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Wynn Mafia, Day 7 (game Over, Innocents Win)

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by yellowscreen, Aug 22, 2018.


So, this is taking a while. How long do you predict this will take to fill up?

Poll closed Oct 17, 2018.
  1. A week or less

    0 vote(s)
  2. 1 week - 3 weeks

    0 vote(s)
  3. 3 weeks - 5 weeks

    4 vote(s)
  4. More than 5 weeks

    4 vote(s)
  5. Change to start at 15.

    7 vote(s)
  6. Don’t change.

    1 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    @Bluescreen do everyone a favor and end this game. I’m leaving, thanks @Tsukuyomi for being reasonable. Don’t know why I came back.
  2. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I didn't do anything tho? xd
  3. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    Exactly. You silently left likes and didn’t make me feel like offing myself
  4. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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  5. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Just end this game tbh, its basically over.
    JoshLegacy likes this.
  6. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    I'd love it. Just a dash, though. Too much salt can cause it to be overbearing.
    BlueCloud, NotAFish and Dr Zed like this.
  7. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    1 @HowToZombie
    4 @Leonardonox
    8 @lego_man724
    10 @Host_Legacy
    12 @Wynner
    13 @Vbn5202

    Game's over, since innos will just steamroll the mafia:
    It has been years since the mafia incident. They made one mistake that destroyed them. Arrogance. I think we could have lost, were they a bit smarter. Though if we were a bit smarter, so many lives wouldn't be left scarred. *some cheesy words about how we will survive here*

    Host's comment:

    Man, this was not a good game. Thankfully, Wynn mafia _____ will be a bit better, since I was using this game to practice modding said game, and to learn how to balance stuff.
    Remaining roles, if you want to know them:

    Howtozombie was

    The Assassin (Mafia)
    Sneaking around in the shadows, killing innocent people… You really are the ultimate villain. Hiding among the innocents, there is no way to find you. At least, that’s what they think.

    You are able to vanish. It will take place the next phase, blocking all harmful effects beside kills. It has a 4-phase cooldown.
    You have the ability to deceive the town and frame a player every other night, allowing you to choose exactly what the target displays during a cop check.
    Your innate ability to disguise allows you to display as innocent on checks.
    You will survive the first attempt on your life.

    Leonardox was

    The Item Buyer (Mafia)

    Greed, greed, greed.

    You gain double the normal emeralds per action.
    Once per day, you can summon a special merchant that sells two random items the following night (to add to the normal 3), and you may name up to 2 other players who may access that merchant.
    Once in the game, you may summon a special merchant that sells every purchasable item in the game.
    At any time, you can anonymously send emeralds to a player to prevent that player from dealing damage to you, at a rate of 1 emerald for every damage point blocked. This can affect lynch damage.

    Upgrade (if unlocked):
    Your inventory space is increased from 3 slots to 5.
    You gain the ability to steal an item from a player every night.

    Legoman was

    The Royal Guard (Innocent)

    You have been protecting the King of Ragni since you came of age. Over many years you have helped stop numerous assassination attempts from Ragni’s underground resistance. The King of Ragni owes you as much as you owe him.

    As Royal Guard, your job is to protect the King of Ragni at any cost.
    When in the same area as the King, you will take less damage and all damage directed toward the king will be taken by you.
    You are given the ability to strike a player, dealing 15 damage (but you will not be able to attack or vote that phase if so). This ability has two uses.
    Every night, you may confiscate a player’s weapon, inflicting the disarmed status for one phase.
    If the King of Ragni is alive at the end of the game, it will be treated to you as a victory.

    Host was

    The Mage (Innocent)
    Fresh from Wynn’s greatest wizarding schools at mage island, you visited Detlas for opportunity - not a Mafia hunt. Nevertheless, you are here to help.
    You have a spellbook that contains a number of spells. One spell may be cast every phase, but casting spells in three consecutive phases puts you on a one-phase cooldown where you cannot perform any actions.

    Spell Book:
    Heal - Restores five health to a selected player plus regeneration for 1 phase. Also cures one harmful effect (if any).
    Meteor - Deals damage to 3 random players, and does double damage to mafia members. Inflicts burning for 1 phase on all players hit. If you die on a phase when you cast a meteor, the direct killer (if there is one) will take the full damage.

    Wynner was

    the Banker (Independent)
    Goal: Possess 100 emeralds at the end of the game, and earn 500 emeralds total
    You are the Detlas banker, and you manage much of the money that flows through Detlas. You work with whoever ensures the greatest profit.

