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Community Event Themed Custom Item Challenge - Hiatus

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SilverMirror, Apr 25, 2018.

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  1. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    can i resubmit? the rules confused me :P
  2. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    Ok I fucked up the first time but I'm back:
    Name: Legend (like an idol is a legend but fatal is Lightning element so i'm clever)
    Combo: Idol (Mana Regen, Intell, and Raw Spell) and Fatal (Spell/Melee Percents, WS Percents, Dexterity, and crazy damage ranges)
    Lore: This wand was held by a guardian of a long forgotten city, as he stood in front of the city, protecting it from an onslaught of monsters.
    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-446877323
    Reasoning: Can be used for melee, as it has some n i c e damage ranges, but also spell spam and spell damage. High requirements help balance it
    SilverMirror likes this.
  3. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    holy hell what am i doing i am taking the 2 most extreme mythics in this entire game

    second draft:
    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-340887705
    Name: Tempestatis
    Lore: Despite being two commonly associated elements, they had never been combined in their most unstable forms until one disastrous day. After an enchantress had failed in balancing the energies of the two components, this dreadful amalgamation drowned the region in electricity and reduced it to dust with merciless winds.
    Build: https://wynndata.tk/s/D1q80y
    Component Mythics: Cataclysm and Warp
    Component Features: Cataclysm's damage and glassiness, combined with Warp's walk speed, -HPR, and -MR.
    Explanation: i really don't like the idea of mythics being secondaries, which this idea was screaming out for.
    the glassiness of cata combined with the speed of warp seemed like a very cool combination here. with this item, a hyper offensive playstyle would be used.
    this weapon has extremely high burst damage capabilities. the playstyle used with this weapon would be to charge up chain lightning, use it to regain all hp and mana lost, then spam spells to kill everything. the walk speed is used as a utility in order to avoid damage while doing what is necessary.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2018
    Stag2001 likes this.
  4. Vaward

    Vaward First 100% Discoveries as of 12/19/17 22:42 CHAMPION

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    Last edited: Apr 29, 2018
  5. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    Since this challenge is gonna be a regular thing, some people might want to participate but missed out on updates, so this is a tag list for anyone that have participated in the challenge. I will tag you guys whenever I update the challenge theme so you can be notified of a new challenge. Let me know if you do not wish to be tagged.

    JaydonTheWarrior, Nyam and valvoid like this.
  6. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    WEEK 2:

    NAME: Phantasm
    ^ click name for link ^

    LORE: The merge of cosmic and spirit magic within this crystalline staff has left many mages with the feeling of a unused potential. While it can be potent, it has been said to rely heavily on the beliefs of the user.

    BASE: Pure and Singularity

    • [] = Mythic Names
    • [] = General Info
    • [] = Negatives
    • [] = Positives

    INFO: While this wand may seem good at first, it requires a lot of work to use. Not only does it require more skill points than even Gravity, it also is relatively slow and gives only damage bonuses (elemental RAW, Melee % and RAW, and also Spell % and RAW). The item unlike Singularity and Pure, it does not give other stat bonuses, but merely focuses in on the most basic types of stats without anything like thorns, soul point regen, etc.. You will note that using this item is going to be more like Pure than Singularity in that it has high % bonus for spell (the melee is because singularity uses both), and its level is lower (cause Pure is level 65). BUT it does include a rainbow damage and that slowing that singularity has. In combat such an item would be able to hit every angle (as all rainbow items do), reaching around resistance to all but full elemental defense enemies and then it will be able to do a extra damage due to the spell and melee bonuses. The item will slow you down, but it doesn't stop you from using +attack speed tier or +walk speed to make it quicker. KEEP IN MIND that the item has high rainbow requirements though so you wont be able to make too many changes in a build.

    NOTES: I wrote "feeling of a unused potential" in the lore cause Pure is the most unloved mythic.
    SilverMirror likes this.
  7. Tezzeret

    Tezzeret You dare bring light to my lair? You must DIE! VIP

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    Week 2.1 submission:

    Link: Here
    Name: Termina
    Lore: Ancient dwarven prophecies state that this legendary hammer would emerge from its tomb in the depths of the earth during the end times, as a tool for mortalkind to save itself or die trying.
    Build: I would make one, but I have no idea how to make a good build. Just assume something with +attack speed and tons of melee power.
    Component mythics: Grimtrap and Alkatraz
    Component features: Poison and ridiculous melee damage
    Description: Termina is a basic submission of a weapon, based around going in and beating face with high melee and earth damage to the exclusion of all else. It's simple, doing one job and doing it well. If you want a spear that can go into melee and brutally crush enemies, this is the weapon for you.

