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Rp - Gavel's Darkest Hour- Act Two Begins [7/7]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by sdkgjnio, Jun 24, 2018.

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  1. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    Welcome to my new RP, set in the world of Wynncraft, 997 years before the game.
    Welcome to Gavel’s Darkest Hour. It is three years after the portal opened in Wynn, a catastrophe which has caused a mysterious chain reaction of death and destruction in all forms across all three provinces. How or why is not understood even in the distant future of the game we know, but Gavel has been hit by six almost simultaneous disasters. In the North, a mysterious force known as the Decay has rapidly withered parts of the Great Forest and the marshes, a horrific plague spreads across the Greenskin races of the West, the Gylia region is being bombarded with meteors, the volcanoes are erupting, the canyons are moving and the ground in the Ahms region is crumbling beneath it. Collectively known as the Cataclysms, these events have plunged the province into chaos…


    [post a while back with more detailed lore on the world]
    Unlike the sort of Enlightenment Era Gavel we know, this Gavel is truly medieval.

    There's more lore on the world, including:
    - The dominant race in Gavel, Villagers are intelligent and extremely magically gifted. They control the regions of Ahms, Bantisu, Olux and Gylia as well as the capital of Cinfras. Villagers have a single gender - the Villager language does not have seperate words for ‘he’ and ‘she’ (in the modern Wynncraft world, the Human Wynnic has been almost universally adopted and villagers have to choose whether to refer to themselves as male or female, most choosing male for their resemblance to Human men. I use 'he' for all villagers here). Villagers are naturally greedy and are often interested in little more than their own wealth, though this trait differs enormously between individuals.

    Elf (Wood Elf/ Valley Elf)
    - Elves are a graceful and skilful species native to southern Gavel. They are naturally immune to most diseases and do not age, leading them to lead impressively long lives (though they are not immortal - they can be wounded and killed like any other being). Togak is said to be at least 4000 years old. Over their long lives, Elves typically build up great wisdom, and they are usually pacifistic - for them, death could mean the loss of thousands of years of learning. There is a cultural divide between the Valley Elves of Greater Aldorei, who desire structured society and focused study, and the Wood Elves, one of the more prominent members of the Forest Coalition, who value freedom, community and a more active role of Elvish wisdom in helping other races.
    NB - we have three elves already, so it's probably best to choose something else

    - Native to the metal-rich Molten Heights, Dwarves are a proud race who have extensive traditions in mining, forging and construction. Large parts of the Heights are now hollow thanks to their efforts, and their stone-based architecture is just as impressive below the ground as it is above. Dwarves have no concept of private property, all wealth and equipment is available to whoever needs it. Some seek work elsewhere, their skills being highly valued by both the Villagers and the Greenskins.

    - Gerts are stupid orange skinned brutes native to the Lake Gylia region. Despite their stupidity, they have developed a society for the reason that intelligence is is the most highly valued quality in other Gerts. Leaders are chosen for their intelligence, and science and engineering are held in very high esteem (not that they’re much good at either, they just have serious dedication). Having failed to develop farming, Gerts are hunter-gatherers who rely on the abundant wildlife of their habitat. They have been granted rights by the Duchy of Gylia and are perfectly content in their tents. Some Gerts have taken to touring the province, learning from other races and bringing what they can back home.

    - Hobbits are a race from the Great Forest and an important member of the Forest Coalition. They seek comfort and community, and so leaving their home is considered odd, but many of them nevertheless do. The charm and wit of some Hobbits is known throughout the province - they are often found as entertainers in Villager establishments and are often used as diplomats. They lack magical ability, however, and the diminutive size makes them fairly weak.

    Dogun (Healthy/Obsidian)
    - One of two intelligent races from the area, Doguns are magma-based beings from the Molten Heights. Being prone to disagreement but fond of community and discussion, the Doguns were the first to create a democratic system. Their biology makes life outside of their environment difficult but not impossible. Prolonged exposure to (relatively) low temperatures leaves them infertile and with a rapidly reduced life expectancy, but with an armour-like exoskeleton of hard rock. These Obsidians face discrimination from some Doguns but they are formidable warriors and make up most of the Nation’s military. Doguns can theoretically live to the age of about 400, but they start to lose their minds, develop excruciating pains and physically deteriorate at about 150. Because of this, assisted suicide is practically mandated by 200, although some are reluctant.

