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Media [updated!] Active Wynncraft Players Survey - Results

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Oct 13, 2018.

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  1. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Hello! If you were on the forums last month, you may have seen or taken a Wynncraft-themed survey. There were two near-identical surveys, one for players that joined before 2016 and ones that joined after. My goal was to find out major differences between these two groups, but that didn't go as planned.

    I don't have enough responses to make more than assumptions. In the end, 169 players took the pre-2016 survey, and 60 took the post-2016 survey. That's 229 Total, and assuming Wynncraft has 1 million active players (it definitely has more, but that's the most recent exact number I remember), the survey only reached 0.000229% of all players. That isn't a lot. But I figure that most people who took the survey were or had been pretty active, so I guess this survey now focuses on "active players".

    So, here are the results for the two surveys! I tallied all the responses up and measured what percent of each player group did each thing. Like I said this data probably isn't 100% accurate for the active playerbase, but maybe you'll enjoy looking at it.

    43 People {18.8%} joined in 2013.
    This was the year Wynncraft first launched.

    89 People {38.9%} joined in 2014.
    Some big Youtubers did videos on Wynn in this year, which attracted many new people.

    29 People (12.7%} joined in 2015.
    33 People {14.4%} joined in 2016.
    17 People {7.4%} joined in 2017.
    5 People {2.2%} joined in 2018.

    Newer players likely haven't found the forums yet.

    13 People {5.7%} aren't sure when they joined, but:
    - 2 of them joined before 2015.
    - 6 of them joined before 2016
    - 5 of them joined after 2016, 1 of them before 2018.
    8 People (3.5%} joined in 2013.
    41 People (17.9%} joined in 2014.
    40 People (17.5%} joined in 2015.
    60 People (26.2%} joined in 2016.

    With Gavel released, there may have been more of a reason to use the forums.

    35 People (15.3%} joined in 2017.
    24 People (10.5%} joined in 2018.

    5 People (2.2%} Never joined the forums.

    The survey was likely linked to them somehow, or they just have been lurking without an account.

    16 People (7%} don't know when they joined.

    Every year, between 30 and 60 people join the forums, with the exception of 2013 and 2018 (which isn't over yet though). While looking at results, I also found that people sometimes wait many years to join after they begin playing.
    65 People (28.4%} never joined.
    As for the 164 who have:

    29 People (12.7%} joined in 2016.

    This was when the discord server launched, so all these people joined between Dec. 24 and the year's end.
    57 People (24.9%} joined in 2017.
    59 People (25.8%} joined in 2018.

    More and more people seem to be joining, and the year isn't even over yet!
    19 People (8.3%} don't remember when they joined.

    Additional Notes: 6 People mentioned their dislike of Discord.

    122 People (72.2%) have donated.
    57 People (27.8%) haven't donated.

    Here's what people have brought (you could have brought more than one of these):

    - 74 People (60.6%) brought VIP+.
    - 46 People (37.7%) brought VIP, Wynncraft's first ever rank.
    - 36 People (29.5%) brought HERO, Wynn's most expensive rank.
    - 18 People (14.8%) brought Crates.
    - 14 People (11.5%) brought the current Pets such as the Rolling Potato.
    - 12 People (9.8%) brought Double XP Bombs.
    - 11 People (9%) brought Bombs but didn't specify which.
    - 7 People (5.7%) brought Pets before the EULA changes. Before those changes the pets could deal damage.
    - 6 People (4.9%) brought the virtual Gold Coins currency before it was removed.
    - 6 People (4.9%) brought Shout Bombs.
    - 5 People (4.1%) brought Item Bombs.
    - 4 People (3.3%) brought a rank that they didn't specify.
    - 4 People (3.3%) brought Dungeon Bombs.
    - 1 Person brought something that they don't remember.
    - 1 Person brought Loot Bombs.

    1 Person also said that their donation helped start up the server!

    - Less people brought Dungeon Bombs than I expected.
    - VIP+ is the most popular rank here, and it feels like the one that's most worth it IMO. It also is pretty old, it was added in August 2014.
    - Most older players chose to donate to the server at one point. We'll find out their reasoning later.


