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A Modern Day Fantasy Rp [6/10]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Mar 26, 2018.


How often do you use the Memory Book Thing?

  1. What is the Memory Book?

    23 vote(s)
  2. Never

    1 vote(s)
  3. Almost Never

    1 vote(s)
  4. Sometimes

    3 vote(s)
  5. Occasionally

    1 vote(s)
  6. Somewhat Constantly

    0 vote(s)
  7. Frequently

    2 vote(s)
  8. All the Time

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Lets go to Zach.
    I drop the sword onto a chair and sit into another.
    "What's happening?"
  2. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    "Oh, Arya said she found a lead to where Alister could be. And she kidnapped Kayla forcing her to go with her."

    "It's actually called an abduction," Ken decides to say for no reason. "You can't really kidnap someone when you're technically the same age as them."

    "Ken, just no," James sighs. "All deadlines and whatever have been pushed back by one day according to the news due to the phenomenon that happened last night. And our medic Jay apparently found some people who should be dead roaming the streets. He went out to investigate on it 2 hours ago."
  3. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "Hold on."
    SS in this order (only 1)
    • Kayla
    • Arya
    • Cuffs
    • Cander
    • Anyone I saw when SS Cuffs/Cander
  4. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Oh dear. Ok let me use my timeline really quick lol.

    You're able to Second Sight Kayla immediately. Seems like she's not wearing that necklace at the moment.

    The scene changes from the lounge room to this huge abandoned warehouse building (we're just gonna imagine it's abandoned in this roleplay world lol). You (Kayla) are leaning against the building opposite of the warehouse. Although the used to be glass doors are now wooden, you can still see what's happening inside through the other windows even though you're pretty far away from the building. Probably because of being an archer and all topkek. You can see Arya getting attacked by everyone in the building (including Cuffs) but she's able to easily fend them all off. A few seconds pass and Arya has managed to freeze everyone in the room but Cander and Cuffs. They were no match for her. Another couple of seconds pass and Arya unfreezes everyone and you can see them all converse for like 10 seconds before Arya leaves the building through the now wooden doors. Arya then crosses the street over to you and says, "I believe they got my message." You only nod in response. Then Arya says, "Let's go." You both start walking over to the hidden closed off area Arya teleported to get here. However, after crossing and walking down a couple streets, you notice a figure out of your eye on the rooftops. It's one of the people Arya was fighting in the warehouse. You (Kayla) don't really care about it either way though because he can't do much with Arya around. You (Kayla) get distracted in your thoughts . . . which are mostly just about the somewhat big fight yesterday and other fights you've (Kayla) had with Quantum.

    But then . . .

    Suddenly, you (Kayla) hear the sharp sound of a sailing arrow dispatching you (Kayla) from your thoughts. You (Kayla) turn around to try and jump out of the way while trying to see who shot the arrow before feeling a sharp pain in your left shoulder. It was Cuff's friend on the rooftops. You're barely able to hear Arya curse out and people screaming before blacking out from the pain.

    The scene changes from black to the lounge room. What now?
  5. Arch

    Arch The Forum's Town of Salem Host

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    Woah, I wasn't expecting that. I mean I did kinda expect Averill to try and kill the two for they are "gifted" but I didn't expect you to let them get hit. I thought Kayla was like your favorite NPC or character that you made lol. Or is Aquila your favorite character?
    Yeah I'll continue to watch.
  6. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Jacob is my favorite character

    Nah Kayla is my favorite character. Idk how that became evident to you but okay. Aquila's my second favorite, their abilities are cool. And Aquila's weird lone wolf no humor personality is also interesting to me (even though I created her xD).
  7. Arch

    Arch The Forum's Town of Salem Host

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    It's evident because of several things.

    1. You gave her that necklace through Aquila.
    2. "Kayla perked her head up" is overused from you.
    3. Her unknown harsh backstory.
    4. Silver Cloak or whatever.
    5. She's apparently a godly archer. Sniped the F8 intruder that was in the kitchen.
    6. The way you write about her and her emotion stuff of whatever.
    7. The way you described her and Aquila through Noctua.
    8. If I got this right, we know that the gang at one point of time was Kayla, James, Arya, and Jamie right? But then another time in Zach's memory, when he first met the gang, it was James, Arya, Jamie, and Ken. I can assume that Zach was the last person to join the gang. So where was Kayla? And why did they need Zach to investigate something at the time? Was Kayla kidnapped or something? Did she go missing?

    Let's build the timeline (I'm assuming you wrote books and then turned it into this fantasy rp world)

    Uh Book 1 = Gang had Kayla, James, Arya, Jamie, and Marcus. Marcus died
    Book 2 = Gang had Kayla, James, Arya, Jamie, and Ken
    Book 3 = Gang had Kayla, James, Arya, Jamie, Ken, and Zach. The full gang, except, Kayla was missing for unknown reasons.
    Book 4 = Some Major battle with the whole gang finally together or something from what I can assume.
  8. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I grimace and stand up.
    "Lets go. She was attacked. And hit."
    I then rattle off the address (if I recognize it). Oherwise, I describe it to them.