    Orc (Infected/Healthy)
    - The dominant race of the Greenskin family, Orcs are powerful warriors and natural leaders. Like most Greenskins, they are nearly incapable of magic. Orcs have traditionally served as both the aristocracy and the military of Karoc, supported by the enslaved, Trolls, hermit Ogres and the Goblins. While the burden of leadership is highly respected amongst orcs, they have no problem ousting those they see unfit for such a role, both inside and outside of their societies. Orcs are susceptible to the Plague of Karoc, a mental virus that makes them thirst for violence. Most are keen to avoid it but some welcome it as an enhancement to their combat ability. (by the time of the game it’s a permanent part of their biology)

    - Goblins are the smallest and most intelligent of the Greenskins, and the only ones capable of magic. They form the middle classes of Karoc, working as skilled laborers for the Orcish aristocracy. They are by no means satisfied with this position and there have been several revolts, but the superior tactics were no match for the Orcish power, equipment and numbers. They are the worst affected by the Plague of Karoc, it proving fatal to them. (modern goblins have evolved resistance and are now affected in the same way as orcs)

    ORCISH KINGDOM OF KAROC - The flag of Karoc is a simple affair with two brown swords and four four-pointed stars, representing the four Greenskin races, the larger one representing the Orcs themselves.
    DUCHY OF OLUX - The flag of Olux is one of the oldest in the Province. The greens represent the grass of the marshes and trees of the Great Forest, the red the fertile soil and the white the justness of the Duke. The crown was added when the the Duchy joined the Kingdom of Gavel.
    FOREST COALITION - The Coalition's flag is deceptively neat, with fifteen stars representing the fifteen delegations, but among the lesser races it is harshly scrutinised - the yellow of the stars is seen as an Elven colour, the Forgery gets a star but doesn't send a delegate and the design was made to imitate Villager flags that to many remind them of the oppression the endured before the Coalition.
    MAGES' DUCHY OF GYLIA - The Gylia flag is a tribute to magic, with the central orb being the physical manifestation of mana, five wands symbolising the Five Inanimate Elements and the purple colour a traditional colour reserved for mages, though later used by the King as well.
    GREATER ALDOREI - The symbol of the Sol Embassy, also the flag of Greater Aldorei, is a sunflower on a dark green field, with both botany and sunlight being of vast importance to Valley Elves.
    REGION OF BANTISU - Bantisu uses a flag in the traditional Villager format, with the lines representing the sacred wind, which in Bantisu faith is responsible for delivering life from the heavens.
    DOGUN NATION - With its unique vertical stripes and Dogun text, the flag of the Doguns is representative of the unique culture and environment. The runes translate to "Through discussion shall emerge strength", the motto of the Nation, and the dragons are the ancient allies and friends of the Dogun race.
    RODOROC KINGDOM - The Dwarven flag shows a pickaxe, a crown and a hammer, as tribute to the three most important professions to the dwarves - mining, craftsmanship and leadership, and the Kingdom's dedication to work and workers as a whole.
    DUCHY OF AHMS - The Ahmsian flag is as old as the City of Ahmsanc itself. The blue represents the sky, the black the mountains and the green the emeralds found in abundance in the region.
    KINGDOM OF GAVEL - The flag of the Province as a whole and also the Royals, this flag shows the Crown and a gavel (no particular reason other than the name). The purple represents magic and the green wealth and emeralds.

    King Brian III - High King of Gavel - Son of the widely loved Brian II, Gavel’s current King was crowned in 512 YC. He is regarded as a disappointment to his lineage and especially to his great-grandfather Remikas. His reign was uneventful until the Cataclysms, but he has been remarkably weak through the crisis. A devout Bantisu his entire life, he was no doubt shaken by the events that had shattered the faith of the province, including his own. He is rarely seen in public, but when he makes appearances it is always to proclaim a message of despair. His advisors have taken over a lot of his work, the official line being madness. He has no children, but next in line to the throne is widely held to be his younger brother Elimut.

    Duke Ormut of Olux - The elderly Duke of the Olux region is loved by his subjects, who he is frequently found working alongside. Despite dwindling harvests and mounting debt in the region, he has maintained an air of positivity, leasing rooms in his palace to the people and campaigning for aid throughout the province. However, some rumours about him have surfaced in Cinfras regarding a possible affair with a much younger peasant. Many in Olux suspect foul play - as the King’s uncle, Ormut might have a claim to the throne (not that he had ever desired the position).

