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Guide Every Single Boss In Wynn Except I'll Probably Forget Some (incomplete)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Shots, Dec 2, 2018.


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  1. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    So what do I do when I'm bored?
    Do I
    A. Run around Path of Exile spamming fireballs in an attempt to act like I know what I'm doing.
    B. Run FF/LI in full morph
    C. Meme in the discord
    D. Start spamming the forums with huge walls of text
    E. Actually do my homework
    F. Actually try to be helpful
    You can probably guess which one it is right now.
    Keep in mind this is just my opinion.
    First off, it's minecraft. I don't expect crazy boss mechanics or whatever. Nonetheless, the general rules applied to a boss fight imo are the following.
    Pretty obvious one. If a boss is fun or challenging it's already a step in the right direction. You want players to enjoy the game. A boss, however, should never be boring. You could absolutely hate a boss battle from the bottom of your guts, but I wouldn't say that necessarily makes the boss fight boring to fight against.
    A boss should be (usually) the equivalent or only slightly harder than that of the level it is currently at. Random spikes in difficulty aren't usually looked upon highly. While some random spikes in difficulty do make some sense, it usually isn't praised that often.
    Each boss should have some memorable feature about them compared to other bosses. You want bosses to have a lasting impression on the player so they can remember fighting them (in a good way). Also since this fits in this category, the boss also shouldn't have that much rng if at all. Similar mechanics with newer features added to them rather than exact repetition is fine, as it makes the difficulty progress the farther you go.
    Now that that's out of the way, let's begin. I've already said stuff about many bosses in Wynn, so let's start with some I don't believe I've really touched on as much.
    On a ten point scale, here's what I would label for each one.
    0-2/10= Absolutely sucks and needs to be improved.
    2.5-3.5/10= Still pretty bad but not to an extreme degree, although it does need to be improved.
    4-6/10= It's pretty meh and could use some improvements.
    6.5-7.5/10= It's decent and is kind of a middle ground in the rating, being neither good nor bad.
    8-9.5/10= It's good as a boss fight, and with slight improvements it could become even better.
    10/10= If I have the audacity to actually give a boss this rating, then only the most minuscule of details are an actual problem with the boss fight itself.
    All of the Qira Hive bosses are pretty different from one another, and Qira is more or less a combination of the 5 previous ones with additional mechanics added.
    I'd argue that Psychomancer is the most difficult boss in the Hive for it's level outside of Vanguard and Qira. At level 85+ is usually where you should be fighting Psychomancer. While the player is probably familiar to the idea of burst ranged mobs, they probably aren't in terms of a boss for it. It's such a simple design as a boss, having the ability to tp around the arena and shoot ranged burst, yet it's so difficult to actually counter. As assassin, the only choice you really have is to stunlock him before he manages to get a shot off. As warrior, you just have to pray your tankiness manages to save you from that high damage. Archer is just keep your distance and spam bomb as usual, and mage is the same with meteor. He's challenging, but I wouldn't say he's designed to make you hate him with a burning passion, rather just be annoying.

    Overall, I would give the boss an 8/10. Simple mechanics, yet still provides a challenge as a boss, and imo fulfills its purpose as the first boss to represent the challenge of Qira Hive. The boss fight is also pretty fair to me.
    It genuinely surprises me that people have trouble with this boss, as I didn't particularly have any trouble with it. The main issue is that the ridiculous anit-kb it has isn't utilized very well to me (and isn't very unique as even an Ice Barrows Key Guard utilizes this mechanic), and more or less just makes the boss have a movement spell outside of charge. It's arrows are fairly easy to dodge, and if you want to avoid arrow storm, just move away from the boss when you see it use a spell. The boss isn't particularly bad, but it's a weird transition from Psychomancer to this imo.

