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A Modern Day Fantasy Rp [6/10]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Mar 26, 2018.


How often do you use the Memory Book Thing?

  1. What is the Memory Book?

    23 vote(s)
  2. Never

    1 vote(s)
  3. Almost Never

    1 vote(s)
  4. Sometimes

    3 vote(s)
  5. Occasionally

    1 vote(s)
  6. Somewhat Constantly

    0 vote(s)
  7. Frequently

    2 vote(s)
  8. All the Time

    1 vote(s)
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  1. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I start putting money down
  2. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    As you start to put money down, your vision start to blur and darken and you fall unconscious on the table.



    Okay let me make a checklist of who is asleep.

    Tisaun: Slipped on a rock
    Tsu: Uh, checking that angel file, ok your just gonna go to sleep now k bye
    MistaTigger: Asleep
    Eirika & Ephraim: My excuse is dat she went back to her room and feel alseep after wandering around for a bit
    Arch: Uh, they dealt with the shady figures and went back to base, ok their just gonna sleep.
    Linwood: Yeah fell asleep A LONG TIME AGO
    Blue: Ok now you are alseep
    Niko: Ded... well hopefully not

    Okay that means everyone is asleep.

    Let me just do some stuff rly quick before I wake everyone up for Day 3.

    That might include a NoctuaxAquila fanfic, a standalone post, Jay's Guardian Angel anatomy study, and Kayla's opinions on Noctua and Aquila....

    So you can thank Tsu for the delay.

    And you can thank me for the standalone post delay.
  3. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I already said I went to sleep? >.>
    and it's supposed to be kthxbye. :T
    Where's the thx?!?
    On the floor in the middle of the hallway somewhere. :3
    ... k
    Random Question: Fera and Yazu share 1 room? >.>
    ... sorry. >.>
    He doesn't sleep does he? :/
    I like the first option more.
    Was it because I read the file you recommended and had me read?
    Nu. Go write that fanfic.
  4. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Well you didn't have to ask questions about it.
    Tsukiji likes this.
  5. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Is day 3 ready?
  6. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Excuse me, I tripped over it
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2018
  7. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    No I'm busy figuring out how the hell I'm supposed to write a Noctua and Aquila fanfic...

    And how to explain Guardian Angel Anatomy when it's literally the same thing but try to make it sound cool.
    Tsukiji and Tisaun like this.
  8. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Take a random fanfic and just change the names
    Add wings
    Tsukiji and Tisaun like this.
  9. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    If it's to smut we always have #Library / #Random-Talks Number 2 in the second Random Talk section
    Tsukiji likes this.
  10. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Alright, time to continue when we wake up.
    I first read that as 'Slept like a rock'.
  11. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I'd say I had a concussion but sleep also works.
  12. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Let's get Need for Speedy

    - = -

    Four Days Ago

    "I think it's time Sir."

    A burly man's voice says through the windowsill.

    The window of a car actually.

    The window of a black 69 Dodge Charger with a supercharger.

    "I think it's time too."

    The man puts the keys in the car and starts the engine.

    The burly man walks away and the Charger drives off down the street.

    - = -


    Virgo would think being abducted for a month would make her miss out on everything that happens on the streets. Apparently, only one thing happened, a newbie showed up in a black 69 Dodge Charger.

    The weirdest thing is that they haven't done a single thing other than watch according to the locals.

    Yumi gets in her car, a white Mazda Rx-8 parked off on the side of the street where she last left it...

    It shouldn't of worked being idle for a month, yet the car worked just fine..... with half a tank of fuel...

    Yumi sighed and drove off to 5th Street, where the dominant racing crew called "5th Street" very creatively was hosting their next race. She just wanted to get her mind off of things and a race might do it.

    Currently 5th Street was in control of the streets but their rivals 21st Street literally named after some stupid Need for Speed game (her opinon, not mine, I loved Need for Speed Carbon) were starting to take control again. (OOC: Basically the territories lmao... they follow the neighborhood map) 5th Street had SoHo, Chinatown, Greenwich Village, Lower East Side, Lower Manhattan, and Little Italy. 21st Street just took over Upper East Side, Hell's Kitchen, Times Square, Midtown, Flatiron District, Gramercy Park, and Murray Hill. Smaller more minor crews took over the rest.

