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Twist Of Fate Rp [5/6] - Closed

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Tsukiji, Jun 6, 2018.

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  1. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    ... Yes, the title is great... maybe. idk. My naming sense is bad. Anyways, read below. ;p;
    Hello! I'm Tsu and... wait, no... this is supposed to be about the RP, not me. >.<
    So this rp will just be a giant sandbox. You create a base and we'll build upon it. I have very little plans for where it is heading... I'm probably just going to throw a bunch of scenarios together and see what you guys make of it? Due to how flexible this entire thing is, I probably will raise the maximum amount of players after I get used to GMing a bit. >.>

    So the application is left really open ended. You can really just do whatever you want really... Make whatever you want, just make sure you understand it. :D ... And now that I think about it, make sure I understand it too. ;p;
    When you start, you will have a gap in information. That's fine, we'll build your backstory as we go, with random memories (which will be explained later...)

    Okay, I lied. Sue me. We'll be set in a medieval (?) era. You know, swords, magic, runes, the like. No guns though (unless you give me a very good reason. >.>). Everyone will just exist for no reason whatsoever, preferably nearby one another. If you are all spread out though, I'll just spawn them in somewhere random. >:T
    There is no set theme. I'll just attempt to adapt to how you just are playing, regardless of how many mistakes I charge through (forgive me. ;-;).

    Yes, I have alot. .-. Blame me for copying 3 rp here and 4 from somewhere else! xD
    1. Stay consistent and reasonable with what you do.
    • Ex. If you want to grab a pen out of your jacket but didn’t mention you had it, I won’t stop you. Trying to take out a gun, however… yeah no. Gotta tell me you have that first.
    2. Do not God-mod: God modding is when a character features god-like abilities, such as invincibility, mind control, or other unrealistic powers that might not fit with lore. Another form is when your character does something impossible that should kill them.
    • Ex: Eric would grab the sharp edge of the sword with his bare hand, not having his palm or fingers cut in half.
    • Ex: Luke would punch his opponent chest, despite it being covered with armor, it would break through and impale him despite not having any enhancement, or claw on him.
    3. No metagaming: Meta gaming is when a player applies out of charter retrieved information to their in-character.
    • Ex: John leads his party across the desert, seeking the King’s sword. Meanwhile, the GM shifts to a different party, who managed to find and retrieve the sword miles away. Coming back to John, John says, “I know where the sword is! The others have it!”
    Sub-rule: Make your application colorful (at least 5) so I know you read this. >.<
    4. No Auto: Auto is when a player performs an action without giving the affected players a chance to respond to those around him.
    • Ex: Lukes leaps into his car and drives away from the police, arriving home safely, successfully shaking them off. (The police didn’t get a chance to stop Luke.
    • Ex: Eric grabs the drink John just received and downs it. (John didn’t get to stop Eric)
    5. No Lore Break: Keep your characters in character. Don’t introduce things that shouldn’t exist.
    • Ex: Broaven the Rellekan sailor is an established water mage and heads into the settlement to meet up with his other shipmates and use his magic to help them on their next trip. (Wouldn’t use lightning)
    • Ex: The knight, John, materializes a machine gun and mows down the enemy kingdom. (Medieval knights shouldn’t know guns)
    6. No Power-play: Power-playing occurs when a player operates someone's character without the other player's consent.
    • Ex: Just as the battle started, John ran up to Luke, faster than he could react, and slashes his blade across his neck, instantly killing him.
    • Ex: I will attack the orc, and Eric will do the same.
    7. No Mary-Sues or Gary-Stus: These are characters with a lot of feats and negligible flaws.

    8. Loopholes can be exploited (to an extent) but if overused, I will have to come up with a way to stop it (and you).

    9. Anything OOC, stays OOC and anything in IC stays IC. Try not to have out of game conflicts affect your game experience.

    10. Have fun? >.>

    Of course, using the Fate Point system (o-o What's that?) maaayyyy allow you to circumvent these rules… to a point. .-.

