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⚔ Another Boss Fight Thread ⚔ - Current Boss: The Guardians Of The Subway

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by PikaLegend, Oct 9, 2018.

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  1. PikaLegend

    PikaLegend Shocking VIP+

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    Inspired by Hungurr the Cryo's and then H0Y0Y0Y0Y0B0Y's boss battle thread, I felt the need to kickstart yet another Boss Fight Thread on the forums! Instructions can be found below.

    Current Boss:
    The Guardians of the Subway, Keeper of the Rails
    Image is created by u/EpsilonNu, on reddit.
    The Beserker, HP 450 / 450
    Extremely Fast, Agile and quick. Let him loose, and there is no telling how much damage he would wreck.
    Passive: Haste. Attacks twice per turn!
    The Cosmic Librarian, HP 300 / 300
    The brains of the Guardians. The knowledge and experience he has is immeasurable.
    Passive: Spellcasting. The Cosmic Librarian can cast support and attack spells!
    The Blind Monk, HP 400 / 400
    Despite being blind, through sheer concentration, he was able to regain sight of his surroundings once again.
    Passive: Overseer. The Blind Monk sees all around it in the field, including through opaque objects like walls, and cannot never be blinded.

    The Cyborg, HP 550 / 550
    The Cyborg is constructed as a part of the defense program for a special organization, which in the end backfires and destroyed everything. Destruction is what he sees.
    Passive: Metallic Body. The Cyborg's body is partly organic and mechanical, resulting in resistance to most direct melee attacks.

    Formidable looking, they are a force to be reckon with! On their own, they are not much, but together, they can take on anything.

