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The Battle Cats

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by ActualAnthonino, May 3, 2018.

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  1. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    Aight so sorry about sounding all depressed last time. But here I am, ready to talk about Cattle Bats.

    So first of all... IM ALMOST DONE SOL!!! I'm on The Legend Ends rn and the second level. So the hype is up for me!!!!!
    Also, still haven't finished CoTC chapter 2 and I don't really care that much for it anyways. All it is is a treasure grind and its sooooper boring. At least imo. I only really do CoTC now when there's a treasure festival on.

    Lets see... what else... CATMAN! YES so as soon as I can do growing strange levels, idk if it's better to get legend TF's or go straight for catman. You guys tell me. And also, I haven't been using catman a whole lot much lately like I used to. I only really use him when I'm doing alien levels and most alien levels are CoTC. (which I rarely do). But ik for sure once I get his TF I'll be using him 100% on relic levels cause... well... MASSIVE FUCKING DAMAGE IS OP!

    And to reply to your post there... JIZO TF???? WTFF IS THIS PONOS? So that's pretty cool. Although I doubt the TF will be better than Jizo's normal form. duh.

    Also, it's gonna be cool to see a zombie boar/bear added... But I doubt its gonna be cool fighting against them. Already I hate zombies so much (probably my least favourite enemy type) so a bear... great. and a boar. a fucking boar... good thing gardener is getting a TF... thank god. but still, would love to see one for polevaulter in the future.

    What else uhhhh.... well today I got Li'l lion cat (the TF) And this probably isn't much of an accomplishment but I felt like putting it out there cause why not right?

    Oh and you asked about my UR before but at the time I couldnt put UR with User Rank so I kinda just left ya hanging. sorry about that. But anyways, as of posting this it's 4907. Almost 5000! That's pretty exciting.

    aw yes. thats what i was gonna bring up... alright so with the Summer Lesson/Ghostly Strangers stages open we can get lucky tickets and lucky ticket Gs. However after completing these stages for the first time and getting the 30 catfood, I found that I was only doing the stages again for the missions. But this is what pisses me off. The missions make you do the stages 20 times. 20 FUCKING TIMES. It gets boring beyond belief. It feels like grinding treasures all over again. And I figured: I'm only really doing this for the completion of the missions, which, in the end will give me 1 cat ticket. 1 cat ticket guys, lets do a stage 20times for 1 cat ticket. As there are two of these missions (one for summer lesson, one for ghostly strangers), I felt like I was dying inside just repeating the stages. And so, I gave up. I'm not doing these stages anymore despite the missions sitting there, teasing me, waiting to be completed. It's just not worth my time. And I understand that I get lucky tickets and lucky ticket Gs out of it, but honestly... That's not worth my time either. When I'm playing a game, I want it to be entertaining. and Ponos being ponos, makes the ghostly strangers levels 200+ energy. THERES NO FUCKING WAY IM SPENDING MY ENERGY ON THOSE LEVELS for 1 SINGLE CAT TICKET. Besides, I get one when I log in everyday so it doesnt change much.

    Srry for the wall of text there... I just needed to rant on Ponos's 20 completion missions. And with that said... if ponos were to increase the reward from the missions, that may motivate me more to do them. but currently, it's not worth playing a level 20 times for a cat ticket.... but hey, that's my opinion. Let me know what you think.

    Aight this thread has gone on longer than I thought I would which is good (?) Although now I need to know something else. So as I come up on 1500 catfood again. I've been wondering what uber I'd want to have. I know for sure the sets I dont want to roll are: Ultra souls, galaxy gals, dynamites, elemental pixies, wargods varijas, dark heros.

    I've been mainly thinking about the almighties as I could possibly get aphrodite. I already have anubis (+1) and ganesha. Idk how much help aphrodite would be for me but she's SS tier so that's always something to go for when in doubt. The other set I've been thinking about is nekolugas. Proccy boi would be pretty fun to have but other than that idrk what good nekolugas there are. (I already have balaluga & togeluga, whos the best in the set i think). Speaking of togeluga, despite him being really good, I've barely used him. I have his TF (obviously) but I've only really used it on floor 30 and sometimes on wave based stages. However most of the time shadow gao + mitama can take care of wave enemies. Its pretty easy to win when you have all enemy types covered, not gonna lie. If you are actually reading all of this make sure to put this in your reply (if you do): Shadow gao is 4 noobs. K that was random. So yea. I need suggestions for ubers to go for next.

