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A Modern Day Fantasy Rp [6/10]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Mar 26, 2018.


How often do you use the Memory Book Thing?

  1. What is the Memory Book?

    23 vote(s)
  2. Never

    1 vote(s)
  3. Almost Never

    1 vote(s)
  4. Sometimes

    3 vote(s)
  5. Occasionally

    1 vote(s)
  6. Somewhat Constantly

    0 vote(s)
  7. Frequently

    2 vote(s)
  8. All the Time

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    Fair point, but what kind of name is
    I'll be honest, just the name confused me for a solid 5 minutes before I read what it does.
  2. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Probably... but now my surprise card is down... unless they didn't notice who shot it? And how? Also, I wonder if they'll take how long before the shot the click sound of loading the gun was... (Also I was useful in combat for once! ^-^ Yay~ I feel accomplished)
    But one spell to ward them both off? o-o Wow. They would've won even with @Nikolai Mael stepping in and taking away weapons?
    TBH: I'm still confused... .-. Is that an actual spell in the book btw?
  3. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    Eh, the disarming took quite a bit of effort, and Cat just produced more knives (which made me think of throwing the knives at people then taking more knives from her, but you kind of ended things with a single shot). Besides, I can't counter magic.
    Somewhat on the same note @Azura , how do we improve the abilities we have?
  4. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Both of you go through the rift into the infirmary. The rift closes afterwards Aquila has pulled up a chair and has her hands up in a prayer position next to Kayla. Her body is bent over Kayla's stretcher and her eyes are closed in concentration. Jay and Zach appear through the entrance of the infirmary.

    "Goddamnit. That spell that guy cast on me was attracted to my jacket," Jay says in an annoyed tone. "I actually liked that jacket."

    "How did it go?" James asks him now in a sitting position on his stretcher.

    "Uh . . ." Zach trails off. "Yeah I'm not explaining this."

    "Hey uh, can you give Kayla the medicine first before we uh, accidentally forget?' Jay asks Tim.

    What now?

    It is a spell used in the book when Han didn't want Micah Bayar to keep going into his dorm room and messing it up when they were at Oden's Ford. You're supposed to cast it on objects and you can anchor it to go against specific people. When the target goes near that object, the rodents and bats come out and go for them. The spell was anchored to Jay's jacket and Zach's shirt making an endless loop until they took those pieces of clothing off.

    @Arch just gave the spell a really stupid name

    (None of the spells are named btw)
  5. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    That’s... somewhat amusing to picture now.
  6. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Practice, stressful situations, use them, say something new your trying to do off of a current ability- am I the only PC that improved their abilities actually? .-.
    ... Not "Marked" or "Target" or "Ravage" or ... yah know... "roden defensionis ratio spell" (roden defension for short)?
    "Jay, you're the medic, how do you want to do this?"
    (Mouth to mouth, duhhhh... .-.)
  7. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Uh Ive been debating on this for a bit. I was thinking that you could improve abilities through "experience" and usage but I realized that would take a SUPER long time considering a single day took 60 pages. So idk, I think I'm leaning on "experience" and usage as well as maybe something major happens in a scene and you get an unnatural buff or something. Kind of like Achilles Heel where he gets an "unnatural buff" from the scene of going into that river or something. Idk if you get the gist or not.

    That too.
    "Uhhh . . ." he pauses. "Wait, can you hand me the medicine, please? I want to see if it's a liquid, or solid, or a tough type of liquid."
  8. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I give him the medicine.

    I randomly decided to activate TS and push it farther (now I can see into the past and have abused it in the one day I had it. xD) I was attacked in close combat and unlocked a tiny bit more in SS, with being able to control people (it wasn't useful at the time but I'll get there), there was a situation where I had no peaceful (keyword there) way out unless I got Aquila to help, unlocking telepathy with SS (which... kinda works? I'll need to test it again later though. xD). So maybe you can try getting yourself into a situation where you'll die no, never mind. Just attempt to get yourself a girl friend. Works wonders to train the mind.

    Just a dating profile for you. xD:
    Name: Niko
    Age: Uh... at least 3000?
    Race: Human. Definitely a human like you.
    Enjoys: Controlling mane eating? (Btw, can you do that? .-.)
    Anything else: I'm the sharpest tool in the shed. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Edit: Btw, are time skips allowed? Say everyone in the rp agreed to skip forward a week. Would you let us? And can we stop the time skip half way though if something happens, say like... if the news said the moon fell. Cause if so, we can all agree to 'train under a waterfall for a month' while everybody prepares for the final battle (or some better reason than that)
    (Btw, update the memory book, we got alot more important NPC's with Cuff's group) xD
    Last edited: May 24, 2018
  9. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Azura shrugged. "Sure, time skips may (I mean will) be necessary in the near future."

    @Nikolai Mael

    Jay opens the wooden container. It indeed is a liquid. "So I think we can simply just pour this in her mouth and wait for it to go through her system," Jay sighs. He then bends the stretcher so that Kayla's body position goes from lying straight back to somewhat 60 degrees. He then conjures a glass from out of nowhere and pours the liquid into the glass. Aquila has stopped her praying (joke) and has leaned back in her chair her soft gaze once again fixed on the floor. You could only wonder what was so interesting about the floor huh? Anyway, Jay then proceeds to pour the liquid into Kayla's mouth and . . . yeah that's it.

    "That's it?" Ken asks bewilderedly.

    "...Yes, that's it," Zach mutters.

    "That was anticlimactic," Ken says.

    What now?

    (I felt so awkward typing this paragraph)

    Dear lord . . .
  10. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "What, you wanna go up and make sure she swallowed?"