    EDIT: I'm an idiot who didn't read the rules correctly.
  8. valvoid

    valvoid Build/CMD Hybrid HERO

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    Week 2 Submission: Singularity + Ignis
    I recommend you read the entire explanation as I explain my thought process and how I feel the weapon can be viable. The player may have to take some risks and make some choices when using this weapon, but when they pay off Chromatin can do some fantastic stuff.


    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-168150770
    Name: Chromatin
    Lore: The magical, lifelike nature of this wand is believed to come from the very heart of an unkown beast. The scientists behind it are better known today for their astronomical endeavors.
    Build: https://wynndata.tk/s/o5RAYp
    Component Mythics: Singularity and Ignis
    Component Features: Singularity's powder slots and Ignis' health boost

    After many, many, many drafts of this item I think I finally have a result I am extremely proud of. I have put a ton of effort into this item, and will now go through a thorough explanation:

    When going through the creation process, I just like last week, was looking to make something new to the game that would be balanced but also unique. This item has some new ideas that I personally have not seen before in items, I hope you guys like it :)

    - Mana Regen --> While this is definitely more of a spell weapon, the -mana regen makes sure that the player cannot scrape by with any old build, you have to know what you are doing to use this weapon, and build a strong build around this especially considering our next id...
    - Health Regen --> This wand seems off to a rough start. A mage with no mana who is dying over time that does 1-1 damage? How can this be balanced? You are going to have to use heal spell effectively, which you can, considering my example build can do insane healing. In addition, with a strong spell build, you should be able to counter the -mana effectively (I used aquarius!) enough to heal yourself with some left over to dish out good damage.
    + HP --> This is the biggest id taken from Ignis. Bringing it back to its tank roots here and giving it a huge advantage on the battlefield.
    - Walk Speed --> Starting to sound great eh? Welp, sorry, you can't really move.
    + Spell damage buffs --> just to make sure this build was doing the kind of damage I was aiming for, which was around ~9k considering its tankiness (monster can do much more than this, but considering the massive health buffs and intelligence advantages here I think it should do less)
    + 11 Powder Slots! --> I took this directly from singularity (fun fact - 11 = my fav number :D). I wanted to give the player more choices to make, which I really like about singularity, so I adopted this into my own weapon.

    This is no easy wand to use, but used right it can tank like a rock and punch like a truck. However, you will need to be alert and skilled to counter the -health regen and the -walk speed. In addition, you will need to be well equipped to counter the -mana regen that is so critical in a spell build. To be successful, use your mana effectively, have a strong build, and do not be afraid to take some hits. With so much -walk speed, you are going to take some hits. But, with awesome heals (and the right build), you should be able to not only heal yourself back up but also move around a bit with teleport and cast a few meteors that can hit pretty hard considering the health buffs. While the wand itself may look extremely underwhelming, when used with the right build it can have a great effect.

    Thank you so much for reading! Again, I put a ton of work into it and I LOVE the final wand. Hopefully you guys do too.
    Thanks guys!!!
    Cya next week
    SilverMirror likes this.
  9. nilire4810

    nilire4810 Professional Self-Proclaimed Photographer | Adam CHAMPION

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    looks at damage, looks at 1-1 water & fire damage, confusion occurs, sees 11 powder slots, grunt, clicks link, -2600 to -1400 hp regen, wot, -4/4 mana regen, wot, not confused anymore about mana regen gear, checks damage with 11 powders, 9k avg meteors, seemsgood, I like it
    valvoid likes this.
  10. add 45/45 horse

    add 45/45 horse My Immortal

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    Grimtrap + Apocalypse

    Item Name: Obliterate
    here it is
    Lore: At random intervals a minute fraction of the immeasurable raw destructive energy contained within this glove rushes out, utterly vaporizing any matter unfortunate enough to find itself within its vicinity. Many cults believe that this weapon's mere existence will bring about the end of days.

    High-risk/high-reward gameplay is what this weapon is all about. Combining Apoc's exploding with Grim's poison creates a weapon which makes obtaining a kill very rewarding as the poison will spread from exploding. -ws, -health, and -agi exacerbate the risk in using this weapon, as being out of place could lead to taking several hits and possibly death.