    28 People (46.6%) have donated.
    32 People (53.4%) haven't donated.

    Here's what people have brought (you could have brought more than one of these):
    2 People didn't answer, so the percentages are X out of 26.

    - 12 People (46.2%) brought HERO.
    - 9 People (34.6%) brought VIP+.
    - 6 People (26.1%) brought VIP.
    - 6 People (26.1%) brought Crates.
    - 4 People (15.4%) brought unspecified Bombs.
    - 1 Person (3.8%) brought Pets.
    - 1 Person (3.8%) brought Double XP Bombs.
    - 1 Person (3.8%) brought Shout Bombs.
    - 1 Person (3.8%) brought Loot Bombs.
    - 1 Person (3.8%) brought ALL different Bombs.

    - More people haven't donated than have. They're probably waiting to see if the server is worth it for them or something.
    - HERO is the most popular rank here. It was added at the end of 2016, so it was always in the game for very new players.

    Out of the 122 people who donated, 112 answered this question. There are multiple answers to this, such as saying you donated because you liked the server and because you wanted to level up faster.

    - 48 People (42.9%) wanted to support the server.
    - 28 People (25%) wanted the post-EULA perks. This includes cool stuff like totems.
    - 10 People (8.9%) specifically wanted extra class slots.
    - 1 Person specifically wanted daily crates.
    - 1 Person specifically wanted HERO Beta access.​
    - 23 People (20.5%) wanted the pre-EULA perks such as double XP.
    - 4 People (3.6%) specifically wanted to play as Assassin.​
    - 13 People (11.6%) wanted cosmetic items.
    - 7 People (6.2%) donated because why not?
    - 7 People (6.2%) donated because of their interest level in Wynncraft. Some people liked the server, others loved it.
    - 6 People (5.4%) donated because they thought Wynncraft deserved their money.
    - 5 People (4.5%) donated because something seemed worth buying.
    - 2 People (1.8%) wanted perks, but it is unknown when the got their rank.
    - 2 People (1.8%) wanted to show that they donated in some way.
    - 1 Person wanted shouts to help them sell stuff.
    - 1 Person thought donating helped them get more into Wynncraft.
    - 1 Person donated because there was a sale.
    - 1 Person donated because what they were buying was no longer Pay 2 Win.


    Out of the 28 people who donated, 26 answered this question. There are multiple answers to this, such as saying you donated because you liked the server and because you wanted to level up faster.

    - 9 People (34.6%) donated to support the server.
    - 9 People (34.6%) donated for donation perks.
    - 3 People (11.6%) specifically wanted extra class slots.
    - 2 People (7.7%) donated to level up faster.
    - 1 Person (3.8%) wanted daily crates.​
    - 5 People (19.2%) wanted cosmetic items.
    - 4 People (15.4%) donated because of their interest level in Wynncraft. Some people liked the server, others loved it.
    - 3 People (11.6%) donated because why not?
    - 2 People (7.7%) aren't sure why they donated. They might not remember.
    - 2 People (7.7%) wanted to show that they donated in some way.
    - Mage is the most popular class. I guess magic just appeals to people.


    (Everyone Answered This)

    39 People (23.4%) Picked Warrior
    55 People (32.8%) Picked Archer
    66 People (39.5%) Picked Mage
    7 People (4.3%) Picked Assassin
    31 People (18.3%) Wanted to play as Assassin, but you couldn't play it back then because you needed VIP. Once the VIP requirement was removed they then added a minimum total levels requirement IIRC. It was removed sometime before Gavel.


    (Everyone Answered This)

    12 People (20%) Picked Warrior
    15 People (25%) Picked Archer
    19 People (31.7%) Picked Mage
    14 People (23.3%) Picked Assassin
    This question allowed multiple answers.

    - I should have put "Trading" as one of the main options.
    - Helping people is pretty popular, which is nice to see!