    Overall, a 5.5/10. It's neither fun or challenging to me, but is just annoying. The mechanics of it aren't terribly out of the ordinary either. Annoying =/= Challenging.
    If the transition from Psycho to Gale's was weird, this one is even weirder. It also utilizes the anti-kb mechanic, but it's exactly the same as the Ice Barrows Key Guardian. They're both slow, they both get closer to you when you hit them, they both do quite a bit of damage when they actually hit you, etc. The only easy difference between the two is one is a boss and the other isn't. He might surprise the player at first sure, but you learn from that mistake of doing kb to him fairly quickly. He's the easiest boss for the Hive hands down, and his fight is really boring.

    2/10. He's easy, boring, and literally just a stronger Ice Barrows Key Guardian.
    He's basically Death except weaker/stronger in certain departments. He is noticeably different with more movement and as a prime threat, whereas Death isn't honestly a main threat outside of multi-hit and his minions with him are more of the threat. It also gets pretty boring pretty quickly.

    Overall, it's not terrible, but I'd give it a 5 or 6/10.
    Compared to the other hive bosses before it, Vanguard is particularly unique. He is the only one to have 2 phases (up to this point, as Qira obviously has 3). While yes, we've seen the idea of simple two phase bosses in the past, it's nice to see Solar Vanguard is the only one like this in the hive (excluding Qira). He's a melee mob sure, but his main threat is flamethrower or getting close enough to hit you with things like meteor or flamethrower with spells like push/charge. The boss itself is pretty straightforward in what you have to do with some trial and error, being move away from him when he's using flamethrower but then close in on him when he's in a "cooldown" of abilities. The boss fight also doesn't get boring and provides a challenge for the player right before the final challenge being Qira, and I'd say it provides a very nice transition from Solar Vanguard to Qira. One main issue I have with the boss is that it almost solely relies on flamethrower to harm you (along with other spells to try and aid flamethrower). While this does make it challenging, it's imo a particularly easy way to do so and isn't as unique as it may first seem. His other spells/melees do quite a bit of damage as well, but flamethrower to me seems much more prominent as a threat than anything else. The open arena helps compensate for this though, making it fairly easy to get away from it if you're patient. His two phases also represent a nice difference between slow melee mobs you've fought and the faster melee mobs you've fought, giving you a nice balance of both.

    8/10. The boss fight is honestly very good to me, but there's some aspects of it that bring it slightly down.
    Qira is separated into three main phases; a support ranged, a fast melee, and a standard ranged. Looking back at the 5 previous bosses, each one is represented in some way or form in Qira's fight. Her first phase is similar to Vanguard, relying heavily on a patience fight as she utilizes flamethrower and heal spell. Her second phase is just your average fast melee mob, utilizing spells such as vanish/multi-hit to try and catch the player off guard. Her final phase is more or less a stronger Oceanic Judge. She utilizes the idea of trapping the player much more than the previous though, due to her webshot. She also is the only boss in the Hive to have minions. Imo, Qira's Hive Drones are actually perfect as minions. They are similar to Bob's Swords, as each one is an individual element and does it's own individual thing. However, Bob's swords are more of just a side thing that exist to exist, and once you kill them they don't spawn back very often. It's also similar the Plague Doctor, as multiple spawn in order to try and swarm you. So, the minions are more or less a combination of both of these mechanics into a single mechanic. It's not so minion heavy to the point where they become the main threat, but the minions are prominent enough of a threat to be considered in the boss (really only one of Bob's swords is like that, being the water one). Fighting Qira during phase 3 gets pretty boring, whereas phase 1 and 2 were much more fun to fight against imo. She also has no elemental weakness, whereas those before her did, and utilizes all elements effectively in her damage, meaning you can't be a super tank to her outside of going rainbow tank.