    Lel. Save your two rp characters. xD
    (And Arya's abilities are the coolest so far. ;p:)
    o-o That's some indepth stuff right there. Or I just missed everything since I didn't read this entire rp in a day. xD
  9. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    What the . . .

    Are you like a mind reader or something.

    There are 5 books, a book before the first one . . . Gang only had Kayla, James, and Arya in book 1 . . . but how tf were you able to conjure that . . .

    And yeah, she did get kidnapped on Book 3 (which is actually Book 4 but ok)

    If you're that observant, why are you so trash at Town of Salem (other then that Jester BMer play we pulled off, that was nice).

    "Attacked? By who? Who got injured?" James suddenly bursts with his series of questions.

    "James, just summon the shard already," Ken grunts. Now he was serious? Great topkek.

    "Where are you guys going?" Jack asks overhearing Ken's statement.

    "Uh, we have obligations . . ." Zach semi lies.

    Suddenly, James summons a dark orange shard with 0 warning and the scene changes from the lounge room to this street. There's screaming everywhere as more arrows try to rain on Arya but miss their mark. No one seemed to notice your sudden appearance due to the dude on top of the buildings shooting down his arrows. There was a crowd around Kayla's unconscious body as well the arrow still stuck in her shoulder and her body losing some blood. You wonder why Arya isn't fighting back or trying to heal Kayla but then you realize that she can't . . . without exposing it to the regular people. You can't always rely on the magical filter . . .

    "You're a genius James," Ken says sarcastically. "What if people actually noticed us appear out of nowhere?"

    "Now's not the time Ken," Zach warns.

    What now?

    Her abilities are just ancient spells lol.
  10. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    ... maybe I could get the detail that there were people on this street? .-. (Also is Niko here? I wasn't holding the sword)

    "Someone call the police!" (Not the hospital. The police)
    Then, towards our group, "Just so you guys know, he's with Alister. Might want to be wary of the others."
    True Sight to see through buildings. I yell out the position of anyone who was with Alister (I wager I would be able to recognize them since I saw them twice? And with eye abilities, I should have attention to detail, so disguises should be less effective against me)

    K, time to try unlocking some more abilities.

    Look over Kayla once. (Mending? Reversing time at a cost?)
    If nothing happens: Look at the guy on the roof. Activate my third ability (:o first time using) if I can't see them clearly. Give them the "look." (Freezing? Barriers? Fvcking lazer beams? xD)
    If still nothing happens: Use my third ability (I forgot what it was called actually) and SS the person.

    But they have really cool names. ^-^
  11. Arch

    Arch The Forum's Town of Salem Host

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    Alright. New Timeline with extra info that I remembered about.

    1. Some really long time ago (about 300-400 years ago) . . . Quantum was born
    2. Idk, Several raids 'n stuff from Quantum and the Magia Tenebris
    3. Idk, all the adolescents in the group were born.
    4. Kayla's parents die to the Magia Tenebris. Aquila saves her.
    5. Arya meets Kayla or something?
    6. Book 1 = Gang Has Kayla, James, Arya
    7. Book 2 = Gang Has Kayla, James, Arya, Jamie, and Marcus. Marcus Dies (Is this when Quantum tried to shoot a Tesla Cannon in the middle of the ocean? James said Quantum did that . . . right? I can assume this because Jamie was introduced in book 2 apparently and she has the power of making pirate ships)
    8. Book 3 = Gang Has Kayla, James, Arya, Jamie, and Ken
    9. Book 4 = Gang Has Kayla, James, Arya, Jamie, Ken, and Zach. Kayla gets kidnapped.
    10. Book 5 = Big Battle or whatever. (Where Quantum almost brought down the Sky Islands to Earth right?)
    11. The Present

    You know all the Greek Spells are just Latin words, right?
  12. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Damn. I was close. I managed to figure these out except for part 3. It didn't click in my mind that they had to be born to exist. xD

    Greek spells are Latin? .-. Shouldn't they be greek? (Even so, they sound cool! :T) Basically it's a better naming sense than mine...
  13. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Let me add to that. I think this will help you piece together some time frames. At the same time of Book 4, Fate was created.

    The timeline is quite accurate to be fair. James doesn't meet Kayla and Arya until book 1 which you got right somehow. And yes, Arya does meet Kayla.

    Eh, Rick Riordan's son did the same thing iirc. All the spells that child of Hecate knew were Latin even though Hecate is a greek goddess.

    To make this easier for my sanity, @Nikolai Mael is here.

    Everyone else with Alister's group is literally still in that warehouse or whatever. The only one attacking from Alister's group is on the rooftops still. It appears he's running out of arrows as well.

    "So does anyone have some really cool non magical human weaopns on them right now?" Zach asks.

    "I mean I have swords," Ken shrugs summoning his twin swords. "You two don't use weapons so you're basically useless."

    "Oh shut up!" Zach retorts.