    - 76 People (45%) say that they help other players.
    - 68 People (40.2%) would call themselves solo players, even if they also did stuff like guilds.
    - 65 People (38.4%) are active on the forums.
    - 62 People (36.7%) have become less active in the community due to their friends leaving.
    - 46 People (27.2%) say they like to spend time in the ever-popular Server 1 Detlas.
    - 43 People (25.4%) said that they were active in a guild.
    - 24 People (14.2%) often play with a group of friends.
    - 23 People (13.6%) are active on Discord.
    Everything below this line was a write-in answer.
    - 5 People (3%) don't do much since they're inactive.
    - 4 People (2.4%) call themselves forum lurkers.
    - 4 People (2.4%) are Moderators or CT members who interact with other members of their group.
    - 2 People (1.1%) mentioned that they are traders. This was a write-in answer, hence why only 2 people said this.
    - 1 Person says they do community events.
    - 1 Person checked off almost all the main categories. They're pretty involved with the community I guess.


    - 28 People (46.7%) say that they help other players.
    - 28 People (46.7%) would call themselves solo players, even if they also did stuff like guilds.
    - 22 People (36.7%) are active on the forums.
    - 20 People (33.3%) are active in a guild.
    - 14 People (23.3%) often play with a group of friends.
    - 12 People (20%) are frequently in Server 1 Detlas.
    - 6 People (10%) are active on Discord.
    Everything below this line was a write-in answer.
    - 3 People (5%) don't do much since they're inactive.
    - 1 Person is a Moderator or CT member who interact with other members of their group.
    If you left this question blank, I assumed you never joined a guild.


    131 Players (77.5%) are currently in a guild
    26 Players (15.4%) presumably never joined a guild.
    13 Players (7.1%) used to be in a guild, but currently aren't.

    Why did you join? 163 People answered this. One person can have multiple answers.
    - 47 People (28.8%) joined for some community-related aspect.
    - 13 People (8%) specifically wanted to meet new people or make more friends.
    - 8 People (4.9%) just wanted to spend time with and talk to other players.
    - 7 People (4.3%) were either lonely or solo players beforehand.
    - 2 Person (1.2%) specifically enjoys playing in a group.
    - 1 Person (0.6%) specifically joined for guild politics.​
    - 19 People (11.7%) had friends in a guild that they wanted to play with.
    - 19 People (11.7%) joined because why not?
    - 13 People (8%) were invited to a guild, so why not join?
    - 13 People (8%) made their own guild to run.
    - 10 People (6.1%) joined to participate in guild wars.
    - 6 People (3.7%) joined to get help with something.
    - 6 People (3.7%) felt like trying them out.
    - 4 People (2.5%) said guilds seemed interesting.
    - 4 People (2.5%) kept playing due to guilds.
    - 4 People (2.5%) joined to help others, or help the guild itself.
    - 3 People (1.8%) wanted to join a top guild.
    - 3 People (1.8%) made or joined a guild for them and their friends.
    - 3 People (1.8%) joined because guilds are part of the game's content.
    - 2 People (1.2%) said a popular player was in the guild they joined.
    - 2 People (1.2%) apparently like guilds.
    - 2 People (1.2%) forgot why they joined.
    - 2 People (1.2%) wanted to be a part of something bigger.
    - 1 Person joined a guild for fun.
    - 1 Person felt like they needed to join.
    - 1 Person was apparently forced to join one.


    46 Players (76.7%) are currently in a guild.
    14 Players (23.3%) presumably never joined a guild.

    Why did you join? 44 People answered this. One person can have multiple answers.

    - 18 People (40.9%) joined for some community-related aspect.
    - 6 People (13.6%) specifically said they were either lonely or solo players beforehand.
    - 5 People (11.4%) specifically wanted more friends or to meet new people.​
    - 5 People (11.4%) joined to participate in guild wars.
    - 5 People (11.4%) were invited to a guild
    - 4 People (9.1%) made or joined a guild for them and their friends.
    - 4 People (9.1%) had friends in a guild that they wanted to play with.
    - 3 People (6.8%) made their own guild to lead.
    - 3 People (6.8%) joined because in kept them playing.
    - 3 People (6.8%) joined to test guilds out.
    - 3 People (6.8%) joined because why not?
    - 2 People (4.5%) aren't sure why they joined.
    - 2 People (4.5%) wanted to join a top guild.
    - 2 People (4.5%) joined to have fun.
    - 1 Person joined out of boredom.
    - This also includes the moderation team, don't ban me!

