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Guide Using The New Marketplace!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Ichikaaa, Jan 22, 2019.

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  1. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    Guide to Mastering the Marketplace 101!
    Brought to you by Trickster1399 (but you may refer to me as Noah)

    When the Trade Market was first announced I was extremely excited. When I first got to mess around with it, I was extremely confused. I know I’m certainly not alone, so here is a detailed thread about how to use the marketplace, as well as how to make the most out of it!

    Let’s start simple. To locate the Trade Market, you need to head to either Detlas, Cinfras, or Corkus. All three locations are in sight of where you teleport via scroll.

    When first opening up the Trade Market, it’s very overwhelming. Lots of items, lots of tabs. I will sort these categories into subcategories to make it a whole lot easier.​

    Viewing Items!
    Hovering over any item will list whether or not it’s identified. If it’s unidentified, it will list all possible identifications. If it’s identified, it will list all current identifications. Any items like horses will list current level. For bulk items, it will list the amount currently in stock. Pretty straight forward.

    Upon hovering over an item, you will also see the price per item in single emeralds. To convert this, it’s easiest to use a calculator for large amounts of Emeralds, but most can be done with pretty easy math.
    1EB = 64 Emeralds
    1LE = 4096 Emeralds
    32LE = 131072 Emeralds
    64LE = 262144 Emeralds


    Using the Search Menu!

    So you may be wondering how much to sell something, or possibly trying to find a specific item you want to purchase, well here’s an easy way how! With the new update and many more sales, market prices for certain items have shifted a lot! This is mostly due to competition on the Trade Market.

    First off, click the Search Item tab.


    From there, you will be greeted with a huge list of different set filters, from level, to rarity, to even specific profession, or single identifications! You can use the Forward Page and Back Page button to scroll up and down the list of set filters.


    However, sometimes it can take a lot of time to go through the filters and pick out enough to locate the item you’re after quickly. In order to make a quick search, you can press the Name Contains filter, the very first filter on the page.

    This will prompt you to type whatever you want in chat that may help narrow your searches. Looking for Torrential Tide? Type “Tide” in chat.

    After you hit the Search button, you will then have a list of any items with “Tide” in the item’s name, in this case, four items.


    From here, you can click on Unidentified Torrential Tide to see all of the current listings of the item, both identified and unidentified.

    This will give you a rough idea on what they’re selling for, and if they’re not selling, possibly lower the price a little bit. This will also allow you to quickly look for an item and buy it, especially if it’s just the last piece of the awesome build you’re making.

    NOTE: This does not apply to any ingredients or materials. You are unable to see the current listings of those items. Instead, it will bring you straight to the buy screen.

    Selling on the Trade Market!
    This tab here is the quickest way to sell items, as well an alternate method of checking the price of any item. So let’s get that out of the way quickly.

    Also be aware that selling materials or ingredients works a little different. I will go over that after identified and other items.

    To start with, click the Sell Item tab


    From there you will be greeted with a screen containing a couple different tabs. Let’s go over them one by one.

    So you have a Booster Plate and you’re curious on what the price should be. You can hover over the Book Icon, located directly under the Back button on the left. This will show you the current highest and lowest listings, as well as the average price that any Booster Plates have sold for, throughout the past two weeks.


    If you have a 30% Walk Speed Booster Plate, which is max, it is much better to use the method shown before, searching the item and looking at all of the listings in detail. The Price Check Tool does not account for any identifications when giving you an estimate on what your item(s) are worth.

    So let’s use this Booster Plate as an example. 29% Walk Speed. Click the item in your inventory to start getting it ready to sell.


    From here, click the Emerald to set the price.


    Just like using the Name Contains filter, it will prompt you in chat to specify an amount. This amount is to be typed in single Emeralds. Use the numbers above, under “Viewing Items,” to do quick math regarding how to price an item.

    For this example, I will be selling this Booster Plate for just 4EB, in other words, 256 Emeralds.

    DISCLAIMER: This is very underpriced and I do not suggest selling a Booster Plate for this cheap. I’m doing this for no other reason than to have it sold quickly, so I can create this thread.

    Once you have the price typed in, you are free to hit the Confirm button. This will place your item on the first spot of the Trade Market.


    When using the Trade Market, there is a 5% Tax that is added to the total price. The buyer has to pay this money. This is to prevent inflation. Other MMO games usually have a similar thing. For instance: World of Warcraft has a tax that the seller pays when listing an item.

    When the sale is complete, you will get a message in chat telling you that your emeralds are ready to collect.


    From here, you can go to the View Your Trades tab just under the Sell Item tab.