    8.5/10. It's a good final boss, most of it is fun and challenging, but certain parts get boring or repetitive to where it becomes tedious. However, she isn't near the same as any boss (outside of Doc Legendary), but has certain part of her fight that are similar to other mechanics. This is a good and bad thing, as she tests your skill with many different aspects of the game, but it loses some uniqueness she could've had. Her minions are nearly as much of a threat as she is, not just being some side thing or being so threatening to the point where they become the boss, which is pretty good imo. I will say though, her fight is much better than the old Qira, which was literally just a ranged mob with a giant wall of defense, so thank you for reworking her.
    Overall Rating of the Hive Bosses: 6.5 or 7/10. Half of them are good, two of them are meh/ok ish, and one of them just downright sucks to me.
    Not every quest needs a boss battle, but having them isn't a bad idea. This section will not include Hive/ToA, as it is easier to group all of their bosses under their own section. As I've been working on this section, I've noticed the main issue is that with the early game bosses it is harder to utilize mechanics to make a "good" boss fight, most of them being very forgettable.
    I'm still having trouble distinguishing between what would be called a boss, a mini boss, or just a mob though.
    To be honest, I would've liked if Potion Making came later so Dr. Essren could be a much stronger boss fight (however, the quest was meant to introduce the player better to elemental defenses due to the chestplate you get). 300 hp at level 15 is pretty easy to get through and I don't think he has any spells (outside of maybe meteor or charge but I forget). He's easy because he's at such a low level. I still found the boss somewhat enjoyable though and I can still remember fighting him pretty well. This might be because he actually has depth as a character (even though it's literally just generic mad scientist).
    4/10. He's kind of memorable, somewhat enjoyable, but is very simple and down to earth as a boss fight.
    The witch is just a fair amount of hp as a ranged mob in an enclosed area and that's it. The bats aren't part of the boss fight and are just kind of there to make the parkour more annoying once you kill her. It's super boring because it's not meant to be hard.
    1.5/10. Basically it just exists to exist.
    The point of the boss was quite simply meant to introduce the player to the concept of multi-stage bosses. Iirc, Sayleros' Brother has 7 stages total, which seems like a bit much at first for his level. However, he is an incredibly easy, but boring, boss since he only uses charge spell if I'm not mistaken, and is a slow moving melee boss.
    3.5/10. He's a really long, easy, and boring boss fight, but he's pretty clearly meant to introduce the player to multi-phase bosses or mobs. His sheer amount of phases aren't really a difficulty spike since they're almost all exactly identical, so he's fine at this level.
    I forget if that's actually the name of the boss or not, but the pumpkin head thing in Macabre Masquerade is actually one of the only early game bosses that I found it enjoyable to fight, most likely because it provides a decent challenge at the same time at that level. It's not too difficult to the point where I would call it random spike though, which is a good sign. It utilizes strong minions to distract you and is pretty slow moving, but has vanish to attempt to confuse and surprise the player. If I'm not mistaken he also has meteor to compensate for his sluggish movement. It does get pretty easy to fight it, but I still find it challenging to a degree, even though I've never actually died fighting it. The main issue is that unless you're someone like me, it is pretty forgettable since he's just a random boss in a pretty insignificant and random quest.

    8/10. One of the early game quest bosses that imo is actually good, but his downfall is that he's pretty forgettable.
    To be honest, the boss fight is pretty forgettable. I remember Cluckles and what he is since the lore needs you to do so, but not the time you actually fight him. Still, he's pretty much just a reincarnated version of the Witch. You're just fighting a ranged mob in an enclosed area. He sometimes glitches out of the arena which can get a bit annoying. He does have a lore element connected to him which amplifies his significance slightly though.
    3/10. Like the witch, he exists to exist, but at least he has more of an importance than a side thing unlike the witch, which makes him somewhat memorable (not the actual fight though).
    Granted it's easier to remember fighting a literal chicken than a witch though.
    I mean
    Do I even really need to review this guy?
    Hell I'm not even sure if I would count him as a boss but the quest is based around you getting the book which he has so uh
    Yeah sure he's a boss.
    The "Lost Tower" quest is one of the most forgetful quests in existence to be honest with you. The so called "boss" is just a ranged mob with burst fire.
    Yeah that's basically it.
    I remember the Maltic's Well boss better than this, and at least that had more of a purpose.
    0/10. Boring and beyond forgetful with no actual danger or enjoyment whatsoever.
    10/10 boss fight no denying it.
    This is a joke for those who don't realize since he has 1hp and isn't actually a boss.
    Actually tbfh you could still consider it a boss.