    (Received 167 Responses)

    123 Players (73.7%) haven't applied.
    26 Players (15.6%) applied but were denied.
    18 Players (10.7%) applied and were accepted!

    (Received 59 Responses)

    53 Players (89.8%) haven't applied.
    3 Players (5.1%) applied but were denied.
    3 Players (5.1%) applied and were accepted!
    - Quests are pretty popular, especially for older players. Which is strange, because quests were pretty crappy back then.


    (Received 164 Responses)

    41 People (25%) have a lot of fun playing through quests.
    25 People (15.2%) enjoy exploring.
    22 People (13.4%) frequently do Lootruns.
    18 People (11%) said some guild-related aspect was their favorite activity.
    12 People (7.3%) specifically said guilds wars.
    5 People (3.0%) specifically said guild communities.​
    12 People (7.3%) like grinding mobs.
    11 People (6.7%) enjoy spending time in Server 1 Detlas.
    9 People (5.5%) like playing with friends.
    7 People (4.3%) enjoy spending time with other players.
    6 People (3.7%) like fighting bosses or doing LI runs.
    6 People (3.7%) like figuring out Wynncraft's lore.
    6 People (3.7%) said they just screw around and do whatever they want.
    5 People (3.0%) enjoy making Class Builds.
    5 People (3.0%) are traders.
    5 People (3.0%) aren't sure what their favorite activity is.
    4 People (2.4%) like leveling up classes.
    4 People (2.4%) try to complete personal challenges or goals such as speedruns.
    3 People (1.8%) enjoys doing Content Team or Moderation work the most.
    3 People (1.8%) enjoy doing Dungeons.
    3 People (1.8%) just prefer the general gameplay.
    3 People (1.8%) just wander around and enjoy it.
    2 People (1.2%) don't have a favorite activity.
    2 People (1.2%) like doing everything!
    2 People (1.2%) still like doing PVP in Wynncraft.
    1 Person likes making community events.
    1 Person enjoys bringing the community together.
    1 Person does CSST parties, but they didn't say if they participated in them or hosted them.
    1 Person prefers to spend time on Discord.
    1 Person prefers to spend time on the Forums.
    1 Person likes meeting new people.
    1 Person enjoyed doing swarms... until they were removed.
    1 Person likes working on Wynncraft's Wiki.

    (Received 58 Responses)

    12 People (20.7%) have a lot of fun playing through quests.
    9 People (15.5%) like exploring the world.
    8 People (13.8%) frequently do Lootruns.
    7 People (12.7%) said something guild-related was their favorite activity.
    5 People (8.6%) specifically said Guild Wars.
    2 People (3.4%) specifically said Guild Communities.​
    6 People (10.3%) like fighting bosses or doing LI.
    4 People (6.9%) like figuring out Wynncraft's lore.
    4 People (6.9%) like grinding mobs.
    3 People (5.1%) enjoy making Class Builds.
    3 People (5.1%) like helping other players.
    3 People (5.1%) like leveling up classes.
    3 People (5.1%) enjoy playing with friends.
    3 People (5.1%) just wander around and enjoy it.
    3 People (3.4%) prefer to spend time on the forums.
    2 People (3.4%) enjoy doing Dungeons.
    2 People (3.4%) enjoy spending time in Server 1 Detlas.
    2 People (3.4%) enjoy spending time with other players.
    1 Person prefers to spend time on Discord.
    1 Person enjoys doing Content Team or Moderation work.
    1 Person does CSST parties, but they didn't say if they participated in them or hosted them.
    1 Person likes doing everything!
    1 Person likes meeting new people.
    1 Person says they're a trader.
    1 Person is just waiting for the next update.
    (164/169 Answered, many people had more than one favorite location.)