    Name: [you know what goes here]
    Race: [WHAT ARE YOU?!? D:]
    Age: [how old you are followed by how old you look]
    Gender: [... pls just Male, Female and Genderless. ;-;]
    Physical description: [like, the only backstory needed.]
    User: [tag yourself. >.<]
    And that’s it… .-.
    Name: Tsuyu-chan
    Race: Human
    Age: 10 / 9
    Gender: FeMale
    Physical description:
    Height: 4ft 4in
    Weight: 62lbs
    Long black twintails, dark red eyes, pale white skin​
    User: @Tsu
    Descript: Demon, Tiny, Naive
    Yes, I know this is short, there’s a reason for it.

    There are different groups. Words, Elementalists, and Exceptions. (All of this is subject to change. >.>)
    These people use the meaning in certain words. There are two different ways to use them. You either
    1. Say them out loud which uses energy when you say it
      1. Ex. Raya's character
    2. Write them down which uses energy when you write it (but not use it)
      1. Ex. Talismans. >.>
    Saying them out loud makes them 'Words of Power', and the users are called 'Acolytes'. Writing them down makes them 'Runes' and the users are called 'Mystics'
    These people harness the energy from areas around them. There are two different types. You either
    1. Use the energy in the area, which depletes the energy in that area
      1. Ex. Using nature magic to grow a plant, while wilting the other plants nearby
    2. Use internal energy, which recharges slowly
      1. Ex. Standing in a barren desert and casting nature magic, losing a charge (which you can recharge later)
    Using external energy makes them 'Invocations', and the users are called 'Invokers'. Using internal energy makes them 'Spells', and the users are called 'Wizards'
    This is mainly for PC's. xD Anything that I can't explain with the other two are coined as 'Exceptions'.
    Words use energy while elementalists channel energy. However, what this means is that words are usable everywhere (except when they can't write or talk) while elementalists are conditional. However, elementalists do not feel tired after casting many spells, under users of words.
    Acolytes can pull the right spell out of a hat, but will feel tired after using it. Mystics, however, can pre-make these spells. Although they take more energy, they can hand these spells to other people. Using these will not make the Mystic feel tired. It is difficult to inscribe in rune though, and it requires concentration.
    Being an Invoker makes you semi-useless in certain environments, if the required elements aren't there. But, being a Wizard, you are weaker than Invokers, and you can't fight constantly, and must recharge your energy. For Example, if they were in a forest, the Invoker could invoke so much nature magic, due to the amount of plants. They cannot, however, cast fire magic. The Wizard can do both, but less of it.
    The elements I will be using are
    • Fire (srry @Aarakocra )
      • Also Light and Mental
    • Water
      • Also Purity and Calm
    • Earth
      • Also Fortifying and Physical
    • Wind
      • Also Thunder/Lightning and Quickness
    • Wood
      • Also Healing and Sneakiness
    • Void
      • Like Everything else
    Water beats Fire and Earth. Fire beats Wood and Wind. Wood beats Water and Earth. Earth beats Wind and Fire. Wind beats Wood and Water. Void... is conditional. xD
    The exact effects of these, we leave to the Users (and Fate Points. xD)
    If any changes are recommended, tell me. ;p;

    Okay, random memories. Really bad application. Fate Point system. Tf is that?
    Okay, So, I know basically nothing about your character from the application. That’s good. You’re doing it right so far.

