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Guide All Known Refinery Locations (+ Material Spots!)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by creature, Feb 3, 2019.

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  1. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    since the creation of this thread people from the wynntils team (mainly @HighCrit ) have made a map which shows all refinery locations, I don't want to have to keep updating this thread and theirs is better updated, so I advise you all to use it instead of this thread:

    In the thread "List Of Guides" bij ParkourTNT, I saw this under the "list of guides I'd like to see." - spoiler. As well as a source which I am going to assume is all refinery places there are: https://api.wynntils.com/refinery_locations
    which, as I understand it, HighCrit made.

    With that said, I'll be the hero we all deserve and make it look a bit more pleasing to the eye and easy to find everything.

    If there's anything wrong with this, please do tell me, I'll try to correct it. I have not looked at all of the refinery placements in game, but I can confirm that the ones I have seen, are also on this list and at the place it specifies.

    The places behind the coƶrdinates have been read from the official map and are not extremely precise, for example:
    Fish refinery nr. 2 is somewhere near Maltic, not inside Maltic.

    The refineries in bold have all 4 other refineries somewhere 'near' them.
    refineries in blue have a fish refinery 'near' them
    refineries in green have a wood refinery 'near' them
    refineries in yellow have a crop refinery 'near' them
    refineries in orange have an ore refinery 'near' them

    'near' them can still be quite a distance. But looking at how far the other refineries are from eachother, they're close by.

    I added dots so that all the Xs, Zs and Ys will be in a straight line and it'll be easier to keep track of everything, I made them grey so that they wouldn't be too bothersome on either light or dark theme. For some odd reason, you can't just type several spaces or use tabs for that,
    this message has many spacebar presses in between. (To give an example.)

    Wynn province:
    1. .X: -652. Z: -1601 Y: 67 (emerald trail)
    2. .X: -575. Z: -1948 Y: 46 (Maltic)
    3. .X: 85... Z: -2028 Y: 50 (between mt. Wynn and Saints row)

    4. .X: 168.. Z: -1544 Y: 69 (between Nivla woods and Detlas)
    5. .X: 596.. Z: -1947 Y: 66 (Between Bremminglar, Detlas and Almuj)

    6. .X: 1212. Z: -1730 Y: 77 (where the big river in the desert meets the mesa)
    7. .X: 1339. Z: -1424 Y: 31 (Beneath the island of the cockatrice)
    8. .X: 554.. Z: -1349 Y: 67 (between Detlas and the corrupted village)
    9. .X: 157.. Z: -1010 Y: 73 (between the tower of amnesia and Nesaak)
    10. X: 40... Z: -680. Y: 71 (between Nesaak and the house of Twain)
    11. X: -54.. Z: -898. Y: 69 (Nesaak)
    12. X: -133. Z: -1166 Y: 71 (between Elkurn and the lost sanctuary dungeon)
    13. X: -601. Z: -816. Y: 57 (between start grand youth quest and undergroth ruins dungeon)

    Gavel province:
    14. X: -1957 Z: -5411 Y: 57 (Olux Swamp)
    15. X: -1519 Z: -5248 Y: 47 (between start reclaiming the house- and the shadow of the beast quest)
    16. X: -1060 Z: -5256 Y: 52 (Gelibord)
    17. X: -498. Z: -5219 Y: 44 (between Cinfras and Lexdale, on the edge of the two different landscapes)
    18. X: -70.. Z: -4844 Y:42 (between Cinfras and the forgery)
    19. X: -64.. Z: -4998 Y: 40 (near Letvus airbase)
    20. X: 539.. Z: -4980 Y: 29 (on the route from Thesead to the Beyond The Grave quest)
    21. X: 445.. Z: -4916 Y: 28 (on the route from Thesead to the Beyond The Grave quest, again)
    22. X: 728.. Z: -5449 Y: 45 (near start cowfusion)
    23. X: 1360. Z: -5190 Y: [unspecified] (east of Rodoroc)
    24. X: 990.. Z: -5035 Y: [unspecified] (Southwest corner of Thanos-Rodoroc tunnel)

