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Rp - Gavel's Darkest Hour- Act Two Begins [7/7]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by sdkgjnio, Jun 24, 2018.

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  1. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    I have may or not have inserted jojo references in my character :)
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  2. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Gotta practice gertspeak pre-start.
    ”Throw rope to void, take rock from bottom of void, drag rock up”
    ”Throw rock to ground, rock turn into more rocks?”
    ”bring smash to rock by bring rock to smash.”
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2018
    WynnChairman and Tsukiji like this.
  3. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    btw just wondering how exactly is the dogun obsidian process supposed to work?
  4. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    If they spend time in relatively cold temperatures, they start to gain a thin layer of obsidian that gradually gets deeper. There comes a point where it fuses to the bone and becomes permanent, but before that they can have it peeled off in extreme heat by a surgeon.
  5. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    o o f
    so its not like an armor thing they add themselves but a natural phenomenon? kk
    also does it actually limit the dogun if they have the obsidian exo skeleton? or is it just something tahts kinda socially shunned
  6. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    It makes them infertile and they age much faster.
  7. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    o o f i see
    so how long would the lifespan of an obsidian dogun be?
  8. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    How soon ia very soon?
  9. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    About two thirds of a healthy one.
    Sooner than quite soon but not as soon as right now.
  10. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    wait so around what temperature does the obsidianification (nice one) start? and also how long does it take to full become obsidian?
  11. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    Well it starts at around 35°C, but the time it takes depends on exactly what the temperature is. At 35°C, it takes around a week, but at 10°C it can happen in a matter of hours.
  12. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    o o f thats pretty fast
  13. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Start soonTM please
  14. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    Let us begin!


    After being rescued from a floating island by a group of helpful Villager mages, you’ve been left to fend for yourself in Kandon-Beta. The town, or possibly more accurately the refugee camp, is a mass of wooden struts and platforms stretched over the vast cliffs that border Bantisu. The platforms are littered with tents, makeshift wooden buildings, cloth laid out as beds, and thousands of hapless villagers. This vertical slum towers over the town of Kandon-Alpha below, now perched precariously on unstable ground. Duke Sord has a very strict policy - everyone comes in, nobody leaves. The entire stock of teleportation scrolls have been destroyed, and the only pass into the canyon is closed to everyone but messengers. It’s clear that were it not for this policy Ahms would be nearly empty by now. As you sit, staring into the endless void beyond the town, a villager child runs past.
    “Hey - Mr Orange guy - my daddy has a secret place in the cliff. He says strong people should come and join his ‘revver-loo-shun’. He lives right below here. Wow, he’s going to be so proud of me. You must be really strong to carry that hammer everywhere. Come, we can go see him together!” He nervously looks at a pair of guards patrolling the platform, then back at you.


    The Cinfras Road is the largest trade route in the province, starting in Cinfras and then following the northern border of the Forest Coalition and finally splitting into two on Olux-Karoc border, and you are using it to get to a church in the Gylia part of the Forest that you hear is in need of assistance. Even at the height of the Cataclysms the road remains busy, with trade and travel still operational, yet the cheery and bustling atmosphere it once had is gone. Carts of withering food and rotten wood from Olux trundle along miserably, mages talk in grim tones amongst themselves between teleports and a large number of forlorn Greenskins trudge along the road in small groups.
    Shortly ahead, you see an unusually fancy carriage. Its short height and use of tiny ponies tells you that it belongs to a wealthy hobbit. The dull calm is broken as the carriage is bowled over by a group of giant spiders. You know the Acromantula have been getting panicked by the Decay, but not that they’ve taken to attacking people. You could easily reach the carriage but there are too many spiders for you to fight alone. The ponies ponies bolt for the Forest and several high-pitched screams echo across the trees as the wood of the carriage creaks and starts to give in. Strangely, one of the screams seems to be coming from behind you...


    You’ve been following Hels Gahn for a while now, and he seems to be following the Cinfras Road to the East. Sticking to the cover of the trees and staying behind him, you carefully track his movements. He’s been on the move a while now and you haven’t had time to stop and cook for days for fear of losing him, and your cooked supplies have ran out. As far as you know, he’s never gone this far east before since the start of the Cataclysms, and seems to have a destination in mind. Is he going to Cinfras? It would be difficult to hide in the plains near there for sure. You make a slight detour to avoid an exposed clearing, but as you near the road again you hear the crash of a wooden carriage, followed by the terrified squeals of hobbits and ponies. Before you can react, an enormous spider jumps at you from behind pinning you to the floor and brandishing its venomous fangs right in front of your face. You scream in terror - anything that might be useful as a weapon is in your ring.


