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Wynncraft Isn't What It Used To Be

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by bloww, Jan 26, 2019.


Do you think wynncraft was better before?

  1. yes

  2. no

  3. it's always been the same

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  1. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    Have it just calculate itself w/ the normal: get over xp and youll level up further past 0%

    Seriously; i had 16% xp on a lvl 100 mage before this update and it boosted me to lvl 102 in no time. 225% actually.

    Someone who got all the way to lvl 101 should be somewhere in 103, and if they had like, for say, 1000% xp on 101, they should be 104.
    SUPER M likes this.
  2. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    If they couldn’t fix the levels, the admins could of recompensed those who lost the most and issued a public apology.
    mouldy, SUPER M, WilsonKry and 3 others like this.
  3. ImThatOneGuyIRL

    ImThatOneGuyIRL More Ava required. CHAMPION

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    I'm sorry to hear that, Bloww. I haven't been in this community for a long time but I realize that you've made some valid points.

    I only have a few counter-points on this entire situation-
    1. Not all the Discord CTs are inactive, or never talk in the chat. Just yesterday I've spoken to a few of them. Pepo's almost always active and replying to any error reports or just having conversations and a few of the ex-CTs, like Zimbo, are commonly found online. It's not like the entire staff is offline at all times. Plus, most of the CTs that don't talk a lot on the disc are active on the Wynncraft forums. Whatever platform they're on, they try to be as active as they can be. I understand where the frustration might come from, but at this point I feel you're asking too much from people who have their own lives going on in the background.
    2. The long gaps between content releases may be stressful, but the amount of material in them can, in no way, be released part by part. These updates introduce a whole new gameplay mechanic, or a whole new region, so breaking them up into pieces would just make the game seem incomplete. I would absolutely support more frequent bugfixes for, say, bugged quests, but to ask for content to be made faster? With the size of the content being released, I don't think it's even possible. You also have to keep in mind that CTs have their own lives, and are only contributing to this project out of their dedication. They're not getting anything out of it but the satisfaction of seeing their project grow. Again, too much is being asked here.
    3. What do you expect from the community? All communities have their flaws. You can't expect the entire fanbase to fix itself by ejecting the toxic parts of the community. There's only so much people can do. Not to mention that while all the old "cults" (wynn mafia, etc.) may be dead, there are many new organizations. The Foundation is an example of one of these new wynn-groups, and it's active. I feel you may be missing the point.

    Nevertheless, I understand your want for bugfixes and control. Glitches, errors, and change itself can be stressful, especially when you've put a lot of dedication into the game. But keep in mind that the CTs on the other side are thinking the exact same thing. Each change must be coded for hours, each new item pool must be meticulously designed and then implemented, and map-making is no easy task when detail is put into consideration. I'm sure the CTs are trying, but it's just difficult to fix these issues. You have to give them time.

    I wish you good luck with whatever you choose next, Bloww, and am sad to hear you're leaving.
    Corruptplex, mouldy, Jbip and 11 others like this.
  4. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Tbh that’s more a problem with the gaming industry in general. Personally I find the owners and CT interact more with the community than most studios do. It’s just that a decent amount of the interactions are negative
    Or Blizzard, Bungie, or Hello Games. Not disagreeing with your point, cuz it’s definitely correct, just adding some examples you missed
    I also agree with this, but it’s worth noting that this https://forums.wynncraft.com/thread...d-of-the-dwarves-and-doguns-questline.242587/ isn’t feedback
    I’m actually going to disagree with this; waiting for everything to be balanced and every bug to be fixed isn’t how you release a game; if you do, you’re likely going to be adding a few months before release, because Heros A. Make up a small portion of the community and B. Are going to be testing pretty much exclusively new stuff, which leaves the older content with bugs to be left unfound. It’s generally much better to use the beta to find the major bugs, then release it and fix the minor bugs in the month or so after release, since that way you’ll have a finished product faster.
    I’m going to disagree partially here too. While new gameplay content is good and all, a new class would be extremely difficult and time consuming. You’d need to make new items and allow the class to have access to every system in the game, like professions (which we’d need a new one), or the tutorial with the spells, the messaging for trying to use the new weapon as another class, the info on the website, etc, etc. Not to mention that you’d need to find a niche for it to fill and balance it. It’d be better to add new spells onto already existing classes, and let us pick and choose spells to use like the old Zentrela system, back when that was a thing.
    I agree with this, so much. The dullahan manor, the grootslang dungeon, and ESPECIALLY the tomb in the realm of light all need finishing. Also, GIVE US RAIDS GODDAMNIT. We need something actually mechanically difficult in the endgame, as well as actual multiplayer content and endgame content in general. It could also act as a way to get mythics, since right now it’s all RNG. We could also use a horde mode, since sieges aren’t returning. Just, SOMETHING besides LI and guild wars.
    Most of the older members (Dr. Zed being the most notable off the top of my head) left because of factors like college or jobs. There was also that one guy (forgot his name, think it starts with an f?) who did the exact same thing you’re doing, leaving with a thread trying to diagnose the problems in the community.
    Discord. Also, they should make shouts on the server appear in the shoubox, if possible
    That’s true, but that’s by no means Wynncraft’s, or even the community’s fault. Times change people leave, and new, different ones join, and we can’t really stop that.