    Queen Dugg’r of Karoc - The Queen of Karoc is a young and highly unstable Orc. Dugg’r sees the Cataclysms as an opportunity, and it is no secret that she plans to wage war against the villagers. The Plague of Karoc, as it has come to be known, is according to her a blessing, intensifying hatred of the natural enemies of Orckind and killing of the troublesome goblins. While she has her supporters, she is for the most part loathed, and a coup is planned with the goblin Herek at its helm.

    High Delegate Doushoins - The representative of the Guardian of the Forest in all legal matters, the High Delegate is the elected leader of the Forest Coalition. A hobbit and a career politician, Doushoins was elected due to her charisma and passion as the Hobbit delegate. She has declared the Coalition a safe haven for uninfected Greenskins, welcoming them in after proving their health. She seems remarkably at ease in the crisis, despite claims on Coalition land by several other regions and the threat of the Decay in the North, leading some to question her motives.

    High Mage Elimut of Gylia
    - The King’s brother, Elimut was always gifted in the magical arts and was enrolled at the Grand Academy at the age of thirteen, the youngest student in its history. Always extremely ambitious, he rose to prominence within the Academy, and after the mysterious death of the previous Grand Mage, he ascended to the position, where he has stayed since. Though much respected for his abilities, Elimut is hardly likeable. Arrogant and selfish, he has his sights on the throne, and has big ambitions of dissolving the region system and claiming greater control for the King. He has delegated most of the magical response to the Cataclysms to others, and spends much of his time in Cinfras, leading some to suspect he is capable of helping, but chooses not to as it might impede his ambitions if Olux and Ahms were too strong.

    Togak of the Sol Embassy - Togak is the ancient and mysterious leader of the Sol Embassy. Before the rise of the villagers, the Elvish lands under his rule stretched from the Great Forest to the Canyon of Bantisu from the capital of Aldorei. After a brief schism with the Wood Elves and a gradual withdrawal from the increasingly troublesome villager lands, Togak was granted permanent leadership of the remaining lands by King Remikas in the Greater Aldorei region. However, he has become disillusioned with the monarchy and its greed and seeks to withdraw to the valley until things improve. His wider intentions remain a mystery to those outside of the Embassy, but the Elves of Aldorei are convinced of his great wisdom and power.

    Abbot Tranki of Bantisu - Bantisu faith has dropped significantly since the Cataclysms, and Tranki knows this better than anyone. He has issued many apologies, is in the process of reforming the faith as more of a philosophy for the lost, and has declared his intention to give up most of Bantisu lands. Hated by some for his perceived heresy, he remains adamant that he is doing what must be done.

    King Rogdon of Rodoroc - King of Rodoroc is the hereditary position of the leader of the Dwarves, although the term ‘King’ is misleading, as he is nominally a citizen just like any other who happens to hold the job of leadership. Wealth is shared amongst the dwarves - any dwarf may use whatever gold he needs, but is expected to work for the community in return. The dwarves have known nothing but abundance, but after the loss on the surface of Rodoroc, refugees demand equal access to the wealth and work of the beneath. King Rogdon’s solution is aggression - creating work by expanding the military, and sending his forces to guard the gates of the Heights and the road to Thanos, causing discomfort amongst both Villagers and Doguns, but two months before the RP he signed the Bantisu Concordat with Cinfras which granted him control over the road to Thanos and the gate, as well as a non-aggression pact between him and the villagers.

    President Torl of the Doguns - A populist beloved by nationalistic Doguns but distrusted by moderate Duguns and the rest of the province, Torl was elected in 569 YC after the previous President’s insistence on limited surface colonisation and a cooperative relationship with the Dwarves got him ousted from office. She has overseen a massive project colonising the newly habitable surface, including many settlements in Rodoroc lands. Several ultimatums have been issued, but the efforts continue. Her approval has recently dropped after the loss of the Gate and the support of the Villagers, but the unprecedented growth of the Nation leaves her firmly in power.

    Duke Sord of Ahms - The previous Duke of Ahms, the wise and widely liked Forserd, was tragically killed in one of the first losses of the Fracture, the tremor that destroyed most of the capital Ahmsanc along with most of his family. His timid fifteen-year-old son Sord has taken over rule of the Duchy, although what he is to do is beyond most people. Having rejected a house in Kandon-Alpha due to the town’s position on crumbling ground, he made temporary residence in the new cliffside community of Kandon-Beta, from which he is coordinating to the best of his ability an effort to ensure the safety of Ahms’ citizens. Ahmsanc has been completely evacuated, and mages and mountaineers have been dispatched to locate and rescue stranded survivors. While Sord refuses to support a complete exodus out of the region, many are leaving anyway. Few make it to safety.

