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«rp» Fate's Eye [7/7] ~arc 3~

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    By any chance I heard that?
  2. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Just a cultist. Gluttony's appearance should've been told but she was so different from her 'childish and cruel' figure that Iron Fangs did not notice.

    Now that Gren found her out Ramadel should know. Sorry for not mentioning that.

    .....Sorry, no. Please wait a bit more!! xP
  3. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Aight, no need to hurry.
  4. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    How close am I?
    And how much of my energy reserves do i have left (if any)
  5. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Guess we're fighting now.
  6. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Yes! Yes! Yes! Continue! Kill it!
    Tisaun and Amun_Ra like this.
  7. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Welp, repull out the sword and attempt a combat stance.
  8. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Sorry! You still have around 3/4 of your store left. You only run out of your breath in the duel.
    @SansWolf @3DSMate
    @Linwood Welheart @Tisaun @Host_Legacy


    "Kyah...!!" Rey was pulled down to the ground as Gren retracted his rope, taking out the blade from the girl. Grabbing the Sin's head, Gren Walker lifted the girl's petite body into the air.

    ".......Yo, «Gluttony»." He growled quietly into Rey's face.

    Rey, gritting her teeth together in pain, looked at the man with one eye. "...aha....ahaha......you're...from the Capital......"

    "———!! Let her go!" Andrei called, drawing his sword. Kayde and Ramadel stood forward in front of Gren and Rey. Just then————

    A shock ran through the ground. At the same time, Kayde had already leapt towards Gren and had tackled him to the side———just as a giant earth pillar rose where the mercenary had been standing at.

    Rey rolled backwards, having been released, leaving her blood all over the ground.

    "....!?" Gren got up with Kayde, who had his left eye glowing slightly gold. They saw that the source of the thick earth mana was the giant standing with his hands on the ground.

    ".........I wouldn't want to cause much collateral damage. Just pass out." The giant, Jand, said, just as the ground trembled greatly, and broke apart into pieces——numerous stone walls and pillars rising all over the place.

    "Are you okay, Rey!?" Andrei, still confused, ran towards the girl lying behind an earth wall Jand had created. The girl held her stomach where she was stabbed at——and Andrei saw the black thing covering the girl's wound, healing it just like before.

    Rey wasn't looking at Andrei, as she wore a massive grin on her face unlike from last night staring at Gren, Kayde and Ramadel.

    "You brat...!!!" Gren swore as he retreated from the enormous earth magic that was being carried out in front of them. Kayde grimly scanned the scene, analysing each other's fighting abilities.

    ".......Ramadel! You take the giant! Gren and I will take out the girl!!" He shouted just as he readied his shield, starting towards Rey and Andrei.

    ".......got that." Ramadel bent low and sped up, nimbly avoiding the earth magic attacks towards the giant. Jand, seeing this, lifted his warhammer to get ready for close-combat.

    "......damn it. What's going on....." Andrei stood up, readying his knife for battle. But———

    Two knives accurately pierced through his shoulder and chest, thrown by Gren from behind the earth boundaries. The former Knight was climbing up the earth pillars and accurately throwing down hunting knives towards the two of them. A short cry came from Rey next to Andrei, as she raised an arm to block the knife thrown at her head.

    Gren tugged at his fingers, and the strings attached to the knives that pierced through Andrei tensed. Andrei was forcefully pulled into an earth wall, while Gren used the strings to guide his way towards Rey. Kayde was accurately dodging the earth pillars that rose all over the place with his eye ability.


    Throughout the sectors of Fleur, tremors in the ground could be felt by everyone.


    (Just organising:
    Ramadel —> Jand who is stopping his earth attacks and is getting ready for battle.
    Kayde & Gren —> Rey and Andrei who were both stabbed by Gren's throwing knives (Gren thinks Andrei is in critical condition. Intending to kill them without hesitation.)
  9. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Can magic be interrulted if I break their concentration?
    And can I get a description of Jand?
  10. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Magic can be interrupted, yes, as you say. But Jand is already in position at this point.

    from Ramadel POV
    Jand: a 3-meter giant with crazy strength and wide range earth magic attacks. He can use non-incantation magic with his hands on the ground, or warhammer on the ground held with his hands. Uses a warhammer as tall as he is. Seems fast for his size.

    He wears fur clothes, nothing that seems impenetrable. Knives might work on him.
  11. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "Two piercing strikes. 50% for him and 35% just in case. 15% reserve for movement."
    Start it by trying to advance towards him, and get in range for my knives but be close enough to render his hammer ineffective. Only use my reserves to increase my speed if I guage that I can't dodge ot otherwise.
  12. 3DSMate

    3DSMate The shadow assassin VIP+

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    Seeing that my enemy uses a short weapon. Jand takes up a guard position to stop the effectiveness of the short range.
  13. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    As Jand gets in position with his warhammer, Ramadel approaches with his knives. The boy waits for the giant to make a move in order to dodge and dive in close through the opening, but Jand stays with his warhammer close so that he can block any attack.

