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A Modern Day Fantasy Rp [6/10]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Mar 26, 2018.


How often do you use the Memory Book Thing?

  1. What is the Memory Book?

    23 vote(s)
  2. Never

    1 vote(s)
  3. Almost Never

    1 vote(s)
  4. Sometimes

    3 vote(s)
  5. Occasionally

    1 vote(s)
  6. Somewhat Constantly

    0 vote(s)
  7. