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The Battle Cats

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by ActualAnthonino, May 3, 2018.

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  1. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    Body & Soul, Out of Despair (Haven't played it yet). Usually i dont do sol that often which is a problem with me cause its important to do but theres always these collabs and event stages and such which keep coming up distracting me lol
    I don't watch BC yt as much as I used to, but i never watched anyone much in particular anyways.. :P If I'm watching something of BC now then it will usually be for a guide or a strat of some sort. But I used to watch Mattshea a bit, chillhola occasionally, and regit rarely. I think I've watched other smaller BC channels before but nothing stand out for me.
    Probably a tie between ITF THEME 1 cause its really instrumental and fun: and recently COTC moon cause its just freakin epic:
    Favourite super rare: iCat
    Favourite rare: Maximum the fighter (viking cat TF)
    All TF's? kay den: All normal cat TFs, SPEC.: flying ninja cat, heavy assault C.A.T., gato amigo, unicycle cat, bomber cat, value meal cat, moon kaworu, holy valkyrie cat, a. bahamut. (I didnt buy most of the cat food costing specials that you get as you progress through chapter 1. The only ones I have are all TF so you know what I have/dont have. RARE: jiangshi cat, chill cat, cyborg cat, catasaurus, maximum the fighter, sanzo cat, necro-dancer cat, ramen cat, thaumaturge cat, rampage cats, prisoner cat, wrestling cat, kite cat, iron claw x (I'm sure I have more TF waiting for some of those cats where you need to beat the stages to unlock their TF. I just haven't reached level 20 on them probably so i don't know if I have the TF or not.. ._.) SUPER RARE: octopus cat, iCat, seafarer cat, LOL 3 TF SUPER RARES IM A MEME. UBER: Paladin cat (50% crit chance HELL YEA), Divine windy, god-emperor sodom, the peach devils, Mad doctor klay (TF of W & P :D)

    2/3 Stars on trio from the woods, 1/3 stars from forest friends,
    Some "fun facts"
    The most ubers I got from an 11 draw is 5, in uberfest. I think they were divine windy (for my +1) momotaro, B.C.S Lionheart, W & P, Kachi-Kachi (probably am wrong for 1 or 2 but just know I got 5. RNG god

    I once lost with the boss at 2% HP, so I continued and then lost at 1% HP. and no, i dont want to talk about itlol

    First uber was Windy

    I once got banned for time hacking, (not even doing facing danger- to do cat buffet lol)

    And @The Shroobs TF=True form or 3rd evolution.
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  2. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    then i guess macho legs cat
    finally some shit that is strong against aliens
    ActualAnthonino and ExertKarma like this.
  3. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    lol k
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  4. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    @ExertKarma @Shotsfiredbois @The Shroobs
    time to answer what I gave you guys!
    Im at Hackey's level now, haven't tried it yet, trying to use up my energy before I try it.

    (im going by Fav to least fav btw)

    tiger backward, and I love em!
    E's a Coolio dude, he may fail, over and over again, but I like how he plays!
    doing it all by himself is kinda what I do, we all do it! and I love him for it!
    now, he doesn't always do it by himself, but that's still fine by me!
    dude be cool, and I love em for it!

    had I few flaws, but I see it rarely.

    LucasI - LucasIII sucks, but the fourth is cool!
    I like em, he helps me understand BC a lot more, and along with what cats works well on levels that I do need help on.

    he make good level guides, BC media, and also has some good shitposts. moves fast, attacks fast, spits acid, spamable advent.
    pretty cool dude overall, I like em cant wait to see what he puts out next!

    hoo boy...
    I love mattshea, he's easily one of my favorite Youtubers, not my fav of all time, but up in the top 5.
    that being said, he sucks at battle cats. no, fucking, joke.
    he likes... I don't even know what he's like, he doesn't understand BC all that much, EVEN AFTER PLAY FOR ALMOST TWO YEARS!
    I started playing again after he made he first video, I've played it before, but didn't make it far, and look at me now!
    the only reason I can understand why he doesn't understand BC is because he plays other games, and is a landlord
    that's how you spell it right?
    needs to learn a bit more and then he'll be flying through levels!

