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I Hate Wynncraft

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Killerfish, Jan 7, 2019.


Do you hate Wynncraft?

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  1. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Not that one, I mean the more scenic one in the later room.

    P.s. its not that you shouldn't have one there, more so that you shouldn't let the player know you do.
  2. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    Oh yea, the big room has a lot more. That one completely comes from the fact that in the old version, people skipped this room by charging/tping/escaping through everything, and doing that in this case would just force you to come back and grind for tokens, which is definitely not fun. We could improve that by making the stair sides be 1 block higher or something, I think that's the main culprit
    Dr Zed, mouldy, TwageTomato and 4 others like this.
  3. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Yeah its what I'm talking about lol.
    And I know why you did it, I was trying to suggest some fixes.

    Again a reward down one side, or some visual line leading the play to the left/right rather to the center.

    Again like I said its probably there do to it being a redo. (Not probably actual, you just confirmed that's why lol, forgot you were the owner for a second)
  4. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    I'm not saying that that's bad design or that it doesn't matter. I'm just confused as to why it's Salted's favourite, more than anything. I just felt that design like this isn't as important as in places where it would be more detrimental to the gameplay if it didn't exist.
  5. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    It leads the player to a clearly travel the best path for them.
    Its smooth travel from ragni, to detlas.

    If they traveled the other derections a few things happen, they die going to the pigman area, and probably give up early on. And the 3rd option means they face a shaper incline in difficulty, hit the ocean very fast, and aren't offered clear early game quest and opportunity.
  6. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    It's one of the most important one because it's early game. We have to be very careful with new players because they can be overwhelmed easily. This is why the tutorial is disguised as a quest, and why a lot of it is put in emerald trail instead, to thin out the information load. If players miss the main road (they sometimes do), they miss out on the identifier, item seller, merchants, detlas and powder master. They might even miss the pig cave which is meant to slay them early to teach them dying is okay and that they got soul points. And in the new update, they miss out on how to use ingredients and easy early game profession XP.
    Rhythmically, _Tiger, mouldy and 9 others like this.
  7. RoseGoldIsntGay

    RoseGoldIsntGay k e k HERO

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    idk i like barriers
    trex1611 likes this.
  8. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    I beat you this time.
    I also worte less detail but ignore that.
    There gay. (I only said that becuase of you name, I didn't mean to actual be mean)

    Not actual, depends on what we are talking about. In terms of the open world, using actual objects as barriers are the best option, like wynncraft mtns, or my favorite example fallout new Vegas.

    As for a linur area, they are mostly needed, the key is trying to make the player unaware they are there.

    You want to suggest the player head one way, not force them (its linur so you do force them, you just don't want it to seem like you do.)

    That's what salted and I were discussing, we were specifically talking about the 2nd case.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2019
    Shoefarts and Salted like this.
  9. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    The player going into the middle road is important. I'm not saying it's not. I just think that the natural urge for going into the middle is already very big and that the buildings, colours, etc. are not as important as you make them out to be. And I've got to say that the thing you said about the pig cave doesn't make much sense to me. Let's say there is a scenario in which there is absolutely no guidance, there is a 1/3 chance of the player taking any of the roads. If the player goes straight ahead they'll probably stumble upon the pig cave like you said and die. OK. But if the player goes right instead they'll go into the pigman ravine and probably also die. In this particular case the guidance isn't as important as these actions will have a similar outcome. Even if someone ventures to the north there is plenty of important information there too. There's a dungeon and a quest to keep note of and upon following the coastal trail the player finds Maltic. Maltic has an identifier, but no super low level content. There is a good chance they will return to Ragni and there isn't any harm done, time to try the other pathways.

    I feel like you're both trying of explain to me what the purpose of having lots of stuff around the middle road is. I know the purpose. I think you're both exaggerating the negative effects of wandering into places that maybe weren't exactly on the path laid in front of you.
    faragoo likes this.
  10. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Lets label them, path 1 is emeraldtrail path 2 is pigmen, and 3 is coastal trail.

    Path 2 will mean the player will die yes, but will also likely go down the same trail again. Why?

    Lets use dark souls for an example, when a player is meet with a challenge there likely to attempt to do it until its overcome. In this case if the road is suggested as much as the others, they will probably do that for a very long while.

    The other issue is less extreme players will just give up, ones who are less sure of themselves or easily find games over whelming.

    Path 1 works in this way because players are first meet with a much easier and friendly task before they meet any amount of struggle. Brb gtg.
  11. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    You say you're using Dark Souls as an example, but you don't give an example from Dark Souls and this doesn't really tell that that's what players do. Your explanation for why they will go down the same path again is that they have an urge to complete the challenge that this particular path offers. The reason they will go down the same path is because they want to go down the same path... I think it's far more likely for them to realise that this area is dangerous and return at a higher level. And even if we assume that the player is super hardcore, won't they try this with the pig cave as well to get quick XP or something along those lines? Or venture into Nivla woods too early? Hell, a new player might just even miss the pig cave entirely if we assume that they're this clueless.