    Your impressive economic loopholes give you double the emeralds from most sources.
    You are given 5 emeralds to donate to any player (including yourself) every phase. Your emerald bonus does not apply to this.
    You have a one-time ability that will cancel the voting process for one day.
    Given your vast influence, your votes will count an additional time.
    You have a passive ability to take slightly less damage with every emerald you have.
    If you are checked, there is a chance that your accounting information will be leaked, causing all of your transactions throughout the game to be publicly revealed.
    If the game ends before you meet your goals, then you will lose.

    Upgrade (if unlocked):
    All purchases will be 25% cheaper.
    You gain the ability to check the bank account of a player every phase, revealing their emerald count.

    Vbn was

    Grian (Mason)

    You are the head builder of Wynncraft, Grian. In addition to your role as one of Wynncraft’s three owners, you also run a successful YouTube channel

    Every other day, you may build a box around a player, protecting the player from all negative status effects and attacks the following night, although the target will be roleblocked, immune to all items, and any status effects will return afterwards.
    As head builder, you are immune to roleblocking.
    It is revealed to you who Salted and Jumla are.

    Upgrade (if unlocked):
    Your vote will count one more time.
    You gain the ability to record a video of a specified player, allowing you to see everything that occurred related to that player on the phase that this ability was used. This ability has a 4-day cooldown, so use it wisely.

    Here, you can see some info on the mechanics, and the game in general, made by stlast:
  8. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I like to ask how Zed ended up being one of my attackers?
  9. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Finally, here are the logs:

    LOG: Day 1:

    1 Howtozombie THE ASSASSIN maf
    2 h0y0y0y0b0y THE SALTED town Go to east road, check Tsuin inventory
    3 DR ZED THE JUMLA town (-4 emeralds I will also take the water bottle. I'd like to go the Armor Shop too. )
    4 Leonardonox THE ITEM BUYER maf I walk to the south road. I also summon me merchant. HowTo and Uber are allowed to use it.
    5 Gigavern YAHAYA indep I choose to conjure a mushroom and give it to Vbn5202. I'd also like to go to the Marketplace.
    10 Host_legacy THE MAGE town Used spellbook. Targets are: cybersoap, Quintensesse (2x damage) and gigavern
    11 WYNNER THE BANKER neutral I want to go to the East Road and I want to donate 5 emeralds to myself, also I would like to buy Water Bottle (net gain of emeralds is +1 emerald)
    12 VBN THE GRIAN town go to south road
    13 UBERSHAFTEN Mafia THE NECROMANCER move to marketplace
    14 Mafia QUINTENSESSE the ninja
    17 DERPY the archer: move to marketplace
    Items for sale: items 19 and 56
    The shop sells the following items:
    -Water Bottle-
    4 emeralds
    Can cure one harmful status effect
    -Styx's Grab-
    18 emeralds
    1-3 damage

    Instakills if the target is below ten health
    Lynched: Bluescreen
    The Eye of Wynn (Independent)
    Goal: Host the game. Win the game. Be the game.
    You are the Eye of Wynn, the mastermind behind our small Wynncraft world. Little is known about you, but many are certain you’re playing a larger role in everyday life than what meets the eye.
    You are the host. All player actions pass by you, and you are the one to carry them out.
    If you die, you will be immediately resurrected.
    You cannot actively participate in the game.

    LOG: NIGHT 1
    Mafia nightkills: cybersoap by howtozombie (howto is disarmed, so no nightkill)
    The shop sells the following items:
    -The Mummy's Bandage-
    (5 emeralds)
    Blinds a player for one phase.

    -Scout Dagger-
    5 emeralds
    0-2 damage
    Slightly less likely to be noticed when attacking

    2 h0y0y0y0b0y THE SALTED town go to bank
    5 Gigavern YAHAYA 24 indep Get another mushroom for h0y0y0
    6 WYNN THE ANIME THE WARRIOR Protect tsuin
    8 LEGOMAN THE ROYAL GUARD 5 town Buy mummy bandage -5 emeralds Disarm howtozombie
    10 Host_legacy THE MAGE 11 town Cast heal on gigavern
    12 VBN THE GRIAN town move to airbase
    15 KEYANAA THE KING OF RAGNI move to South road
    17 DERPY the archer Move to marketplace