    This meant that 5th Street only had 6 territories while 21st Street now had 7 territories.

    5th Street was hosting a race of dominance on the streets. It was a race simply between 5th and 21st Street. Whoever won got half of the other crew's territories plus a big stack of cash. The race was going to be a big event, as it could be a change of power on the streets and would give the winning side a load of free territories.

    There was already a major gathering of people and cars when Yumi got there. A lot of noticeable well known people were there even though they weren't racing... Shinobu and his Mazda Rx7 Spirit R, a rookie who goes by the alias "Saws" and their BMW M3 GTR, Carson and his Lexus LFA, Mack and his Dodge Challenger, the newbie and their Dodge Charger, and a lot more which would make this paragraph list into an essay.

    However, there were some familiar faces as well... Mr. Lopez from Order SIRIUS oddly enough.... what the hell was he doing here?

    Robin was here too... watching from the back of the crowd...

    (That's also why I wanted Tsu to read the file....)

    A sparrow lands on Yumi's shoulder catching her attention before flying off. Passer.

    Something was off to catch the attention of two angels and SIRIUS...

    And she just wanted a break.

    "EVERYONE, CLEAR THE ROAD!" someone yells.

    Suddenly, 21st Street makes an appearance, all driving in their heavy grey / silver and orange muscle cars. Dodge Chargers, Challengers, Mustangs, Corvettes....

    The crowd parts away from the street and the leader of 21st Street's Mustang goes to line up with 5th Street's leader who's car, an Aston Martin DB9 is already parked where it needs to be. As both the cars line up, a man with a green flare walks up in front in between both the cars. Unseen by anyone, both drivers give a nod to the man and the man gives a nod back. The man lifts up the flare and holds up three fingers with his other hand.




    The man brings down the flare and both cars go off. But as they do, the black Dodge Charger's engine goes off rumbling and the car burns off some rubber going off after the two street leaders even though they are long gone down the street. Suddenly, fire bursts out from the back of the Charger and it gains a massive amount of speed easily catching up to the two neck and neck drivers before...

    BOOM! (ya yeet)

    The Charger had rammed into both the Aston Martin and the Mustang causing a huge explosion and a big fire down the road. People start yelling at the fire saying vulgor words about the driver behind the Dodge Charger. 5th and 21st Street's crew members look pissed.

    However, the sound of a muscle car can be heard in the fire.

    The black Dodge Charger comes back out of the fire driving back to the crowd. Shouts of hate and anger turn into confusion. Mr. Lopez has a hand up at his forehead and Robin seems eager to fight.

    As the driver of the Charger comes out, one of 21st Street's burly cronies walks up and holds up the man by the collar. The man he's holding up doesn't seem like much honestly, 5 ft 10 in, and doesn't look overly muscly.

    "Who do you think you are, huh?" the burly man yells. A few seconds pass before the burly man yelps in pain and lets go of the man's collar, his hand smoking and black.

    "What the hell are you!" the burly man uh, yells again (ya yeet x2).

    The man looks down at him which is now easier since the burly man is on one knee... Flames start to engulf the man's body (not the burly man's body, the driver's body). "I am Hell's Descent." The flames turn into a gigantic wall separating him and the Charger from everyone else. The flames give a huge lion's roar before disappearing... a huge smoking hole where the Charger used to be.

    Both the man and the Charger have disappeared... and the most worrisome part about this is that the magic filter seemed to do nothing in shielding the crowd from reality.

    Mr. Lopez teleports when no one is looking and Robin turns into a bird flying next to Passer the sparrow on the tree.

    Yumi swiftly walks to her car before driving off far far away from that area.

    The scene fades away.

    - = -

    Well Tsu asked for a list of interviews... I should probably get rid of the whole 100 page special thing now that that's really old but ok.

    Arya Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: So I really hate to ask this but can you share the Noctua and Aquila fanfic you wrote?