    The sneaking section of the quest is pretty fun though.
    You know my explanation for why Rotten Necromancer was ass?
    Well uh
    I don't even remember the Santa boss fight outside of the fact that I fought Santa.
    Someone else give it a rating please or remind me how the actual boss fight plays out.
    His boss fight is pretty simple but unique at the same time. The player's job is to not physically fight the boss, but rather try to survive during the boss activating or doing something to harm it. While we do see this mechanic a few times in Wynn, most of the times it actually occurs that I can think of are different each time. I've never really struggled with the boss, but I can see why people may have trouble due to his charge spell. If the minions didn't exist, the boss fight would be ridiculously easy since the boss moves pretty slowly (outside of when he uses charge), but the minions help spice the fight up a bit by being a threat themselves to the player with a variety of different combat styles (being slow moving health wall, ranged projectiles, or fast moving melee that is pretty glassy), which to me makes it more fun and interesting. I also like how defusing the tnt isn't immediate, as it adds slight realism to the fact that it takes time to
    you know
    actually defuse a bomb in real life. It also helps make it where the threat of the mobs aren't nonexistent when trying to defuse the tnt. One minor complaint I have is that the lag can sometimes cause the tnt to not defuse as quickly as it should, but lag is a problem in all boss fights so that's (kind of) irrelevant.

    8.5 or 9/10. The boss fight to me isn't too terribly challenging, but it's unique with the defusing tnt mechanic and fun at the same time. The minions are as much of a highlight as the actual bandit chief himself. It's a memorable boss fight because of this (or at least for me anyways), and another one of the earlier bosses that is still one of the better overall bosses.
    Not to be confused with the bandit leader of sandy scandal, he's basically a slow moving melee boss as well but with less hp, much more boring, pretty much no uniqueness as a boss, and much more forgettable. Wouldn't even really consider him a boss since the main goal is to just try and get the sceptre or whatever for Lanu, but he does have it (since he's the one who hid it away), so I guess that counts. His minion(s) that sometimes doesn't/don't even spawn just kind of exist because wtf not. He's essentially just another mob you have to fight because why not. The main aspect of the quest people remember is the sneaking section, which to me is the highlight of the quest and not the boss.
    Honestly the only reason most people remember the Stable Story quest is because of the fact that you get a free brown horse and access to the horse shop upon completion. This makes the fight with Albert & Etus pretty forgettable, as the quest is more to teach you about horses rather than fight these two random cow dudes. Albert is a strong but slow moving melee mob (which I believe he only has charge), whereas Etus is a fast moving but weaker melee mob. It should be noted that Etus runs away when you hit them (and I don't even think you need to kill Etus as I believe it is Albert that drops the key, but I might be mistaken and you still have to kill both or Etus is the one who has the key), making the boss fight considerably easier. To be honest, you can pretty much ignore Etus the entire time if you just remember to smack em/use some magic/make them take an arrow to the knee (sorry not sorry) when they run at you every so often, and the fight is more or less just you against Albert. The boss fight was somewhat boring and somewhat enjoyable at the same time (although the enjoyment part might've just been because I found Etus running around every time I hit him hilarious).

    3/10. Pretty forgetful as a boss fight and I kind of wish Etus was more of a threat to make the boss semi-challenging. The boss fight is pretty boring unless you get enjoyment out of seeing Etus run around like me.
    Imo the Pharaoh is sort of forgettable and pretty boring, but his design isn't terrible. At least it's better than the single phase boss from the past. He isn't really challenging but just kind of annoying. He just runs around like an idiot usually using spells like pull (or push I forget)/tp to make it harder for you to catch him. The best part to me is when he splits into the smoke mobs because it sort of throws the player off guard.

