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Guide Every Single Boss In Wynn Except I'll Probably Forget Some (incomplete)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Shots, Dec 2, 2018.


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  1. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    Speaking of which Ima go add a couple before I finish up my hw brb
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  2. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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  3. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    Added some more and now I go do homework yeet
    I mean
    Do I even really need to review this guy?
    Hell I'm not even sure if I would count him as a boss but the quest is based around you getting the book which he has so uh
    Yeah sure he's a boss.
    The "Lost Tower" quest is one of the most forgetful quests in existence to be honest with you. The so called "boss" is just a ranged mob with burst fire.
    Yeah that's basically it.
    I remember the Maltic's Well boss better than this, and at least that had more of a purpose.
    0/10. Boring and beyond forgetful with no actual danger or enjoyment whatsoever.
    10/10 boss fight no denying it.
    This is a joke for those who don't realize since he has 1hp and isn't actually a boss.
    Actually tbfh you could still consider it a boss.

    The sneaking section of the quest is pretty fun though.
    You know my explanation for why Rotten Necromancer was ass?
    Well uh
    I don't even remember the Santa boss fight outside of the fact that I fought Santa.
    Someone else give it a rating please.
    His boss fight is pretty simple but unique at the same time. The player's job is to not physically fight the boss, but rather try to survive during the boss activating or doing something to harm it. While we do see this mechanic a few times in Wynn, most of the times it actually occurs that I can think of are different each time. I've never really struggled with the boss, but I can see why people may have trouble due to his charge spell. If the minions didn't exist, the boss fight would be ridiculously easy since the boss moves pretty slowly (outside of when he uses charge), but the minions help spice the fight up a bit by being a threat themselves to the player with a variety of different combat styles (being slow moving health wall, ranged projectiles, or fast moving melee that is pretty glassy), which to me makes it more fun and interesting. I also like how defusing the tnt isn't immediate, as it adds slight realism to the fact that it takes time to
    you know
    actually defuse a bomb in real life. It also helps make it where the threat of the mobs aren't nonexistent when trying to defuse the tnt. One minor complaint I have is that the lag can sometimes cause the tnt to not defuse as quickly as it should, but lag is a problem in all boss fights so that's (kind of) irrelevant.

    8.5 or 9/10. The boss fight to me isn't too terribly challenging, but it's unique with the defusing tnt mechanic and fun at the same time. The minions are as much of a highlight as the actual bandit chief himself. It's a memorable boss fight because of this (or at least for me anyways), and another one of the earlier bosses that is still one of the better overall bosses.
    Honestly the only reason most people remember the Stable Story quest is because of the fact that you get a free brown horse and access to the horse shop upon completion. This makes the fight with Albert & Etus pretty forgettable, as the quest is more to teach you about horses rather than fight these two random cow dudes. Albert is a strong but slow moving melee mob (which I believe he only has charge), whereas Etus is a fast moving but weaker melee mob. It should be noted that Etus runs away when you hit them (and I don't even think you need to kill Etus as I believe it is Albert that drops the key, but I might be mistaken and you still have to kill both or Etus is the one who has the key), making the boss fight considerably easier. To be honest, you can pretty much ignore Etus the entire time if you just remember to smack em/use some magic/make them take an arrow to the knee (sorry not sorry) when they run at you every so often, and the fight is more or less just you against Albert. The boss fight was somewhat boring and somewhat enjoyable at the same time (although the enjoyment part might've just been because I found Etus running around every time I hit him hilarious).

    3/10. Pretty forgetful as a boss fight and I kind of wish Etus was more of a threat to make the boss semi-challenging. The boss fight is pretty boring unless you get enjoyment out of seeing Etus run around like me.
    Also I felt that I was kind of a bit forgiving on some of the bosses and lowered most of their grades in the Quest Bosses section.

    Shhh It's fine if I forget some I put it in the title so it doesn't matter.
    Just subscribe for more music videos instead.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2018
  4. Flam

    Flam Dumb fox, 67 iq. Mage of Light, eh.