    In this interpretation of a more open-ended magic system within the Wynncraft universe, magic is an essence contained within all things that contains the power to, if properly focused, allow the properties of an object to be used in ways that break the normal laws of science. The magic contained within living beings is called mana, and with sufficient skill and experience, it can be consciously channeled to produce powerful effects known as spells. Some enhance the physical prowess of the user, allowing them to fire many arrows in quick succession or use attacks so powerful they shake the ground, while others allow the conjuring of magical objects - such as a meteor, a transportation portal or a magical smoke bomb. Spells are very limited - it takes dedication to learn one, it saps the users mana and inventing new ones is only possible with detailed knowledge of mana and a considerable amount of luck. Elimut has invented at least three spells of his own, but has so far refused to teach them to anybody. The spells you may have are (mostly) limited to those available to players, NPCs and mobs in Wynncraft, as well as what are often used as powder specials (note that to use these without the help of powders is a very difficult skill). By the time of the game spellcasting has been split into four schools for different classes, but at this point anybody may learn any spell.

    The Five Inanimate Elements are another important tenet of magic. The magical essence within fire, air, water, earth and thunder permeates every inanimate object and their essence is much better understood and more accessible than most- mana is converted to them in many spells and the Grand Academy at Gylia has found a way to distill them into powders that may be used as a store of their energy. Powders are extremely expensive, however, given the small quantities produced, and won’t be very accessible. They also run out quickly, a flaw that does not exist in the main game given the relative abundance of powders and their comparatively low purity. There is speculated to be a much more dangerous sixth element in the meteors that have landed in Gylia.

    Accessing other essences is difficult, but can be done. Certain essences can be trapped in potions, including several variants of mana, extracted through highly specialised non-combat spells. The mana of plants and beasts can be used to an extent by using living matter to create weapons and armour, and certain other specialised items have been invented using specific animals or plants. Notably, a teleporting reed from Lake Gylia can be woven into parchment that when torn takes the user to the place it was made, an innovation that revolutionised transport.


    -Olux (At this point a wealthy city surrounded by farmland)
    -Karoc -(Sprawling Greenskin capital in the quartz-rich highlands)
    -Aldorei -(Visually unchanged, but much more influencial and open)
    -Rordoroc -(At this point underground Ancient Rodoroc plus a significant surface population)
    -Cinfras -(Not too different to how it is now, with the Royal Palace in place of the Guild Hall)
    -Garah -(Dogun capital, now Old Dogun City ruins)
    -Gylia -(Capital of the Mages’ Duchy, heavily focused around the Grand Academy)
    -Kandon-Alpha -(Ancient and prosperous city below Kandon-Beta, now destroyed)

    -Lezupret -(logging town in Olux)
    -Kandon-Beta -(Kandon-Beda, at this point a refugee camp)
    -Thanos -(Dwarven colony in Bantisu)
    -Templemount -(Bantisu temple’s location)
    -Efilim -(Multicultural town in Forest Coalition)
    -Korut -(Greenskin town near Castle Lleviguard)
    -Jofash -(fishing town in Ahms)
    -Maex -(Underground Dwarven town)
    -Grinefez -(Dogun town in what is now Freezing Heights)
    -Manifis - (Largest surface Dogun town)
    -Letvus -(controversial Villager settlement in Greater Aldorei)
    -Suinos -(Capital of Forest Coalition)
    -Gert Tent Group -(Gert town)

    (this will be updated as things happen and more is revealed)
    3267 BG - Sol Embassy formed
    1353 BG - Ancient Rodoroc built
    1254 BG - Garah founded
    865 BG - Karoc founded
    356 BG - Wood elves leave Aldorei

    0 YC - Cinfras founded as the first true Villager town
    83 YC - Olux founded
    126 YC - Dragon Containment treaty signed
    382 YC - Remikas born

    411 YC - Remikas the Great crowned
    413 YC - The Regions plan begins. Ahms, Gylia, Bantisu and Olux sign
    414 YC - Togak signs
    416 YC - Rodoroc signs
    421 YC - Forest Coalition set up
    424 YC - Brian I born
    427 YC - Doguns sign

