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Guide Ranking Mythics Properly

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by NicBOMB, Nov 12, 2018.


Do the rest of the mythics?

  1. Yes please!

  2. Nah, already plenty of these threads.

  3. Should this matter to me?

  4. Probably Not.

  5. Unless You're New

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    From what I've heard, health tanks with 200-400 elemental defenses seem to work best in PvE, while rainbow tanks are better in PvP.
    by2011 likes this.
  2. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    I didn't give it an S rank for no reason. Basically everything was already stated in my top post. "The unparalleled HP bonus and significant damage boost they provide can enable builders to optimize other portions of their gear while creating a sturdy backbone of HP and defenses to rest on. These boots sport universal stats that anyone can find value in".
    Given the high defense requirement, plenty of high durability fire items and various mana spam water items can synergize perfectly with Sabatons. You're not recognizing Sabaton's bonuses or intentionally missing the point. To directly respond to your statement though; try a low HP archer that doesn't want to sacrifice too much damage for more survivability. That's a genuine possibility that those boots fit into.
  3. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    wat. I said "I have never seen a single person say buying crusade sabatons" not "no one has ever said buying crusade sabatons"
    I dont know if you thought there was a deeper meaning to my comment but I meant exactly what I said "I have never seen a single person say buying crusade sabatons"
    which means "ive never seen someone say buying crusade sabatons" its a fact how much farther from reality can it get; and I dont think its not related to the thread because its about mythics
  4. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    posting "i have never seen some1 say 'Buying Crusade Sabatons'" has no other point than inderectly saying "since ive never seen some1 want to buy Sabs means no1 or very few peeps buy them" there is 0 point in saying this other than to imply what i said above
  5. blow w

    blow w Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    S: Strati | Cata | Freedom
    A: Weathered | Fatal | Lament | Grandmother | Gaia | Grimtrap | Apocalypse | Thrundacrack | Idol | Nirvana
    B: Hero | Inferno | Nullification | Galleon | Spring | Ignis | Collapse | Warchief | Slayer | Alkatraz | Guardian | Monster | Crusade
    C: Divzer | Warp | Boreal | Discoverer | Singularity
    D: Pure | Az | Archangel

    (please don't hurt me)

    This was largely inspired by a list that @Pokextreme started in the wynn discord's class builds one day and then people gave their opinion.
    OolongTeaa likes this.
  6. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    I agree with some of those, but a few are iffy (Boreal C rank?) and they aren't grouped by item type.
    Also Disco is SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Rank. Dunno who hasn't told you, but Disco killed all the other mythic chestplates and made the IT stop producing more.
    @Dr Zed
    As @tigersrule12 said, there's no reason to post a patently false statement that has no effect on the item itself.
    Probably 26 ranks out of place is unrealistic. Seriously though; you're not making any sense. Quit posting about it, thanks ;).
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2018
  7. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    Because of the nature of defenses and regen as a whole, boreal ends up being way less useful than it seems. The -fire can be a huge pain for air builds to fix unless they sacrifice a decent amount of dmg, and regen just isn't that useful in almost all situations.
    blow w likes this.
  8. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    I see your point, but plenty of AGI items also have fire defense. Heat Sink, Heph, Phoenix Prince's, even Gyser if you're looking for a Regen build. I think you're right about HP Regen being not useful in the majority of situations, but that's also down to the mechanics of HPR. I see your point, and agree, but still feel missing out 3 MR and 3k HP can't be overlooked. That's why I think it's on par with Galleon for usability.
    Dr Zed and Pokextreme like this.
  9. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    To be fair, it does have the 3 mana, though that's not an overwhelming upside because it's main competitor is Capricorn.
    Notice that all the items you mentioned have a defense req, many of them in not minor amounts. Because of how centralized intel is, you're going to want to have that, leading you to WFA builds, which aren't very popular for a reason.
    I have to grade it off how the mechanics are. If health regen is bad, then items with health regen as their focus will also be bad, it's unfortunate, but not avoidable. 3K hp isn't really that huge, but it's an air item so it's decent enough I suppose.
  10. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    I don't see why not
    Note: this is going to be different than my previous list due to buffs, nerfs and re-evaluation of each mythic.
    Note 2: I have not used or owned every mythic so this list is going to be largely made up of what the mythic looks like on paper and what builds I (or others) have made with it.
    Note 3: This list isnt quite in order meaning, for example, the first Boots in the B catagory aren't the best or worst in their class.
    Note 4: This will not include S, only A - F. (including E)