    2.5/10. He's not downright terrible but is pretty easy to forget, not really challenging, and boring.
    He's actually pretty easy to remember. Whether or not that's just me because Mummyboard exists, I don't know. He's kind of boring as a boss and is really just a wall of health with ranged fire (and the only spell it really has is slowness if I'm not mistaken), and his minions are just kind of there to tickle you every so often. It's more of just a fight of patience. I genuinely don't know why people find it challenging to beat, but maybe that's because I utilize the area you fight him in to hide behind pillar when I need to heal for a second instead of going full guns a blazing on him.
    3.5/10. He's pretty meh but at least he's somewhat memorable.
    Like Cluckles, you only remember the fight because you're fighting a goddamn chicken. I don't know about you, but I remember fighting a chicken spewing fire at me better than something like a witch in a random cave just throwing generic bottles. Speaking of which, he also is somewhat memorable because he's one of the earliest bosses to utilize flamethrower. The minions are usually killed before the Cockatrice since they are much faster with less hp than him. I would say the boss fight is actually kind of fun since flamethrower keeps you on your toes, but it's not all that challenging either.
    5/10. It's eh. Not too memorable or forgettable but kind of fun due to the entertaining concept of a fire breathing chicken.
    Again, not sure if you could really call him a boss. To be honest all I remember about him is that he was a pirate who could use charge spell and that was basically it. Very easy to forget this guy even exists (literally forget about him within roughly 6 minutes after the first time I fought him). I do remember that this was somewhat fun to fight though.
    1/10. I didn't find the boss fight boring enough to rate it lower, but he's still really forgettable.
    It's Star Thief.
    Literally I only remember that quest because it's super easy and short with no depth other than "THIS GUY STOLE MY SHINY THINGY!!!!"
    The boss itself actually isn't too terribly bad. A ranged mob with ranged minions (who are somewhat of a threat) in an enclosed area makes the fight kind of fun in a way. It's just the fact that, like the boss above, you forget this boss almost immediately after fighting him.
    1/10. Pretty much the same reason as the boss above.
    He's actually somewhat challenging as a boss fight, mainly due to the fact he utilizes more spells compared to other bosses before him (for the most part), making him more formidable of a foe. His minions usually aren't much of a problem since you can drag Greggr to the place you spawned to fight him alone if you wish. He's actually somewhat memorable due to the quest for him being somewhat memorable and fun (outside of the grinding sections which get pretty boring) to me, and provides a decent challenge.
    7/10. He's essentially fine.
    Similar to Greggr, he is somewhat challenging of a boss. Boasting quite a bit of hp for his level (around 8k-10k if I'm not mistaken), utilizing spells like vanish and teleport (blind) to distract the player, he provides a good fight to the player. His minions are actually annoying since there are multiple of them and they are ranged, constantly damaging or distracting the player unless killed. While the quest is more focused around the puzzle aspect of it, I would argue the boss is just as memorable.
    If you sit at the top of the steps and cheese him then basically nothing I just said makes sense.
    8/10. I give him a higher rating since he is more challenging and more fun due to his mechanics (mainly the use of multiple distraction techniques rather than brute force).
    I would've lmfao if Quartron actually moved around the arena at that size, but that would probably be very difficult to actually do. Anyways, I actually liked the Quartron boss fight. It provided a different way of fighting the boss by focusing on weak spots of the boss to beat him. The ranged minions are pretty easy to kill if you actually focus on them but become a thorn in your side if you're trying to parkour up to the cores in the hands. Flamethrower also exists so the boss isn't too terribly easy either. Some issues I have is that the cores sometimes straight up disappear. Maybe it's just me being blind, but I'll kill a core and it'll just straight up vanish and not drop the item (and in the case of the foots it will remain in the back inside the foot so I can't get it). Also, after a while the boss kind of feels tedious more than fun (I wouldn't say it's all that challenging), and at first a player might be confused at what they're actually supposed to do to beat the boss and might get frustrated since they don't know what they're actually doing wrong. Being frustrated with a boss does not always mean it is challenging. The quest itself is pretty easy to forget, but Quartron is the highlight of it and I don't forget about him very often.
    7/10. With some adjustments, he could be a really good boss.
    Nobody even remembers the golem outside of you need to kill him to finish IHP I to get one of the two greaves from IHP II. He's basically just your generic melee mob that charges sometimes but is really easy and boring to kill.
    I forget this quest even exists sometimes so I sure as hell won't remember her. Basically all I remember is that you fight her in a really small tower and you can kill her by using multiple different attacks through the floor if you really want.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
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  2. mouldy

