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Next Update Seems Promising (jpresent)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by TheWildTester, Sep 2, 2018.

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  1. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    That's my entire point; repetitive elements shouldn't be included in the total gameplay hours. And giving a number for how hard it is to get tired of the game is impossible due to everyone having different preferences for different kinds of gameplay. Some people find it enjoyable to grind 10 classes and get every mythic in game. But for me and most other people, that's not fun, and we don't waste our time doing so. So without basing those numbers on ANYTHING makes it impossible to judge how the game will actually be like, both in terms the kind of content and how long the content ACTUALLY is.
    That's why people base gameplay hours on how long it takes to reach a certain goal, assuming the player was active for most of the time.
    ThomAnn100 and HalfCat_ like this.
  2. Robbee

    Robbee Well-Known Adventurer

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    But "post-game-content" doesn't need to be repetitive. Sure, just starting over again doing the same things like before or grinding until you got every mythic are repetitive and shouldn't be included in the gameplay hours, but things like creating and trying out different builds, being active on the trade market, participating in guilds and wars, doing things like LI with different strategies etc are not and therefore I would personally count them towards gameplay hours. Most people won't do these things, but they are there, the game can offer them and although they may be more repetitive than starting a different game, they are not just brainless repetitions, they create new experiences within an old system.
    And thats the difference to story-based games just don't offering this kind of content. Sure, you can theoretically spend infinite time running a super mario bros over and over or murdering innocent townsfolk in Skyrim (I don't know if this game has other things to do after reaching the 100%, so I may be wrong about this), but I think its safe to assume that this is repetitive gameplay. Another reason, why this definition doesn't make every game automatically infinite: Even these post-game systems will repeat at some point. The number of viable builds with different strengths and weaknesses will be always limited, guild politics will at some point stagnate or come back to a previous pattern and so on.
    And yes, I would admit that this definition is very vague, so you can't sit there with a timer and give a concrete number, but this doesn't make the 300-400 hours unrealistic.
    Pokextreme, Dr Zed and ploo like this.
  3. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I do see where you are coming from, but it's not a good way to accurately define how long the game is for one main reason; it's hard to define when you "completed" any of these tasks you mentioned.

    The whole point of gameplay hours is to measure how long it takes to reach a goal or complete a game on average. While postgame content like guild wars could be considered as gameplay hours, it's really hard to measure how much it can offer without being boring or grindy. Some players like myself only warred a couple times, while others have warred thousands of times. And since there isn't a tournament system, or some physical prize for gaining control of the entire map, and doing so would only be temporary, so you can't really 'complete' guild wars.

    The same kinda goes for builds. While there are technically a limited number of builds, you could inflate your gameplay time by a factor of 8 by trying out every single build. Or you could be like YYGamer and run LI over a hundred times using meme builds. Which again, because you don't need to do that to get any of the criteria I laid out before, it doesn't add that much to the overall content. Especially since you'll have to grind or repetitively trade in order to get exactly the gear you want like trying to get every single mythic.

    Does my criteria apply to every single player? No. It's just intended to give some sort of benchmark for completionists and the casual player who wants to 'beat' the game. It's not for people who prefer to mostly trade, mostly socialize, run LI hundreds of times, war, or create builds with friends. It's still useful though because it applies to a significant portion of players.

    This is the main problem with what JP said; he didn't define what gameplay hours were. And since we don't know what the content is going to be, it could be an extra 1000 hours of guild war content, or an extra 1000 hours of grinding or trading for new items. Which for other players like myself, that wouldn't appeal to us, and most importantly, would be misleading. Like I said before, the best games are those that are concise, not the longest. It's especially worrying because lots of games like to advertise as, "HAVING THOUSANDS OF HOURS OF GAMEPLAY!!!!" while in reality, they have so much fluff and boring content stuffed inbetween the good stuff, which makes the game worse off. That's what happened with Gavel. There were 50+ new quests, but very few built off each other and didn't really impact anything in the end lore wise.

    And since even big budget titles like Skyrim don't have enough main (not post game) content to take 1000 hours to complete in a playthrough, it's really skeptical that a Minecraft server with a volunteer staff says it can do more than twice that.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2018
    Robbee likes this.
  4. TheRealWybel

    TheRealWybel bing chilling HERO

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    I don't think they're gonna add THAT much content so you can play for 2500 - 3000 hours, but I think that they will add something fun that you can do over and over again (not like CSST and classes etc.) without getting bored.
    Well, I obviously think that they will add a lot more content too though.
  5. _LokiFire

    _LokiFire Well-Known Adventurer

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    Level 100 is 5-15 hours lol
    Technosnape likes this.
  6. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    No, its 5-15 hours if you are experimented.
    Players on the forums are the one who are the most experienced and informed, know the most technics and likely have the best items. A random player does not complete a class in 5-15 hours but will rather spend at least 30 hours on it. And that is if he does a bit of CSST/is lucky enough to have a dcave party.

    I know you are joking about it, but I think a lot of us here have lost touch with what most of the playerbase isn't : experienced.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2018
    Druser likes this.
  7. InfernoWraith

    InfernoWraith A random spastic with opinions

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    In the context of Wynncraft's end game, 0 has no value, regardless of whether it's to the left or right.
  8. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    I'm pretty sure you mean experienced.
    H0Y, Dr Zed and TwageTomato like this.
  9. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    This never happened.
  10. TwageTomato

    TwageTomato Coder | Like-Giver | Tomato | Musician CHAMPION

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    (You still missed the first one)
  11. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    Wait WynnCon still exists?
    Pokextreme, ploo and WithTheFish like this.
  12. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Literally everyone knew that there was going to be new content by the basic definition of a game update. These hours though don’t tell us the kind or quality of the content at all.
  13. Allankap5

    Allankap5 Living legend and icon

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    I just want a good amount of quality content. I want there to be enough content for someone to look at and say "Makes sense that it took so long."
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