darkness: Negative melee damage stacks up quickly, and eventually, it will make a BIG difference in how much damage you’re actually doing. It’s just not worth it to try and make a thunder apocalyspe with this.

    Serpent’s Fang: (melee damage and poison are such trivial ids unless you have a lot of it)

    I’ll take a look at more tomorrow

    Also, 3/4 of these are altar ingredients, wow
    trex1611 likes this.
  9. Altakar

    Altakar former 1000+ day counter moth Item Team

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    Eye of the Beast: As the only Jeweling ingredient with Mana Regen it's kinda sad that the -100% effectiveness debuff is more valuable to me than the 1/4 MR on the ingredient. Also, -100 durability is a pain and sort of an impossibility using it at level because of the massive spell damage debuff. The only reason this couldn't be buffed is because Eye of the Beast + Obelisk Core is really good and likely in line for a nerf.

    Haros' Broken Badge: In situations to use this, Native Jadeite does the job easier(easier to get, less durability loss and requirements). Also this is a 1/20 drop chance from a boss altar which is a pain in the ass to grind for. It could be argued that this is too good at level 30 with a buff but look at Iridescent Elytra versus Wind Ornament. 30 level difference, with the former much harder to find and yet still gives more speed than the latter, with a relatively small durability and requirement change(10 more durability lost and requires 6 more Agility). Native Jadeite is a 1-star ingredient. The badge is 3 stars. It's also kinda bad compared to Naval Stone but they are both 3 star ingredients and have a 30-level gap so IMO it's fair.

    EDIT: By the way, IMs, what are we supposed to do with Tungsten Chunk?
    trex1611, Spinel and Druser like this.
  10. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    We should 100% buff morph.
    If you can't tell, that is a joke.

    Also, buff LI.

    LI is currently supposed to be the hardest thing to complete in Wynn (outside of maybe max wars with all 4 bosses). I don't think I should be allowed to solo it in 15-20 minutes as an archer (keep in mind, 6 minutes of that is just running around in Yahyabot) by just stunlocking things into literal oblivion.

    Mummyboard is just generic ranged mob #(insert number keyboard slam here).
    Virus Doctor is actually one of the more fair and balanced bosses of LI, but the Doc himself could use a buff to make him more threatening compared to his minions.
    Corkus Accipientis tries to be difficult, when really the only difficult part about him is the elf phase (and even that phase isn't that bad).
    Idol is probably difficult the first few times you do him just because there's 10 phases to him, but just bringing a couple extra weapons makes him a joke.
    Yahyabot isn't meant to be challenging, so he's one of the ones that doesn't really need a buff. The sad part is, I now believe MechoCoW and Mummyboard are both easier than Yahyabot.
    Death Metal is also one of the more balanced bosses of LI, since he is a lesser threat in his first form than his minions but a much more prominent threat in his second form. That being said, really the only threats that come from the minions are Wired Beast and Antivirus (Chained Beast and Guardian).
    MechoCoW literally is a mob that runs straight into you and could be replaced with pretty much any other fast melee mob with very few spells and you'd basically be fighting the same thing. His minions are more of a threat than him because they can just kind of run up and attack you from a direction you're not looking at (even in f5 mode).
    Robob is a fair boss as well, but his swords could use a buff to make them more threatening since none of them are really ever an issue.
    Cybel is a joke outside of the fact that he can kill you whenever he wants because pull/push are the most RNG heavy spells in the entire game.
    Doctor Legendary is honestly the most challenging of the bosses in LI, and rightly so since he is the last boss after all. Each form has a different variety of ways to attack you, using multiple spells/spell mix ups to try and defeat you. The only problem is he can be easily cheesed due to the large arena and his detect range is fairly short, meaning archer (and maybe mage) can laugh at him.
    Also, before you say the tnt needs a buff... ........ ..
    I just wanted an excuse to post the 1hp survive curse ngl.
  11. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I'm not so sure. Besides Idol completely throwing off the curve (took me many months to get good enough to beat Idol consistently, but after that I cruised through the rest of LI pretty quickly) I think LI is overall the right amount of difficulty. It's still quite hard to beat for most people.

