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[ Game ] A Puzzle Game | Looking For Level Creators | New Update! (v0.2)

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Lotem, Jun 1, 2018.

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  1. Lotem

    Lotem Ex-Moral supporter in the official Wynncraft CT™ HERO

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    Yo everyone!

    I'm not dead :D
    After I created many puzzle for Wynncraft in the past, I'm finally posting my very own puzzle game!

    I thought I'll come back to the forums to self promote it, and maybe even find some talented people who'd like to create and design levels for the game :)

    I started to make this game 2 years ago, and just recently decided to continue working on it and make it an actual complete game.
    It is a bit similar to the game "Flow" (but is much more complicated than that).

    This game is still work-in-progress, but there are already many features:
    • Smart game-play with interesting mechanics
    • 20 unique hand-made levels, separated into 4 worlds
    • A well-thought difficulty curve
    • Custom game GUI and menus, made entirely from scratch
    • In-Game level editor, for creating new levels and experimenting with the mechanics
      • Export and import levels from the level editor, to share your creations
      • Automated level solver for quick testing
    • Full abstraction, allowing easy implementations of new mechanics
    I'm adding more features on a daily basis, so make sure to come back to this thread later and check for updates!


    The main menu and the first levels


    More simple level examples

    The level editor

    All of the source code is available on GitHub. Here is The Link to the [Project Page].
    If you liked this project make sure to give it a star :D

    Download Link
    Here is the download link.
    You don't have to install anything, just download and double click the file to start playing!
    [Download Link]
    (You can also download it from the [Releases page] on GitHub to make sure you download the latest release)

    I Need Your Help!
    First of all, this game is unnamed at the moment. Name suggestions will be appreciated :D

    Also, as mentioned above, I'm looking for level designers.
    If you think you have what it got to design interesting and challenging levels, and would like to help, please PM me or comment.

    The format is very easy to understand, but there are many tiles types.

    The Level Editor Tiles Format

    The tiles format is made out of 3 parts:
    • The star information (optional)
    • The tile name
    • The tile modifier
    The tiles format is:

    The Modifiers
    There are 2 modifier types so far - color and direction.

    The current color modifiers are:

    • r - red
    • b - blue
    • y - yellow
    • g - green
    • w - white
    • c - cyan
    • p - purple
    • o - orange
    The direction modifiers are:
    • u - up
    • d - down
    • l - left
    • r - right
    The Tile Names
    The current tile names in the game are:

    • w - wall tile (empty square on board)
    • t - tile (just a normal blank tile)
    • p - player tile, with color modifers (player starting position)
    • e - end tile, with color modifers (player ending position)
    • b - bucket tile, with a color modifier (change the player color)
    • a - arrow tile, with a direction modifier (move the player to direction)
    • r - brush tile, with a color modifier (add a color to the player)
    Star Information (Optional)
    To add a star to a tile, just add "s" before the tile name.
    If you want to add a colored star, add a "s:<color>" before the tile name.

    At the moment you can only add stars to the normal blank tiles.


    • w - wall tile
    • p:r - red player
    • e:b - blue end
    • b:o - orange bucket
    • a:d - arrow down
    • st - tile with a star
    • s:gt - tile with a green star

    Advanced Player & End Colors
    You can create players with multiple colors.
    You can do that by using few color modifers. For example:

    • p:rb - player colored red and blue
    • p:pcw - player colored purple, cyan and white
    You can create end tiles with multiple colors, and multiple options of colors.
    You can do that by using few color modifers separated by "+" (and) or "|" (or). You can use braces as well.
    For example:

    • e:r+b - end tile colored red and blue
    • e:r|b - end tile colored red or blue
    • e:(r+b)|g - end tile colored [red and blue], or green
    • e:r+(b|g) - end tile colored red, and [blue or green]. This tile could also by written as e:(r+b)|(r+g)
    • e:w|y|c|(r+b) - end tile colored white, or yellow, or cyan, or [red and blue]

    I really hope you'll like this game!
    If you have any feedback or suggestions for new features, please leave a comment below.

    Happy Solving!
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2018
    7Mile, Alexandress, Dr Zed and 6 others like this.
  2. Pifg

    Pifg aaaaaaaaaaaa CHAMPION

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    This looks awesome! I don't feel like I'm good enough at making stuff in games to help out, but you did a great job on this!
    Lotem likes this.
  3. HalfCat_

    HalfCat_ Supporter of Catania HERO GM Builder

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    The game looks fun but you should get some better visuals. Right now they look like they were made in ms paint :v
  4. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP Item Team

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    Hey @Lotem !

    Kinda late here, but I'd like it if I could help make a few levels for ya!
    Lotem likes this.
  5. Lotem

    Lotem Ex-Moral supporter in the official Wynncraft CT™ HERO

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    I'll bump this...

    If you downloaded and played this game, can you please comment here and give me some feedback?
    What do you think about the game? Do you have any suggestion? How many levels did you solve and with how many stars? etc...
  6. Tsuneo

    Tsuneo Preliminary returnee

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    I got 31/36 stars. Level 13 was the hardest for sure

    It's a really fun idea, especially with the possibility to stop the movement on the move-pads by blocking them. Super fun to play!

    Here comes feedback: Some basic additions could be a counter for all original stars you've collected, and maybe one individual counter for every level. Some sounds when being moved by an arrow, entering a goal and a splash when switching color would be nice. The look is fine but could be a bit more refined. The mechanics are great, and should only be added to if neccesary.

    Level designing would be fun, but I'd need the tile encodings to actually try it out
    Lotem likes this.
  7. Lotem

    Lotem Ex-Moral supporter in the official Wynncraft CT™ HERO

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    Thank you for the feedback, it means a lot to me :D

    Regarding your suggestions:
    Counter for the stars is planned. Stars will be needed to unlock new worlds (group of levels). So the counters will be implemented once I introduce the worlds system.
    All of the sounds might be added later. I't not familiar with sound designing and I'll have to search for the sound effects online.
    The looks are the best I can handle for my first game, considering I'm not even using a game engine.
    More mechanics are planned. Some are already coded, but aren't included in the level examples.

    I just edited the thread and added a tutorial for the level creator.
    You are more than welcome to start a conversation with me send and send me your own levels, so I can use them later for the final game and credit you as a level maker!
    PikaLegend and Tsuneo like this.
  8. Lotem

    Lotem Ex-Moral supporter in the official Wynncraft CT™ HERO

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    Version v0.2 is now released!


    • 20 levels separated into 4 worlds
    • Level selection menus
    • Many bug fixes and improvements
    Your progress will not be saved at game restart!
    It will be implemented in a future version.
    PikaLegend likes this.
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