    Exploding Quake: Quake's high damage output combined with exploding causes devastating effects, enhanced by melee ids.
    As far as I know, exploding will take into account quake's damage and inflict it upon every enemy if it activates, and this build is capable of 25-70k quakes

    Courage Poison: As far as I know, the +150% additional damage from courage applies itself to poison damage as well, making courage-poison builds capable of inflicting 2ok damage over 3 seconds to enemies hit, which is quite a risky endeavor as an slow assassin.

    Dexterity is to add a feel of erraticness to the damage output.

    Wow this was a hassle to balance.

    Edit: Actually I don't like how overtly melee-focused this weapon is, buffed damage and nerfed melee ids to increase spell power. Anything increasing versatility with mythic weapons is good imo due to how rare they are.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2018
    Nyam and SilverMirror like this.
  11. Plymouth

    Plymouth Why do you read this CHAMPION

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    Week 2:
    Name: Static-Wind
    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-125441622
    Build used to Test: https://wynndata.tk/s/7QUKGl
    Lore: Rumours say that air and thunder don't combine but a scientist unknown proved it wrong creating a blade that has ultimate destruction inside of it
    Item: Air/Thunder
    Thrundacrack + Weathered

    This is a spell weapon designed for air and thunder put together,

    Mana steal so it makes it look more like an air/thunder weapon

    Dex and Agi cos that's what it is

    Negative earth because it burns the earth when it strikes

    Negative melee cos earth is linked with melee and its spell
  12. xct

    xct Perseverance CHAMPION

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    I like az - https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-229614483
    Stratiformis + Az
    Az is bad
    Anyways, -tier is to lower melee but have nice consistent spells
    I don't make builds
    I'm bad at builds
    Kill me pls
    I think I’ll call the weapon staticformis
    Because static = thunder
    Wow I’m so creative
    Totally going to win this time
    Nvm, tested it with a bad build that I made in few seconds... 202 ws and 8k bombs... yeah no https://wynndata.tk/s/DVbPmd
  13. Stupid Steelpid

    Stupid Steelpid Searches for a Fermion, gets a Stardew instead CHAMPION

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    week 2
    name: The Mistake
    lore: made by mages of water and thunder while using 2 other items, the weapon that could be used to control both the ocean and the thunders at once, a fusion that when used by the wrong hands could make a serious mistake
    items: lament and fatal
    build: https://wynndata.tk/s/c2qtCK
    item: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-937517326
    i really like both of those wands, so i used some reduced damage of fatal and the water damage of lament, gave it some of the mana steal, and for its very high damage, made it kinda glassy and with a bit of negative mana regen.
    most stats of both were used
  14. Electrolysis

    Electrolysis person VIP+

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    Week 2.1 submission:

    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-257202011
    Name: Lyra
    A musician once strummed this instrument, and instantly the crowd around him screamed, not in excitement, but in agony as their ears bled. The dissonant sound produced was so horrible that the entire audience died. The musician himself also died.

    Build: https://wynndata.tk/s/Jjfhl8 (may not make sense, but this weapon is a secondary so let’s assume this build’s primary is TTide or Az)

    Component mythics: Warp and Grimtrap
    Component features: Warp’s high damage but killing and crippling you for holding it, Grimtrap’s deadly poison.

    Explanation: This weapon is meant to be a high burst damage secondary that must be used quickly. Negative int prevents a large amount of spells being used with it and adds additional risk to using it, and negative walk speed makes the weapon even more dangerous to use. As sound travels everywhere, the user is not immune to it, so they will be crippled by having their mana removed and health reduced if they hold the bow for too long.

    The damage is extremely high, with some nice exploding to cause a massive amount of destruction in the short period of time the user uses the bow. Additionally, the high poison (for bleeding ears amirite) deals a bit of extra damage even after the user switches out of the bow. A high air damage ID makes boosting air less effective than boosting thunder, but further increases the damage dealt by the bow. While the damage of the bow may seem broken, remember that it completely removes your intelligence while holding it, meaning you can only cast two bombs before running out of mana. There’s also no powder slots because no one in their right mind would try to use powder specials with this, and T6 thunders are too strong with super fast.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2018
    Trash likes this.
  15. Madsi6

