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Community Event Mythic Giveaway! Custom Item Competition!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by RJJguyTheCarrot, Apr 27, 2018.

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  1. Charlotee

    Charlotee Travelled Adventurer

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    Item Name: Lichs Bane

    Link to Custom Item: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-367535138
    Lore: Lichs lost sword, Lich spended his last day trying to find his sword, but he couldnt find it so he got a great distress and he was annoyend. Which made him die and the sword was named Lichs Bane
    Build that incorporates item https://wynndata.tk/s/R2SBQW
    Description/Explanation: Hello i made this item and build because i need either the money or the mythic, money is couse i am kind of poor and i would love to have some couse ive got hacked 2 times and lost alot of stuff and 3 level 100s, i want the mythic couse ive never had one and i would love to have one and be able to use it. Thanks for reading have a nice day!
    Foven likes this.
  2. DoctorC

    DoctorC Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Item name: Enlightenment
    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-433027553
    Lore: This helmet was originally worn by a legendary practitioner of electromagic. Rumors surrounding the helmet suggest it may have greatly influenced the creation and behavior of Corkus machines. Its orginal origins remain unknown to this day.
    Build: General Xp build, thunder, possibly water
    Description/Explanation: Enlightenment was a helmet made with the idea of having a very flexible item. This item can be used for Xp gear or thunder/water builds. While Third Eye was still meant to have more mana regen, but Enlightenment is able to differentiate itself by exceeding it in damage, as well as, having the ability to function with thunder builds.
    RJJguyTheCarrot likes this.
  3. nicktree

    nicktree wynncraft player HERO GM

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    NAME Time
    LORE: Long ago four mages tried to contain all of Time Valleys unstable energy into one helmet. At first, they succeeded, they decided to celebrate with some Nemract whiskey. However the celebration was short lived because as soon as the cap of the whiskey opened the helmet started to shake and so did time with it. After a gigantic explosion which killed the four mages, Time Valley returned to its unstable state and the letter 1 was engraved into the helmet...
    INFO: Can be bought at a secret merchant in Time Valley for 12 stacks of LE
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2018
  4. Yummy_Duck

    Yummy_Duck Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Item Name: Willow Root

    Link to Custom Item: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-228200761

    Lore: Infused with magic and Gaia itself, this root grants the powers of the swamp to anyone that wields it. But in trade for this power, the root spreads sadness and depravity throughout the wielder's body, absorbing life and power. This melancholy weapon is dangerous to use if the wielder is not strong in mind and body.

    Build that incorporates item (optional): https://wynndata.tk/s/pWoV3F or you could possibly even try a spell spam water/earth build!

    Description/Explanation (optional): This weapon was inspired from willow trees, and the trees in Olux. Willow trees and Olux are kinda known for their sadness and swampiness.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2018
  5. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    a mythic that is pre-identified.
    what do you want? it to be bought from a merchant or something?
    Foven likes this.
  6. Craic

    Craic Yeet

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    Item Name: Hot Rod
    Link to Item: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-865825986
    Lore: This metal baton retains heat so well that users are blemished with blisters and burns on their hands after battles.

    Build with it: https://wynndata.tk/s/SJBW8A (Focuses on health regen and defense while using jewellery to remove the negatives of the spear. I find the making of very low level builds amusing because there's absolutely no point in them but you can still get them to be decent especially for their level range.
  7. Sheev Palponator

    Sheev Palponator Newbie Adventurer

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    Item Name: Rapid Reflex
    Item Link: wynndata.tk /ci/ Custom-519448544
    Item Description: A enchanted katana said to be forged by the gods, the magical properties of this weapon make it the lightest sword in existence. It is said that the one that masters this blade can cut down a whole legion of enemies before they've even realised they were under attack.
  8. Bryanloh

    Bryanloh Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Item Name: Irakus

    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-619793281

    Lore: Forged Deep Within Thanos, The Blade Was Crafted From A Part Of Ozoth After The Attack. Given Its Draconic Aspect, It Was Capable of Allowing The Wielder To Survive The Hellish Nature Of The Spire, Many Went On Expeditions With It And Failed To Return. Strangely, This Dwarven Blade Would Always Return To The Entrance, Waiting For That Adventurer Who Would Drive Ozoth Away.

