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«rp» Fate's Eye [7/7] ~arc 3~

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I attempt to conjure a wall between us and the worm.
  2. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    “It’s fine, I’m alright! We’ve got to retreat now!” Kayde cried, staggering up.

    James focused his ice mana and swung his arm up, making a wall of ice rise up to cover the corridor.

    The earthworm disappeared into the earth behind the ice wall. But the rumbling in the ground did not cease.

    Suddenly, cracks appeared on the ice wall simultaneously, and two dark shapes broke out from the edges, bounding against the walls and screeching as they attacked.

    "Fula!" Angela's ice blade cut one of them in half, and the other was shot down by Tovias. Their heteromorphic shapes gave a few grotesque squeaks before going quiet. They were witchfiends with two thick arms formed into some kind of drills.

    The ice wall gave a final crack before breaking apart. James gritted his teeth and summoned more ice, but it wasn't quick enough. A tiny figure slipped between the shards, spinning with short swords in her hands. Splattering blood all over the place, the Sin of Gluttony with an insane grin landed on the ground and started dashing towards them at an immense speed.

    Tovias pointed his guns while jumping backwards and fired consecutively. Rey's figured blurred as her speed reached a level impossible for a human being, and avoided the bullets, then kicked forward and instantly reached Tovias, grabbing the youth's head.

    Rey pushed down Tovias's head to the ground below, stopping his movements and pinning him onto the ground.

    This all happened so quickly, the rest couldn't react to this in time.

    Tovias's face twisted in pain at the impact, then his eyes widened in shock as Rey crouched down on top of him. With a hand still pinning Tovias to the ground, Rey bent down——and her lips touched Tovias's.

    A dark black gas flowed out from the Sin's mouth, having a similar dense dark property similar to the miasma, but different. The dark gas was inhaled directly by Tovias at a close proximity and at an extremely high concentration.

    Immediately the boy started choking from the gas and started thrashing around. Rey let go and grinned down.

    "Just let go of your humanity, boy."

    "No....... agh...... aggagghhaaaa!!!!"

    Tovias's body cracked painfully all over as his limbs started bending in unnatural angles. Black fur started growing rapidly from his skin, his body became firmer and ripping his clothes apart. Other transformations took place at the same time, taking no longer than five seconds.

    What was left where the boy laid down was a giant black-furred wolf with four red eyes and a snake for its tail.

    "Kyhaha! Since the source material was so good, it ended up so good! Ahahahah!!'
  3. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The battle continued further on—but things were only getting much worse.


    "Hngh—!" Velvet was hit directly by a massive shadow arm and flung into a nearby wall. Sirius flinched at the same time, as if he felt the same pain as the girl. The shadow extensions didn't miss the opportunity to launch a quick consecutive blows—ending in Sirius receiving a blow on the side of his stomach.

    Coughing, Sirius retreated back. Even though it was only one hit by the shadow, his skin was pale and blood was pouring out from his mouth.

    As Velvet, the main vanguard, was taken out, even more attention were turned to the other two vanguards, Rathius, Archibaud and Carol. They were soon pushed by the sheer number of shadow arms that tried to crush and tear them apart.

    And the entire balance they had managed to keep until now broke apart.

    Rathius felt his entire body flare up with an immense amount of steam, and his paralysed body failed to defend him from the oncoming round of attacks from Sphinx, ending him in becoming pinned onto the ground with numerous arms circling around him, and Sphinx's snapping mouth slowly approaching.

    Archibaud and Carol were instantly taken out by receiving numerous cuts and wounds all over. Archibaud even received a blow across his face, shredding the skin over the right side of his face.

    Roswaal closed her hands and released the biggest firepower magic yet, aimed at Sphinx's main body. But the monster's incredible healing factor kept it alive as it slowly approached the rest, protected by the hardened barrier.

    Right then———

    A figure slid into the room from a hole that opened the ceiling, landing almost silently on the ground right in front of Sphinx.

    The monster froze in her movement before the newcomer as if paralysed, who rose up and stood perfectly straight before the monster.

    Bright red hair the colour of fire, blue electric eyes, the white knight uniform without a stain or wrinkle, a golden sheathe on his waist with the sword embedded with the dragon's symbol and the red insignia stone.

    The very incarnation of a «hero» admired by everyone in the world no matter the country.

    ".......the lineage of the «Sword Saint», a member of the Royal Knights Brigade...." The youth spoke in a clear voice that could be heard from anywhere in the room.

    ".....Alexander van Hestiria. I've come to join the battle." And thus the Sword Saint named himself.
  4. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Marcus yelled, using the surprise to create a pillar beneath one of the Sphinx's feet in order to offset its balance and knock it over.
  5. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Rathius turned back to his human form, hoping for the claws to drop to the ground as their was no longer something to hold on to.
  6. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I turn towards Kayde and whoever is left, repeating the words of the knight. "We have to go. Now."
    I ready another Fula if there is need to shoot at someone.
  7. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "That's just fucked up!"
  8. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Put an arm on his back and start to slightly push him away, while looking behind.
    "We have to go. We can't end up like him, can we?"
  9. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Marcus's earth magic went flying into Sphinx's main body, but the shadow turned gaseous the instant the earth pillar stabbed into her. Sphinx's arms broke them apart quickly, while its attention was still set on Alexander.