    Grinefez is located in a centuries-old disused Dwarven mine, given to the Doguns by King Remikas. The Dwarves left a pillar in the centre to contain the tube of magma, making it an ideal location for a Dogun settlement. The unique terrain gives it a tiered design, with the column in the centre, and the hotter land closer to it being more valuable and housing the rich. The magical academy is located on the middle tier, but you feel far more at home in the lower level. Home to the poor and most of the Obsidians, this area is nevertheless far better off than most of Gavel. You are on your way to the Dragon and Mountain bar, your favourite haunt in the evenings and a hub for all facets of Dogun society, when you hear whispers from behind one of the mismatched stone buildings. Before you can react, three dwarves run out of an alley and pin you to a wall with the shafts of their axes. They don’t seem to notice your wand, and are clearly extremely uncomfortable in the heat. “Enjoying your freedom there, Dogun?”, one of them says. “We know what you’re trying. What are you people doing on the surface huh? What’s your precious President got to say about what’s rightfully ours?” She turns to her companions releasing her grip on you momentarily. You feel you could probably reach your wand...


    While Bantisu was the obvious first step, it certainly has its downsides. The wildlife is hostile and unusually intelligent, the valley walls are near impossible to climb, most of it is untouched by civilisation and it has recently taken to moving around, making it even more difficult to navigate than before. Not that any of that is going to stop you. The intelligent wildlife means it’s filled with treasures of cultures completely alien to most of Gavel, and while they don’t fetch a lot of emeralds, you collect them regardless. You’ve been travelling through nearly identical canyons for a while now, and while you’ve found some treasures, most were impossible to take due to being guarded, inaccessible or both.
    You’d just had your sights on a cave when the mountain behind you moves a few metres backwards with a deafening rumble, closing off the way you came in. More interestingly, there seems to be a staircase in the valley floor where the mountain once was, leading down into a dark passageway. You can feel that it’s completely empty of hostiles of any kind, and leads to a large underground hall - the perfect treasure hunting location, although something feels off, as though it’s not supposed to be there. As you start to step in, a wispy chorus of voices calls out from what sounds like all directions at once - “You are lost. Turn back. Respect the Faith. We may have no power over you, yet we trust that you will respect our wishes. You do not belong here.”


    The Grand Academy sits in the centre of the City of Gylia on the shore of the lake of the same name, but in since the meteor strike a few weeks after you joined, it’s been a shadow of its former self. The iconic Thunder Spire, once the tallest tower in Gavel is now rubble as are a few of the smaller towers around it. Only four of the seventeen spires that once made up the Academy still hold classes, but the acting High Mage Dermit is determined that Gylia remains the focus of magic throughout the province.
    The sun is setting over Olux in the distance, and you are going over notes in your cramped bedroom near the top of the East Spire, grumbling about the drop in teaching standards since Elimut left for Cinfras. Dermit is pathetic next to him magically, though he does have an extensive understanding of the theory. You do not care for him. As you reach the end of the section on practical applications of plant mana, there is a gentle knock on the door, a call followed by the wheezy voice of Dermit. “Kalitsk. I need a word.”


    The crescent moon shaped cluster of mountains sticking out of an otherwise flat plain are odd but defensively important, so naturally it is the seat of Fort Leadin, the command centre and base of the Karoc military. Built as a response to Castle Lleviguard (which despite being nominally about defending from whatever lies over the ocean, is fortified on both sides and exclusively staffed by villagers), Leadin lies right on the border with the Forest Coalition and has seen an increase in activity in the last few years. It’s a beautiful evening despite the gloom of the Decay, and you are on the northern slopes of the cluster of mountains on the Coalition side, searching for a nest of oversized ants you heard hat taken up residence here. They’ve apparently become a threat to both the Cinfras Road far below you and the Fort, so you figure somebody better deal with them and it’s a good opportunity to fight something. After a few minutes of climbing, you see the nest - a large group of perfectly round holes dug into the dirt. It could go down for miles for all you know. As you take out your sword, you hear the unmistakble sound of an Orcish battlecry. A small group of orcs, as well as an ogre, are approaching the nest from the west, some of them with the distinctive bloodshot eyes of those infected by the plague. A large orc in heavier armour and battle paint, clearly the leader, stops the group. “Where d’you think you’re going, mister? This is Karoc land, as decreed by Queen Dugg’r. Back off.” This is a clear violation of at least three treaties, though you doubt anyone is going to enforce them given the current situation.
    Tsukiji and Tisaun like this.
  15. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    ”If you tell where duke is sore, I come.”

    OOC: already off to a good start on idiotspeech. When someone says Duke Sord, he thinks duke is sore somewhere.
  16. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I turn my head to identify from where the scream came from, turning back to the carriage, troubled. "Holy Entia, why?"
    I take a few seeds out of my pocket and throw them towards the carriage, concentrating on making them grow into a protecting shield, only enough to give me some time. If I succeed, run towards where the scream came from and take out the swords. If not, do the same, honestly.
  17. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I answer in a tone that's in between rude and not interested. "What do you want?"
  18. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    "I think the Duke's in the town down below", the child replies "Come with me. Oh, Daddy will be so proud! Who are you? My name is Heret and I'm six and a half, nearly six and three quaters."
    The shield forms perfectly around the carriage, but the hobbit servant that was driving the cart is thrown outwards. Three of the acromantula converge on him as he tries to crawl away, while the rest throw themselves uselessly at the shield.
    He answers, much firmer, "Enough of the attitude. Open the door."
  19. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I bite my lip in grief and run towards where the place I heard the scream from. "I'm coming, hang on!" I shout to whoever is being attacked.
  20. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "Can't you open it yourself?"
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