    Every character starts off with 3 fate points. There is a maximum of 5. You can use an amount of fate points (under my discretion) to start building your backstory or fix a situation. This allows you to add things to your backstory, allowing you to cast magic, run really fast, read minds, and the like. However, you must word it in a way, to have it flow in a story. An example is given below (Going back to Tsuyu-chan. >.<)
    @Tsu: My character was always stubborn. She wouldn’t every give up until she won, even with no chances of winning.
    @GM: 1- 2 fate point.
    @Tsu: Okay. “At a young age, Tsuyu-chan was very stubborn. She would always complete what she said she would.”
    @GM: Perhaps more detail on the last part?
    @Tsu: “...stubborn. Whatever she did, she would have to complete it. She refuses to leave any of her tasks incompleted.”
    @GM: So only a need to complete things she said she would complete?
    @Tsu: Yes.
    @GM: Have her not back down from her decisions. And add an example to the timeline.
    @Tsu: Okay. “One day when she was four, she decided to help out her family by bringing water back from the well. But it was a hot day. And there were many jars to fill. She watched as the other children ran on the field and then turned her head to see her parents, toiling in the farm under the hot, heavy sun. Gritting her teeth, she continued to haul water.
    When the sun disappeared, her parent came back and headed to the jars to fill them up. They were surprised to see them already full of water and gladly drank to ease their tiredness. And then they saw her, coming back with another bucket, to fill the last jar.”
    @GM: Okay. Updated.
    [At this point, @GM will add to @Tsu character sheet in the OP and the story continues]
    @GM: A man just pushed you to the ground and is pinning you to the ground.
    @Tsu: Can I make it so that my character has a knife on hand?
    @GM: Reason?
    @Tsu: She hunts for her family and always has a weapon on hand.
    @GM: 2-3 fate points. Describe it?
    @Tsu: Due to her family being poor, she hunted for food to place meat onto the table.
    @GM: Weapon(s) of choice?
    @Tsu: Knife, battle axe, crossbow
    @GM: Knife - sure. Battle axe - she can’t use it. Not enough strength. Crossbow - sling?
    @Tsu: Knife and sling then.
    @GM: Okay. Timeline?
    @Tsu: “When Tsuyu-chan was 8, she decided to pick up her father’s weapons and run into the forest, to try to get some meat onto the table. Her family was too poor to afford it. She failed the first few times and her parents reprimanded her. But because she was stubborn, she kept at it and finally succeeded in bringing down… a tiny bird. It was a start. Over time, she grew better with these weapons, and now brought home rabbits, chickens, even deers!”
    @GM: 2FP
    [It would have been more if they haven’t brought in the fact they were stubborn; another aspect in their backstory]
    @Tsu: Okay. I will pull out the dagger I always have on me and stab the man in the leg.
    [@GM should add to @Tsu character in the description. Story then continues]
    @GM:You don’t see him anymore.
    @Tsu: Do I see any tracks?
    @GM: Can you find/follow tracks in the first place?
    @Tsu: In my backstory, I hunted for my family. Can I follow tracks as well?
    @GM: Sure, we’ll add it on as something you learnt along the way. 1FP and add it to the timeline.
    @Tsu: “During hot days, her prey were very elusive. There was little to no way she would find one out in the open, let alone follow tracks that didn’t exist! Her family would starve if this kept up. But then something caught her attention. A broken leaf here, a snapped twig there. She followed the trail and it led her to a rabbit’s burrow. Lying in wait, she managed to secure two of them, before the rest ran away. Finding this skill useful, she tried to use it as much as she could, to learn how to do it better.”
    @GM: I’m assuming this goes after the hunting part? Also, I was thinking of something different. I’m going to raise it to 2FP and make it only usable in foliage for now.
    @Tsu: Yes. And I only have 1FP left...
    @GM: O. So 1FP and make it only usable in thin foliage?
    @Tsu: Sure.
    [@GM adds it to the timeline and game continues]
    At this point: @Tsu’s character sheet would look like this.
    Name: Tsuyu-chan
    Age: 10 / 9
    Gender: FeMale
    Physical description:
    Height: 4ft 4in
    Weight: 62lbs
    Long black twintails, dark red eyes, pale white skin​
    User: @Tsu
    Fate Points: 0
    “One day when she was four, she decided to help out her family by bringing water back from the well. But it was a hot day. And there were many jars to fill. She watched as the other children ran on the field and then turned her head to see her parents, toiling in the farm under the hot, heavy sun. Gritting her teeth, she continued to haul water.
    When the sun disappeared, her parent came back and headed to the jars to fill them up. They were surprised to see them already full of water and gladly drank to ease their tiredness. And then they saw her, coming back with another bucket, to fill the last jar.” [Date added & Page it was on]

    “When Tsuyu-chan was 8, she decided to pick up her father’s weapons and run into the forest, to try to get some meat onto the table. Her family was too poor to afford it. She failed the first few times and her parents reprimanded her. But because she was stubborn, she kept at it and finally succeeded in bringing down… a tiny bird. It was a start. Over time, she grew better with these weapons, and now brought home rabbits, chickens, even deers!” [Date added & Page it was on]