    11 People (6.7%) love the entire Island of Corkus.
    2 People (1.2%) love the entire Province of Gavel.
    2 People (1.2%) said their favorite area was someplace secret!
    3 People (1.8%) don't have a favorite location.
    4 People (2.4%) aren't sure where their favorite locations are.
    1 Person likes a lot of the locations!

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 24 People:

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 14 People:

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 9 People:

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 8 People:
    Sky Islands

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 6 People:

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 5 People:
    Ahmsord / Cinfras / Time Valley

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 4 People:
    Canyon of the Lost / Molten Heights / Nesaak / Rodoroc / Temple of the Legends

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 3 People:
    Almuj / Detlas Suburbs / Eltom / The Realm of Light / Olux / Troms Jungle

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 2 People:
    Corkus City / Gavel's Door / Ice Canyons / Legendary Island / Light Forest / Lusuco / Nesaak Forests / Ocean Border / Pirate Cove / Ragni Plains / Selchar / The Mesa / The Swamp / Tower of Ascension

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 1 Person:
    Abandoned Mines / Almuj Desert / Ariodo's Lab / Bantisu Temple / Canyon Colossus / Cinfras County / Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb / Dark Forest / Dead Island / Death's Realm / Fallen Factory / Fruma Gate / Half-Moon Island / Herb Cave / Karoc Quarry / Lab N / Lake Gylia / Levtus Airbase / Llevigar Plains / Nivla Woods / Purple and Blue Quest Area / Roots of Corruption / Savannah / Seavale Reef / Skyraiders' Base / Sky-Islands-Temple-Near-Ahmsord / Thesead / The Little Wood / The Lobby / The Ocean / The Realm of Darkness featured in Fantastic Voyage / The Void / Wybel Island

    (Everyone Answered, many people had more than one favorite location.)

    8 People (13.3%) love the Island of Corkus.
    1 Person loves the province of Wynn.
    1 Person loves Dern, even though it isn't even in the game yet!
    1 Person likes anywhere without fire.
    1 Person doesn't have a favorite location.

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 8 People:

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 6 People:

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 4 People:
    Ahmsord / Cinfras

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 3 People:
    Almuj / Llevigar / Rodoroc

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 2 People:
    Canyon of the Lost / Eltom / Selchar / Thesead

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 1 Person:
    Aldorei Valley / Almuj Desert / Bear Zoo / Corkus City / Fallen Factory / Mage Island / Mining Operation Discovery / Nivla Woods / Qira Hive / Starting Area / Temple of the Legends / The Moon / The Void / Troms Jungle / Wynn Plains

    - None of the 2016+ players had Ragni as their response.

    I had 25 questions total on my survey, and here are the answers to the first nine. I'm a bit worried about the character limit, and tallying up answers to the more vague questions will take some time. Enjoy the "Data" I have for now though!
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2018
    Isabeau37, Tsukiji, cameston and 57 others like this.
  2. Drew1011

    Drew1011 Former Viceroy of the Foxes / Reviver of Kingdoms HERO

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    Ooooo this is interesting. Nice idea man
    Verle, Cenpyla, euouae and 5 others like this.
  3. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    Wynncraft has 1M active players? I don't know where you got that information, but if it's true, damn that's cool!
    Also, you keep saying "brought", but it's "bought" k thx bai

    Cool stuff tho, there's a lot of things in there! Too bad only a few participated, I don't know if you put the survey on discord and stuff but maybe you could've got more people
    Verle, Guermas, SgtClips and 13 others like this.
  4. CoolVictor2002

    CoolVictor2002 Dead meme expert,cyberbullied by NicBOMB CHAMPION

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    haha one of those was me
  5. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Where's the "What is your favorite place" question?
    coolname2034 and Druser like this.
  6. boykisser

    boykisser i will kill again HERO

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    That's the total amount of unique players you're thinking of, and it's actually closer to 2 million (Most likely already passed it). As far as I know, the last published record of active players was 30 000 per week/month
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2018
    Inobel, Gogeta, euouae and 9 others like this.
  7. Wynn: The Anime