    ♘ Current Party Members ♘:
    > @Tsuin HP 15 / 15 | Evil 10
    Donald's Heart: Evil Up by 10 points. Ultimate Evil Donald's black heart. Still very much fresh. Makes for some very interesting conversation starters, or for a collection of hearts.
    Subway Key: Mystery Thing? Unlocks something, somewhere! Prehaps it is better to hang on to this.
    Bag of Everything: Huh? Seems like this bag is holding quite a lot of stuff. Just reaching in while thinking about something lets you pull cool tricks out!
    > @H0Y0Y0Y0Y0B0Y HP 30 / 30
    Steel Chestplate: Increases Max HP by 15! Standard Protective Armor. If you want to be a tank, you will definitely want to grab one of these!
    Subway Key: Mystery Thing? Unlocks something, somewhere! Prehaps it is better to hang on to this.
    Bag of Everything: Huh? Seems like this bag is holding quite a lot of stuff. Just reaching in while thinking about something lets you pull cool tricks out!
    > @Leonardonox HP 30 / 30
    Steel Chestplate: Increases Max HP by 15! Standard Protective Armor. If you want to be a tank, you will definitely want to grab one of these!
    Subway Key: Mystery Thing? Unlocks something, somewhere! Prehaps it is better to hang on to this.
    Bag of Everything: Huh? Seems like this bag is holding quite a lot of stuff. Just reaching in while thinking about something lets you pull cool tricks out!
    > @Host_Legacy HP 15 / 15
    Bucket of Magical Oil: Has unlimited uses. You can use this to refill an Ass Destroyer as part of a sub-action. You can use this for both in battle or for utility. Magical Oil burns for 3 turns when lit and does heavy burn damage, 3d4 damage per turn. Firearm Weaponry infused with Magical Oil deals 4 to 12 additional damage, depending on magnitude and power of the weapon.
    Subway Key: Mystery Thing? Unlocks something, somewhere! Prehaps it is better to hang on to this.
    Bag of Everything: Huh? Seems like this bag is holding quite a lot of stuff. Just reaching in while thinking about something lets you pull cool tricks out!
    > @Hungurr the Cryo HP 15 / 15 | Evil 10
    Donald's Heart: Evil Up by 10 points. Ultimate Evil Donald's black heart. Still very much fresh. Makes for some very interesting conversation starters, or for a collection of hearts.
    Subway Key: Mystery Thing? Unlocks something, somewhere! Prehaps it is better to hang on to this.
    Bag of Everything: Huh? Seems like this bag is holding quite a lot of stuff. Just reaching in while thinking about something lets you pull cool tricks out!
    > @KikiTheKiko HP 30 / 30
    Steel Chestplate: Increases Max HP by 15! Standard Protective Armor. If you want to be a tank, you will definitely want to grab one of these!
    Subway Key: Mystery Thing? Unlocks something, somewhere! Prehaps it is better to hang on to this.
    Bag of Everything: Huh? Seems like this bag is holding quite a lot of stuff. Just reaching in while thinking about something lets you pull cool tricks out!
    > @A Human HP 15 / 15
    Bucket of Magical Oil: Has unlimited uses. You can use this to refill an Ass Destroyer as part of a sub-action. You can use this for both in battle or for utility. Magical Oil burns for 3 turns when lit and does heavy burn damage, 3d4 damage per turn. Firearm Weaponry infused with Magical Oil deals 4 to 12 additional damage, depending on magnitude and power of the weapon.
    Subway Key: Mystery Thing? Unlocks something, somewhere! Prehaps it is better to hang on to this.
    Bag of Everything: Huh? Seems like this bag is holding quite a lot of stuff. Just reaching in while thinking about something lets you pull cool tricks out!
    > @SimpleFlips HP 15 / 15 | Evil 10
    Donald's Heart: Evil Up by 10 points. Ultimate Evil Donald's black heart. Still very much fresh. Makes for some very interesting conversation starters, or for a collection of hearts.
    Bag of Everything: Huh? Seems like this bag is holding quite a lot of stuff. Just reaching in while thinking about something lets you pull cool tricks out!
    > @Arkade HP 15 / 15 | Evil 10
    Donald's Heart: Evil Up by 10 points. Ultimate Evil Donald's black heart. Still very much fresh. Makes for some very interesting conversation starters, or for a collection of hearts.
    Bag of Everything: Huh? Seems like this bag is holding quite a lot of stuff. Just reaching in while thinking about something lets you pull cool tricks out!
    > @Jalapeno9 HP 15 / 15 | 1d6 Critical Hit Chance
    Duck's Soul: Attacks now have a 1d6 Chance of being a Critical Hit. Infusing a weapon with this soul will enchant the weapon, making it more powerful, but consumes the soul in the process. A light ball of essence. Prehaps even within something as dark as Ultimate Evil Donald, there was still a bit of good?
    Bag of Everything: Huh? Seems like this bag is holding quite a lot of stuff. Just reaching in while thinking about something lets you pull cool tricks out!
    > @QiraHive HP 15 / 15
    Ass Destroyer: Deals 12d10 Melee DMG. This item must be reeled up the turn before, and needs to be refilled with [Magical Oil], or it would not activate. In between battles, it is magically refilled even if you do not have [Magical Oil]. Damage is not affected by modifiers or buffs. Can also cause 1d4 chance of fear, that lasts for one turn. Creatures affected by fear cannot attack. Only the Ass Destroyer can inflict as much terror as the name suggests. Destroying asses since 1934.
    Bag of Everything: Huh? Seems like this bag is holding quite a lot of stuff. Just reaching in while thinking about something lets you pull cool tricks out!

    HP 200 / 200
    Strength: 20
    Dexterity: 26
    Intelligence: Rat?
    Defense: 13
    Agility: 30
    This. This is what my nightmares consist of! Remy! The Giant Rat! The Giant Rat Returns!!!
    1. Hungurr The Cryo - 96
    2. H0Y0Y0Y0Y0B0Y - 88
    3. Host_Legacy - 42
    4. Leonardonox - 24
    5. A Human - 19
    6. Tsuin - 0
    7. KikiTheKiko - 0
    8. SimpleFlips - 0
    1. H0Y0Y0Y0Y0B0Y - 76
    2. Hungurr The Cryo - 36
    3. Host_Legacy - 25
    4. Leonardonox - 24
    5. A Human - 10
    6. Tsuin - 0
    7. KikiTheKiko - 0
    8. SimpleFlips - 0
    1. KikiTheKiko - Inspiration and Distractions
    2. Tsuin - Made Friends with the Rat
    3. A Human - Poured Oil on Rats
    4. Leonardonox - Trapper
    5. SimpleFlips - Summoned the next boss
    6. H0Y0Y0Y0Y0B0Y -
    7. Host_Legacy -
    8. Hungurr The Cryo -

    Ultimate Evil Donald, The Merciless
    HP 500 / 500
    Strength: 49
    Dexterity: 9
    Intelligence: 31
    Defense: 50
    Agility: 8
    Evil: 98