    mouldy heheheha

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    subscribe to t-series for more content like this
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  3. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    Yahya Final Form - 9001/10 cannot be improved perfect boss fight very hard but unique and fun
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  4. pogge5

    pogge5 Master CT I, 10 000 Karma CHAMPION Builder

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    and the final boss of wynncraft is... giant rat!
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  5. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    Giant Rat
  6. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    Added some of the quest bosses.
    Not every quest needs a boss battle, but having them isn't a bad idea. This section will not include Hive/ToA, as it is easier to group all of their bosses under their own section.
    To be honest, I would've liked if Potion Making came later so Dr. Essren could be a much stronger boss fight (however, the quest was meant to introduce the player better to elemental defenses due to the chestplate you get). 300 hp at level 15 is pretty easy to get through and I don't think he has any spells (outside of maybe meteor or charge but I forget). He's easy because he's at such a low level, but introduces faster melee mobs to the player than the ones they've been fighting against for the most part (although Essren still isn't particularly fast).
    6.5/10. He's essentially fine.
    It's a low level boss so I don't expect crazy levels of mechanics and would expect it to be ridiculously simple. The witch is just a fair amount of hp as a ranged mob in an enclosed area and that's it. The bats aren't part of the boss fight and are just kind of there to make the parkour more annoying once you kill her. It's super boring because it's not meant to be hard.
    4.5/10. Basically it just exists to exist.
    The point of the boss was quite simply meant to introduce the player to the concept of multi-stage bosses. Iirc, Sayleros' Brother has 7 stages total, which seems like a bit much at first for his level. However, he is an incredibly easy, but boring, boss since he only uses charge spell if I'm not mistaken, and is a slow moving melee boss.
    7/10. He's a really long, easy, and boring boss fight, but he's meant to introduce the player to multi-phase bosses or mobs. His sheer amount of phases aren't really a difficulty spike since they're almost all exactly identical, so he's fine at this level.
    To be honest, the boss fight is pretty forgettable. I remember Cluckles and what he is since the lore needs you to do so, but not the time you actually fight him. Still, he's pretty much just a reincarnated version of the Witch. You're just fighting a ranged mob in an enclosed area. He sometimes glitches out of the arena which can get a bit annoying. He does have a lore element connected to him which amplifies his significance slightly though.
    5/10. Like the witch, he exists to exist, but at least he has more of an importance than a side thing unlike the witch, which makes him somewhat memorable (not the boss fight though).
    P.S Would you guys consider the Pigman Overlord a boss? I was having trouble deciding between if I would actually call it a boss or a mini boss, but I was also having the same problem with considering if Cluckles/the Witch counted as a boss/mini boss but put them in there as bosses anyways.
  7. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    I get where you're coming from, but I don't feel like this is a fair comparison. Undertale's very basic was breaking for 4th wall by introducing usual gameplay mechanics and tying them into the lore. The whole "Sans is here to stop you, you're the real monster of the underground blah blah" works in Undertale, it works as a wall, it does its job of making the player care less and less about the player that's just doing this out of curiosity, but we're talking about Wynncraft here. Having a "wall boss" is an absolutely terrible idea IMO. Unless they somehow add genocide into wynncraft (already doing that with the countless dead detlas villagers), it just wouldn't work. The only thing it would do is make players ragequit, which is obviously not wanted. It's wanted in undertale, not in a simple RPG. The same would apply for most games out there. A boss SHOULD always be fun and challenging, feeling the thrill and adrenaline after beating a hard boss is always great and a feeling many players look for (The game "Furi" is a great example).