    “During hot days, her prey were very elusive. There was little to no way she would find one out in the open, let alone find where it was resting. Her family would starve if this kept up. But then something caught her attention. A broken leaf here, a snapped twig there. She followed the trail and it led her to a rabbit’s burrow. Lying in wait, she managed to secure two of them, before the rest rean away. Finding this skill useful, she tried to use it as much as she could, to learn how to do it better.” [Date added & Page it was on]
    • Stubborn and persistent
    • Hunts and always has a dagger on hand
    • Can track in thin foliage

    Making the backstory isn’t the only thing you can do with Fate Points. Did you forget the item in the dungeon? Spend a fate point and we’ll pretend you picked it up. Too tired/weak to do anything? Spend a Fate Point and transcend your limits for a bit. In a tough situation? Call for help using a Fate Point. There are too many things to list here, but most situations can be changed using Fate Points.

    Now you may be wondering how @Tsu started with 3FP but used up 4? Well there are ways to gain FP. I’ll award them for good roleplaying, as well as ‘invoking’ part of your background. (And maybe some other things). Invoking will be explained below.

    So, with this character (woo, Tsuyu-chan best name) is stubborn. I can choose to invoke this and make @Tsu continue to do an action, even if they really shouldn’t.
    @Tsu: I will haul on the rope to drag the fish onboard.
    @GM: “What are you doing?!” The boat starts tipping towards your side. You’re not sure if you can pull it up in time before the boat tips over.
    @Tsu: I stop pulling the rope. “Sorry. I thought it would be easier...”
    @GM: Actually, you will continue pulling the rope because once you made that decision, you won’t stop. Since you don’t have any fate points to counter this, you will continue pulling the rope. “I can!... Do this!” You yell out. “She’s crazy!” “Everyone get ready!” Also, have a fate point since I invoked your backstory.
    @Tsu: … Gee thanks..
    @GM: Np. Boat collapses.
    [Story continues]
    @Tsu: Oh… This is out of our league. I’ll go back to hand this mission in and pay the failing fees.
    @GM: You’re persistent. You aren’t going to do that.
    @Tsu: I have a FP. Can I use it?
    @GM: … Sure. Go ahead and continue what you were doing.
    [Story continues]
    Also, feel free to invoke other people on the team. >.< So like, if you’re fighting one another, invoking park of their backstory might give you an edge. The invoker pays the fate point to the invoked though. THIS CANNOT BE USED ON NPCS. I need an edge against people you can deus ex machina everything. ;-;

    Also, I am allowed to add to your backstory. >.< I'll usually do it based on what's hapoening curently though.
    @Tsu: I look over the edge.
    @GM: Someone pushes you off and you hit the bottom. You're not unconscious, just heavily injured. 1FP or fear of heights. >.>
    @Tsu: ... I'm out of FP
    @GM: Cool, it's canon now. :D "When Tsuyu-chan was adventuring, she was looking around for [item]. She made a decision to peak over the edge of a cliff, and that was when someone pushed her off. After a while of rolling down, she reached the bottom, heavily injured still conscious. The fall was... heavily unpleasant, and she thinks she may have broken a few places. To make sure that this doesn't happen again, she stayed away from edges, and tried not to go to high off the ground." Do you want to reword it at all?
    @Tsu: ... No. It's fine.
    [@GM adds to @Tsu's backstory and the story continues]
    If you spend the FP though, I won’t attempt to add this to your backstory again. In fact, I’ll add a little note saying that you aren't afraid of heights (in the case of Tsuyu-chan) or something.

    Btw, try to be unique? For instant, if someone comes up with a huge crazy thing that I somehow allow, you may or may not be able to do the same… Probably not though unless it’s generic.

    BTW, to balance out magic and abilities, I'm going to make FP only able to give one ability.

    Instead of control over wind it should be
    Wind Blade: Can create blades of wind to send at a target.
    Or Wind's Blessing: Can make a slight breeze in a certain direction. Can make a stronger wind but for a shorter amount of time.

    A name and description needs to be added to these abilities. This is the same all skills and abilities.
    Adding a flaw does not cost FP.