    25. X: -1385 Z: -2644 Y: 91 (+-between Fallen factory and Legendary Island)
    26. X: -1828 Z: -2944 Y: 50 (west of Corkus city)
    25. X: -1644 Z: -3443 Y: 40 (near Avos territory)
    27. X: -1677 Z: -2384 Y: 37 (Relos)
    Wynn province:
    1. .X: -662. Z: -1600 Y: 67 (emerald trail)
    2. .X: -25.. Z: -2208 Y: 38 (Nemract)
    3. .X: 213.. Z: -2029 Y: 45 (Ancient Nemract)

    4. .X: 173.. Z: -1633 Y: 71 (between Nivla woods and Detlas)
    5. .X: 758.. Z: -1860 Y: 78 (between Detlas and Almuj)

    6. .X: 168.. Z: -1011 Y: 73 (between the tower of amnesia and Nesaak)
    7. .X: -230. Z: -928. Y: 67 (in the icy 'biome' somewhat near the lost sanctuary)
    8. .X: -275. Z: -1400 Y: 68 (Nivla woods)
    9. .X: -141. Z: -472. Y: 23 (on the way to Lusoco from the great bridge)
    10. X: -726. Z: -840. Y: 60 (near where the kings son from the Lost Royalty quest is.)

    Gavel province:
    11. X: -2081 Z: -5155 Y: 56 (Olux Swamp)
    12. X: -1470 Z: -5498 Y: 48 (Olux Swamp)
    13. X: -1055 Z: -5273 Y: 52 (Gelibord)
    14. X: -843. Z: -5205 Y: 46 (kander forest)
    15. X: -1074 Z: -4970 Y: 42 (Efilim)
    16. X: -1127 Z: -4492 Y: 44 (near the entrance to the realm of light)
    17. X: -318. Z: -4649 Y: 37 (south of the guild hall)
    18. X: -258. Z: -5345 Y: 35 (Lake Gylia)
    19. X: 214.. Z: -4992 Y:80 (south of Thanos)
    20. X: 527.. Z: -4979 Y: 29 (on the route from Thesead to the Beyond The Grave quest)
    21. X: 571.. Z: -4376 Y: 112 (between Kando Beda and Maro Peaks, atop the cliffs that seperate the land and the sea.)


    22. X: -1378 Z: -2596 Y: 99 (between Corkus City and legendary island)
    23. X: -1610 Z: -3096 Y: 69 (Corkus City)
    24. X: -1612 Z: -2396 Y: 37 (Relos)

    nr.5 was mentioned twice in a row in my source. I assume this is a mistake by whoever made the list initially.
    Wynn province:
    1. .X: -504. Z: -1619 Y: 67 (emerald trail)
    2. .X: -827. Z: -1899 Y: 67 (katao ranch)
    3. .X: 175.. Z: -1545 Y: 69 (between Nivla woods and Detlas)
    4. .X: 766.. Z: -1850 Y: 78 (between Detlas and Almuj)

    Gavel province:
    5. .X: -1982 Z: -5468 Y: 55 (Olux Swamp)
    6. .X: -837. Z: -5200 Y: 46 (Kander forest)
    7. .X: -992. Z: -4570 Y: 43 (start The Ultimate Weapon Quest)
    8. .X: -266. Z: -5367 Y: 38 (Laky Gylia)
    9. .X: 102.. Z: -4670 Y: 44 (south of Thanos)
    10. X: 526.. Z: -5415 Y: 30 (between Ozoth's spire and Eltom)