    Nurse Wuffa
    eh, not much to say.
    beat floor 30 without any ubers, but with ALOT of RNG.
    makes some good tutorials, that all I can say really.

    Anybody Else
    I know theres more, but I don't have much to say about them...


    this is a weird one...
    I don't like chill, yet I still watch he videos...
    and no, I don't like him because "heis a ubar carged dumass"
    I don't like him because...
    &2: he made a face reveal, made some STUPID puzzle for people to try and find it (like a DICK) and removed the video with he face in it AND the face reveal video!
    ugh... and the reason he stoped making a song list is dumb too...

    also the description in he's "beat floor 38 with zombie killer or criter" video is also just dumb...
    now... that all being said... im just kinda… on the midterm... with this shit...
    he's thai and has learned basic English (mostly) his editing is pretty alright (but kinda repetitive)
    has some damn good music taste (like, holy shit, it's really good)
    like I said, im kinda stuck on this midground, where I hate him yet like him.
    if does a proper face reveal at 100,000 subs, he'll be alright in my book.
    but other then that, I just hope he doesn't do more stupid shit.

    I've been typing this out for too long now...

    here's my top 3!

    1: ItF Theme #1 (upbeat as all hell and I love upbeat songs)
    2: CotC Theme #4 (the yells of the damned in the back ground really tell you that YOU ALL GOING TO HELL IF YOU DIE when you hear it, also BADASS AS ALL HELL)
    3: Its a tie, CotC Theme #1 & #2 (remix of main theme fits perfect in space and #2 is such a upbeat space song, I love hearing it)

    there is a much more I didn't say, like gamatoto's theme, Catclaw dojo & the challenge mode theme, almost all of the music in BC I love!

    gonna ask about TF Normals, Specials, and Ubers too, so tell me! Heres mine:

    Normal: Jamiera Cat Don't wear your shirt like that, please...
    Special: Awakened Buhamut duh
    Rare: Zamboney Cat dead on debut gave this bad boy, and its worth doing just for this
    Uber Super Rare: Divine Windy Megaphrodite may be the 3rd best cat in the game, but windy be my fav, not only for being my first uber rare, BUT FOR BEING A THICC BITCH!


    Mohawk Cat: pretty good low coat meatsheld, but slow as hell.
    Eraser Cat: looks more like a candy bar to me, becomes really BUFF with lots of +++ but is SLOW
    Dark Cat: who now? useless in end-game, very useless.
    Macho Legs Cat: NEVER SKIP LEG DAY BRUH! great range for hitting aliens
    Lion Cat: if you're rushing a level, he can be pretty useful, but overall? not that good, gonna use em for fighting WAHWAH to knock em back LIKE MAD!
    The Flying Cat: ehhhhhhh, gets replaced beThaumaturge Cat for weakening, doesn't have good range or attack, so just use Cyborg Cat instead.
    King Dragon Cat: very slow recharge, but is gonna be useful for fighting manic titan.
    Jamiera Cat: don't wear your shirt like that, ever... very beefy, with lots of heath to push and PUNCH enemys in the face with.