    Oh yea and 1 more thing. I'm curious as to what your general load-out is (if you have one). By general I mean the load-out which you use when you come into a new level not knowing whats coming.

    Here's my general load-out: 1st row 1) Manic cat 2) Mohawk Cat 3) Manic Eraser 4) Eraser 5) Jizo 2nd row 6) Manic Legs Cat 7) Jameira cat 8) A. Bahamut 9) Mitama (2nd form) 10) Shadow Gao

    It can usually get the job done, except for when I run into metals. I should really keep a critical hitter in my general slot at all times but I feel like it just wastes a spot. So when I need an anti metal, I take out Eraser cat and put in paladin.

    And another thing. I probably dont need to use 4 MS but... I have for like the entire time playing the game and its just the norm for me now.
    So yea. let me know what ur general load-out is. CAUSE IM A FUCKING CURIOUS CAT (that should really be a unit now that I think about it) unless it is and im being dumb...
    WELP ANYWAYS SORRY ABOUT THE SUPER LONG MESSAGE. really didnt mean to make it this long but it kinda just started and then thoughts went through my head and it sorta went on forever.
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  2. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    Congrats on getting to the end of SoL, its a fucking pain in the ass to get through the other 47 subchapters.
    And just letting you know now... The last level cost 800 energy, so know what the fuck you're about to face once you get there before you dive head-first.
    As for what to do on the level you're on, bomber cat and pizza cat + anti red stuff.

    Yeah, CotC is a fucking GRIND but eh, I'd say do it when a treasure fest is going on.

    Before I talk about growing strange, I may as talk about mecha-bun
    3,000,000 health and a fast as fuck attack, 4 MS + anti floating is the way to go.
    MB outranges sanzo cat, so CYBERPUNK CAT STACC STRAT (or Divine Coppermine)

    Now as for Growing Strange...
    Seeing as you have Mitama, the levels shouldn't be to hard with her...
    as for other things...
    Color of Blood has Capy, Hackey, and Prof.A (NO)
    Fear of Flying has Li'l Bun Bun (Divine Windy)
    Hearts of Darkness has razorback (need bomber)
    Clash of Steel is RNG hell.
    Holy Wrath has fucking WINGED PIGGE (B O O S T E D R A M E N)
    Galactic Threat has Elder Sloth (Epicfest better give you Aphrodite or you're fucked)
    Seas of Death boss is Zamelle and starts on timer (Z-killer or your fucked)

    so yeah, good luck with that.
    If you are gonna get TF catman, make you want to get 2 Elder Catfruit and not lose your sanity.
    If you don't want to, you can always go for Slapstick Cats, (TF Drama Cats) which only cost 1.


    Zombear and Zombore is gonna be interesting to fight, but I got SARUKANI TO TAKE CARE OF THEM!

    Li'l lion TF, uh... you can do Li'l Titan Awakens now... um... he can helpful on Floor 30? uh... I got nothin...

    Almost 5000 UR, nice! how much do you use your UR reward?

    Summer lesson isn't that bad, only cost 100 energy... as for ghostly strangers... fuckin 300 energy ffs
    I do think you should get the ticket rewards, just do the first level is Ghostly Strangers, and find the fastest way to farm the last level Summer Lesson.
    (also, doing something 20 damn times is FUCKING PAIN. AND ITS ONLY FOR 1 TICKET, NO MORE NO LESS JUST 1)
    fuckin hell.

    I'm getting close to 1500 catfood also, gonna see if I can get a roll on EPICFEST and see if I get anything...

    I'm always changing load-outs, and the ones I have set are for catfruit farming, Floors 30 and 40, and XP stages (and two I never use)

    Welp, that's it.
    as for battle cats news, Monday is coming soon and that means TF space cat!
    Also Old Guys in the City is coming... more farming... yay...
    ExertKarma likes this.
  3. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    ayy thanks! It felt like it would never end xD
    And yea I already know how the last level works. Just destroy the base asap. I got W&P for that so it shouldnt be hard.
    Thanks for the tip. I'm gonna have to level up my hacker cat before I do it tho cause rn mine is level 9 and I've pretty much never used him. I do have coppermine but I'll need to TF her.
    Yeah cause I have mitama I'm not too worried about my growing strange abilities. I'm just gonna have to add seperate cats that have specific abilities which mitama doesn't such as criticals/zombie killer

    Nah ima go for catman. I don't mind a good grind IF ITS NOT FOR 1 FUCKING NORMAL TICKET *cough* *cough* missions *cough* *cough*

    lol alright kewl.
    I usually use my reward soon after I unlock it. I always wait until its worth refilling my energy tho. And sometimes I'll let a couple rewards stack up when I don't need to collect them at the time. As for rn, I have (I think) 3 rewards I can collect.
    Well i'll see. It depends on if I need to spend energy on other things but I might get them.
    OoooOooOOoo noice!! Hope you get something good... you deserve it

    yey TF space cat

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  4. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    @Aya @Lucky_Creeper @Shots @Eli Ayase
    as the time I am writing this, I am about to do the 11 draw...
    okay... here goes...