    You then can click the Booster Plate, which will be replaced with a green checkmark once it’s finished selling.


    Now, click the Emeralds to add them into your inventory.

    For selling bulk, it may take a little longer to find a buyer, as said before, they're unable to be searched up directly. It starts the same way as selling any other item. Go to the Sell Item tab. Place the item into the slot. I'm going to be using Molten Ingots for this example.

    The only thing that's different on this screen is the Click to Set Amount button. Like when typing in the amount of Emeralds you want to sell something for, it will prompt you to type in the amount of this item you want to sell. I want to sell two stacks, so I'm going to type in "128"


    The rest from here works just like selling any other item. You may get to a point where a portion of your items have been sold, but not all of them. Just like shown above, you can click on the item in the View Your Trades tab to collect the profits you've made so far. It will only be replaced by a green checkmark if your stock is entirely sold out.

    And like always, you'll be notified in chat once an item sells so you don't miss it!


    So there you have it! That’s how to sell single items on the Marketplace! Super easy and simple once you understand it all!

    Buying on the Trade Market!
    Buying on the Trade Market is very similar to selling. There’s two ways to buy on the Trade Market.

    The first way is to look at the front page and select an item, or use the filters shown above to narrow your search. I’m going to be buying this Gearbox Stave here.


    Click on the item you’re wanting to buy. From there you will be greeted with a simple screen. Click the green checkmark to complete the trade.


    Once the trade is done, it will bring you to the View Your Trades tab. Click on the item that you bought.

    To claim it from here, just click on the item, located in the left slot of the trade box.

    It will then appear to the right, click on that item. It will go straight into your inventory, just like Emeralds do when you collect them after a sale.


    The other way to buy an item is to request an item. To do that, start by going to the View Your Trades tab.

    From here, you can either left-click a free slot to sell, or right-click a free slot to buy. Because we want to buy, I'm going to hit right-click. This will open up a screen that looks identical to what it would look like if you were selling an item.

    Now what's different is instead of placing our item in, we’re going to hit the Click to Search an Item button to look for what we want to buy.


    Just like searching for an item, you will be greeted with a huge list of different set filters, from level, to rarity, to even specific profession, or single identifications! You can use the Forward Page and Back Page button to scroll up and down the list of set filters.


    Like said above, it can take a lot of time to go through the filters and pick out enough to locate the item you’re after quickly. In order to make a quick search, you can press the Name Contains filter, the very first filter on the page.

    This will prompt you to type whatever you want in chat that may help narrow your searches. For this example, I’m going to be buying Unprocessed Copper Ore, so I will type “Copper” in chat.

    After you hit the Search button, you will then have a list of any items with “Copper” in the item’s name, in this case, twelve items.


    Click on Unprocessed Copper Ore.

    After doing so, you will be brought back to the buying menu.

    From here you can use the Click to Set Amount button to adjust the quantity of the item you’re looking to buy or sell.


    This will prompt you to type in the quantity. I want to buy 16, so I’m going type “16”

    Once you are done with that, click the Emerald to set the price.

    Just like using the Click to Set Amount button, it will prompt you in chat to specify an amount. This amount is to be typed in single Emeralds. Use the numbers above, under “Viewing Items,” to do quick math regarding how to price an item.

    For this example, I’m going to be buying Unprocessed Copper Ore for just 16 Emeralds each.

    Once you have the price typed in, you are free to hit the Confirm button. This will place this order on the Trade Market. Nobody can see this once it moves off the front page. The only way they will be able to find out if anyone is looking to buy is if they're selling.


    If you open up the View Your Trades tab again, you will see your item in a slot. Hovering over it will show you the time left before the trade expires, and the quantity that have been bought.


    Once an item is bought, it will notify you in chat.


    To collect the items, click on the item in the View Your Trades tab, or the check mark if it’s all bought.


    Sometimes you will receive a portion of the Emeralds you spent back while collecting items you bought, or maybe more Emeralds than you were selling something for. This is a quote from @jpresent that explains why this happens!

    "The exchange attempts to match your request to the best offer available for it and then meets in the middle. E.g.: I sell 20 potatoes for 10 emeralds each, you buy 20 potatoes for 20 emeralds each. The server will complete the trade for 15 emeralds each, giving me 300 emeralds and you 20 potatoes and 100 emeralds. Tax is then subtracted, 2.5% from both sides."

    Revealing Unidentified Item Names!

    There’s one feature that the Trade Market provides that I haven't gone over yet. You may have noticed while in the Sell Items tab, or while buying items, there was a Reveal Item Names tab in the bottom left corner. This same icon can be located above the Search Items button.