    Arya: Which one? I have a lot... And they're all saved in this one SIRIUS fil -

    Anonymous Interviewer: *Starts waving hands* No no, that good enough *cough cough* Thank you.... *snaps fingers*

    *Room disappears*

    Anonymous Interviewer: Oh wait, I need it for the other two.

    Anonymous Interviewer: Shit.

    - = -

    Kayla Interview (Oh I so regret the 100 page special):

    Anonymous Interviewer: ... So I really really really really really really xinfinity hate to ask this but what are your opinions on Noctua and Aquila?

    Kayla: They're cute..... Like really freaking terribly cute. That one time they made out in battle... it was soooo cute! And then when Arya once tied them against each other chest to chest, Aquila turned soooo red when Noctua kissed her there...

    Anonymous Interviewer: *looks horrified*

    Kayla: ... I bet when they're in bed they -

    Anonymous Interviewer: OKAY OKAY NO NO THAT'S ENOUGH GET OUT

    Kayla: You -
    ("You asked the question")

    *Piece of duct tape appears over Kayla's mouth*

    Anonymous Interviewer: GET OUT

    Kayla slowly takes off the duct tape before a second what appears over her mouth. She then just rolls her eyes and walks away through the door mumbling to the best of her ability with a piece of tape over her mouth about some rants about triggered interviewers.

    - = -

    Jay Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: Ok this should be so bad.

    Jay: Hm?

    Anonymous Interviewer: Nothing. Can you explain to us Guardian Angel Anatomy?

    Jay: Um you know that got redacted off a file I put all my information in.

    Anonymous Interviewer: That doesn't mean it wasn't inapropiate. Only certain people were making it that way and got it redacted.

    Jay: Well it's not overly fascinating I'll be straightforward honest. They literally have the exact same body parts as us.... if you're an amateur, basically meaning brain, heart, all the same muscles, esophagus, lower intestine etcetera. Now if you know more uh, technical terms like bones, or veins and arteries, or basic muscle names, well uh angels have all that. They have the Cranium, the Zygomatic Bone (iirc that's how you spell it... idk), the Illiac Crest, Phalanges..... And uh, they also have the aorta, the four chambers of the heart, the great saphenous vein, capillaries... the list goes on... Which also means they reproduce the same ways as humans and I can imagine that's where everyone started going crazy over my report...

    Anonymous Interviewer: Uh yeah....

    Jay: Anyway, the important thing I wanted to go over about were the wings they have. Their wings are weird... they are made of bones skin and feathers but the fact that they can will them on or off is probably just some Guardian Angel magic. Obviously, the wings can get damaged and it does hurt the angel if that happens. I don't exactly know if angels still feel hurt if their wings get damaged and they desummon their wings.

    Anonymous Interviewer: I can tell you the answer is yes.

    Jay: Oh, wait how do you know?

    Anonymous Interviewer: I have my ways...

    - = -

    Yay everyone Day 3 is a go.

    Any1 miss responding to this thread?

    No? Yeah I agree, this is a shit rp

    I'm gonna turn this rp more snadbox like adding a lot of enemies and friends and having some subplots b4 the major actual plot.... Everyone can tackle on different threats and try to make friends I hope? eh.

    @Kyubi & Kylin

    You groggily wake up because everyone does... don't deny it you feel more sleepy when you wake up....

    Anyway, you get up and the time reads 7:32.

    There seems to be some commotion outside, might be a good thing.... probably meaning everyone is back from whatever hell world Ragent sent them to.

    What now?



    You wake up finding yourself on a couch.

    A couch in a house obviously.

    A couch in Naomi's house.

    There's a minor minor minor migraine in your head.... and you bring your hand to your forehead / head and feel a little bump. Must've been because of that cursed rock on the floor.

    A clock on the wall reads that the time is 8:40...

    You hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

    "Oh you're awake."

    Naomi walks over to you.

    "You slipped on the floor and fell unconscious. Took a rough fall I'd say..."

    There was some worry in Naomi's eyes but you doubt it's because of your concussion (wow it totally doesn't have to do with Leo being a cop and the fact that this magic Need for Speed dude just came into town).