    Wynn: The Anime Does not like anime VIP+

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    Warriors stay the oppressed race smh
    Coronaus, Inobel, euouae and 7 others like this.
  8. Allankap5

    Allankap5 Living legend and icon

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    Mage>Everything else.
  9. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Thank you!
    I'll try to get that question out later today! I didn't want to post everything at once since there's a character limit for posts.
    Thank you! I debated advertising it, but I was worried that people might end up taking the wrong survey. Besides, I feel kind of weird saying "hey please look at this thread I posted" to everyone out of nowhere, and I'm not sure how many more responses I would have gotten anyway.
    I never knew that, it's pretty cool how Wynncraft has so many players!
  10. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Here's more stuff!

    Major Wynn City/Town
    Major Gavel City/Town
    Notable Wynn Area
    Notable Gavel Area
    Notable Ocean Area

    Major cities are marked in bold on the official map
    Notable areas are marked on the official map.

    (164/169 Answered, many people had more than one favorite location.)

    11 People (6.7%) love the entire Island of Corkus.
    2 People (1.2%) love the entire Province of Gavel.
    1 Person loves the entire Ocean.
    2 People (1.2%) said their favorite area was someplace secret!
    3 People (1.8%) don't have a favorite location.
    4 People (2.4%) aren't sure where their favorite locations are.
    1 Person likes a lot of the locations!

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 24 People:

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 14 People:

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 9 People:

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 8 People:
    Sky Islands

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 6 People:

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 5 People:
    Ahmsord / Cinfras / Time Valley

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 4 People:
    Canyon of the Lost / Molten Heights / Nesaak / Rodoroc / Temple of the Legends

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 3 People:
    Almuj / Detlas Suburbs / Eltom / Olux / Rymek / The Realm of Light / Troms Jungle

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 2 People:
    Corkus City / Gavel's Door / Ice Canyons / Legendary Island / Light Forest / Lusuco / Nesaak Forests / Ocean Border / Pirate Cove / Ragni Plains / Selchar / The Mesa / The Swamp / Tower of Ascension

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 1 Person:
    Abandoned Mines / Almuj Desert / Ariodo's Lab / Bantisu Temple / Canyon Colossus / Cinfras County / Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb / Dark Forest / Dead Island / Death's Realm / Fallen Factory / Fruma Gate / Half-Moon Island / Herb Cave / Karoc Quarry / Lab N / Lake Gylia / Levtus Airbase / Llevigar Plains / Nivla Woods / Purple and Blue Quest Area / Roots of Corruption / Savannah / Seavale Reef / Skyraiders' Base / Sky-Islands-Temple-Near-Ahmsord / Thesead / The Little Wood / The Lobby / The Realm of Darkness featured in Fantastic Voyage / The Void / Wybel Island

    (Everyone Answered, many people had more than one favorite location.)

    8 People (13.3%) love the Island of Corkus.
    1 Person loves the province of Wynn.
    1 Person loves Dern, even though it isn't even in the game yet!
    1 Person likes anywhere without fire.
    1 Person doesn't have a favorite location.

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 8 People:

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 6 People:

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 4 People:
    Ahmsord / Cinfras

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 3 People:
    Almuj / Llevigar / Rodoroc

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 2 People:
    Canyon of the Lost / Eltom / Selchar / Thesead

    Each of these areas is the favorite of 1 Person:
    Aldorei Valley / Almuj Desert / Bear Zoo / Corkus City / Fallen Factory / Mage Island / Mining Operation Discovery / Nivla Woods / Qira Hive / Starting Area / Temple of the Legends / The Moon / The Void / Troms Jungle / Wynn Plains
    To determine this, I tallied up ALL 224 responses.

    #1: Detlas, with 32 (14.2%) people supporting.
    This isn't surprising. Detlas is considered the games hub and is always filled with new players, merchants, and bored veterans. The rework of it will certainly have an impact on the game.