    ROLL I: Bath Cat
    ROLL II: Rover Cat
    ROLL III: Hip Hop Cat
    ROLL IV: Archer Cat
    ROLL V: Rich Cat III
    ROLL VI: Onmyoji Cat
    ROLL VII: Welterweight Cat
    ROLL VIII: Fortune Teller Cat
    ROLL IX: Cat Gunslinger
    ROLL X: Gardener Cat
    FINAL ROLL: Metal Cat
    I give up
    9% my ass
    ExertKarma likes this.
  5. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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  6. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    Double oof. I guess that's why they say only do draws when there's a guarantee... but i dont listen to that either so..

    Well aside from that, I got space cat TF. looks neat. nothing much more to say about it I guess. Although it seemed kinda strange that the first level had restrictions where as the 2nd level did not. imo I'd make both have restrictions, or none of them have restrictions.

    Either way, the levels weren't difficult and I was able to beat each on my first try so.. yey. TF space :D
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  7. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    @Aya @Lucky_Creeper @Shots @Eli Ayase @ActualAnthonino

    With the first time cost and the Uber guarantee finally here, I felt it would be good to do my draw on the summer set.

    So with my typical good uber luck, my first roll was kuu (which is good cause it's the main uber I wanted from the set), then my 5th roll or so I got midsummer rabbit, but since my guarantee comes at the end, I was hoping not to get a dupe and sure enough I got kalisa.

    So overall 3/4 ubers and I'm super happy about the outcome. I also had summer neneko from earlier when the even came.

    Aside from ubers... I'm on false resurrection in SOL (the legend ends) and if any of you have played it PLEASE GIVE ME ADVICE! I can deal with the first lil bun bun although once the second one comes and the dolphins begin to stack I just become hopeless. Maybe my timings are off but I think it's more of my lack of strategy for this level. I've searched up guides on it (the wiki doesn't have any useful advice) but every guide uses TF swimmer cat. So I've decided to just work on leveling/evolving my swimmer so I can follow the guides. But I'd really appreciate any advice u guys have.

    Also, since the special cats which cost catfood are on half price, I felt it was a good time to finally buy all of them. So yey. I got discounted specials :D

    Anyways that's about it.

    oh and there's a new lucky ticket G stage which I've completed now but it has a FUCKIN 20 COMPLETION TIME MISSION SO FML
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  8. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    Just end me

    Heh, I just beat 3 star of the that level to day but I did have to use a rich cat sooooooooo...
    You damn well better get your swimmer TFed or else you're gonna have a baaaaad time.
    Also you need Octo not only for Lil bun bun but also the doge base cannon.
    the level has 3 assassin bears, one as soon as the cannon is first charged, second comes out 7 secs after a lone dolphin (check lucas IV's vid for how to time good) and the third on base hit, so yeah...

    as for a strat that I used...
    like I said, need rich cat but it helps ALOT.
    kill the first dolphin with A.buhamut (mines level 40 but its 3 stars so it evens out?)
    kill bun bun with Buhamut and support
    the combo "On Ice" can give units some needed extra speed.
    Zamboney is SUPER helpful here (comes with the combo)
    I can only guess (?) that kasa jizo is helpful.
    I don't got much else for ya dude, those are my only ideas.

    What did you have before and what did you get?

    Love you! - Ponos
    but yeah, I'm getting sick of this shit
    ExertKarma likes this.
  9. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    Beat it today, with my new swimmer cat TF (30+1). You're right, it helped a ton. Aside from swimmer, I got some help from A. Bahamut, Cats in the cradle (good against floating+resist freeze for henry), maglev, and some other insignificant cats. However, I did have to use a rich cat so... eh whatever

    Also, STORIES OF LEGENDS... IS COMPLETE! (except of course for mecha-bun-bun but i don't consider lab of relics part of sol. It should really have it's own section.