    Flying Ninja Cat: just use for three combos and that's it, not very useful at all
    Riceball Cat: SUPER METAL HIPPO'S WORST NIGHTMARE! good for trolly blogger as well, as has to okay heath, so it sometimes can be useful.
    Pastry Cat: only used for the attack up combo, doesn't slow anything AT ALL.
    Skelecat: SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS! even if you him for zombies, hes not that good, just for the combo and that's it.
    Heavy Assault C.A.T: its fast, that's the only good thing I can say about it.
    Gato Amigo: "Cat Friend" in English, not used for the knock back skill, it can even be annoying sometimes too, but is cheap, and that's the best part.
    Ultimate Bondage Cat: LucasIV say its the most useless cat in the whole damn game along with Eggy Cat. don't use as meatsheld even for blocking warps.
    Dark Lazer: DUN, DUN, DUN, DUN, DUNT DUNDUN, DUNT DUNDUN! one of the few TFs that is useful, only use if for XP Stage & XP Megablitz, but still helpful in those.
    Dancer Cat: Smooth Criminal Style. At level 40, its the fucking strong. using it in 4 star stages is a good idea.
    Beefcake Cat: just use cyborg...
    Unicycle Cat: Ehhhhhhhhh, not that useful I late game, but maybe in mid game you could use it?
    Loincloth Cat: getting a stack of these is good for breaking barriers, but if just for one enemy, just use Kendo Cat.
    Lollycat: the only area attack legs cat, huh. but again, just use cyborg.
    Hyper Mr. good for rushing levels I guess? you can use it to kill zombie camel after hitting her with A.Bahamut.
    (I wish ItF Ch1 gave a TF moneko)
    Bombercat: AYYYYYYYYYYY Best thing to get after beating ItF Ch3 100% chance to free black enemys is so fucking helpful. better than Wargod Nobunaga in most cases.
    Value Meal Cat: just use the first form, god this is only used as a meatsheld.
    Moon Kaworu: I don't have metal cat, so I couldn't beat the level to get this guys true form for free, sooooooooo bye bye treasure radar.
    Getting into the li'l cats and stage milestone cats now.
    Li'l Mohawk Cat: cheapest cat in the game at 45c! sadly, if you really want to use him without confusing yourself, you'll need a recharge combo, but if can meatsheld and not fuck up, you're good!
    Li'l Eraser Cat: top looks like a eraser now, but bottom still looks like a candy wrapper, also slow as hell, if the stage is short, use him, but if its long, use Riceball Cat.
    Li'l Dark Cat: Oh hey, its kinda useful now! but only kinda, not really a meatsheld, but if you're fighting a 4 star sunfish jones, use him with Ramen Cat.
    Li'l Macho Legs Cat: that's a lot of words for one cat. useful for cosmic cyclone, but other than that, just use the guy CotC levels if you can't use Psychocat or Seafarer Cat.
    Li'l Lion Cat: if you get him boosted, he can be VERY useful! Floor 30, Kory, B.Kory, Dober, all the shockwaves!
    Li'l Flying Cat: HOLY SHIT THIS LITTLE GUY IS USEFUL! the ONLY useful non-uber anti zombie cat! (I know there is Lumbercat, Heavyweight, Thaumaturge, Kite, and some S.Rares, but most are only effects)
    Li'l Island Cat: TRIPLE ISLANDS?! WHAT?!?!?!??!?!?? Kinda useful I guess, not much I can really say
    (li'l lizard is so damn hard because I suck at timing)
    Li'l Jamiera Cat: If he had a small chance to do a shockwave, he would be MUCH MORE useful, but as of now, not so useful.
    Time for the two big ones...
    Holy Valkyrie Cat: mainly used for freezing white enemys, that being said, damage sucks, health sucks, freeze doesn't even happen that much, suicides if you use the cat cannon, and range is not the best.
    A.Buhamut: the god of damage himself, freed for his slow body, now ready to use his full, fast, power... he is amazing, by all cat god, use him, also good for cheesing just to kill the enemy base!
    can't talk about the milestone cats TFs cause I don't have them, soooooooooo