    Feel free to tag on as many disabilities as you like onto your character. >.>
    You are allowed to slightly edit the wording of past aspects as long as the general meaning stays the same. (For instance, if you made a scenario, then said 'four years later', second scenario' you can't add a year in between without bumping your entire story forward a year. You can edit that 'four years later' to '[An amount of time later]', that wouldn't screw with your backstory.
    Basically, you can edit time in your aspects, to keep everything in line.
    That information wasn't very basic. .-.
    If you haven't realized by now, this entire rp will be focusing on the Fate Point system, and building up and flushing out a character from starting with a horrible base. Of course, recommendations are appreciated, since I just finished making the system today. >.> It's not perfect, but that's why you guys are here to criticize me. >.<
    Help me balance this thing pls. ;-;
    We'll build up your character as we go, and discover their personality, like, dislikes, etc. Or you can Deus Ex Machina everything and say f- character personality! (don't actually pls. >.<)

    If any of you guys have been on desktop in the past few weeks, you should know how active I am on the forums. (lel, I have no life. ;-;) Adding on to that, summer is coming up. :D And so, my responses will be- slow actually. .-. I'm going to be trying to not have this rp explode in my face due to any plot holes that appear. >.< So, although it won't be one of the fastest threads I'll be replying to, I'll make sure to give a reply at least once a day.
    Unless I'm dead. In that case, RIP rp till I resurrect myself.

    Name: William Nightflower
    Race: Werewolf
    Age: 18
    Gender: male
    Physical description: he's 5'8 average looking in terms of body. purple eyes, sholder lenght black hair
    User: @BlueSlimerino
    Fate Points: 1
    1. This was before I was turned into a werewolf when people weren't scared of me and I still had friends. While I and some other children from my neighborhood were just playing on the street and having fun. I remember playing a game of tag with my friends when a man approached, I thought nothing of it since people walk through town a lot, but he didn't just go past us like other adults he approached one of the girls from our group and said something about her being cute and wanting to spend time with her. She, of course, didn't know him and told him to get away, not like that would stop him. He grabbed her hand and told everyone to scram if they want her to live. Most kids ran, but I was a fool tried running at him and punch him, that didn't go out so well because he was way stronger than me. Nonetheless, he let the girl go and now he was focused on beating me up and teaching me a lesson to do as I'm told. I remember getting beaten up badly before the guards showed up. It was the girl that the man had grabbed who called the guards, and she thanked me for saving her from the attacker. That feeling of being a hero felt really good, but even so, I know I wouldn't have done it if I didn't know her [Page 23]
    2. After being bitten and turned into a monster, I noticed that the beasts blood that now runs through me has enhanced my senses to that of its own, allowing me to now see in the dark and also have superior smell and hearing. [Page 17 - 2FP]
    • Can see slightly better in the dark
    • Better smell & hearing
    • Everyone that I care should view me as a hero; otherwise, I don't care what they think
    • Can turn into a werewolf once a day; time as werewolf is increased per kill
    • Description: tired, homeless, dirty
    • Black circles under eye, little sleep
    • I can turn into a werewolf once per day and control my actions, but if I'm exposed to long to fresh smell of blood, become very angry or exposed to too much pain I will start to turn into a werewolf without any control and go into a mindless rampage attacking anyone that I see. If I enter a rampage I will have no memory of what happened when I was a wolf [Page 4, needs story]
    Name: Valkas Thunderfoot
    Race: Goblin
    Age: Physically 8, looks 8 (Goblins age much faster than humans.)
    Gender: Male
    Physical description:
    Short black hair, light brown eyes, reddish-orangeskin, crooked nose
    Height: 3 ft, 2in.
    Weight: IDK. How much does a goblin actually weigh? I'll just say that he doesn't weigh much, even by goblin standards.
    User: @Aarakocra
    Fate Points: 1
    1. As a child in my goblin warren, I was carrying around an old shard of glass for no particular reason, when I was attacked by a wolf. I was only able to survive because I used the glass to injure the wolf, so I could escape. Ever since, I've kept lots of random things on me, just in case. [Page 6 - 1FP]
    • Has alot of random items
      • Anything old/broken that fits in pockets
    • Sheer curiosity. [Page 12, needs story]
    • Image on pg.2 (I'll move the pic here later)
    • Ave age of death: 20
    • Description: Mischevious, slightly unhinged.
    • Looks 25 to humans
    • Has a pouch full of red powder
    • Had blood on his face day 1
    • Typical goblin.
      • Not too muscular
      • Fairly wiry
      • Perpetual grin
      • Small scar (from wolf)
      • Small messy mop of black hair
      • Hair hidden by cloak, wears cloth tunic & pants, no shoes [Page 7]
    • Has 30 pockets. o-o
    • Goblins can see better through the dark [Page 17]
    Name: Alesol Taic (congrats if you figure out the name’s origin, though it shouldn’t be too hard)
    Race: Human
    Age: 25/20-ish
    Gender: Male
    Physical description: We’ll say 5’6”. Tanned-ish skin. Average build. Faded-yellow hair that might have been blonde at some point before.
    User: @Nikolai Mael
    Fate Points: 1
    1. In the port town of [Alminia], the Taic clan was known for producing the finest boatsmen (not sure of the term used for people who work with boats, and no, sailor isn’t what I’m looking for) of the town. Each and every one of the young children first receive the basic training required to even sail the boats, from learning how to steer and propel the craft forward to learning how to read a map and navigating using it and the surroundings. After each child reaches the age of 14 , they would receive additional training based on the task the head of the family felt they were best suited for. Some learned fishing techniques, others learned how to build the boats, but Alesol, he was drilled on what to do in the case of thieves. He’d be taken out on a cargo ship at night, told to make his rounds, and tasked with defending “his cargo and ship” from thieves that would attempt to come aboard and make off with the goods. Whether or not he had the goods secured come morning decided whether or not he’d eat for the day, so obviously he did what he could. At last, after two years (current age: 16), the training was over, and off he went to start his career as a guard (not sure if there’s a specific term for someone who defends cargo). [Convo - 2FP]