    I'm also in agreement on Capricorn, since 3/4 mana regen is so hard to get it ends up being worse than Memento in most cases. A slight bit of extra spell damage would definitely help.

    Also Earth/Thunder kind of sucks since you don't even do more damage in most cases (melee without tierstack what? and no Int spells rip) and lose all ability to defend most of the time - particularly since many Earth/Thunder items have extremely high reqs.
    trex1611 likes this.
  12. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    LI's difficulty is only really based on what build you use. Using a hybrid hellstrand build compared to using generic water build spell spam is quite the difference in terms of actual difficulty. That's the main issue with most of Wynn's difficulty. Outside of some of them, most enemies aren't hard because they're actually difficult as an enemy, but more because whatever build you are using is not as effective as another for dealing with them. Ofc, there will always be better builds for certain scenarios due to elemental defenses and such, but I wish there were more bosses that were difficult no matter what build you use.
    NicBOMB likes this.
  13. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Can we get a buff cataclysm?
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  14. Muchwag

    Muchwag Don’t call me Poliwhirl! VIP+

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    Cata is fine now before it was kinda busted so shut you cata whores

    Cumblionimbus needs a buff though, It’s lack of health and removing 2 elements from potential use makes it less than ideal. In use with other items which give -fire or -earth def like a lot of thunder air and water items becomes hard to fix because of both it’s health weakness and it’s shutting off of 2 elements which causes -defenses. I think it needs a buff
  15. satbyccdoerfe

    satbyccdoerfe some random golem CHAMPION

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    buff shoutbox
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  16. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    1, Lament

    serious list

    1, Boreal
    These boots are almost useless unless paired with Warp, HPR is useless in most situations, plenty of boots have more than 3 MR, and wtf is that fire defense? What does this give to compensate for -250 and -19% fire def???

    2, Hero
    WS max 39% --> 40% ty

    3, Guardian
    Severely outclassed by a Mythic 12 levels lower and a Legendary on equal level.

    Bonus Nerf wishlist

    1, Apocalypse
    Wtf was IM thinking giving this 1400 dmg
    RazorGuild likes this.
  17. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    i feel like its obligatory to tag @Toaster

    buff and change spell warrior. its absolutely terrible and you have some kind of brain deficiency if you cant see how it pales in comparison to literally any other play style in the game.

    so many spears are made extremely bad because of the fact its spell warrior. hero and guardian are both outclassed by thrunda just cause thrunda is one of two spears that actually make spell warrior decent cause of the massive damage opportunity. out side of mythics, everything excluding the hive spear and the new thunder spear is basically unusable because of spell warrior
  18. starx280

    starx280 The boy who cried lunar VIP

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    S P I N E.
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  19. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    It's way overshadowed by saundersi signet for a poison build, since you already need strength and dex for almost all good poison items.

    Diamond static ring
    it's bonusses are overshadowed by the other diamond rings, it's main draw is the +10 dexterity. But with a level 100 requirement, that's not going to make much of an impact if any.

    electro-charged greaves
    they're way more punishing to use than the other two +tier attack armour pieces you've gotten up to this point, at that level -42 / -78 HP regen is a lot, especially since this is for a melee setup and you get negative mana steal.
    mummy's rag / heart break are much better items at this level, despite being quite a bunch of levels lower.

    it pretends to be an endgame necklace that gives extra health, but there are bracelets with +- lower requirements that give more health, side bonusses and no negative defense.

    anything with negative xp bonus
    I understand that for some items it goes with a thematic purpose of sucking your soul or whatevz. But it's just not fun.

    might edit later
  20. _Kaasblokje_

    _Kaasblokje_ Master of the void biome HERO

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    Why the hell does warchief have negative earth defence?
    They are THE earth boots and yet -50 earth defence smh.
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