    Madsi6 The Derpy Man Of Derpness CHAMPION

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    Week 2.1 submission:
    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-709013515
    Name: Mermaid's Cry
    Lore: Found in the river underneath the Bantisu temple, a monk picked up the strange wand and immediately heard the cries of a mermaid trapped inside. In an attempt to save her, he gathered the strongest of mages around the provinces, and attempted to free her using their strongest spells they knew, but to no avail.
    Build: https://wynndata.tk/s/pHWvZG (The build focuses around skill points and health with morph, along with spell damage and mana regen)
    Component Mythics: Pure and Lament
    Component Features: Mana Steal / Spell Damage.
    Explanation: Pure has excellent spell damage and Lament has excellent offensive power with it's raw damage and mana steal, allowing you to regain mana to fire back, in between is where Mermaid's Cry falls, though aiming more towards water/air along with a bit of earth, which may be a peculiar combo i will admit, but it's only used by 1 wand, Kal Hei, which is a level 75 wand. The wand shines mostly on raw damage, but also firing off powerful spells with alot of element coverage. Featuring 3 slots for powders, you can modify the wand more towards your liking, which isn't possible with pure due to it having 0 slots, and while lament has 3 slots, lament doesn't have much to offer for damage of other types outside of raw damage except water, which is has a base 30% water damage. The wand strives more towards the classic water/air approach with negative health and life steal, but also featuring negative to poison, which is to make it not replace gaia with spell, and negative soul point regen, which is to balance it more. It's spell point requirements mean that you're almost forced to run skill-increasing items, unless you want to run items that only fit the requirements, forcing your health to be generally on the lower side, which is a negative to the wand, where as with lament and pure you're more open to a wider range of builds due to them having medium to low requirements, this is more so it doesn't straight up replace either wand, but instead will make the wand feel more familiar to pure/lament users, while still forcing a different playstyle than the standard mage with only spell/mana.
    The build i made features a morph-set with 5 items, which gives good health, great spell points and good health combined with morph-stardust, giving you just over 12k health, which is great for a mage, along with healing about a 3rd of that with one 3-pulse heal spell, and with powders also features decent elemental resistances, so thunder and earth attackers don't do huge amounts of damage to you. It features at max a 12/4 mana regen and a 10/4 mana steal, along with 3 mana meteors and 2 mana for the rest of the spells, making it a spell-spammer build.

    I'm sorry if that was too much to read ^^ just wanted to cover all sides, thank you for reading and i hope you consider this atleast a decent wand.
  16. Jordien

    Jordien That guy with a stack of golden clocks VIP+

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    Week 2 submission :
    Item name : Earthquake
    Lore : Born from the massive earthquake that shattered Sky Islands, this weapon merge the strength of earth and the fury of fire to lead
    its wielder into a reckless madness of destroying all life.
    Build example :https://wynndata.tk/s/y6TPbQ
    Component mythics : Apocalypse and Grimtrap
    Component features : Poison from Grimtrap, -intel from Apoc and lifesteal from both weapons
    Explanation : I wanted to create a fire-earth dagger that is focused on melee only (unlike Grimtrap that can also do some spells) and yet making +tier abuse impossible to prevent melee spam (unlike Apoc), thus adding lots of -tier to stay at super slow. To keep the weapon melee only I used the -intel given by Apoc and added -raw spell to reinforce it, while adding some melee damage at the same time. The poison from Grimtrap aswell as massive lifesteal are used to fill the blank between two hits and allow the user to heal efficiently (since the attack is super slow the chances to trigger the lifesteal will be quite high), and I avoided putting negative mana to give possibility to use vanish or spin to be a little safe while the weapon is reloading its attack.
  17. RemRin

    RemRin Goddess of Air HERO

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    _-_-(Week 2 submission)-_-_
    Name: Nether
    Lore: In a dark realm where sorcery is forbidden, this dagger was created to grant immortality to its wielder, at the cost of draining every bit of magic that was left out of their body.

    Build Example: https://wynndata.tk/s/6xcQNu

    Component mythics : Apocalypse and Alkatraz
    Component features : Lifesteal (Apocalypse), -Walk speed (Alkatraz), Not enough powder slots for a powder special (Alkatraz), -Water Damage (Apocalypse), Humongous base damage (Alkatraz)