    LOG: DAY 2
    Modkilled for inactivity: Cybersoap, Quintenessence,
    Lynch: me
    Items: 58 and 62 (for market, also 19)
    The shop sells the following items:
    -Cluckles' Favourite Feather-
    5 emeralds
    Gives the empowered effect for two phases
    -Nemract Whiskey-
    6 emeralds
    Restores 50% of the recipient's maximum health, but temporarily removes their ability to vote consciously
    For market:
    -Rewind (Dagger)-
    25 emeralds
    1-3 damage
    Gives the ability to go back in time one phase for the user only. This weapon has been weakened from use, and will only work once

    1 Howtozombie THE ASSASSIN maf (move to south road)
    2 h0y0y0y0b0y THE SALTED town (move to east road)
    4 Leonardonox THE ITEM BUYER maf (Move to bank, item buyer for howto and uber)
    5 Gigavern YAHAYA 24 indep (Send mushroom to howto)
    10 Host_legacy THE MAGE 11 town (Buy whiskey, move to market)
    11 WYNNER THE BANKER neutral (Donate 5 emeralds to self)
    13 UBERSHAFTEN Mafia THE NECROMANCER (Buy whiskey, move to weapon shop)
    16 TSUIN the sayrleos: (Move to armor shop)
    17 derpy buy whiskey go to market

    LOG: NIGHT 2

    1 Howtozombie THE ASSASSIN maf Frame gigavern mafia
    2 h0y0y0y0b0y THE SALTED town Move to bank
    3 DR ZED THE JUMLA town Code plugin (See tsukis role one phase), buy leach knife
    4 Leonardonox THE ITEM BUYER Buy throwing knife
    5 Gigavern YAHAYA 24 indep Mushroom for zed
    8 LEGOMAN THE ROYAL GUARD 5 town Disarm Tsuki, move to bank
    10 Host_legacy THE MAGE 11 town Take washer, move to armor
    11 WYNNER THE BANKER neutral Buy leach knife, throwing knife, donate 5 to self
    12 VBN THE GRIAN town Buy throwing knife, go to south road
    16 TSUIN THE SAYRLEOS Move to market
    17 DERPY the archer Take washer

    Mafia nightkill: h0y by Howto

    Items: 28, 27, 50 (if market) 47 and 29 (if item buyer)
    The shop sells the following items:
    -Leach Knife-
    9 emeralds
    2 damage
    Attacks heal for 1 health
    -Throwing Knife-
    2 emeralds
    1-3 damage
    May cause bleeding. Consumable
    -A Washer-
    A completely useless washer. Why do you have this?
    -Spruce Wood Bow-
    12 emeralds
    3-4 damage
    When using this weapon, you can only deal damage once per phase. For example, if you attack a player, you cannot contribute to lynch damage (but you may still vote).
    -Stealth Knife-
    13 emeralds
    1-4 damage
    Reduces lynch damage

    LOG: DAY 3

    3 DR ZED THE JUMLA town Code plugin: Every other phase, see if a person lied at all. First use is Legoman
    4 Leonardonox THE ITEM BUYER maf Shop for howto and uber
    5 Gigavern YAHAYA 24 indep Buy tattytale flower, mushroom for lego
    8 LEGOMAN THE ROYAL GUARD 5 town Buy banhammer, move to south road
    10 Host_legacy THE MAGE 11 town Buy banhammer
    11 WYNNER THE BANKER neutral Sell leach knife, water bottle,
    12 VBN THE GRIAN town Buy tattytale, use mushroom, go to scroll shop
    16 TSUIN THE SAYRLEOS Move to armor shop

    Shop: 54 and 33 (market is 48)
    The shop sells the following items:

    -Tattytale Flower-
    8 emeralds
    One whiff of this flower and you’ll have yourself spilling out all your darkest secrets. It’s a little frightening to consider. Reveals your role to a random person.
    -The Banhammer-
    25 emeralds
    0 damage
    May silence the target. Also useful for lynching
    -Birch Wood Bow-
    9 emeralds
    2-4 damage
    When using this weapon, you can only deal damage once per phase. For example, if you attack a player, you cannot contribute to lynch damage (but you may still vote).