    Jiangshi Cat: I don't know that many horror movies, only the bad ones, and the good ones I haven't seen. said to be the best meatsheld, but cost is pretty damn big for a MS, so use at you're own risk!
    Chill Cat: Range sucks, but if outranges, this guy FUCKS ALIENS BACK TO SPACE! helpful in ItF & CotC, goes well with Megaphrodite, but if everything you're fighting outranges him, just use mega.
    Cyborg Cat: BOUT TIME WE GOT A TF FOR HER! amazing rare, one of the best out of them all, and a boosted one WILL DESTORY EVERYTHING. use her, but she costs a lot so be carful when using cat C.P.U
    Catasaurus: one the best crit-ers in the game, but range kinda sucks, and only become useful in TF sooo, don't use this boy if its not TF.
    Maximum the Fighter: one of the few non-uber cats to not have cat in the name, huh. pretty good for reds, both as an attacker & MS. hypermaxing would be a good idea for this hammer man!
    Dread Pirate Catley: uuhhhhhh…? who in the world would pick knockback over slow and freeze? only useful in one level (you know what im talking about...)
    Geomon Cat: GOLD DIGGER PRANK! kinda useful, but for gaining money in stages that send out the boss FAST but don't give you time to get money, same goes for Xmas Pudding Cat.
    Sanzo Cat: Up there with cyborg, amazing cat! low cost, fast attack, fast movement, pretty good range, high slow chance, this cat is everything! the first rare you would ever want to TF!
    Doctor Cat: can be use ful sometimes, sometimes. if you can se sanzo, use him, but if you need to knock back the enemy, use this boy for that (big bang, li'l bird awakens, etc)
    CRYPT OF THE Necro-Dancer Cat: I fucking this guy, up there with sanzo, can be VERY HELPFUL if used wisely, but other than that, kinda of slow, and dies super easily.
    Enchantress Cat: Eh, kinda good I guess, use for B.Kory if you don't have ICat I guess? useful in Li'l bird awakens, but other then, don't see that much use for her.
    Cataur: meme cat got gud, nice. fucking terrible stats before TF, but once you get his TF, he becomes muuuuuch better, can outrange mooth, owlbrow, BunBun, REALLY FUCKING HELPFUL.
    Elemental Duelist Cat: what a mouthful, amirite? super helpful for killing reds, better than bath cat in some cases! great for killing bores, one horns, all that jazz hypermax would be a good idea.
    Rodeo Cat: his TF just came out, crazy right? don't see much use for him... if his chance was 100%, he would like bombercat, bad cat gone useful! but as of now, use if you cant use bombercat.
    Acrobat Cat: IKEA IS LIKE A FUCKING MAZE. WHY DO YOU THINK THERES A SCP ABOUT IT?! Helps me floor 26 oddly, so it can be pretty useful if you use it correctly! (don't use with the horsefucker)
    Robocat: GOD THIS THING FUCKING SUCKS. if it had resistant to black, now then it would be useful, but as of now, its slow, and its annoying, don't use him, has use in one level (and I don't know what level)
    Ramen Cat: HOLY SHIT THIS COOKER FUCKER IS BLOODY AMAZING! Great MS, Great Health, pretty good damage & 3rd highest attack speed in the game! overall, A GREAT CAT! up with sanzo!
    Cameraman Cat: pretty damn useful if I do say so myself! helpful for floating, and everything else as well! wouldn't be a bad idea to hypermzx this bad boy! (er… girl)
    Corrupted Psychocat: first & second form are kinda useful, but the TF is just useful! fast attack, fast moment, pretty damn good range, and a chance to slow! goes well with seafarer, do combo them up!
    Thaumaturge Cat: that is one long ass name, but that aint what its known for, what its great for it WEAKEN! great for... ANYTHING! even weakens whites! (great for crazed, manic, and Li'l Cat!)
    lumber and heavyweight don't have TFs yet, but its kinda understandable, they kinda of just came out (and by just came out, I mean like a year ago)
    same goes for rover, cant wait to see Rover Cat Mk III!
    don't have rampage cats, so cant talk about it...
    Ritual Cat: I can see how working in an office job would make you want to "flame IRL" I can see if be useful for killing reds if you get the boosted attack without it dieing, but as of now, its only used in 4 stars.
    Xmas Pudding Cat: See: Geomon Cat cost more then geomon, but has a combo with sushi cat, so you can use it with the "cool japan" combo for not only a money boost, but also to gain extra money at the start.
    Prisoner Cat: one of few useful TF event cats, helpful in Li'l Cat awakens & manic cat. (only slightly) if you're able to, I can be helpful for kill a master.a, but you'll have to try really hard to get that to work out.
    Gentleman Bros. TF lowers cost and adds barrier break, but if you're using them for freezing, just use ICat, unless you're unable to, then use these guys, but don't think they'll save your butt.
    Nyalladin: one of the only rares that have shockwave, but because it only a lv. 1, its mostly useless, but its used for one of the BEST COMBOS IN THE GAME.
    Wrestling Cat: gives a great combo, getting its TF is easy as fuck, and is actually pretty good! buff fighting reds, and doesn't get frozen! damn good in my book!
    Kiss and Koi: pretty quick, mostly used for the BEST COMBO, but I don't see much use unless you hypermax it to fight a bore or one horn or something.
    Madam the Savannah: weird name, but can be pretty helpful! survives once, and cant be warped! try maxing it out, as for hypermaxing? only do it if you need to.
    Call Center Cat: A worse Dread Pirate Catley, don't see much use for her, but she does have some range, so take that what you will.
    Kite Cat: TF gives longer range, and when the zombie update came out she(?) got the zombie killer trait, but its only useful for your Li'l Flying Cat ain't doin ya well.
    don't have Iron Claw X, so cant talk about it, heard it is very useful though
    Don't have Cat Kart TF, and don't know when I can get it.
    holy shit, a lot of ending rare cats don't have a TF! wow... insane, isn't it?
    Akio & Gunder CC (collab unit) Helped me beat one level I was stuck on that had a lot of peons, but other then that, don't use him all the much. his lv. 2 shockwave is one good thing about him.