    In a world where assassin only has a few viable end-game melee weapons (flameshot hilt and grimtrap come to mind), I wanted to make another, this time mythic, option. Yet this time, the weapon is also a tank weapon, but not in the usual way. Instead of becoming a tank by gaining hp or elemental defenses, you become a tank by utilizing lifesteal to not die. This combined with alkatraz' huge base damage (which isn't unbalanced as the -attack tiers counter tier abuse) Creates a very reliable melee weapon that will also keep you alive. On the other side of the spectrum, as the lore states, this weapon drains all magic out of the user, meaning that using spells with this weapon will always do 0 damage. Ofcourse you can still use the spells for their utility purpose (spin to stun the enemy, multi-hit to get a bit of distance between your enemy and vanish to get away), but you wont have mana most of the time as once again, this weapon quite literally drains all your magic (in this case mana) with its huge -mana steal. Finally we have the fact that the weapon only has 1 powder slot, which is to deny the use of powder specials, as they are also magic related (alkatraz has the same thing, but with no powder slots).​
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2018
  18. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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    "This pulsing shard has troubled the greatest minds of Gavel ever since its discovery in depths of Ahmsordian Void. Many come to speculate that it is a part of something that is incomprehensibly old, perhaps even eternally old. Its chaotic aura defies laws of magic and nature."

    Item: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-284354734
    Example build: https://wynndata.tk/s/O1KIxp

    There is a rule recommending to not use rainbow mythics for this challenge. So I broke it and combined Collapse and Divzer into a weird Earth-Thunder dagger. The main damage source comes from thunder and earth, which are the two most offensive elements. Plus there is some static rainbow and neutral damage, but it's not much compared to main elements. It's also pretty chaotic, as most thunder/earth items are, having super fast attack speed with an attack speed bonus, and the total loss of your elemental capabilities. The damage can look overpowered at first, but since you can't reduce mana usage with intelligence, it's hard to spell spam. Defense and agility effects are also nullified. Since there is no way to bring change to average damage values, the effective playstyle is with tanky build, kinda like with Pure.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2018
  19. Nyam

    Nyam egg QA HERO

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    Week 2 here we go

    I haven't slept in ~33 hours why am I doing this now
    I feel like my awake self will not want to take responsibility for making this but here it is anyways
    Edit: I was right, what was I thinking


    (I'll write lore for this tomorrow morning if for some reason I don't decide to just remake the entire thing)

    I wanted to try doing something more than just picking and choosing two mythics, mixing and matching their main IDs and then just making a probably bland item from that
    So I tried making a Rage gimmick spear and this mess was the result
    It has Alka-ish damage and offensive IDs with Warp's double -HP regen (and exploding if you count that)
    It did kinda inherit Alka's one trick pony thing but hopefully it's at least slightly more interesting
    I went for earth/fire rather than earth/air since it's more of a courage-themed item more than anything else
    (If I'm misinterpreting the challenge or something and the base damage has to match the elements of the two weapons it's derived from just let me know and I'll remake it from scratch)
    It out-DPSs Collapse but I think that's fair given you'll be at 1HP all the time with any practical build you make since you can't counter both the -HP regen and -life steal and it isn't tier-stackable on top of that
    This also gives you a pretty good excuse to use some things which would otherwise be pretty ew
    When the weapon forces you to go full tryhard with Rage to do any sort of decent damage glassish items aren't really an issue
    Fortitude doesn't care about Warchief's -rainbow def
    Fortitude doesn't care about Shatterglass' -HP and -rainbow def
    Fortitude doesn't care about Puppeteer's low HP and -life steal
    In general it's probably best to use with air stuff
    Since you're going to get one-shot by anything as threatening as a gentle breeze, agi and walk% are your best chances of giving you some sort of survivability
    The spear kinda hints at that by giving you some +agi to start with
    Aside from that, -tier and -spell% are there to make sure you don't really have a choice but to suffer the full force of the negative life steal and because of that have to build it to work with Rage
    Soul point regen is mainly a flavour ID because I thought it fit nicely with the name but because of how incredibly glass this thing is that might actually be pretty useful for anyone using it

    If you really want an extra 2% walk speed per ring slot or simply have an irrational fear of Legendary Island you can sacrifice a tiny amount of DPS and some exploding to use Coiled Briar over Diamond Fiber Ring
    Dasher is a nice option too if you're feeling fancy
    Taurus does a decent job but lacks Puppeteer's +agi, +walk% and ability to run a fourth layer of Rage
    If you get bad skill point rolls you can use Aries or Thanos Legionaire Helm instead of Dune Storm
    Moulded Helm is worth a mention too but it gets max -6% walk so Aries would generally be the better option for this build
    Shawl of Gaea gives pretty nice offensive boosts as well as some exploding if you weren't already at 100% but raises the def req by another 10 and has even more -walk% than Moulded Helm
    There are a handful of alternative leggings that could work (Earth Breaker, Earth Sanc, Post-Ultima if you can get the 25 dex) with downsides that would matter with any normal weapon if you're not as biased towards Horizon and its +26% walk speed as I am