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    This is the reason why I'm subbed to B Series, but not Pewds.
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  5. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    Added some more quest bosses because I'm sick so might as well do something that doesn't require massive amounts of brain power or concentration.
    Not to be confused with the bandit leader of sandy scandal, he's basically a slow moving melee boss as well but with less hp, much more boring, pretty much no uniqueness as a boss, and much more forgettable. Wouldn't even really consider him a boss since the main goal is to just try and get the sceptre or whatever for Lanu, but he does have it (since he's the one who hid it away), so I guess that counts. His minion(s) that sometimes doesn't/don't even spawn just kind of exist because wtf not. He's essentially just another mob you have to fight because why not. The main aspect of the quest people remember is the sneaking section, which to me is the highlight of the quest and not the boss.

    Imo the Pharaoh is sort of forgettable and pretty boring, but his design isn't terrible. At least it's better than the single phase boss from the past. He isn't really challenging but just kind of annoying. He just runs around like an idiot usually using spells like pull (or push I forget)/tp to make it harder for you to catch him. The best part to me is when he splits into the smoke mobs because it sort of throws the player off guard.

    2.5/10. He's not downright terrible but is pretty easy to forget, not really challenging, and boring.
    He's actually pretty easy to remember. Whether or not that's just me because Mummyboard exists, I don't know. He's kind of boring as a boss and is really just a wall of health with ranged fire (and the only spell it really has is slowness if I'm not mistaken), and his minions are just kind of there to tickle you every so often. It's more of just a fight of patience. I genuinely don't know why people find it challenging to beat, but maybe that's because I utilize the area you fight him in to hide behind pillar when I need to heal for a second instead of going full guns a blazing on him.
    3.5/10. He's pretty meh but at least he's somewhat memorable.
    Like Cluckles, you only remember the fight because you're fighting a goddamn chicken. I don't know about you, but I remember fighting a chicken spewing fire at me better than something like a witch in a random cave just throwing generic bottles. Speaking of which, he also is somewhat memorable because he's one of the earliest bosses to utilize flamethrower. The minions are usually killed before the Cockatrice since they are much faster with less hp than him. I would say the boss fight is actually kind of fun since flamethrower keeps you on your toes, but it's not all that challenging either.
    5/10. It's eh. Not too memorable or forgettable but kind of fun due to the entertaining concept of a fire breathing chicken.
    Again, not sure if you could really call him a boss. To be honest all I remember about him is that he was a pirate who could use charge spell and that was basically it. Very easy to forget this guy even exists (literally forget about him within roughly 6 minutes after the first time I fought him). I do remember that this was somewhat fun to fight though.
    1/10. I didn't find the boss fight boring enough to rate it lower, but he's still really forgettable.
    It's Star Thief.
    Literally I only remember that quest because it's super easy and short with no depth other than "THIS GUY STOLE MY SHINY THINGY!!!!"
    The boss itself actually isn't too terribly bad. A ranged mob with ranged minions (who are somewhat of a threat) in an enclosed area makes the fight kind of fun in a way. It's just the fact that, like the boss above, you forget this boss almost immediately after fighting him.
    1/10. Pretty much the same reason as the boss above.
    He's actually somewhat challenging as a boss fight, mainly due to the fact he utilizes more spells compared to other bosses before him (for the most part), making him more formidable of a foe. His minions usually aren't much of a problem since you can drag Greggr to the place you spawned to fight him alone if you wish. He's actually somewhat memorable due to the quest for him being somewhat memorable and fun (outside of the grinding sections which get pretty boring) to me, and provides a decent challenge.
    7/10. He's essentially fine.
    Similar to Greggr, he is somewhat challenging of a boss. Boasting quite a bit of hp for his level (around 8k-10k if I'm not mistaken), utilizing spells like vanish and teleport (blind) to distract the player, he provides a good fight to the player. His minions are actually annoying since there are multiple of them and they are ranged, constantly damaging or distracting the player unless killed. While the quest is more focused around the puzzle aspect of it, I would argue the boss is just as memorable.
    If you sit at the top of the steps and cheese him then basically nothing I just said makes sense.
    8/10. I give him a higher rating since he is more challenging and more fun due to his mechanics (mainly the use of multiple distraction techniques rather than brute force).
    I would've lmfao if Quartron actually moved around the arena at that size, but that would probably be very difficult to actually do. Anyways, I actually liked the Quartron boss fight. It provided a different way of fighting the boss by focusing on weak spots of the boss to beat him. The ranged minions are pretty easy to kill if you actually focus on them but become a thorn in your side if you're trying to parkour up to the cores in the hands. Flamethrower also exists so the boss isn't too terribly easy either. Some issues I have is that the cores sometimes straight up disappear. Maybe it's just me being blind, but I'll kill a core and it'll just straight up vanish and not drop the item (and in the case of the foots it will remain in the back inside the foot so I can't get it). Also, after a while the boss kind of feels tedious more than fun (I wouldn't say it's all that challenging), and at first a player might be confused at what they're actually supposed to do to beat the boss and might get frustrated since they don't know what they're actually doing wrong. Being frustrated with a boss does not always mean it is challenging. The quest itself is pretty easy to forget, but Quartron is the highlight of it and I don't forget about him very often.
    7/10. With some adjustments, he could be a really good boss.
    Nobody even remembers the golem outside of you need to kill him to finish IHP I to get one of the two greaves from IHP II. He's basically just your generic melee mob that charges sometimes but is really easy and boring to kill.
    I forget this quest even exists sometimes so I sure as hell won't remember her. Basically all I remember is that you fight her in a really small tower and you can kill her by using multiple different attacks through the floor if you really want.
    Ok now I go take a nap or something goodbye.
    I really like saying "or something".
  6. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    wait, so are you doing dungeons and boss altars afterwards idk can't read text
  7. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    Was planning on doing ToA after quest ones, then LI, then dungeon, and finally hidden/other (which includes all of the boss altars outside of Tribal Sanc, which already falls under quest boss).
    by2011 likes this.
  8. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Hey, is skeleton army gem worth anything? I got one of those my first time playing. Apparently it's good or something.
  9. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    I haven't got a clue
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  10. Flam