    SS Quila. I think (very hard again) "you doing okay?"

    Tsu: Okay. Tsuin think that fine. Why you go 3rd person though? How often we be informed of things during time skips? Incase we want stop time skip during special event.
    (I'll stop typing likw thia, in confuses me. .-.)

    It's just a man grabbing some wood and moving it to a girls mouth, and making sure she swallows the liquid that comes out. I don't see anything wrong with that? Perfectly norm medical procedure..
    ... Forget I said anything... .-.

    Edit: Just realized that a bunch of guys (and Niko) are standing around watching an unconcious girl and attempting to make her swallow something... Oh. I guess Aquila's there too?
    Last edited: May 24, 2018
  11. Gebis8

    Gebis8 Lost

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    I make my way over there and look for something to eat.
  12. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    . . .

    "Uh, no?" Ken shrugs stupidly.

    You then proceed to go into SS on Aquila.

    The scene changes from the infirmary to the infirmary . . . wow . . .

    You (Aquila) are staring at the floor thinking about an old memory.

    "You're just a thirteen-year-old Aquila," says a guy angel named Cornix. "Although you possess great strength and power, you're just like a thirteen-year-old. Why do you think you're unable to hurt or harm anyone, much less kill anyone? Why do you always feel guilty whenever you see someone . . . no anyone get hurt even though you aren't the cause? Why do you think you take the form of a thirteen-year-old? Everyone can see the real you through that, formal, heartless, warrior facade you've set up. It doesn't take a Noctua to notice you're really just a harmless birdy in the way. Hell you wouldn't even be able to kill if necessary of saving your girl. You're pathetic Aquila." Cornix then turns around sharply and walks away leaving you (Aquila) to just stare at him, some tears forming on your (Aquila's) face. The scene fades away.

    You then proceed to do uh, that new telepathy thing or whatever.

    You (Aquila) seem to get the message. You (Aquila) think to yourself, "...No, I'm not okay Caillte . . ." A slight pause. ". . . What if . . . What if something happens . . . and I'm forced . . . to kill . . . to save her . . ." Another slight pause. " . . . Cornix was right . . . huh? I am pathetic . . . I didn't even know that she was in danger . . . because I was too busy weeping for myself . . . I am pathetic . . ."

    Continue SS?

    You gonna walk or take a cab?

  13. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "If it comes to that... Well... to be honest... I wouldn't know what to do either... I guess I would... get caught in the heat of the moment... and let my mind free..."
    "Also... we all need a rest... your's was long overdue. If you can't kill... what's stopping you from playing support? They can be the turning point in any situation..."
    "Besides, you're pretty cute. I'm sure we'll still like you regardless of what you do... So feel free to act however you wish... Wait... no. Don't ever freeze my sundae again. Other than that, have fun."

    I realize I'm using SS... hopefully I'm against a wall and didn't collaspe right then an there. xD
  14. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    A little silence follows before she continues to think . . .

    ".....I don't know . . . what to do anymore . . . " a slight pause. "...Do you know what the word Cornix means in latin . . . ?" Regardless of an answer, she continues. "...It means Crow.... He makes fun of you and hates you for any weakness... And he pounds on that weakness against you . . . And the Crows . . . they never forget. They never forget anything . . . They never forget who does them right, and who does them wrong, and anything else . . . like weakness . . . I don't know what to do . . . I hate Cornix . . . I want to destroy his face . . . tell him he's wrong . . . but I can't . . . I feel powerless every time I talk to him, or even if I'm reminded of him . . . and yet, he was right . . . Kayla is now laying down on that stretcher because I was too weak, too pathetic to notice . . . I don't want to be a victim of him but I don't want to become him either . . . I don't know what to do anymore . . ."
  15. Arch

    Arch The Forum's Town of Salem Host

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    Did you literally... just paraphrase Kaz’s lines?
  16. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    ... she just ignored my joke. ;-; Try 2!!!

    "... You laugh. Laugh in his face... Do you know why he hounds in on your weaknesses? It's beacuse he has no chance against you otherwise..."
    "Sure, you're weak... and yet... he's weaker... Regardless of how weak you are... Kayla... Kayla and I... will definitely be there with you. But him? Nah, he's not my type."

    If there is a period of silence: "Um... want a hug? ... I hear it helps but I wouldn't know. Doesn't hurt to try, am I right?"
    O. No wonder it was actually decent.
    Is this the same book? Or a new one?
  17. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    I actually didn't. This was how Aquila described Cornix similarily a while back while I was writing one of the books.

    I was kinda happy though when I saw how Kaz described crows.

    This is a different series. The Six of Crows series.

    Oh and I finished the book series yesterday @Arch. We can now discuss it lmao.

    Some OOC Info I guess:

    Cornix basically sees everyone as lower than him and the worst part is he can easily figure out their weaknesses, fatal flaws, and phobias. He's basically a bully and can tear you down with his words. I guess you could say some people are immune to Cornix, like Noctua or some other angels I could list off.

    You almost get a stifled laugh out of Aquila but it doesn't come. Then, she sighs (in her mind). "...Thanks Caillte. I . . . appreciate it . . . Now can you . . . leave my body . . . please . . . ?"
  18. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    ... So what I was planning on doing if I got kicked from/left the MSAA. xD Now I gotta think of something else to do... ;-;

    ... wording's important...

    "Only if you'll accept a hug afterwards."
  19. Arch

    Arch The Forum's Town of Salem Host

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    Lesson learned: Never touch Inej or you ded bruh.

    I think we need to work on @Azura's writing skills.
  20. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I think I need to stop reading Chinese novels... they can be filled with way too many inuendoes... ;-;
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