    "A~ha. You're late, aaaren't you?" Roswaal floated down behind the Sword Saint.

    "Margrave Roswaal." Alexander smiled and bowed elegantly to the sorcerer. "I'm glad to see that you are unhurt." He turned around to look at Archibaud, Carol, Rathius and Marcus. "You all as well. I'm relieved I came in time."

    Rathius stood up painfully in his human form, steam rising all over from his body. The shadow extensions had retreated back to point at Alexander. "You finally came, Alexander...."

    Alexander laughed. "I was worried when you got all teleported. Leave the monster to me, alright?"

    "Can you take on against something like that...?" Carol asked, holding her wounded arm.

    Alexander looked down at his hand holding the handle of his golden sword, and frowned. "Actually, there is a problem. You see, my «Holy Sword Reid» chooses to be drawn only against certain 'appropriate' opponents. If the sword has not been detached from the sheathe, that means the sword doesn't want to make things easy for me."

    "You mean that monster isn't strong enough!?" Carol asked back with her eyes widened with surprise.

    Alexander nodded. "In order to finish this without further damage, I have to use a few Sword Skills of my Hestiria heritage. But that needs a sword...."
  10. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    "As in, a regular sword?"
    Marcus says loudly, drawing his longsword while not being bothered with his position.
  11. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "I can lend you mine. But don't break or you owe me a new one."
  12. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The wolf that used to be Tovias gave an aggressive howl and bounded down the corridor towards them.

    "Tovias! Wake up!" Day shouted desperately, facing the wolf. But the monster didn't stop, and it readied its claws to rip Day apart—

    "El Fula!" Angela shouted, blasting the wolf away, while she felt her mana draining further. She wouldn't last long with wind magic, it seemed.

    "Ahahahaha! I «ate» his humanity, he won't be coming back!" Rey shouted from far back, grinning happily and licking her mouth.

    Day staggered back, emotions fading away from his expression. He stares blankly at Rey, then narrows his eyes towards the others. "......sorry. I'm good."

    Kayde purses his lips, feeling a deep sympathy for the black-haired youth. But this wasn't a time to be staying around.

    "Don't let her touch you! Get back........" Kayde started to shout — when Rey's form blurred.

    The Sin's tiny body swerved past the wolf, Day and Angela— reaching Kayde's position almost instantly.

    Kayde lifted his sword instinctively before Rey's claws aimed at his neck clashed. Kayde clicked his bracelet, materialising the tower shield he received from Carol, knocking it into the Sin directly.

    But Rey dodged, crouched on top of the shield, then snuck under Kayde and knocked him over to the ground.

    "Kayde!!" Diabel, Angela and James all raised their magic energy— until Rey raised a hand, her other hand laid over Kayde's neck.

    "Hehhe.... don't move or he's done for." She said as she struck her long tongue out.
  13. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Whisper to Day. "Aren't her claws weapons? Or that is just part of her body and you can't do anything about it?"
    In any case, prepare to possibly cast a Fula under my breath and with a sigh.
  14. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "......May I borrow your sword then, Marcus?" Alexander asked. "If I remember right that's a borrowed item from Old Rom's tavern. I wouldn't want to break Rathius's sword otherwise."

    He steps up and receives the longsword from Marcus, then examined it in his hands. "A good sword. I'm honoured to use it." He smiled and raised the sword towards the direction of Sphinx, who had been frozen until now, as if she was too scared to attack.

    "Monster hunting is my speciality, you see."


    Velvet floated down next to Sirius. "Siri, this is actually really bad....."

    The leader of the Eight Fingers nodded. "I know. Everyone, stand back—!!"

    Right then, light flashed.

    They barely saw the figure of Alexander swing his sword in an uppercut, before a bright blue light exploded outwards and covered the Sword Saint's and Sphinx's figure.

    The next moment, a massive explosion, larger than the one when Sphinx self destructed, rocked the entire room.


    There was a strong ringing in Carol's ears. She slowly opened her eyes, and saw the scene in front of her— and immediately could not believe it.

    "Impossible....." She whispered, her voice trembling.

    The room's ceiling had further broken down, but the debris had not fallen down— it was more like they had disappeared altogether.

    The form of the black shadow monster was nowhere to be seen. Alexander stood alone in the center of the destruction, his sword lifted high — and Carol saw Sphinx's destroyed body stabbed at the tip of the blade.

    Alexander narrowed his eyes. ".....this is the end."

    The sword in his sword disintegrated into ash, and Sphinx's body fell to the ground with a soft thud.

    ————and thus, victory was won, by the hands of a monster amongst monsters.
  15. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    "What the hell."
    Marcus shook his head in disbelief.
  16. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "I can't work my abilities unless there is an definite attack. If she cuts, I can deflect. But it won't be fast enough. Either way he's dead." He said, voice devoid of emotions, as if he had stopped caring anymore.

    "....tch." Angela grasped her fists together around her bow.

