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A Modern Day Fantasy Rp [6/10]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Mar 26, 2018.


How often do you use the Memory Book Thing?

  1. What is the Memory Book?

    23 vote(s)
  2. Never

    1 vote(s)
  3. Almost Never

    1 vote(s)
  4. Sometimes

    3 vote(s)
  5. Occasionally

    1 vote(s)
  6. Somewhat Constantly

    0 vote(s)
  7. Frequently

    2 vote(s)
  8. All the Time

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Time reversal? >.>

    Wow. o-o I assuming that all the shardic mages will at least get to tier 8 (if they survive)? Do weapon masters and elementalists people with unique abilities (hehe) have something that can match up with this? :/
  2. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Dear lord you skip time fast dont you. You know I really only sent that girl against you to try and delay you but okay.

    You are now uh, 11 ish hours ahead of everyone. Okay nevermind lez go.

    Yeah after formulating your "master plan" you realize the time is 11:45 and that you're supposed to be at that Starbucks place or whatever Lex told you about at lunchtime. Wat now?

    I can guarantee you won't pass this part lol.

    Yeah the classes are kinda unbalanced (rip freaking elementalist, only works as a secondary)

    Shardaic Mage is just op endgame lol.

    Okay about Weapon Masters.

    So I made a huge list of abilities for bow users . . . and basically based a lot of abilities off of that (except electricity. electricity did not come from archery).

    here's da list.

    Other Melee Weapon Master Basics: Basically a ton of semi weak / decent exploding abilities
    Melee Weapon Mediocre Abilities: Some people have seen the ability "Shockwave" You can see what that does in the Meme Book. The rest are basically more AoE stuff that are a little better than the Basics
    Melee Weapon Experienced Newling Abilities (not really new lmao): Basically think about all those movement spells you see in Wynncraft for melee users, but more varieties.
    Melee Weapon Experienced: Some weapon telekenisis abilities are introduced
    Melee Weapon Experienced Expert: Basically think MUCH better versions of the "Basic Abilities". Oh, and there's lightning :)
    Melee Weapon Professional: Arcane and Divine Stuffs.
    Melee Legendary Weapon Master: More Arcane and Divine Stuff. Also, more elemental stuff is introduced and this magic can cause stuff like mini earthquakes, thunder storms, mini hurricanes, mini semi-fake volcano erruptions, etc.
    Melee Godly Legendary Weapon Master: ??? What can be more powerful then causing miniature versions of weather storms. Gl finding out.
    Melee Divine Legendary Weapon Master: ???

    So uh I'm rethinking of arranging all that stuff into tiers like this:

    Basics = Tier 1
    Mediocre = Tier 2
    Experienced Newling = Tier 3
    Experienced = Tier 4
    Experienced Expert = Tier 5
    Professional = Tier 6
    Legendary = Tier 7
    Godly = Tier 8
    Divine = Tier 9

    Weapon Master is more powerful then u might think. The downside of Shardaic Mage is that it takes energy . . . or rather mana to cast those shards and a majority of those shards have cooldowns. Weapon Master Abilities only take physical strength (if you are melee based . . . rip bow users) and there is no delay between Weapon Master spells. So yeh.
  3. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    If they don't have a way of dealing with magic (negation/reduction) then I think Shardic Mage still wins in a 1v1? They have more range and can slow you down, can't they? If you can't move, you can't use a weapon, so Weapon Masters get shut down...
    And is there a requirement to casting magic as a shardic mage (like how do you summon a shard or do you just will it to be?) Cause if it's just willed, there is no way to stop a Shardic Mage from doing their thing except for knocking them unconscious. But then they can teleport, and shield, and blind, and slow, and alot of other things to stop you from knocking them down. .-.
  4. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Oh Elementalists are just sad people. I mean they can cause some good storms / natural disasters themselves when they are more experienced. I mean I guess the good side about them is that it takes minimal energy (basically 0 energy) to use their magic. I mean they aren't all that bad, I mean some Elementalists are overpowered af (like Aquila . . . and Kayla . . . you haven't seen what she can do yet) but for the most part, Elementalists are just decent.

    Basically, they start off weak and end up strong.
  5. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I kinda thought they were weapon masters for the longest time. xD Okay then. ;p; Aquila still can't do anything to Quantum though who is a... um... Hex Master iirc? (That actually sounds really cool to play...)
  6. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    You’d be suprised by some of the Weapon Master abilities. Oh and summoning shards . . . Think about it like this. You will it to be summoned. However, think about it like deploying troops in Clash Royale (I hate the game). You place down the troop but then it takes a second for the troop to actually be deployed on the map and another second for it to actually do it’s job. That’s a 2 second delay which can be crucial (I let that slide when BlueSlimerino was about to get rekt by Noctua).

    They are weapon masters and elementalists. It’s wierd.
  7. SpookyTigger

    SpookyTigger I’m a pro at kermitting sewer slide.