    LOG: NIGHT 3
    Nightkill: Wynner by howto (wynners role ability pays the death off)
    Shop items:
    51 31 9(market) 3 65 (item buyer)
    The shop sells the following items:

    -Wedding Ring-
    12 emeralds
    Gives both the user and the recipient the rejuvenation status effect for 2 phases
    -Birch Wood Dagger-
    6 emeralds
    2 damage
    7 emeralds
    Increases maximum health by 5 for two phases
    -Dusty Passport-
    5 emeralds
    Checks on the recipient give incorrect information on the phase it is used.
    Potion of Invisibility
    12 emeralds
    Reduces by 75% the chance of being spotted when the player is attacking and gives a 50% chance of avoiding each action directed toward the player. Lasts one phase

    1 Howtozombie THE ASSASSIN maf Go to bank
    3 DR ZED THE JUMLA town Give potato to wynner
    4 Leonardonox THE ITEM BUYER maf Buy wedding ring, merchant for howto and uber
    8 LEGOMAN THE ROYAL GUARD 5 town Disarm tsuki, move to residences.
    11 WYNNER THE BANKER neutral Buy wedding ring and birch wood dagger, donate 5 to self
    12 VBN THE GRIAN town Use mushroom.
    16 TSUIN THE SAYRLEOS Sell dusty passport, learn about H0Y

    LOG: DAY 4
    Shop:12 27 31 24 4
    The shop sells the following items:
    -Elemental Aura-
    6 emeralds
    Will randomly burn, heal, silence, or empower the target
    -Throwing Knife-
    2 emeralds
    1-3 damage
    May cause bleeding. Consumable
    -Birch Wood Dagger-
    6 emeralds
    2 damage
    6 emeralds
    4-6 damage
    If you use this weapon, then you will be roleblocked for that phase
    -Dusty Will-
    Used during the day, it resurrects a dead player as a ghost the following night, allowing that player to perform night actions before returning to the grave at dawn. Ghost-players cannot communicate with other players.
    10 Host_legacy THE MAGE town Use meteor, targets ubershaften gigavern vbn
    11 WYNNER THE BANKER neutral Donate 5 to self, sell wedding ring, birch wood dagger, potato
    12 VBN THE GRIAN town Use tp scroll (switches with dr zed)
    16 TSUIN THE SAYRLEOS Move to market
    17 DERPY the archer Move to market

    LOG: NIGHT 4
    Nightkill: Johnaldbot by howtozombie
    Shop: 43 44 21
    -Venom (Bow)-
    10 emeralds
    0 damage
    Poisons. When using this weapon, you can only deal damage once per phase. For example, if you attack a player, you cannot contribute to lynch damage (but you may still vote).
    -Gavel Imported Bow-
    17 emeralds
    3 damage
    Checks may give incorrect information. When using this weapon, you can only deal damage once per phase. For example, if you attack a player, you cannot contribute to lynch damage (but you may still vote)
    -Styx's Grab-
    18 emeralds
    1-3 damage
    Instakills if the target is below ten health
    5 Gigavern YAHAYA 24 indep Mushroom to ubershaften
    10 Host_legacy THE MAGE 11 town Use ban hammer on gigavern (silences) (not seen)
    11 WYNNER THE BANKER neutral Donate 5 to self, buy gavel imported and venom, check tsukis bank account
    12 VBN THE GRIAN town Go to south road, give tattytale to keynaa

    LOG: DAY 5
    Shop: 54 9 65

    The shop sells the following items:
    7 emeralds
    Increases maximum health by 5 for two phases
    -Tattytale Flower-
    8 emeralds
    One whiff of this flower and you’ll have yourself spilling out all your darkest secrets. It’s a little frightening to consider
    Potion of Invisibility
    12 emeralds
    Reduces by 75% the chance of being spotted when the player is attacking and gives a 50% chance of avoiding each action directed toward the player. Lasts one phase
    3 DR ZED THE JUMLA town Lie detector on uber: result: lying
    4 Leonardonox THE ITEM BUYER maf Shop for howto and E&E
    5 Gigavern YAHAYA 24 indep Mushroom to e&e
    10 Host_legacy THE MAGE 11 town Use meteor (targets howtozombie Keynaa E&E)
    11 WYNNER THE BANKER neutral Donate 5 to self, buy tattytale, sell venom and gavel imported bow
    14 Mafia E&E the ninja (role card given)

    LOG: NIGHT 5
    Nightkill: dr zed by howtozombie
    Shop 43 26 59 2 65

    -Venom (Bow)-
    10 emeralds
    0 damage
    Poisons. When using this weapon, you can only deal damage once per phase. For example, if you attack a player, you cannot contribute to lynch damage (but you may still vote).
    10 emeralds
    0-1 damage
    Poisons 26
    -Bone Meal-
    1 emerald
    Bone mesh dropped from skeletons. It doesn't seem to have any purpose.
    -The Mummy's Bandage-
    5 emeralds
    Blinds a player for one phase.
    Potion of Invisibility
    12 emeralds
    Reduces by 75% the chance of being spotted when the player is attacking and gives a 50% chance of avoiding each action directed toward the player. Lasts one phase