    I just realised how incredibly niche this thing is
    It's something for now I guess, will probably make a completely different resubmission tomorrow

    So I realised how one-dimensional and impractical my first version of the spear was
    You could only really use a select few items of each type with it, it only worked with one very specific playstyle and no-one would want to use a spear where you're at 1HP all the time no matter what
    Here's a (hopefully) better version


    It takes Alka's offenses, adds Ignis' HP and regen and has a bit of its own playstyle on top of that
    It has strong melee attacks but also at least somewhat decent spell
    The -spell% is there to balance out the fact that it has almost Alka-level DPS as well as some pretty strong passive defensive IDs and also to give its melee a bit more of an edge in DPS
    The concept is that you're meant to use melee to get your health down as far as you're willing to go to kinda charge up Rage and then alternate between melee and uppercuts/bashes to try to keep your HP at what you see as optimal
    This should let you both benefit from Rage's damage boosts and be able to keep your HP at a comfortable level
    It's meant to be one of those weapons which requires some level of concentration to use rather than just mindless melee/spell spam
    -tier is there to make sure you don't just tier stack it to reduce the chance of the -life steal actually happening so you kinda have to use the playstyle you're meant to
    Soul point regen is still there because the name hasn't changed and I still feel like it fits the name
    Compared the original, it has less damage and even more negative life steal
    Less damage is to justify the fact that you're not an extreme definition of glass cannon all the time anymore
    The extra -life steal is there to make people unable to counter it effectively
    The original had -HP regens to fall back on but one got removed and the other got flipped
    You can probably still just make it positive but at that point your build will probably deal pretty trash DPS

    Here's a build
    High-HP items like Crusade, Vaward, Contrast let you have stronger attacks with the same amount of HP remaining since Rage is %-based
    The other items mostly just boost DPS in one way and/or another
    Some of them do a mixture of the two
    A lot of earth/fire stuff chips away at your walk speed, Puppeteer does a pretty great job of countering that
    If you happen to have a Vaward and Puppeteer with amazing skill points you can use Momentum over the Handwraps
    If you want to go even more melee you can replace the rings with Coiled Briar or Diamond Fiber
    If you're pedantic over two-digit negative elemental defenses you can use Bubble to (almost) iron out one of them
    Wooly Long Johns fixes the defenses too but leaves you with less skill points to invest into int and lowers your melee
    The Gambler is an option but it's probably not even worth it with this and will hopefully be fixed soon
    Diamond Fiber Bracelet is a less defensive alternative to Handwraps
    Veneer and Taurus exist but neither have enough powder slots for Rage
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
    Spinel, Stag2001 and Jacquie like this.
  20. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    Here we go, I'm feeling a lot better about things this time around. Here is an earth-fire mythic wand.

    Name: Idiot Savant
    Lore: According to Gavellian legend, this wand was created accidentally by a particularly dimwitted troll, who then used it to singlehandedly repel the entirety of Llevigar's army. While its user finds their skills hopelessly diminished, luck alone tends to carry them effortlessly to victory.
    The two items that were used were Divzer (I copied its complete nullification of the skill attribute most often associated with its class), and Fatal (the good % boost to both spell and melee)
    This wand is designed to be powerful, but very awkward to fit into a build. Most standard sorts of builds simply don't work with it. Rainbow builds (which tend to crop up for pretty much everything) are nearly impossible without intelligence. Likewise, the typical mage spell-spamming is not possible without intelligence, but I didn't want to outright stop or render useless spells. The negative mana regen is manageable (especially if mana steal is used), and the weapon does offer a bonus to spell damage. Melee based builds typically revolve around attack speed. The way of stopping this on powerful melee weapons is often with a large negative attack speed modifier, but I instead made the skill points necessary for such items possible but very inconvenient to use. XP and loot bonus were added because they fit the theme of the lore - it makes you stupid but really lucky. It's supposed to encourage a build that uses both spells and melee, but with a melee focus for damage.
    (BTW for helpful people reading this, I'm not entirely sure about balance, so if you think it's overpowered/underpowered, please tell me, and I'll adjust probably the raw damage)
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