    11. X: -1543 Z: -2430 Y: 80 (Relos)
    12. X: -1837 Z: -3114 Y: 117 (West of Corkus City)
    Wynn province:
    1. .X: -497. Z: -1620 Y: 67 (emerald trail)
    2. .X: -162. Z: -2217 Y: 39 (between Nemract and the coastal trail)
    3. .X: 158.. Z: -1610 Y: 69 (between Nivla woods and Detlas)
    4. .X: 618.. Z: -1951 Y: 66 (between Bremminglar and Detlas)
    5. .X: 1139. Z: -2005 Y: 77 (near start green gloop)
    6. .X: 1191. Z: -1477 Y: 30 (Beneath the island of the cockatrice)
    7. .X: 295.. Z: -1083 Y: 81 (corrupted village)
    8. .X: -89.. Z: -783. Y: 68 (the Great Bridge)
    9. .X: -577. Z: -708. Y: 64 (between the jungle village and the great bridge)

    Gavel province:
    10. X: -1945 Z: -5271 Y: 57 (Olux Swamp)
    11. X: -1752 Z: -5301 Y: 56 (south of Olux)
    12. X: -1504 Z: -5260 Y: 48 (between start shadow of the beast- and reclaiming the house quest)
    13. X: -465. Z: -5210 Y: 44 (between Cinfras and Lexdale)
    14. X: -700. Z: -4833 Y: 43 (The forgery)
    15. X: -54.. Z: -4998 Y: 40 (Letvus airbase)
    16. X: 251.. Z: -4570 Y: 94 (far south of Ozoth's spire)
    17. X: 241.. Z: -4996 Y: 80 (less far south of Ozoth's spire)
    18. X: 526.. Z: -5400 Y: 30 (south-between the hive and the bantisu temple)

    Corkus province:
    19. X: -1303 Z: -2384 Y: 37 (between Corkus City and Legendary Island)

    The ocean:
    20. X: -996. Z: -3748 Y: 37 (volcanic isles)

    I'll be using the spots from this thread by Kokaga, go take a look at it. It's good.
    I'll be assessing which farming spot is best solely by the amount of 'nodes' in each spot.

    a 'node' is a place where the raw material can spawn.
    1-10: Gudgeon: [-635, -1540] the pool opposite of the fish/wood refinery near Ragni (11 Nodes)
    associated refinery: X: -652 Z: -1601 Y: 67 (emerald trail)

    10-20: Trout: There are two spots close together that contain 13 nodes in total. [55, -1555], [55, -1500]
    associated refinery: X: 168 Z: -1544 Y: 69 (between Nivla woods and Detlas)

    20-30: Salmon: Little bay behind Nemract's Cathedral (12 Nodes) [375, -2130]
    associated refinery: X: 596 Z: -1947 Y: 66 (Between Bremminglar, Detlas and Almuj)

    30-40: Carp: Waterfall Source for the Almuj River. 9 nodes above and 3 below. (12 Nodes) [1190, -2245]
    associated refinery: X: 1212 Z: -1730 Y: 77 (where the big river in the desert meets the mesa)

    40-50 Icefish: East, down the staircase on Nodguj Island (11 nodes + 4 nodes outside) [895, -3380]
    associated refinery: Very far removed from any refinery, look at the refinery list and make your own choice.

    50-60: Piranha: -Around the whole Jungle Lake, there are 12 nodes. They are somewhat scattered. [-635, -955], [-637, -920], [-675, -965], [-605, 890].
    associated refinery: X: -601 Z: -816 Y:57 (between start grand youth quest and undergroth ruins dungeon)

    60-70: Koi: Around the Fountain of Youth, there's a big body of water with around 20 nodes. Mobs rarely attack. [-815, -425]
    associated refinery: fairly far removed from any refinery, the closest is:
    X: -70 Z: -4844 Y:42 (between Cinfras and the forgery)

    Koi pond in the Dark Forest at [-1305 -5185] is probably more practical, it's near a bank (Gelibord) and very close to fishing refinery 16: X: -1060 Z: -5256 Y: 52 (Gelibord)

