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Guild Da Classy Goats Lvl 32: Revival! {very Classy} Recruiting Litcherally Anyone

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Yoomoozoo, May 30, 2018.

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  1. Yoomoozoo

    Yoomoozoo Founder of Da Classiest of Goats

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    Da Classy Goats
    Hello comrades! My name is Yoomoozoo with my recent return I am reviving my guild, Da Classy Goats until it inevitably dies again like all things do. Although I'm technically not owner anymore (the current owner hasn't played in over 8 months), I am the founder and rightful lord of classy goats. We are a war/community guild that likes to battle, but I don't expect to hold a vast empire and be competitive. I like taking territory because it's fun, so anyone who wants a semi-serious guild that has a history of being chill with a laid back atmosphere feel free to sign up.

    Untitled drawing (5).png

    Activity: It's required that members donate 10-20% of xp (you can always contribute more if you'd like) and it's perfectly acceptable (and logical) to donate 0% of quest xp. However, if you are using a class at max level please donate 100% xp. I have no minimum emerald donation, but just always make sure you're contributing them. Try to be active. If you are going to be gone for an extended period of time tell me. If I decide to leave again I will let everyone know

    Behavior: Always be nice and respectful to all of your fellow comrades. The one thing I will be strict about is toxicity. Since the beginning I have promoted a safe atmosphere for casual and hardcore players. Cursing and fowl language is ok long as it is not excessive or directed at other players.
    Anyone who applies will have a 99.69% chance to join. I just want some other info before I let you in. Or you can msg me if I'm online and I'll probably invite you.
    IGN(In game name)
    Main Class/Level
    Other class levels
    Why do you want to be in this guild?
    How many emeralds will you donate regularly?
    How many hours weekly will you be on?
    Previous Guild Experience?
    Are your memes normie or dank?

    Communism is the best thing since not having sliced bread because you were forced to make steel for Mao's glorious revolution. Everyone in the guild is automatically a captain
    Last edited: May 31, 2018
    Lego_DW and Drew1011 like this.
  2. Drew1011

    Drew1011 Former Viceroy of the Foxes / Reviver of Kingdoms HERO

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    Nice to see this back again.
    Good luck!
    Yoomoozoo likes this.
  3. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    with art like this, who wouldnt want to join
    Chemma2B likes this.
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