    2. Fast forwards nine years (current age: 25), Alesol is working with a group of mages who need to transport magic stones to… wherever they study them (I really am not sure where this should be). One of the mages hands him one of the stones. “Part of your payment for working with us.” I mean, it’s a gold crystal thing, but sure. It’ll make a nice decoration. The days go by, attempts of thievery were foiled, and the shore was within sight. Everything was going along according to schedule. At least, until the storm arrived. The sudden storm catches the ship unawares, giving a group of mages the chance to suddenly betray the rest of the ship and make off with the precious stones. Alesol attempts to defend, but what could he, a non-magic user, do against a group of mages? Sure, he takes out two or three of the mages, but he eventually collapses after being struck by lightning. The rogue mages escape with the stones, the ship is sinking, and the last thing he notices is the sound of shattering crystal. [Convo - 0FP]

    3. Few days later, he awakes to a strange buzzing sound, something… sparking. Washed up on the shores of [Mitacho], he checks himself. He couldn’t understand how he was alive and well, wasn’t he struck by lightning? You can’t just walk away from that. After taking a closer look at himself, he notices a strange sparkling dust on his skin. He blinks, and the dust has seemingly vanished. The sound stops. That was weird. He’ll then look around before attempting to start anew in this new town. [Convo - 0FP]