    Build that incorporates item (Optional): I will Pass Since i know people are better at this than me.

    Description/Explanation (optional): I just Like Having A Weapon About The Town of Thanos and Ozoth and how they have not given up trying to ward off Ozoth Until The Adventurer Came To Assist Them. We Neeedd moree looooreeeeee!
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2018
  9. Sheev Palponator

    Sheev Palponator Newbie Adventurer

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    Item name: One Punch Gauntlet
    Item Link: wynndata.tk /ci/Custom-965873791
    Item Description: "Oh right in the face!, Ouch that one's gotta hurt!, Oh now you had to have felt that one!, Ooo Right in the Kisser!, Oh come on! I wasn't even trying!-
    -My fist... Your face!, Yeah you can talk... to my FIST!, That one's gonna leave a bruise!,Ok who's ready for round two?, Keep em comin baby!, Is that all you got?, And this one's for eating my cookies!"

    Before you say anything, yes it's supposed to be silly and stupid op.
  10. Triplez_Suplex

    Triplez_Suplex Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Item #1 Name: Devourer of Elements
    Item Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-874024521
    Item Lore: Before the time of bob, a master blacksmith forged a weapon of unparalleled power in an attempt to end the war against corruption. Alas, before the weapon could be completed, the armies of corruption discovered his intent and laid waste to his village. The weapon was left unfinished and unstable, and those who wish to wield its power must pay a terrible price.
    Item Description: A weapon that sacrifices the user's defenses for offense

    Item #2 Name: Yahya's Spoon
    Item Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-846019662
    Item Lore: It's a spoon. For eating mushroom stew. What more do you want?
    Item Description: A spoon used by the legendary Yahya himself. The assassin weapon looks the closest to a spoon, so that's why its a assassin weapon.

    Item #3 Name: Zhight Island Wallet
    Item Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-125649747
    Item Lore: Where can one store all the Zhight money that they have? With this Zhight Island wallet of course! A great souvenir for all visitors of Zhight Island.
    Item Description: Because everyone loves Zhight Island. Ids are fixed because itll be sold on Zhight Island.

    Item #4 Name: Bak'al's Challenge
    Item Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-580525413
    Item Lore: The immortal lord of the corrupted horde has a twisted sense of humor. He crafted a sinister weapon of unlimited power and poses it as a challenge for whoever in Wynn is brave and strong enough to use it to vanquish him. However, no one so far has been able to wield its dark power without succumbing to the corruption.
    Item Description: I like the idea of a weapon that kills you before you can deal any damage. Its funny that way.

    Item #5 Name: Blade of a Thousand Strikes
    Item Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-442791109
    Item Lore: Locked within a vault hidden in the Bantisu air temple, this rusty dagger was said to be used by an assassin who sought the Bantisu mastery of air to destroy his enemies. Alas, great power comes at a great cost, the user will feel every hit dealt with the blade.
    Item Description: A literal double edged sword.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2018
    Bryanloh likes this.
  11. Awsomeman12345

    Awsomeman12345 Property Of Pandora CHAMPION

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    Item Name: Gullaberg
    link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-246147648
    Lore: The Corkians, wanting to be recognized by the other provinces, used the deepest knowledge of Electro-Magic to create a sword, charged with thousands of custom, unstable batteries to rival the powers of magic itself. The electricity would flow unmitigated, leaving painful burns and aftershocks, it is also fabled to cut through Tauroto hides. However, it hasn't been properly maintained in years, and it lies rusty. Only one can repair the weapon to it's former glory...
    Item description: It forces the user to use damage bonuses to lift the damage the weapon occurred over the years. It may look like "WTF 9000 Thunder damage!111!1" but look at the ids. Mainly used as a melee dagger over a spell dagger.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2018
  12. nicktree

    nicktree wynncraft player HERO GM

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    exactly... I did the pre identification thing for the lore but now that I think about it, I'd like it to be bought at a secret merchant in time valley for 4 stacks of LE
    RJJguyTheCarrot likes this.
  13. Cauterise