    70-80: Gylia fish: On the west side of Lake Gylia and next to the farm, there are 10 nodes with 5 more nodes as you move northeast. Sharks attack sometimes. [-240, -5300]
    associated refinery: X: -1957 Z: -5411 Y: 57 (Lake Gylia)

    80-90: Bass: On the south side of Corkus Island (near Relos), there is a a bay with 14 nodes. 10 of them are close together while the other 4 are spread out. Start at [-1840, -2220] and move south along the coast.
    associated refinery: X: -1677 Z: -2384 Y: 37 (Relos)

    90-100: Molten Eel: In the Molten Heights Region where all the dragonling eggs are, there is a stream of lava. [1415, -5570] (11 Nodes)
    associated refinery: Very far from any refinery, the closest seems to be:
    X: 728 Z: -5449 Y: 45 (near start cowfusion)

    100-130: Starfish: Sky Falls east of Ahmsord [1435, -4575] (10 Nodes)
    associated refinery: Very far from any refiney, the closest seems to be
    X: 728 Z: -5449 Y: 45 (near start cowfusion)
    1-10: Oak: Nivla forest
    associated refinery: X: 173 Z: -1633 Y: 71 (between Nivla woods and Detlas)

    10-20: Birch: West-side of Detlas
    associated refinery: X: 173 Z: -1633 Y: 71 (between Nivla woods and Detlas)

    20-30: Willow: Nemract region/Dark forest swamp
    associated refinery: above / X: -2081 Z: -5155 Y: 56 (Olux Swamp)

    30-40: Acacia (Savannah region)
    associated refinery: X: 758 Z:-1860 Y: 78 (between Detlas and Almuj)

    40-50: Spruce: Nesaak / Lusoco region
    associated refinery: X: -141 Z: -472 Y: 23 (on the way to Lusoco from the great bridge)

    50-60: Jungle: The jungle (including Dernal jungle)
    associated refinery: X: -726 Z: -840}, Y: 60 (near where the kings son from the Lost Royalty quest is.)

    60-70: Dark forest / Dead island
    associated refinery: X: -1055 Z: -5273 Y: 52 (Gelibord)

    70-80: Light: Light forest
    associated refinery: X: -318 Z: -4649 Y: 37 (south of the guild hall)

    80-90: Pine: Corkus
    associated refinery: X: -1610 Z: -3096 Y: 69 (Corkus city)

    90-100: Avo: Around the Fallen Factory Dungeon and Avos Territory in general.
    associated refinery: X: -1610 Z: -3096 Y: 69 (Corkus city)

    100-130: Sky: Sky islands
    associated refinery: too far from anything to really say, X: 527 Z: -4979 Y: 29 (on the route from Thesead to the Beyond The Grave quest)
    1-10: Wheat: Thesead [775, -5070] (30+ Nodes)
    associated refinery: X: 526 Z:-5415 Y: 30 (between Ozoth's spire and Eltom)

    10-20: Barley: Olux [-1745, -5510] (40+ Nodes)
    associated refinery: X: -1982 Z:-5468 Y: 55 (Olux Swamp)

    20-30: Oats: Southeast Island on Durum Isles (12 Nodes)
    associated refinery: too far from any refinery, go make your own choice.

    30-40: Malt: Southwest Island on Durum Isles (12 Nodes)
    associated refinery: too far from any refinery, go make your own choice.

    40-50: Hops: North of Orc Lake [-1820, -4950] (12 Nodes)
    associated refinery: X: -1982 Z:-5468 Y: 55 (Olux Swamp)

    50-60: Rye: Farm in Dark Forest Swamp [-2165, -5425] (10 Nodes)
    associated refinery: X: -1982 Z:-5468 Y: 55 (Olux Swamp)

    60-70: Millet: Farm close to Aldorei T0wn [-740, -4475] (16 Nodes)
    associated refinery: X: -992 Z: -4570 Y: 43 (start The Ultimate Weapon Quest)

    70-80: Decay Roots: There is a big farm southeast of Gelibord with 12 nodes. Mobs spawn here. [-680, -5200]
    associated refinery: X: -837 Z: -5200 Y: 46 (Kander forest)