    Apparently, Alister's friend had noticed Ken suddenly reveal two swords out of nowhere and started shooting at him. Ken however just backs up from the arrow and yells, "Hey scum! You're gonna run out of arrows anyway so come back here and fight us!" Alister's friend shoots again. Ken dodges it and you try to give the guy "the look" but nothing happens so you Second Sight him.

    The scene changes from down on the street to up ontop of the building. You (Averill Lightfoot) have finally ran out of arrows and decide to meet Ken's challenge by freaking jumping off the building and diving at him with two Demonai knives. You notice one of the other guys supposedly faint and fall to the ground (yeah that's you) which somewhat distracts you as you (Averill) roll gracefully from falling off a 6 story building and swipe at Ken. Ken easily parries the twin knives with his twin swords and there is a short exchange of slashes before you (Averill) back off and try to slice at one of Ken's friends (James). However, the small kid easily dodges the swipe. You (Averill) swipe at him again but this time, the kid lets you hit him as he summons a red looking shard. You've barely sliced his chest but suddenly, you feel a seriously stabbing sensation at your chest. You (Averill) look down to see a huge wound similar to what you cast on the kid except a lot deeper and you can assume a lot more painful. You blackout form the pain.

    The scene changes from black to the street again.

    "James!" Zach yells. James is currently clutching his stomach where the slash is at.

    What now?

    [Meme Book Updated]
    Tier 7 Shard: Counter-Strike Shard: You take on the full damage that your opponent delivers you but you deliver 3 times the damage back.
  14. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Huh. So that's what happens when I SS. I believe I already said everyone else was in the warehouse? How close is the wearhouse? Is it withing eyeshot/earshot?

    Nice time to figure that out. Also, do I feel 3 times the pain as well or is it dampened? xD Rip.
  15. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Definitely not in earshot. It's in eyeshot however. This Link should give you a good example. Basically, the AVA High Line is where you all are at and the Warehouse is just right there.
    You feel the 3 times pain until you're out of SS on Averill.
  16. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I groan. (TS should be off)
    "We don't have a mass teleportation back, do we?"
    I stumble to my feet.
    "The government's probably too occupied with the Statue of Liberty. If we can go back, now's the time to do it. Make sure you get her (Kayla) and the attacker (Averill)."
    Does SS give me the name btw? .-. I can't remember if I asked this.
  17. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    I guess I’ll just stay with Harris for now, and defend if anything happens to start attacking him.
  18. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Dude, where were you when I was hit by that Counterstrike! You know I'm bad at CSGO! (Although you probably wouldn't be any better without any hands)
  19. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    SS doesn't give a name unless they're thinking about themselves lol. I would say it does but that wasn't the case for Cander / Dancer and Cuffs / Han Alister. Ill just let you know Averill Lightfoot's name.

    "We do have a mass teleportation back," Arya says as she and Ken try to carry Kayla. The crowd still seems to be flocking around Kayla at the moment. "We need a distraction though . . . I can't teleport us all away with everyone looking at us." Zach is trying to tend to James while dragging the attacker over.

    Then . . .

    Suddenly, the sound of police sirens gets everyone to look away and over to the policemen. The crowd starts to go over to the policemen with some of them pointing over at the scene. But Arya decides to teleport you all away at the same time when the least people are looking. "Pervosio!" she projects. The scene changes from the street to the infirmary of the Order SIRIUS complex. It appears the medic Jay is back as well for he rushes over to you all and asks, "What happened?" He then notices the arrow in Kayla's left shoulder and the knife slashes on James' and Averill's. "Dear lord help me get them on the stretchers!"

    Arya looks heavily drained and sweaty even though just a couple seconds ago, she seemed completely fine. "I'll . . .go tell . . . Dr. Lakrow . . . what happened." She then slowly walks out of the infirmary room.

    In due time, you're able to get both Kayla and James on stretchers, both now unconscious. You're also able to get Averill on a farther away separate stretcher.

    "So can anyone tell me the details of what happened as I work?" Jay asks.

    What now?

    Oh and @Nikolai Mael is with you guys as well but again, I doubt he can really speak up on this matter.

    Technically Averill was the one who got rekt by Counter Strike . . .
  20. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "You guys explain."
    I sit in a chair/on the ground against a wall (preferably in a corner).
    SS Cuffs, Cander, anyone else that was in the warehouse. Yes. All of them. I need all the thought processes I can get. xD I'll switch to whichever one's talking. If one's really silent, I'll occasionally switch to them as well.

    Doesnt every here already know he's a sword? And not the little dollie? Also, @Nikolai Mael , when do you plan on possessing the little dollie?

    Shhh, I was rekted too... Fricken 3x pain. I suppose I only got an instant of pain instead of the bleedout though. ;p
    Why didn't anyone turn off friendly fire for this game. >:C
    Btw, is pain based on me, or them? Like if I was really sensitive to pain and I SS someone who felt no pain, and that person was shot, how painful would it be?
    Secondly, if I was kicked out due to pain, what's stopping me from SS them again? (Pain probably if they cast an instant speed heal?)
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