    Crusade Sabatons
    Crusade seems to fit in more build situations than most other boots (Boreal fits best with Warp builds and is meh for other things, Galleon goes good with earth hybrid builds and thats about it. etc.) due to having the 2nd highest sum HP total without obliterating your walk speed, and still being able to do decent dmg. Its dmgs suggest hybrid (20% Melee 13% Spell) and has no real downsides except -150 Water Defense; although the -Water Defense sucks, it's not uncounterable. Overall these are just really good boots.
    As stated above these boots don't have much use outside of earth builds, but is very powerful when used in them. The first things you may notice are -Attack tier, 5 Mana Steal, and 52% Melee and Earth Damage which screams hybrid. Although the -Attack tier helps steal mana more reliabaly these boots are still best used with Super Slow Earth weps. (Alkatraz) However, this doesn't mean it is useless with other earth weps like Grimtrap, or even other elemental weps like Lament. Just like Sabs, very powerful
    Whether (<--- did I spell that right?) you like Whorechief or not, you can't deny it's quite powerful. The ele defenses suck, but they don't make this unusable. This thing has unparralelled (rip spelling :<) damage and can get insane dps with Weps like Gaia, 25k+ dps with mage is insane. Quite powerful, but harder to use than the other boots.
    The thunder damage this thing dishes out is aboslutely insane, not to mention the raw Melee. (and air if anyone gives a shit about that?) Although it doesn't proc in combat, the -HPR on this sucks; it's just an annoyance that constantly reminds you that it exists every 4 seconds when out of combat. If you are in combat and you do a good job of avoiding hits this will make sure it rewards you by damaging you anyway! Overall it's quite nice, but a needless 25 agi req and annoying -HPR can make this rather annoying to use.
    Boreal's best use is with Warp to counter -Mana and HP Regen, but outside of that, it doesn't do much. These boots are more of a "I'm just here to better your quallity of life." The Mana Regen is obviously the best attribute to these boots, the HPR while useless in combat is just nice to have around, and the WS on it is pretty decent. that -Fire Def hurts tho, damn. Did I mention it has the lowest SP req for boots? All in all, these boots arent powerful, and don't give much of a combat advantage, but are nice to have around
    Obviously adding no combat advantage whatsoever, having high loot bonus is useful for getting loot, (Duh) Whether that's grinding mobs or loot running (chest nerf sucks but still viable) this is obviously nice to have around.

    Originally, Strati was a bow that flowed around high walk speed, then it got a dmg buff that made it infinitely more powerful and usefull in combat. You can get some sweet damage from this thing along with some nice walk speed for lootrunning convinience! The -HP can be a problem but considering your high agi and WS it usually isn't that big of a deal.
    Freedom has abosulutely insane damage along with a wall of greed ID's including Rainbow skill point bonus, Mana Regen, rainbow dmg %, raw Spell and Melee dmgs, HP bonus along with a little bit of WS and Thorns. And 4 slots, I guess thats cool too.
    Divzer's insane -agi can make it quite difficult to use being the glass cannon archer is, but its dmg output is insane. It has good LS to help conpensate a bit for the agi problems along with nice Raw Spell and Melee and a bit of MS. Not to mention a decent Dex roll puts you at max Dex.
    The damage this thing dishes out is godly, combine it with Whorechief and earth sdanc and it's more godly, but the -HPR this thing has almost rivals Warp which is atleast viable with Boreal. Although you could use Boreal with this, why tf would you? You have cheap and common af Whorechiefs at your disposal. To add, the -WS is quite annoying aswell.
    Damn that -Thunder Dam. Ouchie. Although it has great MR and good water damage, the -Thunder Dam is just awful. Arrow storm relies on thunder damage meaning this debuff renders it almost useless. IMO it should be -Thunder Def not Dam.
    Granted, this thing has a very forgiving SP req, a wall of green ids like Health, HPR, Defenses and other things. But throwing 80 points into defense as archer is about as effective as letting your 2 y/o child walk around a resturant/store getting in the way of people while you say "Come back. heheheh" as if the kid gives a shit.
    Why the absolute hell does this exist? Low level mythics are stupid enough, but a failed attempt of a Low level Tri elemental Mythic is something else, Az. This thing is so wrong on so many levels, it used to do way too much damage with superfast attack speed and 5 slots, so instead of dealing with the dmg and powder slots they nerfed attack speed! And... buffed damage? Doesn't that further encourage stacking thunders? Last I checked chain lightning is better on slower weps with high damage. Honestly there us no fixing this shit, as according to @Pokextreme you can't remove powder slots because the powder specials would stay. (which gives the devs something to work on) They killed this when it was buffed to 5 slots, this was never needed. So instead of "nerfing" the op shit JUST REMOVE THIS CLUSTERFUCK!!!

