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A Modern Day Fantasy Rp [6/10]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Mar 26, 2018.


How often do you use the Memory Book Thing?

  1. What is the Memory Book?

    23 vote(s)
  2. Never

    1 vote(s)
  3. Almost Never

    1 vote(s)
  4. Sometimes

    3 vote(s)
  5. Occasionally

    1 vote(s)
  6. Somewhat Constantly

    0 vote(s)
  7. Frequently

    2 vote(s)
  8. All the Time

    1 vote(s)
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  1. SpookyTigger

    SpookyTigger I’m a pro at kermitting sewer slide.

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    Ouch. Kayla seemed like a good fighter, but Cuffs was right. But at the same time, I agreed with Kayla. I come up next to her and say, "He was kinda right, but I wouldn't always go straight for the kill. Cuffs had a very. . .rough life. I agree with your idea of simply knocking them out, but I would recommend that you at least injure them. You never know how soon they will get back up, how soon they will try to take your life again. If you can injure them, they would live, but they may not be looking to fight anymore, or might not be able to."
  2. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: O wow that's alot to respond to...
    I turn to Aquila. "Her necklace. What does it do?"
  3. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    @Arch sees this too

    "That's what I do . . ." Kayla mutters before saying to Cuffs, "Killing an enemy that would kill you doesn't make you better than them. You can't just go killing people because they would kill you . . . It makes you worse than all the people you've killed." You both can tell Cuffs was able to get to her a little bit emotionally though by the tone of her voice which is much more hoarse and soft.

    "Her necklace . . ." Aquila starts slowly. "Her necklace is a talisman. It prevents any magic from touching or harming her and all that magic that gets near her is absorbed into the necklace which she then can use to power her own magic. It also can't be removed by anyone but her and will harm anyone who physically touches the necklace. However . . . there is a downside," Aquila pauses. "The talisman works too well and prevents Kayla from using her own magic as well. She can still do simple basic magic but none of her more advanced and high skill magic. Trying to do her more advanced magic without using absorbed magic from the necklace will result in her getting extremely exhausted and tired. We've tested it out before you came in and she was able to summon her weakest "ancient bow" and summon regular arrows. She could barely firebend though and can't summon any other bows or any special arrows." She then sighs before saying, "Is that enough information for you?"
  4. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "Since that effectively shut me down, mind explaining what she went through? I feel like my attempts at jokes won't do anymore good. (I say this quietly enough so that Aquila can hear me and not Kayla)
  5. Arch

    Arch The Forum's Town of Salem Host

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    "Girlie, your experiences I bet are nothing even relatively close to mine. I've been through hell and back. I lost my family because of my enemies having a high position and bending the rules to burn down my house. And it was all because of this damned necklace I'm wearing," I shout while still hoisting up Cander. "I've been literally almost tortured to death by my enemies in the dungeons. The only reason why they didn't kill me was because I had something they needed. I've been hunted and chased out of my own gang territory because I was blamed for and accused for murders I didn't commit. I had to kill my enemies to get to the top because they would do the same. Like I said, they had no mercy for me so I had no mercy for them. You've been lucky that you haven't been killed yet by all the enemies you've spared. But you're luck will run out and when you're on your deathbed, you'll see that I was right," I pause before continuing (get rekt Azura, I'm stealing ur writing style). "Learn from the people who've went through hardships and learn how to survive in this world of snakes before you get murdered yourself."
  6. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Aquila's expression shows some signs of guilt and pain before saying, "She had to witness her family get murdered right in front of her by the Magia Tenebris," Aquila's voice is just barely above a whisper. "She was able to escape because of me but she had to witness several other of her friends and other people die to the hands of the Magia Tenebris and Quantum . . ." she pauses before continuing. "She . . . and I . . . feel guilty about the deaths of those poor people and every time she sees anyone . . . even enemies die in front of her, she feels guilty. Kayla believes that everyone deserves the right to live . . . and that enemies all deserve second chances. She hates the sight of death . . . as do I . . . yet . . . we're both vigilantes in a way," Aquila then fixes her gaze up to the sky. "That's only a tiny snippet of her past . . ." Aquila then sighs and looks back at you. "I wish I could've done more back then. I can't help but feel guilty myself knowing I wasn't able to save her family or any of her friends. I wish I could go back . . ." Then she stops abruptly as if she can hear what's going on in the other conversation. Her expression goes to worry as she overhears the other conversation.

    Stahp stealing my writing style, it feels weird xD

    Writing this paragraph also feels wierd af

    @MistaTigger and @Tsu see this as well

    There is a long pause of silence before Kayla responds, "You . . . don't know anything . . . about my past and what I had to go through!" she starts tearing up and crying. "I've had to go through so many things and yet . . . you think you're past is bad? Are you honestly (effing [she says the actual word]) kidding me right now?" her voice is wavering and on the brink of breaking. "How . . . how can you just kill so easily not thinking about the lives of others . . . what they might be going through? How . . . could . . . you?"