    4. It’s been an interesting few days. On one hand, anyone he touches seems to jump up a little at even the slightest bit of contact. On the other hand, he’s no longer been targeted by the local pickpockets, due to the yelp they let out upon touching him. They quickly learned to go elsewhere. Nowadays he works as a guard once more, though he refuses to work if a storm is said to appear during the trip, and you’ll never see him on the same ship as a mage if he can help it. One lightning strike was enough. [Convo - 1FP]
    • Due to being a former sailor, he has basic knowledge required for... sailing. (Sailing, navigation, etc.) [Focuses more on guarding tn sailing]
    • Aversion of storms after surviving a shipwreck resulting from a particularly nasty storm.
    • At this point, his touch produces a small harmless spark (constant buildup of static charge)
    • Description: shockingly stoic authority
    • Guarded the boat, didn't lead it
    • Sparkling dust was on skin
    • Struck by lightning by betraying mages
    • Alesol is about 5’6”. Tanned skin and faded hair that might have been blonde at one point suggests he works outside somewhere. The guard’s uniform somewhat confirms that. You might hear a low buzzing coming from his position if you listen hard enough. [Page 10]
    • Has weighted gloves [Page 19]
    Name: Raya Xara
    Race: Human
    Age: 52 / 14
    Gender: Female
    Physical description: 5 ft 4 in
    Semi Light / Semi Fair Skin.
    Somewhat Skinny
    Brown Eyes
    Black / Grey Hair
    User: @Azura
    Fate Points: 1
    1. At a young age (age 6), she was in for a rude awakening and got abducted by slaveholders. However, after being taken to the place where all the abducted slaves were gathered from this band, a group of vigilante (I really like that word) sages came in and attacked the band of slaveholders either killing them off or letting them flee. A lot of the abducted slaves thanked the sages and went back to their respective homes. However, when they came across Raya, she could not seem to name or locate where her home was for she was very young and wasn't aware of half the location names. So they took her in to take care of her. At first, they tried to see if they could find her parents, her home, etc. but they failed. So they ended up teaching her the ways of magic written on ancient writings from several lost, unnamed civilizations long ago. The spells were able to alter reality, give her an edge over others, but they were taxing on energy. One time, Raya got too curious of a powerful spell she was instructed not to use, and so she got cursed of being stuck at the age 14 forever. Because of this, she was exiled from the group and now we're here. [Page 7 - 0FP]
    • A blanket backstory was just added. o-o Wat.
      • "Tas": Uses 70-80% of your maximum energy to control 10 ropes. There is no maximum size or length for these. It also allows the user to summon up to 20 ropes of average size, which don't count towards the limit for controlling. The spell ends if it isn't used for 5 minutes. [Page 7 - 2FP]
    • Doesn't really care about life at this point of time so she was reckless and carefree. [Page 15, needs story]
    • Description: Silent, Faded, Smart
    • Her whole figure and presence seems faded and dull
    • A rope is: a length of cord made by twisting together strands of natural fibers (or magic. >.>)
    • Has 12 pieces of paper with runes [Page 21]
    • Doesn't care about what happens to anyone but she'll prevent someone from dying if she doesn't see the point of their death. [Page 21]
    • Depressed state makes her reckless. [Page 21]
    • Doesn't care about her personal health or life at the moment so she's completely fine accepting death. [Page 21]
    Name: Zara
    Race: High Elf
    Age: 230, 23
    Gender: Female
    Physical description: red hair, dark grey cloak and hooded all the time, 5'5.
    User: @HMTN
    Fate Points: 1
    1. At some point in her currently highly mysterious past (I need some world details first ok), Zara spent a good 10 years in strength and weapon training with a small group of priests of a war god (if there's no war god, mercenaries) on a rather secretive mountain. They all died out a century ago, but despite her small frame Zara's strength is near superhuman, and she would be an easy master of most weapons if she remembered it. Which she won't, if not for a very long time.
    • Superhuman Strength
    • Easy master of most weapons
    • Description: Quiet, Unassuming, Shy
    • Elves die ~850 years old
    Name: Arthas Ayers
    Race: Human
    Age: 23, 18
    Gender: Male
    Physical description: Physically fit, Black, Short, Messy Hair, 6 ft. exact, Round Head, Square Shoulders, Brown Eyes, Small Nose, Small Ears, Thin
    User: @H0Y0Y0Y0Y0B0Y
    Fate Points: 3
    • Description: Honor Bound, Reckless
    • Has a code to follow [Place code here when given]
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2018
    Nukewarmachine and Tisaun like this.
  2. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    So what character should I bring into here.


    Already did Kayla and Aquila, those are off the charts.
  3. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    I’m just going to say that forcefully adding something to ones backstory, even if it can be circumvented via fp, might not be a good idea. Also, sounds... interesting. I might decide to roll up a char.
  4. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I'll only be adding things based on the situation. For instance, if someone is pushed off a cliff, I might add to their backstory 'Fear of heights' >.<

    shouldn't be any unless you actively spend FP to make it that way. xD (I'll be sure to screw with it though. >:D)
  5. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    I see. You should probably reword that section so others don’t... misunderstand.
  6. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Tbh,I'm just waiting for Arch to join this and bring another book character in.
  7. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    And then everyone joins in, and all rps become one (honestly not sure how that might even look like, but probably not pretty.)
  8. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    @Arch >.>
    I may have just screwed myself
    All GM join together and make a new rp.
    You mean Void Rift? .-.
    Were, like, everyone is a DM? >.<
  9. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    While the text was edited, the example doesn’t seem to follow.