    Flam Dumb fox, 67 iq. Mage of Light, eh.

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    Summon Skeletons? It's a pretty solid skill for mid and end game. Sucks early on as you'll have to recast them pretty much all the time. Level with Summon Raging Spirits (SRS) as a Witch (Necromancer after ascending), link SRS to Minion Damage and Melee Splash and you should be fine. You can look for a written guide on skeleton necro as I've played it once like a year ago or so and didn't find it fun xd
    NicBOMB likes this.
  11. TheRelicHunter

    TheRelicHunter Member of the wynncast VIP+

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    So that thing with Santa. The worst part was trying to find the cave to kill him to begin with. He's a ranged boss with I think ranged minions. The highlight was the text he has and the time travel aspect after you fight him. The boss sucks ass at a 3/10 but if were considering the whole quest its a 5/10
    Druser likes this.
  12. Johnny Mcgeez

    Johnny Mcgeez zzzzzzzzzz HERO

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    giant tseries
    get it cuz its a giant rat!
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  13. InfernoWraith

    InfernoWraith A random spastic with opinions

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    What about Legendary Island?
    Let me rate them real quick

    Keep in mind these are ratings about how FUN the boss is to fight, not how HARD it is
    1) Mummyboard- 2/10
    It's a good litmus test to see if your build can solo LI, if you didn't come close to dying or are able to solo them below around 1 min, then your build is good to go. By itself it's not much, just the standard burst form

    2) Plague Doctor- 2/10
    Its a good idea, where you have to kill him before the ads(Mobs that spawn beside him) overwhelm you. Pretty easy, and boring

    3) Corkus Accipients- 5/10
    This is a pretty good fight, since you have to use multiple tactics. Form 1 stay as close as possible and take him down fast, before he gets a charge off
    Elf form can be a bitch, but is hella fun to fight
    Villager form is a reskin of the first form IMO, just with multihit added up
    The bot form is also meh
    And the last form is cancer with him spamming push

    4) Matrojan Idol- 7/10
    Excellent fight, each form is unique and you need to use multiple weapons and tactics, and need to be aware of your positioning in a lot of fights or you'll die. Great fight and fun, doesn't last long but great

    Good idea on paper but it ends up being tedious and boring and not fun. Nobody likes fighting an invincible enemy that you're forced to kill time. If your boss is so boring that I minimize the window and play a video in the background, you dun fucked up.
    Suggestion-Reduce the timer on each form. would make it much less tedious and much more fun since you dont have to wait 1 minute for each phase since it's just boring

    6) Death Metal-5/10
    Its a mediocre boss fight and just a pain in the ass due to the amount of minions that constantly irritate you and move in your way and block your view of Death Metal.

    7) Mechorrupter of Worlds- 0/10
    Worst boss I've ever fought, just rushes you like a mindless kamikaze, and is easy to deal with. On top of that he's a fucking hit sponge, and can't even come close to killing you. Worthless.