    I've had this feeling while playing wynn, always against bosses. This is always something that you should look for when making a boss, even though right now we are limited a lot to what we can actually do unfortunately

    Alright that's it for me, tldr: bosses should be challenging and fun and should never be a wall in wynn
  8. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    I wasn't trying to compare Undertale to Wynn in that sense. What I was trying to do was give an example of how a boss should fulfil its job, and in Undertale the Sans boss fight is perfect. I never once said a Wynn boss must be a "wall" boss unless it is SUPPOSED to be that, which none of them are. Also, I disagree with the fact that every boss should be challenging (although they should be fun unless they are meant to make you rq like Sans). If you want a Wynn example of a boss fight to avoid confusion, let's look at Yahyabot, which imo is one of the best boss fights in all of Wynn. He's not challenging at all, yet he's still an enjoyable boss fight because of how unique he is compared to almost every other boss in wynn, since you're not directly fighting him (until you inevitably have to grind LI and he loses most of his effect and just becomes a method of stopping you from speedrunning it).

    tl;dr: I wasn't trying to compare Undertale to Wynn, but give an example of how bosses should fulfil the purpose or role they are supposed to.
  9. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Are Mechorrupter of Worlds and Robob actually easier than Matrojan Idol? I just did it today and found it to be pretty easy actually - the only difficult part was the rapid charge phase (I'm going to hate Cybel lol). Flamethrower wasn't really that bad as long as I didn't get caught with my mana down. The various forms were actually quite fun, even the repeated pull one.
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  10. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    Fire witch build?
    I spam tornado shot. Have bunch of hours, still don't know what I am doing lol.

    Okay, so, regarding your guide;
    Your comparisons kinda fall short. In order to put difficulty of said *Sans* into perspective, I had to play the game. I didn't, hence, I'm not getting a true feeling of how difficulty it actually is. I am not getting the feel of difficulty you are trying to portrait.
    Why is that important?
    Because overly "challenging" bosses may not be a best solution depending on the game. "Wall" bosses will work in Dark Souls, they will not work in more casual games. Theme is important. It's also important to differentiate between unfair challenges and difficult ones.
    Is it me, or you just said that boss is fun if it's fun!?
    If boss is not boring, what else can it be? Aren't boring and fun at the opposite ends of the scale!?

    I lost your train of thought there. At 1st you try to portrait that bosses should be appropriately difficult based on their levels. Then you say that's not necessarily always the case. Then, instead of expanding on this paragraph, you went full on detail how to defeat someone in Sonic. I understand it's a comparison, which again kinda falls short unless you played it, but it's unnecessarily long and off topic. You put a substantial amount of emphasis on Sonic rather than on what makes a boss appropriately difficult.