    Super Rare:
    Can Can Cat: holy shit is this cat good! great attack! great health! doesn't get warped! its amazing! Hypermaxing would be an Amazing idea!
    Roe Cat: really good for meatshelding red enemys, great health, and weaken! very helpful for beat river styx, so use it there!
    Cyperpunk Cat: Having master virtual space, he's moved on to losing his shirt in the cryptocurrency market BITCOINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA its got great range, good slow, and good attack.
    OCTOPUS Cat: Octocatdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad, no-bo-dy suspects a thing! BLOCKS WAVES! nuff said.
    iCat: iPhone X sucks, apples sucks, macs sucks, windows and android are where its at. 100% chance to freeze red is so damn useful, SO DAMN USEFUL.
    Fishman Cat This one can barely even be called a Cat. the cats have gone to far with this one... great for fighting floating, and helpful on floor 30! it can die easily, so be careful with it.
    Luxury Bath Cat: IM NOT PEEPING I SWEAR! good for fighting off capes quickly, goes well with iCat to fight off red. but its range and SLOW MOVEMENT can be its downfall.

    Seafarer Cat: 40% Isn't the best, but it's something. pretty good damage and survives once. MSing like mad for this one would be a good idea, goes well with C.Psychocat like I said before.
    Crazed are next, this will be interesting.
    Manic Mohawk Cat: really fast movement, great for floor 30, and is the bigger and better brother of Mohawk Cat!
    Manic Eraser Cat: look even more like a candy bar now! great health, fast movement, and pretty damn cool looking!
    Manic Dark Cat: such a hard level for such a FUCKING USELESS CAT.
    Manic Macho Legs: the peon killer, gets those fuckers out of the way to attack THE BIG GUY!
    Manic Lion Cat: holyfuckingshititssodamnfastlikeslowdownsonhotdamn, great for rushing/cheezing levels!
    Manic Flying Cat: much better then its counter part, but its short range is its down fall. if have a slightly boosted cyborg, just use her.
    Manic Island Cat: TRIPLE ISLANDS BEAT ALL! really damn good, like HOT DAWM, is it good!
    Manic King Dragon: His criticals and attack power are unmatched. what? HE DOESNT DO CRITS! really, REALLY damn good! will be VERY useful for getting Manic Titan!
    don't have manic titan...

    Uber Super Rare:

    Ice Crystal Cat: 100% Chance to freeze red enemys, good range, okay attack, good health, and really damn awesome looking! getting her TF is a great idea! kinda makes iCat useless...