    #2: Troms, with 20 (8.9%) people supporting.
    Troms recently got an incredible revamp, and it is now considered one of the best looking cities. It now has one of the cleanest city layouts in the game. People spend a lot of the 50-70 level stretch there, and before Gavel it was basically the end-game city.

    #3: Llevigar, with 13 (5.8%) people supporting.
    First teased over a year before Gavel's release, this city would certainly make an impression on people who first arrive at Gavel.

    #4 (Tied): Ahmsord, with 9 (4%) people supporting.
    A massive city floating in the sky, Ahmsord replaced Troms as the endgame city. I personally find it very peaceful there, and the city provides perfect access to the rest of the sky islands.

    #4 (Tied): Cinfras, with 9 (4%) people supporting.
    It didn't become the hub for high-leveled players like some people thought, but you'll still see quite a few people there since it is right at the center of Gavel. The city also looks amazing IMO, especially with the guild hall.
    (160/169 people answered this question)

    - 34 People (21.2%) said finding a Mythic item was their biggest accomplishment.
    - 34 People (21.2%) had some level related achievement.
    - 16 People (10%) specifically were proud of getting a class to Level 100.
    - 3 People (1.9%) specifically were proud of getting a class to Level 101.
    - 7 People (4.4%) specifically were proud of getting a class to Level 75.
    - 5 People (3.1%) specifically were proud of getting ALL their classes to either Level 75, 100, or 101.​
    - 18 People (11.3%) had a guild-related accomplishment.
    - 10 People (6.3%) specifically had a a guild leadership accomplishment.​
    - 12 People (7.5%) became notable members in the community to some degree.
    - 12 People (7.5%) had their achievement as soloing a certain boss.
    - 11 People (6.9%) made it onto the Staff or Content Team
    - 9 People (5.6%) found an item they wanted that wasn't a mythic.
    - 8 People (5%) got rich, or at least they got the amount of money they wanted.
    - 6 People (3.8%) don't have a big accomplishment yet.
    - 5 People (3.1%) completed some sort of personal goal.
    - 5 People (3.1%) had their achievement as soloing Legendary Island.
    - 4 People (2.5%) completed a certain quest.
    - 4 People (2.5%) completed their class build.
    - 4 People (2.5%) had some cynical or sarcastic response.
    - 3 People (1.9%) completed a certain dungeon once or multiple times.
    - 3 People (1.9%) made it onto the Wynn Website leaderboards.
    - 3 People (1.9%) said they made it to a hard-to-find location.
    - 3 People (1.9%) said their biggest accomplishment was making something, like a huge thread or cool art post.
    - 2 People (1.3%) don't know what their biggest accomplishment is.
    - 2 People (1.3%) achieved the goal of finding all discoveries.
    - 2 People (1.3%) accomplished owning EVERY mythic.
    - 2 People (1.3%) were successful in helping others.
    - 2 People (1.3%) were successful in making friends.
    - 2 People (1.3%) were successful with Horse Breeding.
    - 1 Person was proud of getting good at the game.
    - 1 Person had a PVP-related accomplishment.
    - 1 Person is proud of being lazy.
    - 1 Person reached their goal of having fun.
    - 1 Person got a staff member to notice them.
    - 1 Person survived a dangerous area, and they are proud of that.

    (58/60 People answered this question)