    Honestly, this part seems kind of a mess rather than an explanatory narrative.
    Trash likes this.
  11. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    I should work on my wording more, I wanted to say bosses must be challenging or fun, not challenging and fun (although both are cool)
  12. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    Imo yes. The only reason Idol is even really considered hard is because it has so many phases and people refuse to bring other weapons to abuse his weaknesses as I believe someone stated on the unpopular opinions thread. It also utilizes many more spells than Bob and Mecho, hence the reason I would still say it's harder than that of Bob/Mecho due to it's usage of many more mechanics than them. While I could argue Bob is harder than Idol, Mecho is much easier than Idol because it's literally just a mob running straight at you for the entire fight and rarely utilizing any spells.
    First off sorry for all the comparisons, but I am a very comparison based person.
    That's part of the point I was trying to make. I think people are confusing the fact that I referenced Sans as a good boss fight and immediately people think that I mean every boss has to be like Sans's fight, being these so called "wall" bosses. A boss needs to have some type of purpose to it, whether it be a final challenge, a tutorial to new mechanics (in a way), etc. depending on the game and the stage of the game you are in.
    I'm confused what you mean by the "that boss is fun if it's fun!?" part. In regards to the actual question, I believe that I did word this incorrectly. The point I was attempting to make is that you could absolutely hate the boss fight from the bottom of your guts, yet it still wouldn't be boring. I have attempted to reword this section to adequately address this. However, I do agree a boss fight should never be boring.
    The point I was trying to make is that a boss should scale in difficulty depending on the progression in the game, but random spikes sometimes do make sense but aren't (for the most part) praised. Again, sorry for the comparison, and after rereading this part I did go off on a bit of a rant about a Sonic game.
    I have attempted to remove the comparisons to avoid further confusion. Tell me what you think of the explanations to a good boss fight now or if I should just delete this section entirely, as really it's a section just kind of there to help try and justify some of my points I bring up when talking about a fight in wynn and doesn't offer anything else outside of that.
    In that case I agree, but just to clarify again I wasn't trying to say that every single boss fight needs to be like that of Sans.
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  13. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    I just went with it because I was deciding mainly between Ice or Fire tbfh
    Haven't looked up any builds for it and I've gone into PoE pretty much blind outside of a very basic tutorial about the skill tree/skill gems as a whole.
    But back to the topic at hand ^look above.
  14. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    Added another boss that I definitely didn't forget to put before Cluckles earlier.
    I forget if that's actually the name of the boss or not, but the pumpkin head thing in Macabre Masquerade is actually one of the only early game bosses that I found enjoyable to fight, most likely because it provides a decent challenge at the same time at that level. He's not too difficult to the point where I would call it random spike though, which is a good sign. He utilizes strong minions to distract you and is pretty slow moving, but has vanish to attempt to confuse and surprise the player. If I'm not mistaken he also has meteor to compensate for his sluggish movement. It does get pretty easy to fight him, but I still find him challenging to a degree, even though I've never actually died fighting him.

    8/10. One of the early game quest bosses that imo is actually good.
    Druser likes this.
  15. Arkade

    Arkade Who am I? CHAMPION

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    go for LI bosses mate they are quite interesting
    Shots likes this.
  16. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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  17. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    I would say bosses are in quests or optional arenas (Legendary Island, bank dude at end of Aldorei II)
    I believe you need to kill the Overlord in the pigman village quest, so my I think you should include you
    My opinion though

    edit: also I would say dungeon bosses count, but that's just me
    Shots likes this.
  18. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    Yeah you do have to kill it. The main issue I was having with actually in the end deciding if it counted as a boss or a mini boss boiled down into if the quest was built around you fighting the boss at the end of it (usually) and beating them. Since the Pigman Overlord isn't the main part of Creeper Infiltration, it's the reason I was having trouble deciding for the most part of whether or not it would be considered a boss. I would consider something like Snowbear in ToA to be a boss though, as he is meant to be a challenge before you can progress onto the harder floor, and arguably each floor of ToA/Hive is based around fighting the boss of it to make your way to the finale. The Pigman Overlord is just kind of this side thing you have to kill in order to get something you need for the main purpose of the quest, being finding proof that Creepers exist. So far, I've had one person say it's a mini boss, another say it's just a normal mob, and you say it should count as a boss, so for now I'll just wait.

    Also I've only fought the bank dude at the end of Aldorei II like twice so my memory of it is very vague, so I probably won't include it if I counted it as a boss though.
    Druser likes this.
  19. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    Yeah I definitely count those as bosses.
  20. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    >every single boss in Wynn
    >11 bosses
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