    8) Robob- 5/10
    Just has too much elemental defence, makes him tanky, but otherwise it's a good fight, you need to be aware of the swords and their positioning and what each cna do, or they'll kill you faster than Robob.

    9) Orange Cybel- 0/10
    Any boss that can 1 hit kill me and I need to depend on RNG, to fix it, is a bad boss. Multiple things have been said about it. Forms 2, 4, and 5 are purely based on RNG, whether he charges near you, or doesn't. SOmetimes he wont get a charge off, sometimes he'll just 1 shot you in form 2. It's a great idea on paper, a boss with multiple phases each differnet, but works out shit. It's overtuned and needs a nerf to it's damage or the amount of times it can spam charge, it's simply not fun to fight

    10) Dr Legendary(Form 1)- 0/10
    Just spams flamethrower, and is a bitch to fight on any build since Flamethrower hits you so hard, and is nigh impossible to dodge unless you're a ranged character. If you're anywhere within 5-10 blocks of him when he casts it, and he's looking at you, you're going to take damage, no 2 ways about it. And he spams it so often, otherwise it would be the best fight in Legendary Island.

    11) Dr Legendary(Forms 2,3)- 9/10
    It's a great fight since you actually need to look at the obstacles on the ground, manouver, be fast in responding to his calls. He does a lot of damage and is a fun to fight, the fight lasts a good amount of time, and is excellent to fight. It's a great boss fight in retrospect.
    WilsonKry, YYGAYMER and Druser like this.
  14. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    idk man, i don't really find the boss to be unfair or rng based if you factor out the dupe glitch
    Druser likes this.
  15. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Y'all complaining about Cybel oneshots, meanwhile my archer can get oneshot by Matrojan's charge and twoshot by Corkus Accipientis fifth form :P
  16. InfernoWraith

    InfernoWraith A random spastic with opinions

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    Oh really? The fact that he can cast 25 charges in 5 seconds and build up around 8k per charge? You do the math, tell me how you survive it
  17. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    when cybel charges 25 times, it gets launched into the air so you only really have the possibility of getting hit by 2 charges, one of which is predictable because of the white particles, the other of which is the landing which is a bit more tricky to dodge but you can still survive it even if you do get hit
  18. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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    The one difference of Genesis Revorce and the Ice Barrows Guardian is that Genesis has a super strong meteor attack that can one shot kill you if you get too close, so you always have to make sure to keep your distance.
  19. InfernoWraith

    InfernoWraith A random spastic with opinions

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    The damage builds up I think, so when he lands, he creates a storm of flame and smoke particles. Never survived it, not even once. Not even with 100 def
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  20. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    My opinions on dungeon bosses:

    Witherhead - 6.5/10
    Gimmick is fun, but it's very inconsistent. The shield feels unpredicable, and the randomness of where the plate spawns further affects it. Still, fun.

    Arkadius - 1/10
    The webs are annoying, the minions are everywhere and you have to focus away from the boss to deal with them, too much multitasking and annoying

    The lost sanctuary guy - 6/10
    It's still fun, but having to drop the tnt into the hopper hurts. If there was a bit of QoL for that, it would be better. The tnt takes time to drop and often doesn't land on the hopper, so after it's fixed it's a solid 7

    Charon - 10/10
    protip: spam defender, after you have 8 or so, spam slayer and warrior and some Grakens

    The boss in sst - 6/10
    It's very... basic. The only gimmick is the floor dropping, and it does pretty much nothing.

    Theorick's ghost - 8/10
    It's fun, it's hard, but it's impossible if you DON'T have a weapon that it's weak to. So find a good thunder/fire weapon before the fight.

    The jungle boss - no idea/10
    I have never ran the dungeon, so...

    Redbread - 7/10
    Gimmic comes into play, but still fun.

    Antikythera core - 9/10
    While the grind to get to the boss is too much (just the firewall passes in the future, no need for the tower and the monitor blowing up, the dungeon is wayy too long)
    the boss itself is intresting: The very fast movement speed forces you to play at the computer's pace (impossible), so you have to spam spells that stun/slow (like ice snake or arrow bomb) to be able to hit it. It's hard, it's unique, it's fun.

    Corrupted bosses are the same, except for Charon:
    5/10 becomes "Grind the minions while avoiding the boss, also drop the items to the annoying hopper to pretty much win" aka Lost sanctuary guy #2
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