    Wheathered overall has no downside, aside from exploding but that doesn't really matter too much. It has great damage for an Air wep along with decent walk speed. There isn't a whole lot to say about this other than it's very good with no downsides.
    Grimtrap has great damage along with nice poison and lifesteal on the side, not to mention it's good for hybrids. Sadly, it is the only Mythic Earth wep that doesnt get 1k+ Earth Dam when fully powdered. But it also has no downside other than -Mana Steal. Now if only there was an item in the game with +Mana Steal.
    Obviously, you don't want to melee with this. But the spell potential this offers is beautiful, great Raw and % Spell Damage, good Mana Regen, and an Int roll that can get you to max Int. Easily the best Mythic weapon in the game for full blown spell builds.
    Cata is good, I can't lie about that, but it's also overrated by just a tid bit. It has amazing damage that rivals GMA or Alkatraz, but a bad -HP rolll can render this near useless. And while you can't die if everything is dead, you can't kill anything if you're dead.
    Inferno has wonderful Melee potential with nice stats in Melee damage Raw and % along with good fire Damage %. Also, considering attack speed it has higher base damage than Grimtrap, but without the 2600 Poison. Overall it has pretry good stats and damage, but rip water defense.
    Also what's the point of the Dex req?
    Nulli has its ups and downs, its dmg isn't all that great and @YYGAYMER still hasn't solod LI using Necrosis with this. I am dissapoint. It does however have amazing elemental defenses which is always nice. Did I forget to mention its texture is ugly as shit and should be changed to the actual rainbow dagger?
    The spear for assassins. Archangel is only here because it has 1 higher WS than slider. CONGRATULATION! Other than that, this thing is total trash, I notice it also is trying to be tri elemental. At least it has the 2nd lowest Mythic SP req

    This thing is just too OP, it's a tank warrior weapon with so much lifesteal that it makes Guardian's tankiness look like a joke. Along with this it has insane damage, it can do over 1k Fire Damage with powders. Just slap on some Attack tier items and you're good to go! The only thing that could save us is a high sp req to ballance it out. NOPE! It is tied with Archangel for the 2nd lowest total sp req among Mythics! (Lowest of weapons. And only behind Disco with 0 SP lol)
    Probs the most underrated Mythics, (besides Whorechief maybe?) this is a great hybrid weapon due to easy steals from already super slow attack speed, goes best with Galleon obv. Besides its great hybrid potential it can also abuse Taurus due to the insane -attack tier not effecting this at all. The only Problem is low WS and no slots :(. Also high str req but whatever.
    With amazing Damage, it also has 130% Melee, 40 str, and exploding just cuz why not. But those defenses, damn that hurts. I guess the -HPR% can suck in certain situations. But tbh it's almost like a mini Cata, but with less severe damage, and less severe debuffs.
    Wanna use Slayer with this? Sorry! The -HPR% on this can be devistating when used with Slayer. But I mean there are always shaggy boots. Overall is OK, it has good Water Damage for curse and such, but it doesnt have anything that really stands out.
    It has really good stats, like insane Raw Spell, good Intelligence, and 4/4 Mana Regen, Not to mention the best stat of all. 33% Soul Point Regen. But... it has the same problem as Ignis, spell warrior is a joke.
    Guardian has unbelievable tankiness, like insane Health, max defense for warriors, but it's lacking in a few areas. It will always be 2nd fiddle to Apocc, whether in damage tankiness or whatever. HPR isn't useful in combat, still nice to have around tho I guess. And it has aboslute trash dmg, tankiness means nothing without damage in this game. You're basically just that annoying bullet sponge boss that does no dmg, except as a player.
    Hero doesn't have many upsides, at all. Walk speed, it is only tied for highest walk speed spear! (Zephra) Marketabillity, I haven't talket about the trade market yet, but this thing NEVER sells, and if it does it's probs for cheap. Damage, hell, even 4 powder slots doesnt make this damage good, it has 60 str for you (even tho it's just to discourage putting points in str iirc) and it still has trashy dmg. At least it's not Guardian?