    What now?


    @Linwood Welheart

    You wake up in your hotel.... sleepy.

    Very sleepy.

    You groan as you get up to look at the clock... which reads 7:54.

    Hm, nothing much to do.... other than maybe finding that Lex dude at that Starbucks... or maybe just watching the news would be fine....

    Or maybe finding Ezinth.

    What now?



    You wake up to a crow staring down at your face.

    You get startled causing the crow to flutter and flap away a single feather getting in your mouth causign you to spit it out.

    The crow lands on the floor, staring at you tilting it's head.

    What now?




    Fera wakes up exhausted.... oddly.

    The shard was shimmering in her hands.... and little golden white sparkles were coming off her. This was probably going on for the whole night draining her...

    Fera gets up to look at the clock before figuring out how to stop this shard from draining her.

    The clock reads 7:29.

    But before she can, a single crow flies in in front of her and landing on the floor staring at her.

    What now?


    Yazu didn't get a good rest either.

    The shard in his had was shimmering and there was lots of smoke in the room.

    Yazu clears away the smoke before he suffocates.

    This must've been going on for the whole night draining him...

    Yazu glances at the clock which reads 7:28 (yes it doesn't read 7:29).

    As Yazu gets up, a singular crow flies in from behind him and lands on the floor in front of him staring at him.

    What now?


    Sena wakes up, the only one of your characters to get a good rest because literally nothing happened to her when she joined so ya yeet x4.


    Wut ya gonna do when they come for you bad boys bad boys.

    What now?

    - = -

    @Eirika & Ephraim

    You wake up a lot more tired than you should be.

    The shard is in your hands shimmering and all that.

    Theres a little transparent white arrow symbol being highlighted over the shard.... for no reason.

    Must've been draining you all night.


    ya yeet x5

    Wot now?

    - = -


    You wake up on a stool.... at a bar... You don't exactly remember being here, only entering in....

    The bartender walks over to you obviously a lot more tired than you with eyebags under his eyes.

    "Maybe next time, you don't fall asleep as you're trying to get another bottle," the bartender snaps. The bar is closed at the moment it seems and the bartender is sweeping the place up.

    A clock on the wall reads the time 8:17.

    What now?
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2018
  13. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    OH SHIT GUYS IT’S THE dEStRoYeR oF RAceRs!!!!1!!1!1!1!1!

    Uh get out of bed and go explore the compound again wheeee.
    Tsukiji likes this.
  14. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    I had a better name for him, then realized that Agents of SHIELD was a thing in the back of my mind and yeh.

    Like I literally forgot Agent's SHIELD was a thing before I looked back at Arch's roleplay and remembered TAHITI and the name Ghost Rider was already taken soooooo.

    What, you're not gonna do anything about the shard draining you?

    Yeah getting up proves more difficult done than said and standing up while extremely tired takes some time as well.

    But you get on your feet heavily exhausted cuz of the stupid shard.

    The arrow illuminated by the shard is pointing at the bed...


    Wot now?
  15. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Is there maybe a tv in my room?

    (Also, TL;DR)
    Tsukiji likes this.
  16. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Fvck you.
    This is an unfufilled teaser. ;-;
    fvck you x2
    I actually expected this. Question: Angel x Human? >.>
    Stay laying down and think for a bit.
    Activate TS for walls and turn my head (sit up if need be) and look towards the commotion.
    Tag them right. :T
    yes pls
    So hard to respond to rp's in mobile. xD
  17. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Why do I need all these car names if I don't even know what a Chevette looks like?

    I sit up and look at Naomi.
    "It's 4:20 past 4:20."
    Tsukiji likes this.
  18. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    Uhh, turn off the shard?

    Idfk and my character definitely doesn’t.
  19. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    From 1 to 10 how bad is my hangover?
    "What happened? I didn't get robbed did I?"
  20. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Im on mobile. I think I’ll just change that guy’s name from Destroyer of Racers to some other cringe name like Hell Strangler or Devil Rider lmao.

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