    Rey gazed down lovingly towards Kayde. "Aaaaha. How should I «eat» you, I wonder....?"

    Kayde grunted as he tried to get up, but Rey's arm filled with inhuman strength was pinning him hard.

    "Ehehe. There's no point..... you can't win against me. I'm a witchfiend myself, after all~!"

    She grinned, showing her sharp teeth, her pupils turning slight yellow.

    "Let.....him go." Diabel growled, his spirits rising around him. Rey grinned up towards the knight. "Do you really want to do that, knight~? This boy's going to....."


    Kayde's shout sent a large crystal of ice flying up from point range that stabbed Rey's stomach through, sending her ever-so-slightly up into the air.
  17. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "Fula!" I shout and nock an arrow in the bow, aiming at her head.
    JoshLegacy likes this.
  18. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "Did.. did we win?"
  19. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "......keh!" Rey spun mid-air, barely avoiding her head and making the arrow graze her shoulder. She landed, crouching towards Kayde——

    "Huma! Huma! El Humaaaa!!!"

    Kayde kept throwing ice spears towards Rey, who dodged all of them with ease. She closed the distance between Kayde instantly and knocked him over, grabbing his head. She looked into the knight's face— and gave a surprised look upon seeing his glowing left eye.

    "Kyahaha! So you're the other one! Ahahaha, this is great!" She laughed happily, dodging James's attacks without even looking.

    Suddenly, she tensed. She sat up on top of Kayde, and while laying her clawed hand on his neck so that the others can't attack, reached to her waist inside a small porch. There she brought out a black leatherbound book, and flipped through the pages—the same book as Rikuld held.

    Again Kayde was attacked with a strange feeling upon seeing the book—a feeling that even felt nostalgic, and yet poisonous.

    Rey glared at a certain page, then closed it with a grin. Quickly putting it away, she stood up on top of Kayde's chest.

    The others immediately readied their magic towards the Sin.

    "Ahaha! You guys are lucky, you are! This stage is coming to an end! Mammon and I, Beelzebub, will now retreat!" «Gluttony» cried, spreading her arms. Immediately all the wounds on her body closed up, arrows and ice shards propped to the ground bloodied. In about three seconds, her body was completely healed.

    ".....why?" Diabel called, making his six quasi-spirits circle around on his palm to attack anytime.

    Rey shook her hands giddily. "Becaaause it says on my gospel!" She laughed, jumping off Kayde. She narrowed her eyes to the others, her smile turning cold. "I don't want to go against my orders and annihilate you. Pleaaaaase help me out~? Kyahah!"

    "....what is your, the Order's, aim...?" Kayde gasped while holding his chest in pain. He glared with his left eye closed. "What do you aim to do by doing this....?"

    Rey widened her eyes, then laughed. "Of course, to revive the Witch of Envy! Or at least that's what our boss Shade wants to! Oh well, it's enough talking, I better get going! See ya~~!!"

    Rey cried happily, then leapt away on her fours, down the corridor, before stopping.

    Her child-like grin turned murderous and cold in that instant. "I forgot. «Destroy this underground facility», it is."

    She brought her hand high up, and the whole ground shook.

    Kayde's left eye saw a film-like scene where a dark black shape rose from the ground and destroyed the entire corridor, and rubbles burying them alive.

    "We have to get out here! Now!!"

    Turning, they had seen the wolf witchfiend turned from Tovias and other earthworms had disappeared along with Rey. The others nodded and with Diabel supporting Kayde, they rushed down the other side of the corridor—before the ground cracked like in Kayde's vision, and the enormous black centipede broke out through the earth.

  20. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    @BlueSlimerino Are you here dude?
    Everyone in the hall looked at Alexander's figure standing on the rubbles in awe and even fear—all except Roswaal.

    She clapped loudly as she smiled roguishly. "Truly strong as aaaaalways, Sword Saint~!"

    ".....What the hell." Marcus muttered, walking up to Rathius, Archibaud, Carol and others, voicing out their overall thought.

    He's too strong. Izanami said grimly in their heads.

    When they were nodding at the Great Spirit's words, Sirius along with Velevt walked up to them. Velvet seemed to be injured all over, and was still looking at Alexander with a shocked gaze. Sirius was also injured and limping, but he was making a smile.

    "It's laughable how powerless we are against true strength, isn't it?" Sirius said sadly as he shrugged towards them. He gave a look towards his subordinates at the side of the room, all drained and injured—but with no losses.

    Archibaud narrowed his eyes, looking at his hands. It was true that he felt powerless—even as a Scythe guarding the castle, he was nowhere near the level of the Sword Saint— and that ashamed him.

    Sirius shrugged, then walked up to where Rathius, Marcus and Carol stood. He lowered his voice as he muttered towards them.

    ".....you'd better look out for Margrave Roswaal. She had much strength to spare, I could tell. If she went all out, she could've beaten Sphinx easy."

    "What.....?" Rathius widened his eyes at the man's words. Sirius shrugged again with a weak smile, then walked away.

    They turned their gazes towards the sorcerer playing with a strand of her hair near the center of the room. A carefree smile was on her face.
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