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What Are Your Unpopular Opinions In Wynncraft?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Nov 3, 2018.

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  1. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    (Inspired by a thread I saw back in early 2015, I think it was made by JohnDSi)

    Chances are, you have some opinion/idea that many people wouldn't agree with. Maybe you love that one quest everyone hates. Maybe you think that one boss is way too overpowered. Maybe you think that there should be subscription requirement for Wynncraft, or something radical like that.

    That's why I made this thread; for people to say their unpopular opinions about the server and its community. Go out there and speak your mind, since other people will be doing the same! Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean your opinion is superior or that you're immune to criticism. Feel free to debate with other people if you want! Forum rules naturally apply in this thread, so don't say "unpopular opinion: famous player is a piece of shit who eats babies and scammed me," and lets not start any flamewars because I don't want this to be locked over a dumb argument.

    I'll start with a few unpopular opinions of my own:
    - Bloomi, and to a lesser extent Corkus before it was officially announced, were always awful memes that relied on 4th grade humor.
    - PVP should be one of the focuses for development, since it adds another incentive for build-making along with more endgame stuff to do. It is really unbalanced right now but should be fixed.
    - I hate the noteblock music that plays in Almuj.
    - I'm not interested in Dern as far as its lore and story are concerned.
    - Taproot is one of the better quests. You actually have to explore and do some thinking to complete it. (Fuck that one tree parkour segment though)
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2018
  2. CoolVictor2002

    CoolVictor2002 Dead meme expert,cyberbullied by NicBOMB CHAMPION

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    mythics are too hard to obtain
    noobs should stop dm-ing me for help just leave me alone :(
    make dr legendary easier
  3. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    I feel like they really could've taken the story in a much more interesting direction than 'Light guys are good, dark guys are evil and make everything worse'. The whole war of the realms thing is just bad and having a
    completely good and completely evil side just doesn't catch me at all. So I would agree with you that Dern's lore isn't terribly interesting.

    Canyon of the Lost is not hard to navigate at all.

    Detlas is a shit city and I really wish it wasn't the hub. I understand it's the hub for practicality purposes but Eltom and Pirate Cove are the best.

    Breaking out of the map shouldn't be punishable as long as you don't share pictures of it or use it to gain a gameplay advantage. It's not harming anyone and I doubt you'll even find anything interesting out there.

    I don't get why people give a flippity flop about getting mythics. The game's easy enough with a good legendary build, and isn't even that bad with a build of rares. I mean, I understand being really excited when getting one because it's so rare, but people are complaining about how they're too rare and they'll never have one as if not having a mythic makes you useless.

    I care about that random cluster of islands vaguely to the north of Ragni (inbetween Legendary Island and the Pirate Cove) with a ruined village, a bunch of zombies and a loot chest. It is a very important place and Wynncraft would not be the same without it.

    Maro Peaks is one of the coolest looking zones in the game and I wish there was more there.
    Iboju, Epicness937, Bliss and 13 others like this.
  4. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    Here are mine that I can think of:

    • Gaia is a terrible weapon and its concept as a melee wand was a mistake
    • Mage is the worst class to do LI with because of teleport being a bad spell to dodge charge, the most threatening spell in the entire challenge. Warrior can tank charges with the right build, and the other two classes have an amazing “mobility” spell to dodge charges
    • Ice Barrows is my favorite dungeon because I like ghosts, the ice and snow atmosphere, and the more creative puzzles it has
    • Guilds are pointless and not fun (this has been brought up before, but it’s still relatively unpopular); You can’t make a new guild without it dying within 6 months, and even if you join Imp or Fox or some other long-living guild, what’s the point of it? You waste stacks of LE which could be spent on builds and mythics for a war system where you claim territories. This sounds fun on paper, but in reality, it’s not. You just keep warring and warring to get your territories back, only for more rando guilds to take your territories. The worst part about it is that you don’t even get a novelty item or cosmetic or some sort of reward for being the top guild.
    • The Item Team should just stop making uniques. Nobody uses them except for a select few that stand out, like Quarzite Helm and Aquamarine, and rares and legendaries are super easy to get anyway, so making more uniques just feels like a waste of time.
    • I like every noteblock song in Wynncraft....except for the one that plays in the undergrowth ruins dungeon, Tribal Drums Beating. It's so upbeat and doesn't fit the dark theme of the dungeon at all. Also, it's annoying to listen to after a while in my opinion.
    • The whole "light vs dark" story could work, if it had been done correctly, which Gavel did not when it was first released. Assuming that the next update is fixing some issues with Gavel, maybe the story will be better?
    • People have the right to be upset and disappointed when something is canceled, like RtD, The Wynnter Fair, etc, instead of feeling obligated to blindy defend the admins
    • Undergrowth Ruins is the worst dungeon, no questions asked. It gives the worst rewards of any dungeon, (all rares, no legendaries in the merchant. The tier 4 powders are cool and all, but not worth the time) a piss poor amount of xp, and the dungeon is incredibly boring. Slime parkour isn't interesting and was used before in another dungeon (Infested Pit) and the grinding sections take way too long. In the blue token room, it feels like the spawns are broken, since sometimes it takes minutes for more mobs to spawn, and grinding the slimes for tokens is just tedious. Also, Slykaar is a horrible boss fight. The slime form is weaker than the token slimes, and the human form is just a less interesting version of Theorick's fight. There's also the bad noteblock song it has, as mentioned above.
    • Corrupted dungeons are actually a neat feature. It's nice to go back on memory lane to old dungeons, but as a more skilled player. Sure, you can go back and redo the original dungeon, but what's the fun in that when you're a high enough level to one shot everything? I just wish they were added in small patches like CIP and CLS were instead of being saved for big updates.

    I’ll update this if I can think of anything else
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2018
    Meekio, SmartboardOW, mouldy and 9 others like this.
  5. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    i miss my knockback 2 depressing stick
  6. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    And dark theme sucks. Anyone who uses dark theme should go jump in big pit.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2018
  7. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    -ff is amazing
    token grinders in ff:
    use 2 different types of tokens, one to build towers to climb, another to break vents, both of which are named uniquely

    token grinders in other dungeons:
    standard token names that are all used to break down a diamond or gold or something wall that's horribly out of place

    parkour in ff:
    moving cogs that either block you or you have to go on, multiple paths, etc

    parkour in other dungeons:
    one route, simple concept (ice, disappearing platforms, slime blocks)

    neither parkour/token collecting in ff:
    conveyor belt with a wall of flames and hammers and saws and whatnot slamming down on your face

    neither parkour/token collecting in other dungeons:
    falling floor, invisible maze, shooting a gun at boots (galleon's graveyard non parkour/token collecting area is pretty cool actually), survive for 6 years

    dialogue in ff:

    dialogue in other dungeons:
    *ahem* here's my backstory (sometimes) also i'm evil and now i'm going to kill you (exception: ice barrows which is alright)

    boss fight in ff:
    more token grinder

    boss fight in other dungeons
    tower defense ish, make lava appear fall into them, someone weird sentry things to beat "unkillable boss", token grinder (one of the few categories in which ff loses)

    people say ff takes too long, but for one, the only reason for that is because ff seems to have more effort put into it.

    for two, higher level dungeons should take more time. from my point of view, it's that the other dungeons are too short. let's look at leveling

    low levels = less time (quests included for the most part), higher levels (quests included for the most part) = more time

    so why shouldn't higher level dungeons take more time than lower level dungeons?

    not saying the other dungeons suck, just that ff stands out and is cooler

    tbh i should make a post about this

    -uniques are amazing
    -aquarius is stupid
    -the realm of light questline isn't bad
    -??? is useless
    -ignition is almost useless
    -divzer is actually good
    -monster isn't that horrible
    -nulli is pretty great
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2018
    mouldy, euouae, SgtClips and 11 others like this.
  8. BethJerry