    Warp is actually fairly stonk, not only does it have 234 WS just for fun, but it has the 2nd highest meteors of Mythic Wands. The -Mana and Health Regen can be a bit annoying, but Boreal comes to the rescue. You can use other items with Mana Regen to counter the -MR and heal up the Boreal-lowered -HPR, and still have reliable meteors.
    Highest meteors of Mythic wands is nice, but it doesn't have too much to go with it granted it's all green ids. It also has nothing really going against it, except for 1 dmg ofc, but powders.
    As said with Whorechief, I made a 25k dps build with this. Granted, it is glassy af, but still. This wand is powerful af, it can work wonders as melee, and it has the range and AoE of mage. Also, I'd like to take time to appreciate extra poison
    I hate Singu, it's just a mediocrity fest disguised as hot shit with 15 slots. here are a few things wrong with singu, costs 11-18 stax, way too much for a wand of this power. It requires 275 SP, way too much for a wand of this power. 15 powder slots, it costs 30 LE worth of powders to get a full strength Singu, way too much for a wand of this power. (see a pattern going?) Now what is this wand's true power? 13k meteors tops, worse than Lament.
    Buff Lament. Lament is a pretty decent wand that can regen half to all of your mana in 1 hit, it also has insane heals, its dmg is sorta meh tho, getting to 14k meteors. (honestly not that bad but buff Lament anyway ;))
    Monster, has a few pretty rough spots, no way to regen hp reliably, like HPR or lifesteal. (Inferno doesnt either but it has higher base dmg than Grim) And thanks to -Int and -Water Damage its heals are total shit. Tank mage is a joke without heals, its health is a joke, its damage is mediocre leaning bad, Monster itsself is a joke.
    Why? Giving a wand 550% Spell Damage with 100 base damage, max. Not even powder slots to help ease the pain. Pure has been the Mythic laughing stock for a while now, and rightfully so. Overall it's just awful and is about 25 levels too low to be considered relevant. At least it has 5 Mana Steal. Damn Galleon you have competition!!!

    Well, I hope you enjoyed reading this, I sorta enjoyed making it, for the first hour and a half. Anyway tell me your thoughts and give me opinions and insight.

    Edit: wow my spelling and grammar is trash, I fixed some of that btw xd
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2018
  11. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    Really just responding to Az here because there is a lot of factually incorrect info
    1) Az never had 1-500 dmg 5 slots
    2) We cannot remove slots once they are ingame. If we did then anyone with powders on items would keep the powders and their effects, and new items would use the slots (For example there are a couple centipedes with rage)
    3) You could slap on thunder powders, and super fast attack speed encouraged that. Higher attack speeds gain more from a slight bump in base damage than all other attack speeds, so when it was superfast it was even more pushed to all thunders. With just fast attack speed it is often worth it to use water or fire powders to get the arguably stronger powder special for faster weapons, curse or courage, then use thunders for the rest of the slots. I think of as less as a tri element, and more as a dual element that you can do two different combos with.
    blow w likes this.

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    wtf it took forever to find my tag
    NicBOMB likes this.
  13. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    I don't know a simpler way to explain it or a way that I won't just get told your wrong k then
  14. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I’m confused
    It’s not that we are denying that you haven’t seen those threads, it’s that there are people who actually buy them. Like tiger said, your statement implied that nobody bought them.
    tig likes this.
  15. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    1, Fixed, I noticed I screwed a lot of facts up, but it was 2 AM and I didn't care enough and decided to do it in the morning
    2, I guess that's something for the devs to look into, it still should have never buffed it to 5 in the first place, as you only need 2 or 3 (what it was previously) to be able to have a dual element weapon.
    3, Chain ligtning is more effective with higher base dmg, which usually comes with slower speeds, (which was buffed btw) and it's more effective to use chain lightning on slower attack speeds than faster attack speeds. Lets say you had 5 chains dealing 200% damage on a 500 dam wep that all took ubout .5 sec to bounce from 1 mob to another (I don't know how long it actually takes but I know it doesn't take 9 seconds to go through the cycle on a T6 special) thats 2k dps. On slower weapons 2k dps is much harder to get than on faster weapons, in which you could match or beat the special dps making it less usefull, thus making chain lightning more effective on slower weps. This doesn't mean it's better in generral than curse, but stacking thunders for insane damage, and a better special than on faster attack speeds, is still just as viable.
  16. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    I agree, but I already ranked it inbetween warchief and galleon. I'd say those 3 are in roughly the same range. Even if boreal's not great, 3 MR and 3k hp is great.
    Pokextreme likes this.
  17. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    But also remember that on slow weapons you can do 3k+ per chain, vs the 500ish per chain from fast speeds. Compare that to curse, which can multiply your damage with your already favoured spells because of the high speed.
  18. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Once the poll reaches 40 "Yes please!" I'll start making the next sections.
  19. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    your proving my point, i stated that chain lightning is better with slow speeds and higher damage, and thats what got changed on Az in its last reballance.
  20. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    This would be more relevant if Az got higher damage.

    Chain lightning with T6s takes about 1.5 seconds to propagate completely.
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