    On the other end of the spectrum, the players that give up easily. Why should they quit when they die in the pigman ravines, but not if they die in the pig cave, or the Nivla forest, or just from any source in general.

    I don't see why going into the ravines specifically is considered such a bad thing. Even then, there's a sign saying you shouldn't enter it. That and dying in it should make clear what the area is for.
    trex1611 likes this.
  12. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    tl;dr - there's a reason programmer memes are always about how no one knows what they're doing. It's harder than it seems.
    trex1611 likes this.
  13. Imaxelius

    Imaxelius Content Team Manager CT Manager QA Modeler HERO GM Builder

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    We have added a lot more of barriers in this update which might or might not get noticed, we started barriering grind spots so people can't sit on a block and just mindlessly hold down left/right click, those barriers are there for gameplay purposes, but it can still be an issue when people use mobility spells (like charging from a higher surface) and hit an invisible wall. Stuff like this is just impossible for us to fix. It might break immersion but it serves it's purpose.
    trex1611 and nicktree like this.
  14. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    hey sorry back.

    so I meant dark souls as example of what players will do, i.e. repeat something until they get it. Not as a direct comparison in game.
    As for the other side, I did give a reason, its simple actual. there meet with a less harass version before they hit any push back.
    I.e. they get to kill some weak mobs before before they die.

    The thing is, this very thing will almost always set exception for the rest of the game.
    So while yes, most players will also do other paths, it means they will have false exceptions.
    Also lets say that 80% of people do follow another path after this one, thats still 20% that are set with these exceptions or quit because of them, or 200 out of 1000. Its alot of people.

    As for path 3, most players will grow board really fast if content isn't thrown at them. It may seem unreasonable but really, if they don't get satisfaction now, they will probably think there isn't much in the game.

    One really important statement, the start of any experience is highly valuable, a single good first episode to a show can make you watch the whole thing even if the rest of it shit (COUGH SAO)
    Or a really bad start to a game can mean one person isn't willing to experience the rest of it, even if its amazing, a slow start will be the death of it.
    Yeah, I noticed them actually.
    I understand there hard to hide, or blend them in the environment when its an a open area like they are.
    But I can tell attempts where made.

    I would attempt to offer some advice, but I would need to take a closer look at each case, but personally I like how the grinding spot near ashomrd did it.
    Simply adding a roof above the island, basic but it works well.
  15. Imaxelius

    Imaxelius Content Team Manager CT Manager QA Modeler HERO GM Builder

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    But the thing is, we cant do that for every area. Sometimes it just isnt worth it to completely remake an area when there's a lot of things going on. All the "new" grind spots have all been barriered and had their terrain/decorations changed, to reduce the chance of bumping into barriers. But what im getting at is that some places are impossible to "hide" when spells are a thing. You will hit barriers if you escape all around the place and unfortunately, we can't change that.
    oh and as a lil tip for future feedback threads.

    Naming a thread "I hate Wynncraft" might not get your points taken as seriously.
  16. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Lol, i understand this, like i said its a bit different because its out in the open like that.
    But here, you mean these right?


    So, as said in the picture, try making the walls look less safe to stand on (As well as the towers) , people will be less likely to do it, something like adding a bunch of junk on top, maybe a make mobs spawn instead of having a barrier at all.

    As for the areas I drew x's on, Try removing the ruble there, and attempt to make them reach out like I drew them.
    This won't make them less usable but it will make people less likely attempt to jump up them and find out theirs walls there.
    The reason for this is the ruble is inviting them, kinda like stairs, to attempt it, and the walls simply make it look possible to get up there.
    (This is what I mean by inviting. http://prntscr.com/m53yas Like jesus, I know i can't but I legit do want to get up there, it should be possible)
    But yeah removing that would help hide them better.

    NOTE, This does not mean I'm suggesting the barriers are unneeded (They are needed, I understand why) , its simply a way I think you could try and hide the fact they exist better.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2019
    Gogeta and Tsukiji like this.
  17. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    ...wow I see what people mean about "way too many barriers".
  18. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    I can't tell if that's sarcasm.
  19. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    It's not. I already think there are too many barriers right now, adding more seems like it would become annoying very quickly.
  20. Killerfish

    Killerfish Procrastinating Artist HERO

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    I honestly don't care if my points were taken seriously or not. The title described directly how I was feeling when I wrote it, and the thread's point was to rant about what I hated about Wynncraft.
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