    BethJerry BFG 9000 CHAMPION

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    You'd be surprised my dude.
  9. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    -rewards are nice
    -doesn't take as long as people make it out to (only part that ever takes time for me is finding those 2 rocks in taproot)
    -realm of light looks awesome

    -i don't find fetch quests to be that bad personally, but i guess that'd be too subjective and not representative of the whole community

    although that doesn't look like much, there wasn't really that much there was bad with it, so i'm mostly just on a neutral, slightly positive standpoint on this questline
  10. nicktree

    nicktree wynncraft player HERO GM

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    Why not just do the quest for the enjoyment and fun with friends? ;-;
    mouldy, TheOneImmortal, Trash and 2 others like this.
  11. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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  12. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    The realm of light itself is pretty nice, but one of the only songs I actually hate is the realm of light music.

    Unpopular opinion - Eye of the Storm has great lore and an amazing location, and is one of my favorite quests.
    Iboju, TheOneImmortal, euouae and 3 others like this.
  13. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    implying i have friends when i play minecraft /s
    mouldy, euouae, SgtClips and 4 others like this.
  14. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    1. I actually like EoTS
    Ok moving on
    2. Morph set is literally the only thing keeping me in wynn
    actually is that unpopular?
    merry christmas
    3. I like doing FF
    4. I like doing LI
    5. I make myself laugh and think I'm funny when in reality I'm not
    Oh wait that's not wynn related
    who cares /shrug
    6. I like doing ToA/Qira Hive
    7. I'm actually fine with skill pot abuse now. Sure, I'll meme you into oblivion if you do it, but I don't actually really care.
    8. ^Generally speaking that also goes for CSST
    ^This is also how you get everyone essentially just spamming "kys","you're bad", and/or "no u" btw
    9. Doc Legendary is harder than cybel
    and tbh I would be willing to say maybe even Death Metal and Matrojan are harder than Cybel if Cybel didn't ohko me
    10. Imo mythics should've never been added, at least in their current state of what they are anyways
    11. Imo Aerie of Recluse and Rotten Passage are both harder than Wybel altar at their respective levels (and in the case of Aerie of Recluse I still find it challenging at level 100).
    Tbh not sure if any of these are actually that unpopular
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2018
  15. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    have you ever used it for guild wars
    endgame peeps have nothing to do except get rich and all the mythics get nerfed so mythic market is dead, so what is left to do? pvp? nope
    -if pvp was decent so many people would still be here because theres something that you can use builds against rather than orange cybel
    SgtClips likes this.
  16. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    have you ever considered using diaminar, which is completely superior in guild wars due to both spears granting invulnerability while diaminar still reaches higher dps (7.5k dps with heat sink).

    essentially, while ignition is technically more tanky, diaminar is still tanky enough for almost every single possible purpose, has higher dps, and is easier to obtain

    edit: https://wynndata.tk/s/3n6Ofi 8k dps, 500 lifesteal + 75 agi + 70 def + warscream + 10k hp is more than enough to beat anything
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2018
  17. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    360 lifesteal
  18. CoolVictor2002

    CoolVictor2002 Dead meme expert,cyberbullied by NicBOMB CHAMPION

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  19. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Maybe I should have saved some of those good Diaminars I always seem to get from Item Bombs...
    Turbostratus and Eric Yang like this.
  20. IceBear

    IceBear Ice Bear says hi VIP+

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    Ice Bear thinks legendaries should be very close in power to mythics with mythics only offering a slight advantage or are quirky.

    Edit: Ice Bear just noticed the irony because thats what the owners intended anyways.

    Ice Bear thinks the quest from the Bottom should be "A Bazaar Adventure"
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2018
    Iboju, Trash, Arkade and 1 other person like this.
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