    1 Howtozombie THE ASSASSIN maf Vanish, frame uber as inno
    3 DR ZED THE JUMLA town Attack uber with jungle wood dagger (reflected to tsuin) (seen)
    8 LEGOMAN THE ROYAL GUARD 5 town Buy clawctus, eat mushroom, disarm uber (redirected to tsuki) strike uber (redirected to tsuki), move to barraks
    10 Host_legacy THE MAGE 11 town Meteor targets: Uber Leonardox Wynner
    11 WYNNER THE BANKER neutral Donate 5 to self, sell tattytale, buy venom, clawctus, attack uber (redirected to tsuki) (not seen)
    12 VBN THE GRIAN town Go to airbase, attack with jungel shears, use tp scroll
    14 Mafia E&E the ninja Reflect all uber actions to Tsuin

    LOG: DAY 6

    1 Howtozombie THE ASSASSIN maf Give wynner all emeralds (80)
    4 Leonardonox THE ITEM BUYER maf Give wynner all emeralds (78)
    8 LEGOMAN THE ROYAL GUARD 5 town Hit howto with clawctus (not seen)
    10 Host_legacy THE MAGE 11 town Give washer to howtozombie, use banhammer on E&E, meteor: targets Leonardox x2 uber x2 vbn
    11 WYNNER THE BANKER neutral Check E&es amount of cash (0), donate 5 to self, sell clawctus, leach knife, venom, buy tattytale and milk, cancel votes
    12 VBN THE GRIAN town Attack uber with jungler, use tele scroll (seen)
    13 UBERSHAFTEN Mafia THE NECROMANCER Send wynner all emeralds (54)
    14 Mafia E&E the ninja Give wynner all emeralds (35)

    Shop:54 57 9
    The shop sells the following items:
    -Tattytale Flower-
    8 emeralds
    One whiff of this flower and you’ll have yourself spilling out all your darkest secrets. It’s a little frightening to consider. Reveals your role to a random person.

    4 emeralds
    Gives the regeneration effect for two phases

    7 emeralds
    Increases maximum health by 5 for two phases

    LOG: NIGHT 6

    All damage is multiplied by 2.

    Mafia nightkill: host by howto
    1 Howtozombie THE ASSASSIN maf Use mushroom, go to hourglass tower
    4 Leonardonox THE ITEM BUYER maf Shop for E&E and howto, use ring on howto and himself, buy shroom
    8 LEGOMAN THE ROYAL GUARD 5 town Strike E&E, mummy bandage E&E disarm howto
    10 Host_legacy THE MAGE 11 town Buy the divide, move to hourglass tower
    11 WYNNER THE BANKER neutral Use milk, buy bow, attack E&E (not seen) (4 damage)
    12 VBN THE GRIAN town Buy bow, attack e&e (8 dmg) (not seen)
    14 Mafia E&E the ninja Roleblock lego, buy mushroom

    The shop:

    1 emerald
    Restores 3 health
    -Bow of Soaring Winds-
    32 emeralds
    1-8 damage
    Silences the target, preventing their vote from counting for that phase.
    -The Divide-
    32 emeralds
    3-6 damage
    Target will display as mafia if checked

    LOG: DAY 7
    Items: 15 64 34 67 11
    -Corrupted Potato-
    9 emeralds
    Poisons a player for 3 phases
    -Potion of Regeneration-
    2 emeralds
    Restores 2 health per phase; lasts two phases
    -Skull Breaker-
    24 emeralds
    4-5 damage
    May inflict a harmful status effect
    Potion of Strength
    12 emeralds
    Doubles damage for 2 phases
    5 emeralds
    Gives the protection effect for two phases, weakening on the second one

    Damage is doubled
    Game is over
    Vbn attacks zombie with ze bow
    Did I mention the roles of the modkilled? No? Here.
    Keynaa was

    The King of Ragni (Detective).