    This here allows you to show the name of any unidentified item, at a small cost, that way you’re able to sell it on the Trade Market without identifying it.

    Just like the Blacksmith or the Item Identifier, you will put any item you want to be revealed into the slot by clicking it once, and click the checkmark to confirm.

    Now you can see the name and the possible identifications, to decide whether or not you want to identify it.


    Wrapping Things Up!

    I'm not quite sure what else there is to say. I just hope that this will be of great use to a lot of people. If there's anything I missed, or any information that's incorrect, please let me know so I can fix it as soon as possible! If anyone needs more details on something, please ask below or message me!

    Over ten hours went into the creation of this thread. Making the sales, taking screenshots, cropping screenshots, uploading them to multiple sites before getting things to work, along with the typing. The only thing I wish in return is for this thread to remain helpful and peaceful. The last thing I would want is for it to get locked for any reason, or deny players access who really do need it.

    One great thank you and shoutout to everyone involved in the creation of the Marketplace and Exchange. It's something we've needed for a long time. Throughout the six years I've been playing Wynncraft, this is certainly one of my favorite additions! Keep up the outstanding work!

    One last thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read this thread. It's a little lengthy, but I figured the more detail I put into it, the easier it would be for everyone to understand!

    Currently up to date!
    Updated last 1/24/2019
    Latest Update: Marketplace and Exchange Merge!
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2019
  2. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Nice, the system was a little confusing. I used it to buy some fish, and was confused when it looked like I didn't pay and actually recived emeralds for taking them. To be fair, I think I was selling them
    CheesePrince13 and Ichikaaa like this.
  3. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    what about taxes i don’t really understand how it works.
    Thanks for the thread it helps me :D
    Ichikaaa likes this.
  4. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Say you were selling something for 100 emeralds.
    The person who buys it pays 105 emeralds.
    5 emeralds go away, you get 100
  5. IbenGold

    IbenGold Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Essentially how the taxes work is that whenever you sell something, when another player sees your sell order and want to buy it, the price is increased by 5% for some reason, (Possibly to hinder inflation.) and that is basically it.
    So whenever you want to buy something on the marketplace all the prices are increased by 5%.
    Ichikaaa likes this.
  6. jpresent

    jpresent Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    It is indeed to reduce inflation.
  7. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    Were do you find people's buying requests at
  8. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    thank for guide <3
    Ichikaaa likes this.
  9. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    I don't believe you can find those any other way than listing an item and seeing if it sells.

    There was a major change to the Exchange and Marketplace. To sum it up, they both got merged together and you can now see what people are listing on what would've been the exchange. Will update thread soon!
  10. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Exchange -> buy an item -> filter -> choose an item type -> browse requests
  11. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads HERO

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    I wonder if you could use the exchange to “flip” items, as you could with Runescape’s Grand Exchange
    CountBurn likes this.
  12. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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  13. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    Now Updated! Sorry for the delay! Thank you for your patience! <3
  14. jpresent

    jpresent Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I've pinned the thread for its amazing detail and helpfulness ^^
  15. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    first like uwu
  16. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    So, I need clarification on one thing. In the thread I have it stated that the buyer pays the seller's price if the buyer wants to buy for higher than the seller is selling, as that's how I first experienced it. However, I've had instances where I put an item in the Marketplace for 4EB and it sells instantly to someone for 2LE. It makes me start to think that the price is set by whoever requested the trade first.

    Example, and I'll use an extremely logical situation: I want to buy some Linear Accelerators, and someone has a whole stack of them for sale at 1 Emerald each. If I request to buy them for 256LE each, I'll only be paying 1 Emerald. However, if I was asking to buy Linear Accelerators for 256LE each, and then someone decides to sell a whole stack of them for 1 Emerald each, they'll get 256LE instead, since I set the price first.

    I'm not sure how exactly it works, but if people could help me get an answer to this, it would be great! That way it can get updated in the thread!
  17. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    It has something to do with the difference between the Marketplace and the Exchange. It's quite confusing, I don't entirely understand it.
  18. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    Yeah, I honestly have no idea now. I thought I did, but someone just bought an item I put up first, which has been on the market for about an hour, but much higher than my price. It's not anything that's world ending if unknown, but would be nice to know
  19. PikaLegend

    PikaLegend Shocking VIP+

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    I kinda thought what would had happened was that the two prices meets in the middle to prevent grossly overpricing and grossly underpricing of items.
  20. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    That would be most logical. That is if seller has the first price. If the buyer has the first price, I don't think it would raise to be met in the middle with the seller. It's so confusing in so many ways, lol
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