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    “Shall we get going then?”
    OOC: I think Lopez teleported away with Lakrow, and back with her invisible. I’d better watch what I say.
  8. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Wait a minute... you're saying... that they can be interrupted while casting? >:D
    1. Do they need to keep concentration?
    2. Can they do other actions while casting?
      1. If no, can I still move people who are casting without disrupting them?
    3. Is the 'cast time' the same for each shard?
    4. Does alcohol, lack of sleep, or anything that affects the mind affect the cast time?
    5. Can two shards be used at once?
      1. If so, what happens to cast time?
      2. Is there a limit or is the limit how well they can split their concentration?
    6. Can I break a shard?
      1. If so, what would happen to the caster?
      2. What would happen to the magic?
      3. What would happen to the shard?
    7. Can I seal a shard?
      1. If so, what would happen to the caster?
      2. What would happen to the magic?
      3. What would happen to the shard?
    8. What happens when a cast is interrupted?
    9. What happens if alot of shards are used at once? (Time to cast = powering up = getting power from somewhere)
    Btw, which of these would my character know (to exploit. xD)
    Also, I forgot to turn off True Sight. :/ Let's turn that off.
  9. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "Yeah sure"
  10. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    For some shards. Some like the aggressive bullet shards that shoot projectiles need concentration or else you'll most likely miss. Other shards that drain mages for how long they use it for also require some concentration. Basically a majority of the shards require some / a lot of concentration.


    Yes. Every shard has that 2 second delay of actually doing their job.
    However, there are some exceptions.
    For example, the tier 1 rainbow RNG shard takes that 2 second delay + another second to turn into another shard
    And the tier 1 Light Red Shard with an upsidedown triangle has that 2 second delay + 3 more seconds to actually shoot.
    Now this might be overpowered but the Tier 4 Short Teleportation Shard only gets the 1 second delay of it actually appearing. It does it's job instantly.
    And there are other shards that take more than 2 seconds to do their job.

    Yes, it slows down summoning time depending on whatever they did (rip James lmao, has school and is a Shardaic Mage oof)


    The shards maintain their respective cast times.

    Depends on the user.


    Nothing really, except for the fact that a shard is exploding and might hit them (depending on how you break it).

    The magic of the shard and the shard itself will explode if you hit it in a certain way. If you were however, to just disrupt the mage while they are summoning the shard, the shard will just fade away due to lack of concentration. Hence why TheStormLizard failed to hit Lex with his two shards because he got tripped during summoning. This does not mean the Shardaic Mage cannot summon the Shard again.


    If you were however, to just disrupt the mage while they are summoning the shard, the shard will just fade away due to lack of concentration. Hence why TheStormLizard failed to hit Lex with his two shards because he got tripped during summoning.

    Basically, when you multi-summon, it takes the energy of the shards you're summoning + more energy and concentration to pull off.

    Here's an example.

    Let's say you're summoning two shards but not at the same time. Just one after another.

    This is the equation for the energy used: Shard1 + Shard 2 = energy used

    Now let's say you're summoning those same two shards but at the same time.

    This is the equation for the energy used: Shard1 + Shard2 + (Shard1 + Shard2 / 3) = energy used

    Multi-summons require more concentration as well.

    Oh no, I lost my map of Order SIRIUS. Halp!

    Everyone else but you three and Chaz have left the room. "Alright, so this is the main hall of Order SIRIUS," Mr. Lopez says. "As you can see, there are several doors that lead to this room since it's the dead center of this base. So if I recall correctly, the base has 9 Sections with each of them having several entrances and exits into the base. Section 1 includes some miscellaneous rooms and the Cafeteria. Section 2 includes the training room, all the weapon stashes, the security room, and interrogation rooms. Section 3 is connected to Section 2 and is the jail area. Section 4 is the bar and gaming room. Section 5 is a load of conference and meeting rooms. Section 6 is connected to Section 5 and is basically the office area. Section 7 is the boy's dorms. Section 8 is the girl's dorms And Section 9 is the sort of artifacts section and is kind of like a museum. Which one first?
  11. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    ''Artifacts sound fun''
  12. SpookyTigger

    SpookyTigger I’m a pro at kermitting sewer slide.

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    "Sure, but we need to get to the dorms soon. I’m out of energy.”
    Last edited: May 10, 2018
  13. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    I’m very sorry for the lack of responses today for I got very sick today. Will respond tomorrow.
  14. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    I proceed to walk/cab/uber or something to the starbucks, an act that will take a completely arbitrary amount of time, say, just enough to abscond from the forum for a small bit and let people catch up to me.
  15. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    Could one summon a shard, but delay its activation?
  16. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Yes but only if you're experienced enough.
  17. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    You wake up to the sound of a heated argument outside your makeshift room. You notice that you have been unconsciously feeding your amulet power and you go outside to see Raisa fighting with Amon discussing whether to let someone into the warehouse or not.

    "She's just a 14 year old girl Amon! She can't do anything to us!" Raisa says.

    "She could possibly assassinate you," Amon argues.

    Wat now?

    "Um, Mr. Lopez?" Chaz suddenly interrupts. Mr. Lopez raises an eyebrow beckoning him to continue. "You forgot about the infirmary which is in Section 1."

    "Ah yes. I assume we wouldn't want new injured people wandering around the halls trying to find the infirmary," Mr. Lopez says. "Anyways, like Chaz said, the infirmary is also in Section 1. Now follow me to Section 9."

    After going through a series of hallways, you reach Section 9. Entering the first room of Section 9 introduces you to a lot of different ancient writings and papyrus. A few of the pictograms are lit up and sizzling with magic.

    Mr. Lopez then suddenly says, "Before we continue, would you like to tour the rest of the complex after Section 9 or just tour Section 9, sleep, and do the rest tomorrow?"

    Am I supposed to respond to this?
  18. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    I think this was a discussion between @Tsu and I about something he could prepare. Not sure if he prepared it yet, but I wouldn’t know when he would do so.
  19. SpookyTigger

    SpookyTigger I’m a pro at kermitting sewer slide.

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    “I don’t know about the other guy, but I would Liketo sleep.”
  20. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    To Niko: "I'm going to hand you over to someone while I get everything. Lugging you around is tiring... Any preferences on who?"
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