    Passive: Deadly Aim (Attacks has a 1d4 chance to be a critical hit [Double DMG])
    "Ass Destroyer" is his middle name. He has seen the many. You better watch out!
    1. Arkade -106​
    2. Hungurr The Cryo - 82​
    3. SimpleFlips - 82​
    4. Host_Legacy - 55​
    5. KikiTheKiko - 53​
    6. A Human - 46​
    7. Leonardonox - 34​
    8. QiraHive - 32​
    9. H0Y0Y0Y0Y0B0Y - 25​
    10. Jalepeno09 - 23​
    11. Tsuin - 19​
    1. Arkade - 89​
    2. SimpleFlips - 58​
    3. KikiTheKiko - 53​
    4. Hungurr The Cryo - 39​
    5. Leonardonox - 34​
    6. QiraHive - 32​
    7. H0Y0Y0Y0Y0B0Y - 25​
    8. Host_Legacy - 24​
    9. Jalepeno09 - 23​
    10. A Human - 19​
    11. Tsuin - 19​
    1. H0Y0Y0Y0Y0B0Y - Dedicated Wall Builder and Fortifier​
    2. Tsuin - Power of Friendship, Barrier​
    3. Leonardonox - Disarm, Happy Meals, Second in Command Rebellion​
    4. KikiTheKiko - Distraction, Activists​
    5. A Human - Improve the Wall, Healing Totem​
    6. Jalepeno09 - Healing Aid​
    7. QiraHive Doggos!​
    8. KikiTheKiko - Distraction, Activists​
    9. SimpleFlips Dance Gun, Wall Builder​
    10. Hungurr The Cryo - Legendary Hammer of Light​
    11. Arkade -​

    How to play: Fight together against a boss that I plagiarized from reddit created! Reply below with a creative action that will either deal damage, buff your friends, or mess around with the boss! I will dictate what you do and what happens with a dice roll. Get Creative!

    Move sets includes but are not limited to:
    • Direct attack by attacking with a weapon or casting magic
    • Constructing a Cannon that will fire for you
    • Summoning a bunch of minions from Hell to do the bidding for you
    • Calling upon the weather to send lightning bolts at your enemy
    • Combining your attack with others to create an even crazier attack?
    You can only have one action per turn. If you reply with an action more than once, I will use the most recent action.

    Another thing I wanted to add into this boss battle thread is a bit of depth and progression, so defeated bosses will have "boss drops"! Everyone who has participated in the boss battle will be guaranteed a boss drop. These boss drops are meant to be like special artifacts that gives you a buff!

    Items that can be equipped are equipped automatically. Players can use or equip these items anytime in the game.
    • The-Punning-Tome:
      This tome has a chance of suddenly sputtering random puns when it finds the opportunity. How devious! (automatically)
      A book full of random puns and fun facts about math, art, the human anatomy, and the law. How art (hard) is it to not hind (find) it sine-ful? Just-i-fy (Not even a pun)!
    • Hand Mirror:
      Recreates a past move made by any player in the thread. (1 action)
      Prehaps it is magical? I hope it is magical! Mirror, Mirror, do something!

    Additional Rules (That we added on the go):
    • Pre-battle phase: In between boss fights, after choosing your desired items, you can make an action including crafting, buffing and preparing in general to prepare for the next boss fight. No direct attacks on the next boss until it is revealed, however.
    To start, simply suggest what action you will do down below!

    With that said,
    Beat them up, people!
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2018
  2. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Another boss fight?! O-O

    Anyways, try to get the rat to work for my side with a life time supply of food and water of anh kind.
    PikaLegend likes this.
  3. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Poop in its mouth
    PikaLegend likes this.
  4. PikaLegend

    PikaLegend Shocking VIP+

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    Rolled D20 skill check: 15

    It squeaks back at you in approval. Seems like you have made yourself a new fluffy friend! (For the next 2 turns, the rat will not attack you as long as you don't directly attack it. It may also take orders from you as long as it does not bring it into direct harm!)

    Somehow, with amazing precision and accuracy, a wild brown stream of you-know-what ends up into the rat's mouth and it chokes onto it. The rat takes 12 (4d4 + 5) Toxic DMG and has really lost its appetite (3 turns).