    431YC - Kingdom of Karoc signs, unifying the province for the first time
    448 YC - Brian II born
    450 YC - Castle Lleviguard is completed
    452 YC - Remikas dies. Brian I crowned
    467 YC - Fort Leadin is built
    489 YC - Brian III born
    497 YC - Brian I dies, Brian II crowned
    503 YC - Elimut born
    505 YC - Ormut becomes Duke of Olux
    512 YC - Brian II dies, Brian III crowned
    518 YC - Elimut admitted to the Grand Academy
    535 YC - Rogdon crowned King of Rodoroc
    541 YC - Elimut becomes High Mage
    558 YC - Dugg’r crowned Queen of Karoc
    561 YC - Olux/Gylia wall started
    566 YC - Doushoins elected High Delegate
    568 YC - Taproot flashback

    568 YC - Cataclysms begin (0 AP)
    568 YC - Fall of Ahmsanc, death of Forserd
    569 YC - Eruption destroys much of the surface of Rodoroc
    569 YC - Torl elected
    569 YC - Fall of the Wind Fortress
    569 YC - Grand Academy struck by meteor
    570 YC - Bantisu guards at Heights gate disappear, Rodoroc assumes control
    570 YC - Dogun surface population surpasses underground
    571 YC - Dragon breeding grounds destroyed by volcano

    571 YC - RP begins
    571 YC - Escape of Ozoth
    571 YC - Summit at Cinfras
    1468 YC - Villagers arrive in Wynn (0 AVA)

    1568 YC - Wynncraft begins
    If any of the above contradicts any existing lore, please let me know.
    There are no gamey mechanics, you get stabbed in the arm, you don't lose hitpoints, you have a stab wound in your arm and have to deal with the consequences of said stab wound.

    Here are a few small rules:
    -Don’t attempt to leave Gavel. Such a journey usually ends in death in this era, and you will be no exception.
    -Don’t go god mode or metagame. Only Elimut, Togak and Qira are allowed to do that, and you’re not playing them.
    -If are inactive without explanation for too long you may or may not be killed off in the most embarrassing way I can think of.
    -Make it clear whether it’s you or the character speaking.
    -You must use the word ‘pretentious’ somewhere in your application.
    -My word is final. Unless it contradicts Wynncraft lore. In which case I apologise, but it's still final.
    -Messing up the timeline is ill-advised, but by all means try to kill the Guardian of the Forest or burn the Forgery to the ground. More fun for me.
    -Don’t be a dick. Outside of the RP. Inside you can be as horrible a person as you like.

    Now to join, fill in the application form and I will review your character and let you in. Hopefully.
    Gender (if not Villager)/age:
    Backstory (you can’t be anyone with much political power, but other than that you can be anyone that fits the lore):
    Class/fighting style:
    Abilities (specific/unique things you can do, magical or otherwise, based on skills):
    Equipment/material assets (don’t make yourself too OP please):
    Starting location:

    @Amun_Ra - Rowen Alreiss, wood elf
    @Tisaun - Hels Gahn, wood elf
    @Tsuyu-chan - Rin Aera, estranged valley elf
    @H0Y0Y0Y0Y0B0Y - Joesend Joestar, Ahmsian villager
    @Bluescreen - Dogoj, Gert
    @BlueSlimerino - Glem Kalitsk, Oluxian villager
    @WynnChairman - Chunchunmaru - Dogun

    While this is a prequel and we know how things turn out eventually, pretty much anything can happen in the game and the immediate aftermath. When this is over I plan on filling in the lore from the end of the RP to the beginning of the game proper, whatever state you've left Gavel in.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2018
  2. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Can I join? >.>
    If so, give me a while and i'll place an application down. xD
  3. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    I see absolutely no reason why you shouldn't.
  4. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Question: For the abilities, are we restricted to wynn abilities (EX, archer class, good at mobility and DPS) or can we place anything down (EX, Info Broker, good at stealth and information gathering, high Cha)
  5. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    The latter. Wynncraft classes are a bit restrictive for this.
  6. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    What about magic? Are we restricted to five elements only (or elemental combinations)?
  7. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    No. There are plenty of neutral spells, and if you can think of a magical ability that makes sense and isn't overpowered, feel free to use it. Magic is a lot more ubiquitous and gavellian races, especially villagers are typically much more adept at it than humans.
  8. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I'm considering joining this one. Gonna make a character soon enough.
  9. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Corkus isn't a real province. Heck, I'm don't even know if it was colonized at this point in the lore.
  10. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    sdkgjnio, Tsukiji and Aquila like this.
  11. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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  12. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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  13. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    I felt a more fixed detailed magic system was needed, so I added it to the lore. Sorry if it messed things up. (It was actually fairly difficult to make a hard magic system that matches what is seen in-game.)
    Tsukiji and Tisaun like this.
  14. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I wish I had a cool way to bump this... ;-;
  15. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    I think I'll join this one, the lore is really detailed and heck, it seems interesting! I haven't played Wynncraft for over a year but I think the lore will come back to me over time. Also, amazing map!