    80-90: Rice: Small patch south of Thanos. [355, -5150] (11 Nodes)
    associated refinery: X: 102 Z: -4670 Y: 44 (south of Thanos)

    90-100: Sorghum: In the Avos Territory east of the Uth Shrine, there is a farm with 12 nodes. [-1820, -3280]
    associated refinery: X: -1837 Z: -3114 Y: 117 (West of Corkus City)

    100-130: Hemp: Close to Angel's Refuge, there's a farm with 11 nodes. [1320, 117, -4815]
    associated refinery: far from any refinery, closest: X: 102 Z: -4670 Y: 44 (south of Thanos)
    1-10: Copper: Mining spot behind the Ore/Crop Refinery on Emerald Trail has 8 nodes. [-465, -1660]
    associated refinery: X: -497 Z: -1620 Y: 67 (emerald trail)

    10-20: Granite: Pigman ravines, up the 'stairs' from Ragni for 15 nodes, down at [-710, -1355] for another 13.
    associated refinery: X: -497 Z: -1620 Y: 67 (emerald trail)

    20-30: Gold: Abandoned Mines: [865, -1295] has 15 nodes.
    associated refinery: X: 618 Z: -1951 Y: 66 (between Bremminglar and Detlas)

    30-40: Sandstone: North of Almuj inside the big mine (7 Nodes + 3 nodes a bit above on the staircase). Lots of scarabs for ingrediƫnts.
    associated refinery: X: 1139 Z: -2005 Y: 77 (near start green gloop)

    40-50: Iron: Behind the Tower of Ascension, there is a cave with 20 nodes. Mobs rarely attack.[-435, -420]
    associated refinery: X: 295 Z: -1083 Y: 81

    50-60: Silver: In the Dark Forest Swamp, there's a mine with 9 nodes. Mobs come occasionally. [-1700, -5160]
    associated refinery: X: -1752 Z: -5301 Y: 56 (south of Olux)

    60-70: Cobalt: In the Dernic Jungle, there's a cave with 9 nodes inside and 6 nodes outside on the rocks. In total, there are 15 nodes. Mobs spawn mostly around the rocks outside. The cave is safe. [-625, -385]
    associated refinery: X: -577 Z: -708 Y: 64 (between the jungle village and the great bridge)

    70-80: Kanderstone: Mine in the Kander Forest. [-755, -5150] (12 Nodes)
    associated refinery: X: -700 Z: -4833 Y: 43 (The forgery)

    80-90: Diamond: Around the start of the quest, Marauder Dues, there are two mines, one with 12 nodes and another with 9 nodes. In total, there are 21 nodes. [360, -5085], [370, -5000]
    associated refinery: X: 241 Z: -4996 Y: 80 (south of Ozoth's spire)

    90-100: Molten: In the Molten Heights, there are 4 spots that are close together that have 15 nodes in total. Mobs spawn here. [1235,-5250], [1255, -5370], [1240, -5390], [1210, -5355]
    associated refinery: far from anything, closest: X: 526 Z: -5400 Y: 30 (south-between the hive and the bantisu temple)

    100-130: Voidstone: Huge cave in the void with 14 nodes. Safe spot. [13740, -3935]
    associated refinery: way far away from any refinery in this thread, try X: 526 Z: -5400 Y: 30
    If there's a gathering spot too far from a refinery, I'd suggest storing a lot of unrefined in your bank, if there's a bank nearby and refining it all later in one go near somewhere where a bank and a refinery are close to eachother, such as in Detlas.

    There are three Marketplaces:
    X: .502 Z:-1569 Y: 68

    X: -455 Z:-4948 Y: 48

    Corkus City:
    X:-1623 Z:-2932 Y: 69

    There might still be some refineries missing here, I could've sworn there were a crop and an ore refinery at around X: 750 Z: -1475, both of which aren't in here. There's also no refineries in the molten heights/sky islands in this guide until it is updated
    So, if you know any places which are not on here, please do say so.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2019
  2. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    There isn't a single crop refinery in the Nemcrat area. And we have 2 wood refineries.