    Cauterise Pyromaniac

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    Item Name: Exterminatus
    Link to Custom Item: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-106590045
    Lore: " Some may question my right to destroy a realm of 10 billion souls; but those who truly understands realise I have no right to let them live. No sacrifice is too great. No treachery too small" - Unknown
    Description/Explanation (optional) : This is paying homage to WH40K's exterminatus actions, where entire worlds are obliterated without regard to those still left on the planet. This weapon caters to the soul purpose of calling down large numbers of meteors to carry out exterminatus in Wynn.
  14. ghost of wynn

    ghost of wynn Ghost of wynn

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    So... you love 44 sp to gain 11... seems like a | || || |_ to me...
  15. Stupid Steelpid

    Stupid Steelpid Searches for a Fermion, gets a Stardew instead CHAMPION

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    item name: tectonic
    link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-231105694
    lore: made of the earth itself, the hammer that caused every single earthquake, the one who holds it has the power to change the world we know
    build: https://wynndata.tk/s/dWPXjN
    explanation: a cheaper but weaker version of alkatraz, one of the things i really want to wc is more earth legendary endgame weapons (in the moment we have only alka cometflinger)
    because of the high damage i made it kinda glassy
  16. Glenncrafter

    Glenncrafter A Collector & Proud Veteran CHAMPION

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    Item Name: Hurricane
    Link to Custom Item: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-776085332
    Lore: These rough looking leggings were found lying next to the corpse of an unidentified pirate captain. People believe they were obtained by the pirate captain on an expedetion to some magic waters when they were sucked in by THE hurricane.
    Build that incorporates item (optional): https://wynndata.tk/s/YPBKqN
    Description/Explanation (optional): I made these leggings cause currently we don't have many real good end-game air items. Also there are no high mana regen end-game leggings (except for crystal) so that's why I came up by this idea. (I am nure if it's fully balanced etc but it seems ok to me)
  17. Skittus

    Skittus Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Four mythic weapons.
    1. Revival
    Lore: The Godly Idol, sunken in healing waters of Grand Youth, found by inhabitants of Dernel and sold to the Gylia Guards for hundred thousands of emeralds, has absorbed all powers from different places where it was. Now you hold it in your hand. You feel purifying from corruption power.
    2. Summerstorm
    Lore: congealed metal pieces of Spring, Stratiformis and Divzer, melt in lava of
    Mt. Wynn by Vahya, were founded by Ternaves blacksmith and forged in one bow. Owner haven't seen anything good in this weapon, and have thrown it out. In one day, strucked by a lightning of a regular storm in Wynn plains, regular steel bow has become a mythic weather controller.
    3. Eruption
    Lore: Rickeo's legendary wand, dropped by him on a fight, once lost it's all powers. Somehow, magic of regeneration, endowed this weapon with lava in caves deep under Twain's Mansion. Even excavators couldn't find it there. =================================
    4. Smokengine (Renamed to Steamengine)
    Lore: everyone said, that weapon from steam and smoke can't in the real world. Mad scientist from Corkus has brought those, for first sight, crazy words, in life. While holding this dagger, you feel cold and heat in each time running through your body.
    And one interesting mythic chestplate.
    5. XPrer (maybe Experiencer).
    Lore:Since first discoverer has been found by Almuj Guard, all Wynn province has been notified, that there's new chestplate somewhere near Ternaves. It was forged by local Ternaves blacksmith.
    Last edited: May 4, 2018
  18. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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    "This pulsing shard has troubled the greatest minds of the Gavel ever since its discovery in depths of Ahmsordian Void. Many come to speculate that it is a part of something that is incomprehensibly old, perhaps even eternally old. Its chaotic aura defies laws of magic and nature."

    Item: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-284354734
  19. DoctorC

    DoctorC Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Item name: Brass Bracer
    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-799330695
    Lore: A item said to have been used by a great dwarven warrior. It is said the dwarven warrior crafted this brace themselves.
    Build: https://wynndata.tk/s/xyg15D
    Description/Explanation: Brass Bracer's name utilizes alliteration to make the name more appealing. Besides the name, it is meant to be used in melee builds. It lacks +attack speed because of the amount of power that would add. +Attack speed would create a item which lacked balance. Negative mana steal helps to weaken the item (Same with negative intelligence). Positive health is not necessary; however, it is a purely positive stat which can help make a melee build harder to kill.
  20. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    not overpowered or anything to get a godly mythic for only 4 stacks
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