    BUt YEYE IM SO HAPPY ITS DONE :D now i can finish CoTC when i feel like being mentally abused

    Before yesterday, I had:
    • Ninja Cat
    • Sumo Cat
    • Samurai Cat
    • Cats in a Box
    • Gato Amigo
    • Skirt Cat
    After yesterday:
    • Zombie Cat
    • Bondage Cat
    • Dom Cat
    • Kung Fu Cat
    • Actress Cat
    • Painties Cat
    • Mr.
    • + All of the above (duh)

    fuck u ponos
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  10. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    If you're gonna pull a big heist, you gotta take a small hit.

    Yeah... also on a off-note, 49 Subchapters... PONOS, WHY
    ITS ONLY 1 MORE!!!

    CotC Ch2 reward is more than TRIPLE the reward is Ch1.
    Cat God THE AWESOME is an okay unit, It can be used for cheesing some levels that had bosses, such at golden gai and OS graveyard.
    As for overall usefulness, God's Weakness is Shockwaves and LD enemys…
    Hope CotC Ch3 Gives him a TF, that would be awesome

    Ninja has good early game stats but after that falls RIGHT DOWN
    Sumo can be used as a good 4star MS along with helping fight SMH
    Samurai fuckin sucks and is only used for combo
    Cats in a Box also suck but can weaken black enemies, but that doesn't help it that much
    Gato Amigo = Good MS
    Skirt is great breaking barriers in TF, you'll need it for CotC Ch2
    Zombie has great combo but isn't a great anti zombie
    Bondage is trash, only worth UR
    Dom is one of the few Special Cats that is actually pretty good for anti black, fuckin KILLS DNA & DHA
    Kung Fu is... ok
    Actress is bootleg Cyborg
    Panties is... bad
    Mr. is okay, good 4star rushing, it can also sniper Zamelle if you use it correctly

    good luck getting TFs!
    ExertKarma likes this.
  11. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    @Aya @ExertKarma @Lucky_Creeper @Shots @Eli Ayase
    I've... I've done it...
    I've beaten SoL 3*
    The Great Escaper...
    Godiego Pass...
    Saint Red Fox...
    Oil Platform...
    I'm onto you...
    Gestalt, Decay...
    At Last, I'm A Cat...
    No More Bad Dreams...
    Learned To Love...
    Morning Rush Hour...
    Subterranean Stalker...
    DNA & DHA...
    Surviving Herd...
    Bionic Seaweed...
    The Infected King...
    Rickety Coaster...
    50 Degrees Hotter...
    The Haunted 1LDK...
    Beverly Hills Scoop...
    Lovechild Lane...
    Multiversal Studios...
    Deep Sea Dying...
    No Return Flights...
    Steamed To Death...
    Romantic Highway...
    Drunkin Backrub...
    Houses of the Holy...
    Throne of Phone...
    OS Graveyard...
    The Holy Exploit...
    Broadband Omens...
    Grotesque Gallery...
    Cat Abduction...
    Offworld Weary...
    Eat the Weak...
    The Noble Tribe...
    Heaven's Oasis...
    Scorched Tollbooth...
    Virtual Harvest...
    Wearable Homes...
    8K Fertilizer...
    Haunted Genome...
    Ends of the Earth...
    The Legend Ends...

    And last, but not least...
    Eldritch Forces...

    I beat them all,
    1 Star
    2 Star
    3 Star
    & even 4 Star...

    I beat it all...
    ExertKarma likes this.
  12. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    ayy congratz and good work! :D

    I'm pretty amazed tbh. im sure it was difficult. Although was it really necessary for you to type out all of them? Just asking lol

    And that reminded me. I was able to beat mecha bun by raping him with ubers. and yea, that's about it. I'm onto the uncanny legends which should be fun and I need to make a load-out for growing strange so i can get legend TFs and ULTIMATE CATMAN

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  13. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    Just listing some levels that I think should be listed because of how hard they are
    Fun Fact: No Return Flights was the second to last level I beat, the last one being unkept promises

    the thing you said only makes me think of the thumbnail siluman made about the level with 5 ubers xD
    sadly, Relic Bun Bun wont be so easy...
    Cyberpunk Cat Stacc STRAT

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  14. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    @Aya @Lucky_Creeper @Shots @Eli Ayase @ActualAnthonino
    Just got my first elder catfruit bois! (And I mean fruit, not seed. I've gotten 5 seeds)