    You are the King of Ragni himself, considered by some to be the figurehead of the Wynn Province. Having ruled Ragni since childhood, your experience and knowledge of the realm you oversee is vast. You visited Detlas in order to make trade deals with local leaders. Solving a mafia case was not in your plans.
    You possess The King’s Staff, your own exclusive item that cannot be sold or stolen. If you unequip it, it will not consume inventory space.
    You can issue a proclamation every other night, which can prevent up to two players from being lynched on the following day.
    As king, your vote will always count thrice.
    Given your detective status, you can check a player every other night to determine the player’s alignment.
    You aren’t strong - if you are attacked, you will take 25% more damage.

    Wynn the anime was

    The Warrior (Innocent)

    You are a human from Fruma, hired by Wynn’s army to fight back the corruption. You remember nothing of your homeland, only that you are to be given hefty sums of emeralds in return for your services.
    When you attack a player, you have a small chance to get either the resistance (% damage reduction) or protection (raw defense) effect for one phase; this chance increases when attacking a non-innocent player.
    With one exception, all status effects inflicted on you, positive and negative, will have their duration reduced by one phase (for a minimum of 1).
    You may protect a player every night (but you may not protect yourself). If the player you are protecting is dealt fatal damage, they will survive with no damage taken. However, if multiple fatal hits are dealt that night, the player will die.
    Lastly, damage you deal bypasses passive protections granted from roles.

    Quintensse was replaced by E&E

    Cybersoap was

    Lacrona (Innocent)
    You are a gear enthusiast residing in Detlas. You have tasked adventurers to find aerolia flowers from time valley to help make a special pair of boots.
    Every phase, you may craft Aerolia Boots for a player, which gives the player a 33% chance to block any non-lynch attack, and gives the regeneration effect for 2 phases.
    You may send a player (but not yourself) on a mission, and if the player completes it within one in-game day (two phases), both of you get a random quantity of emeralds and possibly a clue. Missions can include bringing you a specific item or visiting a location. Has a six-phase cooldown.

    Derpy was

    The Archer (Innocent).

    Recruited from somewhere in the Nivla forest, you are trained to carry and wield a bow for the purpose of purging the world of evil. Some say you were born natively in Wynn, others say you came from Fruma; whatever it is, these so-called mafiosi are up to no good, and your goal is to stop their plans.

    You start the game with an oak wood bow, and you have a permanent regeneration effect.
    With a four-phase cooldown, you are able to scan a region, determining how many non-innocent players are located there.
    Once in the game, you may observe the previous day’s lynch to see how many of each role took part in the vote.
    If you attack a player, that player has a chance to bleed for one phase.
  10. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    ripity rip, me. xd
    Dr Zed likes this.
  11. Vibin5202_789

    Vibin5202_789 Hmmm CHAMPION

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    I just moved frim south roax to airbse then back then used a tp scroll
    Dr Zed likes this.
  12. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    E&E was the mafia and tipped the rest of them off to redirect all the damage that was meant for Uber onto you.
    Wait, so so get how lego was spared by Wynner, but how did Uber die then?
    I also love how @Wynner straight up took all of the mafia’s money before he betrayed them.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2018
    BlueCloud likes this.
  13. NotAFish

    NotAFish An evolved jungle slime Discord Moderator CHAMPION

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    Uber died by meteor
  14. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Oh, I gotcha. I'm still surprised that we won with 4 inactive towns, including the detective...
  15. BlueCloud

    BlueCloud Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    That was one of the mafia's biggest mistakes, they should've promise me the money and give it to me after only one town person remained, that way I couldn't betray them, because I would have too little money to win, town didn't have enaugh money to secure my victory
    Dr Zed likes this.
  16. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Oh yeah totally. If E&E hadn't come out then we wouldn't have known what actually happened. He could have just blamed uber, bribe you to cancel the lynch vote against Uber, and then kill lego and Host and win the game.
    JoshLegacy and BlueCloud like this.
  17. BlueCloud

    BlueCloud Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Yes, that would be the best strategy, especially that Vbn and Host were inactive at that time, they started being active again only afterbI made private conversation with them in which I said that I will help them win
    Dr Zed likes this.
  18. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Nice. Thank God I thought to make a lie detector. If we had suspected Uber a phase or two later then we would've also been done for.
    BlueCloud likes this.
  19. BlueCloud

    BlueCloud Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Yes, that was pretty smart move, but this was also the thing that got you killed, it was a little bit too strong
  20. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Well I could only use it once every other phase, and if they didn't say anything then the lie detector wouldn't tell me anything. Then they could just make up an excuse for being inactive. That probably would have convinced Tsuki not to have attacked Uber.

    Plus we had no detective so we would have been done for otherwise.
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