    tell me if my character is too powerful or things like that. It's free for changing.

    Name: Rowen Alreiss

    Race: Woodelf

    Gender/age: Male/350

    Appearance: Brown medium-length hair, neat good-looking face (not exceptionally handsome or anything), grey eyes, a well-trained firm body (not thin)

    Backstory: A self-trained swordsman from the woodelf clan. Rowen lived in a settlement close to Karoc inside the Coalition, so he was constantly in contact with greenskin tribes as well as hobbits and many other races. He likes using heavy one-handed swords, unlike light knives/sabres used by normal elves. He has a talent to analyse and understand enemy fighting style and skill upon seeing them, and can copy them to an extent. By doing this with many warriors he created a style for himself, a mixture of many fighting styles, but completely unique.

    He doesn't have an attachment to the Coalition or the elf faction, so spends his time hunting monsters coming out from the Cataclysms to further nurture his sword, in areas near the north of the Coalition.

    He is not very pretentious.

    Class/fighting style: Swordsman. Unlike typical elf style that relies heavily on agility and speed, Rowen uses skill and strength behind his sword. It works against both humanoids and monsters. Equips light armour overall, but exceptionally hard bracer armour pieces on his forearms. This he uses as shields by holding them up before him.

    Skills/weaknesses: He has numerous sword styles to use against different enemies. Because he isn't good at/doesn't like using magic, he tries to deal every single enemy with a single sword, no matter their size, hardness, material or property. Thus weak to enemy magic attacks and long-range attacks.
    He is one of the most skilled swordsmen in the Coalition, but the kind of enemies he can fight is limited. He's weakest against magic users.

    Abilities: Magic: Spells with earth mana, stuff like making the ground ripple to make enemies unbalanced. Gets drained quickly though.
    Sword style varies with fights against other swordsmen, greenskins, humanoid monsters, four-legged beasts, large monsters, flying enemies, etc.
    Because of being an elf quickened regeneration, but not like, instant-heal. What takes a normal person a month becomes a week, something like that. (?)
    Can camp in wild, hunt and take care of his own food inside a forest. Outside forests, he's kinda nervous because its not his home grounds.

    Equipment/material assets: Two one-handed swords on his left waist. Extremely light leather armour on his chest, shoulders, knees and shins. Leather boots, a rough tunic. Two extremely-hard bracers on his forearms, can deflect most blows from arrows, swords, etc. Dunno about magic.

    Starting location: Dunno bout this. Because I want something interesting to happen, North side of Coalition.

    of course with sharp ears
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2018
    Tisaun likes this.
  16. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    Okay. All characters so far received have been elves - not really a problem but something to bear in mind. A 'young adult' wood elf would be somewhere between 200 and 500. The character doesn't seem OP so things seem in order.
    Amun_Ra likes this.
  17. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Quick question; what happens when villagers/elves catch the disease from the cataclysms?
  18. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    What is mana?
    Like, what is mana for a plant? A random bush on the roadside?
    Is it energy?
    Is it power?
    Is it some sort of life essense?
    Or is it just... mana? So that the plant coukd cast spells if it wanted to. :/
  19. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    They can't. Diseases don't spread very well across more distantly related species.
    It's a magical life essence. A plant can't choose to cast a spell any more than it can choose to do anything else. Some do have magical properties powered by mana and others have delayed magical reactions to certain things (akin to growing towards light), such as the Gylia Reed - which teleports elsewhere if damaged. Most non sapient species (along with all Greenskins except goblins) species are unable to access their own mana, although there are exceptions.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2018
  20. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Would removing the mana do anything?
    What about giving it more?
    Are things with more mana better than things with less in anyway?
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