    - 16 People (27.6%) had some level related achievement.
    - 10 People (17.2%) specifically were proud of getting a class to Level 100.
    - 1 Person specifically were proud of getting a class to Level 101.
    - 1 Person specifically were proud of getting ALL their classes to level 100​
    - 11 People (19%) said their biggest accomplishment was finding a mythic.
    - 4 People (6.9%) completed a certain quest.
    - 4 People (6.9%) have no major accomplishment yet.
    - 4 People (6.9%) had a guild-related accomplishment.
    - 3 People (5.2%) specifically had a a guild leadership accomplishment.​
    - 3 People (5.2%) were proud of becoming rich, or at least having all the money they wanted.
    - 3 People (5.2%) got the non-Mythic item they wanted.
    - 3 People (5.2%) said they got accepted into the Staff or Content Team.
    - 3 People (5.2%) managed to solo a certain boss.
    - 2 People (3.4%) had a sarcastic or joke response.
    - 1 Person said they managed to solo Legendary Island.
    - 1 Person was proud of getting good at the game.
    - 1 Person completed a personal challange.
    - 1 Person said they got the class build they wanted.
    - 1 Person's biggest accomplishment was completing ALL quests.
    - 1 Person's biggest accomplishment was finding ALL discoveries.
    - 1 Person accomplished having fun.
    - 1 Person's accomplishment was figuring out the game's lore.
    - 1 Person's biggest accomplishment making friends.
    - 1 Person isn't sure what their biggest accomplishment is.
    (166/169 People Responded)

    71 People (39.8%) found Wynncraft through Youtube.
    67 People (40.4%) were introduced to Wynncraft by friends, family, or a significant other.
    12 People (7.2%) were looking for a MMORPG in Minecraft.
    9 People (5.4%) just randomly found it.
    5 People (3%) found out about Wynncraft through a different minecraft server.
    2 People (1.2%) found it through Craftedmovie.

    (57/60 People Responded)

    31 People (54.4%) were introduced to Wynncraft by friends, family, or a significant other.
    12 People (21.1%) found Wynncraft through Youtube.
    5 People (8.8%) were looking for a MMORPG in Minecraft.
    4 People (7%) found out about Wynncraft through a different minecraft server.
    4 People (7%) just randomly found it.
    1 Person found it through a Discord Server.

    Youtubers haven't been bringing in many players, and Wynn is primarily living off of word of mouth. This is an interesting statistic that I might talk about in a thread of its own.
    (164 out of 169 Responded)

    - It took 32 People (19.4%) 0-60 Hours
    - It took 45 People (27.4%) 61+ Hours
    - 36 People (21.9%) haven't reached Level 100 yet.
    - It took 25 People (15.2%) 0-60 Hours to reach Level 100, but they were already level 75 when the level cap was raised.
    - It took 26 People (15.9%) 61+ Hours to reach Level 100, but they were already Level 75 when the level cap was raised.

    (56 out of 60 Responded)

    - It took 10 People (17.9%) 0-40 Hours
    - It took 13 People (23.6%) 41-70 Hours
    - It took 8 People (14.6%) 71-100 Hours
    - It took 6 People (10.7%) 100+ Hours
    - 19 People (33.9%) haven't reached Level 100 yet.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2018
    cameston, Trvalv, gigi2oo2 and 2 others like this.
  11. Ocelot_Boss

    Ocelot_Boss Official Quester

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    i joined in 2015
  12. Pifg

    Pifg aaaaaaaaaaaa CHAMPION

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    @Shots are you responsible for this
    Druser, NITEHAWKX, Crokee and 2 others like this.
  13. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Last edited: Oct 14, 2018
  14. Dark_Mike

    Dark_Mike Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Cool but wynncraft only has 5k active players
  15. Ceciliya

    Ceciliya Fallen Factory Addict CHAMPION

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    Isabeau37, H0Y, by2011 and 1 other person like this.
  16. Morterm

    Morterm Hi

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  17. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I can't wait to see the worst and best quests in wynncraft.
    I voted for "The Mashroom Man" best quest.My name is yahya (Not a joke):blush:
    And "The Light Realm" for the least favourite quest.
    WithTheFish likes this.
  18. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    I am impressed by this level of detail
    Have a cookie
    WithTheFish likes this.
  19. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    That is incredibly interesting!
    I am genuinely hyped to see more of this, possibly renewed to have different informations, as I don't think the answers would really change at all...
    WithTheFish likes this.
  20. Tekenen

    Tekenen Professional Loser VIP+

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    even more questions o.o, loving this!
    Thanks for all the effort you've put into this :D
    WithTheFish likes this.
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