    Divine Windy: My first uber rare and fav uber out of all I have! Amazing damage! Great range! Awesome look and attack! and best of all... SHE THICC, SO SHE KILLS BUNBUN LIKE NO ONE ELSE!

    Divine Kalisa: Took Ponos waaaaaaay too long to give her a TF. Great damage! Okay range. Great look and BADASS attack! AND FAST LIKE HOLY SHIT!

    King Gamereon: BEST, HEALTH, IN, THE, GAME. Good damage, Okay Range, BADASS LOOK and Great attack! hes slow like by god, BUT HES JUST SO FUCKING COOL LOOKING!


    this has taken me like 3 hours to write... by god...

    still have the one star to do, but only have one more ticket challenge to go, pretty good.

    took me waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to long to type out what I had to say about the TF units, like god damn, I don't even know if you guy will read it all.
    sooooo, this whole thing took me like 4 & a half hours to write, good way to spend my time, but I kinda had fun.
    so yeah...
    ta-ta & fairwell.
    ExertKarma likes this.
  5. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    what. the. fuck.

    i havent even read it yet and i'm wondering if i should
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  6. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    I don't have a life okay?
    ExertKarma likes this.
  7. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    thats what happens when he puts them in description and you dont even bother to check it to know the songs
    am pretty sure these videos were uploaded on april fools
    ofc he will break ur mind with it
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  8. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    yes, I know, people don't check it, like idiots, but just because some people don't check it dosent mean you should stop making it overall, you just don't care about the comments, and move on.

    Not talking about that one...
    im talking about the first one... when he hit 25K
    ExertKarma likes this.
  9. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    Yep I'd say at least 50% of his comments in videos where he includes the song list are "Where's the song list?" and it's in the description lol.

    Fun fact by the way Cameraman has ~half the hp, damage, and speed (+ in terms of Seafarer, only a 50% chance to survive compared to a 100%) of castaway. What doesn't make it a bootleg is it's spammability.
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  10. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    the problem comes when thats the only comments around
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  11. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    well, you got me there...

    really wish people wernt so stupid with this kind of stuff... like, THE DESCRIPTION IS THERE FOR A REASON! all you can say is... do you not know how youtube works?! the only way I chill making 90% no one comments that is to put the song list in a comment and pin it, but sounds really annoying to do.

    added with boosted, XP cost, and hypermaxing, you could almost say Cameraman Cat is better then seafarer! (but that isn't the case, because of they're targets & effects)
    ExertKarma likes this.
  12. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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  13. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    also at this rythm im gonna fuck up my like/message ratio
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  14. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    sorry for ruining your ratio, hope you can fix it. (I have no idea how any of this shit works)
    ExertKarma likes this.
  15. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    Neither do I.
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  16. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    YAY I beat King Wahwah unfortunately I didn't get glass cat though so Ima do it again
    It was really close battle though because my tower hp was at 30k out of 150k.

    EDIT: Just did it again with a treasure radar now I have glass cat :P
    Last edited: May 19, 2018
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  17. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    I have a reason to cry.
    I just want jizo, I JUST WANT A GOOD FUCKING UBER.
    ExertKarma likes this.
  18. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    Right so erm the gacha just switched to Epicfest
    I roll 3 rare cat tickets
    Get gunslinger on the first one
    "Eh more ur I guess"
    Get Cat Base mini on the next one
    "Ok at least it's new but I will legit never use it except for dicking around"

    Rolls the last one
    Gets Megidora
    Thanks BC
    ActualAnthonino likes this.
  19. ExertKarma

    ExertKarma Waiting for mythics to drop CHAMPION

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    I just did my epicfest 11 draw, +4 rare tickets... i got freaking baby cat from all of it. I JUST WANT SHADOW GOA PLZ
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  20. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    1st roll: freahman cat jobs
    2nd roll: Asiluga
    3rd roll: Juliet
    kinda just when when crazy after that just tapping, hoping to get something good
    I didn't
    best things I got were neneko, and cat jobs...
    ExertKarma likes this.
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