    Well, I’ve said my part
  5. Johnny Mcgeez

    Johnny Mcgeez zzzzzzzzzz CHAMPION

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    haha jokes, they ran beta for like a month and a half. The new token system just sucks, the one in infested pit is bugged and just doesnt work. The CIB one where you gotta get 32, I had gotten 35 and only counted 3.
    The other CIB one where you collect 10 it had reset me when I put 2 in first
    Gort, SUPER M and WilsonKry like this.
  6. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    put only 1 in at a time until it ticks up from 0, then put in the other however many you need
    Druser likes this.
  7. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I made a TLDR.
    1-The CT isn’t active and there are many of them that are immature.
    2-They are slow in updating new contents and fixing problems.
    3-I hate assholes players.

    Well i kinda agree with all of them exept for the first one.

    1-I saw many CT types to threads and vote but still the amount is small (It’s kinda fine for it to be small), many of them are reasonable but there are also many of them that answers to serious threads with memes and i hate it even though it make me laugh.
    2-That’s natrual because there are many problems to solve and one of them is the economy and thats one of the big issues that are more important than adding a new class and the nether, but if they promised something than they need to make it as fast as possible like the gavel dungeons and RTD, but i hate it when there are no information in new updates.
    3-Yes me too.
  8. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    SUPER M, trex1611 and bloww like this.
  9. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Even after doing that it sometimes doesn't work. I put in one blue token for undergrowth ruins and threw the other three to the ground. It did tick up from zero but when I clicked it again to put the rest in it only put in one more instead of all three, so I was stuck in there for another 8 minutes waiting for the tokens to respawn because the spawnrate is ass. The hoppers/whatever you want to call them just break whenever they want. It's why I am very reluctant to do any dungeons atm since they can break so easily, and while doing what you said does help, it doesn't work consistently all the time.
    Johnny Mcgeez and trex1611 like this.
  10. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    i haven't encountered that that much tbh, only dungeon glitches i've run into are final room cib and sst
  11. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Agreed, the only dungeon I've encountered bugs in is SST falling floor (which still works about a third of the time). I ran Underrowth Ruins several times both to get my own tools and get a set to sell, and never encountered any problems (besides the awful spawn rates). I've never had a token counter mess up at all.
    trex1611 and by2011 like this.
  12. Kokaga

    Kokaga Maho ❤ | J6's slave HERO

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    I'm a big fan of both routes but I think the difficulty in incorporating a new class is there simply because of how the newer content kinda locked the game into only having 4 classes. Stuff like in-game text, builds surrounding the classes (ToL), and the immense amount of items for every class. Despite this, I think the work required for a new class is probably on par with any major update. In terms of niches, there's been countless of class suggestions that never really got anywhere inside of the actual game (Biggest one I remembered was the Soldier suggestion by Selvut). Nonetheless, it would be refreshing to see something new in terms of combat mechanics rather then the same spell and auto-attack over and over again.

    God damn, I remember watching the Gavel livestream and Grian said that they would put a dungeon in the Realm of Light. They would do mini-updates every two weeks after the Gavel update and I was hyped as fuck for what seemed like a raid against Orphion. Those mini-updates never happened sadly nor did the dungeon which was a shame. I loved the Realm of Light as soon as I saw the trailer and heard the in-game music but that place is just completely empty. You do one quest there then never come back again (unless war).
    SUPER M and trex1611 like this.
  13. FluxifiedGod1

    FluxifiedGod1 AAAA HERO

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    i agree with all of this and can i just add a few things
    1. the dullahan castle, orphion tomb and mortal mountain (i think) seem to be cancelled.
    2. the only worth your time item to craft is food and potions which break the meta (even though in a post salted said he wants to avoid breaking the meta lol)
    3. threads get locked for shit other threads do. the only difference is the ones that are locked are usually criticising the server meanwhile the ones that arent say nothing about the server or praise it.
    4. jp has given us some wonderful responses i dont want those to stop lol. he basically said in one of his responses "you cant tell us its bad because of how much work we did" lol
    5. anybody who doesnt like somebody can report them for anything so long as the person reporting has never said anything bad about the server. some lad didnt like how i was shit talking the server so he reported me. still waiting on that dm response from jp thanks jp
    6. cya after the mass bans lol
    Shoefarts, Gort, SUPER M and 2 others like this.
  14. Thunder