    So growing strange... ehh seeing as I have mitama it's not thaaaaaat bad. but still pretty bad tbh

    I have a loadout for it which has been working pretty well. (I kind of took some of the idea from Anwar 04 but oh well... if it works it works)

    Top Row: Manic Eraser, Ramen Cat, Bomber Cat, Octopus Cat, Kasa-Jizo

    Bottom Row: Jamiera Cat, Paladin Cat, Mighty Drednot, Mitama, Catman (first form)

    With these cats I'm able to cover all enemy types in the growing strange levels.
    So far my ranking for easiest to hardest:
    1. Black
    2. Angel
    3. Alien
    4. Red
    5. Zombie
    ( I haven't played the metal/floating stages yet but I'm pretty sure they both won't be too difficult.

    And yea. that's about all I wanted to say. I'm just doing grinding for ultimate catman who I want to use on relic bun bun. I just got cyberpunk cat today but I'd rather try out catman than do the cyberpunk stack strat.
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  15. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    sweet, I got Schoolbus Nyandam a few weeks ago but haven't been able to find any good uses for him yet...
    (i'll probs use him once 7.4 comes out and in the new 4 star chapter)

    nice to hear growing strange isn't a bitch for you so far, heres some of my advice:
    Black is easy, just make sure Razorback gets froze and you should be good.
    Angel is just making sure winged pigge doesn't weaken your ubers.
    Alien is just Megaphrodite = Win, but seeing as you don't have her, just make sure your ubers don't die by Elder SLOTH.
    Red is hell, make sure Hackey doesn't snipe your shit, ALWAYS try to sync the Capys, and don't push two hard or else Prof.A eats yo ass.
    Zombie is don't get fucked by zamelle or else you ded. (if you have Baseball Mask y, she can be very helpful)
    Floating is stall with octo before the hitting base, causing 3 Lil bun buns to come out. Spawn Mitama and other shit before they destroy your base.
    Metal is harder than red. 300% all enemies, and RNG BS. Hypermax your Paladin and if that doesn't work than add an extra MS or Crit-er.

    also yeah, you NEED the cyberpunk stacc strat, or else, the relic bun bun will make your U.catman into its breakfast.
    ExertKarma likes this.
  16. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    @Aya @ExertKarma @Lucky_Creeper @Shots @Hungurr the Cryo
    all my suffering... has paid off

    best of the best has come... and guess what I got...

    Its no kasa jizo or thundra, BUT I'LL TAKE IT!
    (also I got another Aphrodite but lets not talk about that)
    ExertKarma likes this.
  17. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    Nice! I think the thing I'm excited about the most that's coming in 7.4 is the ITF zombie outbreaks just cause more catfood :D but also I'm assuming the outbreaks aren't going to be too difficult (?) They're gonna be introducing new zombie enemies and they look pretty cool. Actually excited for zombie stages for once... wow.
    black is a 100% win unless I forget to stall with bomber/eraser like a complete idiot. (it's bound to happen at some point...)
    luckily i have mitama who is resist weaken and she can hit the angel dude with the weird arms in the back. (idk the names)
    catman = win
    its just a pain when mitama pushes too hard and im getting hit by the prof a.
    i've just done floating today for the first time... easy win. catman+mitama+octo rekts it.
    with a proper strat i think just paladin should work.
    o good to know... if i have enough cyberpunks perma slowing him while catman does the dmg then I should be good to go.

    AYYYY congrats!!!! I really want her but I don't have enough catfood for an 11 draw. I spent it on summer gals but I got a great outcome from that so I really can't complain.

    Also funny thing about best of the best today, apparently I still haven't lost my uber luck completely... I had an extra rare ticket and so I thought I'd might as well take a chance at getting lil valkyrie so I used it and.....

    I got Thundia :P

    Well now thundia is level 30 (evolved) +1
    But I can't really complain cause it was a rare ticket. I fully expected NOT to get an uber but... ya know... It's me =T
    If I get any more rare tickets while the BotB event is on then i'll just spend them as I might as well take a chance. Don't expect any ubers but you never know.

    EDIT: Apparently after looking on the BC wiki, li'l valkyrie has a x5 higher chance to drop than the other ubers (some guy said in the comments). Idk if that's true or not but that's pretty cool still
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2018
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  18. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    SON OF A-
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  19. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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  20. Euomi

    Euomi Travelled Adventurer

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    god bless battle cats
    ActualAnthonino, Aya and ExertKarma like this.
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