    Last edited: Feb 3, 2019
  3. orange0402

    orange0402 I got exposed by pyro VIP

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    Also could you put which refineries are closest to a bank for each profession? That would help a TON
    Rucker_ and creature like this.
  4. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Just a note that highcrit made it for wynntils i just saw a comment mention him.
    creature likes this.
  5. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    I'll edit that part, than.
    ParkourTNT likes this.
  6. Altakar

    Altakar former 1000+ day counter moth Item Team

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    I would like to add to this by saying that the Koi pond in the Dark Forest at [-1305 -5185] is probably a more practical spot. Even with level 69 fishing and T8 rod, you can still rotate between the nodes easily. The Gelibord bank is not far from the lake and there's a fish refinery literally outside the town(go southwest).
    creature likes this.
  7. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Thank you for this!
  8. Kokaga

    Kokaga Maho ā¤ | J6's slave HERO

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    Fish Refinery just east of Rodoroc. Coords are [1360, -5190].
    Fish Refinery in the Southwest corner where the Thanos-Rodoroc tunnel is. Coords are [990, -5035].
    creature likes this.
  9. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    Fish refinery #14 is no where near Lake Gylia
    Mistrise Mystic likes this.
  10. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    Whoops, it's changed now. Thanks
    coolname2034 likes this.
  11. Awesomah

    Awesomah Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    There is an ore refinery and crop refinery at [-1227 -5390] (exact location of tool merchant) (gavel). Very close to the large decay roots farm that's to the south-east of Olux and close enough to the Kanderstone mine at -755 -5150.
  12. Archit12

    Archit12 Am I still playing Minecraft?

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    Oh so few days ago, I pointed out that a refinery was missing from HighCrit's list which was a crop refinery in the desert. I didn't know this post existed at the time so lemme tell you now as well. Image attached has the co-ords. (I'll also attack the pic of the map for a general area)

    Attached Files:

  13. HighCrit

    HighCrit Wynntils Developer CHAMPION

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    Thanks for crediting me, it took me 4.5 hours of travelling across the land. Searching far and wide. Though dukiooo did help a bit with finding some of the missing ones. I'd suggest updating your list, we added a bunch of refineries since.
    Thanks you, these have been added to our API (Wynntils'). And, can now be viewed on our mod's in-game map.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2019
  14. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    There goes my free day, goodbye piles of homework. I've got more pressing matters now.
    Thank you and dukiooo so much for ruining my life.

    Could you inform me when you've added a bunch of refineries again? Or is this the last batch?
  15. HighCrit

    HighCrit Wynntils Developer CHAMPION

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    It will probably take a while for new ones to be found. However, we're planning to create a map on our website which will show the refineries. Though it's still under construction (here). Tip - search on '"y":#' which are in most cases unique.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2019
    creature likes this.
  16. ptobey

    ptobey Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    There's a crop refinery on swamp island and an ore on the bottom of the slope of the volcano next to it. Also there is a fish refinery that is directly east of Ahmsord. Not sure about the wood refinery but I know there's one in the sky islands area.
  17. HighCrit

    HighCrit Wynntils Developer CHAMPION

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    I tried to find them, but failed. Could you provide coordinates?
  18. Altakar

    Altakar former 1000+ day counter moth Item Team

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    I don't believe these have been posted here, ore refinery to the left and fish to the right
    creature likes this.
  19. HighCrit

    HighCrit Wynntils Developer CHAMPION

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    Thanks, we got 95 refineries in our API now.
  20. HighCrit

    HighCrit Wynntils Developer CHAMPION

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    Our map now shows the refineries http://map.wynntils.com/ And, yes - we plan to improve the visibility of those icons.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2019
    creature likes this.
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