    Thunder Chief Thunder HERO

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    Mythics were a mistake. Having extremely rare items that could either be worth 1 stack vs 20 stacks depending on the IDs is insane. I really want them to have locked perfect stats so every mythic is the same, except for powders put on them. I also want all existing mythics with different IDs to also be changed so they are the same as any new ones that drop. I find that this would be fair for the insanely low drop rate and lower their market price at the same time.

    Decreasing the amount of emeralds given from quests might slow the amount of new emeralds coming into the economy, but it only hurts people who want good items because the people who are most likely able to afford them are rich players with endless stacks of LE (well, those that still play anyway). Increasing the amount of emeralds will only further increase prices, so that isn't really a good option.

    One of the major problems I have with the community in regards to the economy is the encouragement of item trashing. I get absolutely upset when I see another thread about throwing away stacks and stacks of LE into lava or cactus or something. I recently saw a thread where players are throwing away Warchiefs, which confused me greatly. If they are that common, why are they being removed from the market? If they are unusable in any build, why do they exist? Wouldn't trashing them increase the price of them if someone actually wanted one?

    I've been out of the loop for so long that I'm not sure if I want to keep playing anymore given the absolute state of everything. Can someone please fill me in?

    I quit playing Wynncraft until the the Hero Beta dropped, yet the beta was absolutely meaningless to me. Some hardcore players reached level 100 and managed to experience a huge majority of the content, but what about the players who didn't? Lots of bugs fixed the beginning, not a lot fixed near the middle or end before the beta ended. Refusing to let us set our level to whatever we want so that we have to experience everything like the regular servers is downright counterproductive. I don't want to do the same quests over and over again every beta starting at level 1, but I will be more inclined to do them if I had access to higher level gear to finish them quickly.

    I was really hoping that players of the Hero Beta would have access to similar commands to what the CT would have access too, but alas that's not the case. I was really hoping they would do the beta better than the first time, but I was only left with disappointment. Salted giving XP boosts is nice, but it's meaningless if it's done without warning or not frequent enough.................

    I cannot think of anything else right now.
  15. Parzizal

    Parzizal .

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    As a lot of people have stated, mythics have made the game, and the community bitter. Currently there's just no reasonable way to obtain a mythic/wealth without getting lucky in some regard. Whether it be finding a good legendary to sell, or a mythic itself. I think if we buffed the mythic drop rate everyone in the community would be a lot happier. @Twin Lotus
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2019
  16. Gort

    Gort His Royal Pimpness CHAMPION

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    Not only that but when you do finally get a mythic there’s no guarantee that it’ll be worth less than a stack or 20
    Elephat and Trash like this.
  17. _Tiger

    _Tiger Completionist HERO

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    To be honest... Wynncraft is better than ever. It's not Wynncraft, it's us.
    RazorGuild, Siri, Major_Lue and 10 others like this.
  18. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    I really like the crafting and new features. More bank pages, more discoveries, more lore, generally more content. All of that is good, but there was poor delivery on specific features in the update which upset many. That doesn't 100% mean it is us, but blaming ourselves for an update we didn't create isn't fair either :p
    Spinel, trex1611 and WithTheFish like this.
  19. _Tiger

    _Tiger Completionist HERO

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    I agree, but we kind of created this update. We wanted more content, more to do generally, and Salted also mentioned that there are different types of mmorpg players. Grinding, boss fights, quests etc. Anyway, I do like the update but I do feel like it is a bit too grindy.

    I think that gaming communities have changed a lot! People expect things to be easy and all... But that isn't how it's supposed to be. I think that mmorpg games are for those who have patience and for those who want to achieve something. Things aren't the same as it used to be at all! It's not the games, it's us. We're literally forcing developers to do stuff that shouldn't be done.

    I'd rather blame ourselves than the devs and CT.
    DrBracewell likes this.
  20. Parzizal

    Parzizal .

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    That's very true, the inconsistency in prices really are a great example on how 3 years after the gavel update they aren't fully balanced correctly. GM's and the Item Team focus too much around baselines and not enough around what's meta, and what's fun. Mythic prices will always be somewhat different but when you have mythic's like stratisformis or cataclysm that are way beyond any normal rates, baselines need to be disregarded and they need to be balanced for their price points.
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