    There is another moment of silence and the tension is extremely high. It appears that the girl angel and the other guy (@Tsu) have caught on as well.
  7. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: Uhh... I'm not sure how magic works here soooo.... >.>

    If magic works the way I think it does: Once again, just to Aquila. "Do you know the full extent of magic? Do you know how magic goes against what we know in this world, how it changes the world to our needs? The only difference in magic, is what it's used for. So, if all we do is bend the rules of this world, all you have to do... is find someone... who can turn back time... All you have to do, is use magic- your own magic, to do whatever you wanted. Go back to save them... and forget about the rest that happened..." (I should trail off at the end)

    If magic isn't bending laws of the universe: Once again, just to Aquila. "Do you know what the limit to magic is? When does magic finally stop evolving? When will it stop changing? And so, there is someone out there who can turn back time... All you have to do is find them... Go back... and forget all that happened..." (I should trail off at the end)

    Shake my head if I said any of the above and then say, "I'm going off topic..."
    "As I see it, you have two paths in front of you. One. Step down. Let others finish the fight. Don't ever touch the battlefield again and hide from the deaths of others. Have someone wipe your memories, and just settle down somewhere and forget about us. Two. Defeat them. If they are still alive, who knows what other people will face the same thing Kayla faced? Hell, even if they are dead, others are bringing them back to life. If you don't wipe their existence off the face of the world, then another person will face the same thing she faced. You know we can't lock them up. They escaped too easily. So, what will you choose?"
    "So, will you back off? And let another person take the same path Kayla had? The pain she felt and the revenge that gnaws at her?!"
    "Or, will you do anything in your power to stop someone else from feeling the same way?!"
    (This thing should start quietly to Aquila and then grow louder until I yell the 2 lines before the end.)
    "What will you choose?" (This should be said normally)
  8. Arch

    Arch The Forum's Town of Salem Host

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    OOC: Okay how tough was it for you @Azura to type that paragraph?

    OOC x2: I did not think that a 14 year old girl would actually be able to make Cuffs second guess himself (I mean he would right? After that speech, He isn't completely heartless)

    OOC x3: O, i did not expect Kayla to curse

    OOC x4: Stealing ur writing style again. I like ur writing style

    I looked at her, shocked by the sudden outburst. Then I sigh, putting down Cander (again) and scratching the back of my head, I say, "I'll admit, I wasn't thinking about what you might have gone through. I'm sorry for that. And I'm sorry for not thinking about your viewpoint on the matter and how messed up this whole scene might seem to you," I heave a sigh before continuing. "I can't promise that I won't kill in the future but I'll try my best to restrain myself I suppose. You can really change minds you know . . ." I comment.

    "Damn," I think to myself. "How soft have I become?"
  9. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    @MistaTigger sees this whole convo too and can respond to this too lmao

    "I doubt that . . ." the girl regains her voice and self-confidence. "It's never easy to change someone's mind . . ."

    Aquila looks at you for a couple seconds . . . a questioning look before responding, "I think you know my answer already Caillte."

    Noctua, who has been silent (wow wat) the whole time and patient now decides to come in. "So Aquie, are you gonna do anything about the fact that Kayla cursed a very bad word just now? You know, being like a mom and all . . ."

    Aquila glares at Noctua but seems too tired to actually do anything. She just mutters "Shut up . . ." in response before saying, "It's late. Everyone here should get some rest."
  10. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "Then let's go"
  11. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    "Hmmm . . ." James starts. "Just come anyway, I'll find an excuse," he says directed at Niko. Mr. Hanzo and Chaz both have intrigued expressions on their faces but don't say anything.
  12. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Seeing as mr hanzo and chaz aren't saying anything I will
    "Oh and why can't you leave?"
  13. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "Actually, it's just 12. Very early morning/afternoon... But never mind that. You guys can go first. I want to check up on something."
    Then I lean against the wall? Sit on the ground? I never really got a description of where we were. >.>
    (I'm finally gonna check on that person who came in before. xD)
    Putting on my glasses (cause my eye colors give me away. >.> oh but wearing sunglasses in the darkness totally makes me less suspicious), I True Sight the person (Tigger), checking magic, then past.
  14. saltii

    saltii Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    “I’m pretty sure anything I’ve loved has been taken away from me already” I say, grinning “your gold runes? Are they seem interesting, how bout this. We see who can win in a fight and if I win, you’ll admit that your a huge moron and if I win I’ll do something for you. Deal?” I ask him
  15. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    Niko: Hanzo, you fine with me taking a temporary leave to check out the... situation up top?

    (To Zander) As for why I can’t leave, I don’t believe I can say.

    OOC: BTW, what’s stopping me from leaving beforehand? Is there some kind of system, or was it something like a word of honor?
  16. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Isn't it like midnight? Quantum did that moon spell or whatever

    Let's go with Word of Honor
    Oh and @Tsu, ur juds like outside the now gone ring of fire so like a couple yards off the statue of liberty base
  17. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "I get it we all have somethings we cant tell" I turn to james "So when are we leaving?"
  18. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: Midnight's early morning. >.> 12:00AM xD
  19. Gebis8

    Gebis8 Lost

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    ”Of course I won’t share it. I have noone to share it with either.”
  20. Arch

    Arch The Forum's Town of Salem Host

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    OOC: Dang, she saw straight through my bluff which included the partial truth strat (which Cuffs should still feel bad but it's not gonna change his way of life)

    I sigh again before saying, "You're right on that but you still can change the minds of people," (that's partially true to Cuffs rn). "Have you ever heard of the term 'let the dead bury the dead'?"
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