    Remy, CHAMPION of Rat Kingdom
    HP: 188 / 200
    Status: Bribed (2 turns), Loss of Appetite (3 turns)
    • Remy gags out the poop and shoots it at @H0Y0Y0Y0Y0B0Y! You take 3 (1d4 + 1) toxic damage. H0Y0Y0Y0Y0B0Y is also now covered with poop!
    • Remy squeaks at @Tsuin. It seems to be curious.
    ♘ Current Party Members ♘:
    > @Tsuin HP 15 / 15
    > @H0Y0Y0Y0Y0B0Y HP 12/15
  5. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Tsu get the rat to clean me
    Also I bulk up
  6. Tsuneo

    Tsuneo Preliminary returnee

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    I place a mouse trap which has been redesigned to work with rats too. A large one.
  7. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I punch it a bit.
  8. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Send a love colored Master Spark at it
  9. KikiTheKiko

    KikiTheKiko The Non-Binary Bard HERO

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    I would like to take out a portable speech stand and give a well-sized speech over how we can defeat the rat.
  10. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    You guys!!!! D:
    Tame the rat home and clean it, as well as start caring for it. :T
    Keep everyone else away!!!! xd
  11. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Do you really want me to send another planet at you
    PikaLegend likes this.
  12. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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  13. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    PikaLegend likes this.
  14. PikaLegend

    PikaLegend Shocking VIP+

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    You beefed yourself up. You gain 12 (3d4+4) strength points that you can expend at any time at any amount for any strength related actions. Each point can be used to either guarantee 1 extra damage to an attack or 1 extra point for a Skill Check. (E.g. You can spend 8 next turn so that you hit for 8 more guaranteed damage, or use it to add 8 more points for any strength related Skill Checks. The remaining 4 strength points left can be used later on)

    You made a spring mousetrap designed to work for rodents of size XXXL. Walking into the trap will trap a creature and also deal a total of 5d6 + 5 Melee damage.

    You punched it. A bit. 6 Melee Damage (1d4 + 2)!

    I assume this is what you meant lol

    The amount of light and amount of love from this attack hits right into the main body of the mouse! You deal 30 (4d8 + 8) Rainbow DMG to the Boss.

    You inspire everyone in the team. The entire team receives an advantage in rolling next turn! (Advantage: Rolling twice, and choosing the higher damage or higher skill check roll)

    Skill Check Rolled a D20: 2
    You attempt to tame the rat. Unfortunately, while cleaning it you realized it is pretty much covered with lots of shit, which made you have to cover your nose in hopes of not fainting to the smell yourself.

    The rat grew friendlier to you, however it is not fully tamed.

    (Prehaps like Pokemon, if you beat up the boss enough, it will be easier to tame lol)

    Remy, CHAMPION of Rat Kingdom
    HP: 152 / 200 (-36)
    Status: Bribed (1 turns), Loss of Appetite (2 turns), Double Damage (next turn)
    • Remy Squeaks! The world shakes.
    • Remy scratches at @Host_Legacy! It deals 3 (1d6) Melee Damage.
    • Remy bulks up! His attack will deal double damage next turn.
    • The squeak of Remy seems to be replied by something. You hear tiny squeaks in the background.
    • Leonardonox's trap is not noticed by Remy yet.
    • Remy is now cleaner. Somewhat.
    • Everyone is inspired by the @KikiTheKiko speech.
    ♘ Current Party Members ♘:
    > @Tsuin HP 15 / 15 (Friendlier to the rat)
    > @H0Y0Y0Y0Y0B0Y HP 12/15 (12 Strength Points)
    > @Leonardonox HP 15 / 15
    > @Host_Legacy HP 12 / 15
    > @Hungurr the Cryo HP 15 / 15
    > @KikiTheKiko HP 15 / 15
  15. KikiTheKiko

    KikiTheKiko The Non-Binary Bard HERO

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    I would like to try and shield the next incoming attack from whoever it is pointed towards (if I have to choose, Host_Legacy.)
  16. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I would like to ask Remy to become one of my contracted beasts.
  17. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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  18. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I punch it harder.
  19. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    I throw the Ultimate Epic Magical Rock of Magic* at it as hard as I can.

    *Ultimate Epic Magical Rock of Magic may or may not be just a normal rock.
    Also, are we allowed to create magic items for ourselves to use in this?
    (Yes this is because of my magic items thread)
  20. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    If yes, do we keep them for every battle from now on? >.>
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