    "......tch." Ramadel stepped back, then powered his energy into his back leg, kicking forward and swinging his knife down at Jand's hand holding the warhammer. The giant lifted the weapon slightly, landing the blades on its handle, then pushed forward against Ramadel's weight.

    Ramadel staggered back—then speeding up suddenly, crawled close to the ground under Jand's range.



    Ramadel stabbed and slashed with separate arms, but the knife stabbed was reflected with a loud clank against the giant's skin, while the one that slashed cut through with only a slight resistance.

    Ramadel sped up again to retreat before Jand's warhammer swung around with its deadly force.

    As the boy slowed his breathing, he thought about what had happened. Stabs don't work..... they get reflected? Maybe his skin deflects direct attacks, but not those that cut in from other directions....... Ramadel flicked a stone at Jand, which got knocked back with the same clank on the giant's skin.

    Jand touched his wound, but it seemed shallow. He breathed in deeply, then raised his warhammer above him.

    ".....!!" Ramadel rushed forward with increased speed, seeing the opening. But————

    "Hngh!" Jand swung down the warhammer, which barely missed Ramadel. The boy turned and readied his daggers for slash on the giant's stomach——

    The warhammer collided into the ground, sending a massive shockwave and numerous earth pillars from Jand's legs, catching Ramadel from under him on his side, knocking him flying several meters away. The earth pillars continued to rise, then bent and shot down at Ramadel, who barely dodged it by kicking off out of the way with powered legs.

    ".......ugh...." Ramadel coughed, tasting blood in his mouth. Maybe a rib was broken. But nothing that stopped him from fighting on.


    Gren took out more knives connected to chains, and swung them around skilfully, cutting into Andrei further on his chest.

    "Agh....!!" Andrei tried to react with his sword, which was immediately knocked out by Gren's martial art move. The former knight grabbed the merchant on the neck and threw him to the ground, knocking the air out of Andrei.

    Gren pulled close one knife and stabbed it into Andrei's chest where his heart was. He leaned low, staring coldly into the merchant's eyes. "Die already, scum....."


    Gren reacted immediately upon hearing Kayde's cry, as he leapt back from Andrei and creating a distance.

    The two of them saw Andrei rising, gripping his fists open and close.

    ".....Damn it, it was close." Andrei said as he cracked his knuckles, and the wounds all over his body closed up all at once.

    Kayde bit his lip. All he had seen was the man touching Gren on his arm, and the mercenary's body going rigid all at once. If Kayde had not warned him, Gren might've been put out of action by a single touch.

    "....Gren, don't let the guy touch you." He warned again, to which Gren nodded grimly.

    "——Then, my turn!" Andrei bent low, crossed his arms behind him——and his arms melted into two blobs of flesh, hovering in the air in front of him, forming shields blocking the daggers thrown towards him. The flesh continued to pull the dagger in, capturing them.

    "What the...!?"

    Andrei pulled out modified bones out of his half-empty arms, turned them into blades, and started attacking Gren and Kayde at once. Gren tried to react with his knives, but realised that some of them had been caught by the flesh shields Andrei had created. The daggers were connected to Gren's body with chains——and that was fatal.

    Andrei grinned and pulled back Gren's daggers connected to him with the chains, pulling his body towards him forcefully——and grabbed the man's neck with the other flesh cluster he had created. Andrei's «Divine Blessing of Fleshcrafting» froze Gren's muscles, making him rigid and putting him out of action.

    "Damn it...!!" Kayde retreated, pulling up his shield against Andrei.
  14. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I like this.
  15. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "Change of plans. 7x speed to slash the eyes. Deprive his sight ao I can spend less eneergy moving."
    Keep attempting to avoid what he throws at me, until he blinks and there's a relatively straight path I could take, with minimal dodging.
    As soon as his eyes start to open (if I can notice it) 7x speed to try to leap up higher closer to him and slash it across his face, aiming for the eyes.
    I don't ;~;
  16. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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  17. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    He's like Toph. So if you stay in the air, you're fine.
    Amun_Ra, 3DSMate and Tisaun like this.
  18. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I mean, if the dude is a master at the earth sensing thing and good at maths, he could calculate where you will go and how fast via feeling where the strength from a jump goes and how strong it is. So with some maths, you could calculate when the dude will hit you.

    That's probably confusing as hell to read.
  19. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    But does he know my fastest speed to be able to calculate that? And if so: can he calculate it fast enough? And then move himself to respond correctly quick enough? :/
  20. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    He doesn't need to know your fastest speed, just how strong you jump is. Your maximum capacity doesn't matter, cuz you'll show how fast you'll go regardless.
    As for reaction time, that's your advantage, I guess. But only if he's slow enough.
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