    What have you done? O.O

    I was more thinking of a chaotic mashup of worlds.

    Also, does this mean that you have 3 fp for char creation, or you start front 0 and build by gaining fp?
  10. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    a new rp just in time for summer count me in

    Name: William Nightflower
    Race: Can I be a werewolf? if not then just human
    Age: 18
    Gender: male
    Physical description: he's 5'8 avrage
    looking in terms of body. purple eyes, sholder lenght black hair
    User: @BlueSlimerino
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2018
  11. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    You start from 3fp and add background as you play to deus ex machina everything. >.>
    (Unless anyone here thinks 3 is too high/low?)
    Also, I recommend you add a personaloty trait first so that I have something to invoke or something to award you for if you screw thr situation with the trait. xD
    cause if you use all three on mechanics, you're probably not going to get another FP for a while...
    till you fall off a cliff or something.

    Is the werewolf going to be every full moon or something different? >.>
    Since, ya know, rp are kinda slow. >.<
    Basically, can you explain the differences between werewolf and human for me? :p
  12. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    more like how they do it in skyrim.
    you can become werewolf once a day for a short time and if you kill someone your bloodlust extends and you stay wolf longer
  13. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Is there anyway to tell the difference between a werewolf and a human aside from the transformation?
    And btw, even if you 'can only use it once a day' feel free to make yourself a special varient (Hint Hint) using FP. xD (going to be a big price though...)
    BTW, to balance out magic and abilities, I'm going to make FP only able to give one ability.

    Instead of control over wind

    It should be
    Wind Blade: Can create blades of wind to send at a target.
    Or Wind's Blessing: Can make a slight breeze in a certain direction. Can make a stronger wind but for a shorter amount of time.

    A name and description needs to be added to these abilities. This is the same for weapon skills.

    Is everyone who's currently here fine with that? >.>
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2018
  14. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    well you dont get well rested so you always look tired and have black circles around eyes other then that no
    can it be if i go unconcious i automatically turn wolf?
  15. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    mk. If a random person saw him, how would they judge him based on his looks? Good, bad, saint, demonic, deliquent, etc? (1-3 word first impression)

    maaaaaybe... Idk, FP for the win. xD If you give a good conviencing reason, it'll cost less but otherwise, you're looking at a 2-4 I think?
    (My FP distribution will be very unbalanced until I get used to this system btw. >.>)

    Note: There will be things that need 5FP. >.< The limit's only there so that people don't store up FP and never use it unless there's an emergency.
    BTW, ifI award a FP, you don't get to use one 'in response'. (I will add this to the OP later)
  16. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    he looks like he is homeless, dirty, tired
    give me a little time
  17. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Okay. Accepted. :p Wait until there are a few more (2?) people and maybe the end of tomorrow? Or maybe two days later. My finals testing ends then. >.< Afterwards, I'll start this up. :p
  18. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    actually for now i wont use fate point incase i need them later
  19. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Do you, or do you not know what you are doing?
  20. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    hahaha that's the idea! :D
    (if anyones wants to use their fo before the rp starts feel free? But I recommend that yiu save them. xD)
    I have an idea on what scenarios I'm going to give, and in what order. (Just need to edit them slightly depending on the group)
    I can make NPC's unique... to a point. (woo, another canon evil cultist group, coming to get yah!)
    As for keeping everything in order if everyone starts doing their own thing? May take me a while or organize everything but I should be able to give 6 different responses... Hopefully. If it comes to it, I'll stop typing really fast on the other threads and spend more time on this one. ;p
    For the Fate Point System... would anyone know what they are doing with this? .-. Using this system, I kinda have to react on the fly to your guys' responses. xD

    I think this counts as I know what I'm am doing? I won't be the best, for sure, nowhere close to that, but it shouldn't burn to the ground... unless the Fate Point system screws this entire thing over. .-.
    Help me balance pls. ;-;
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2018
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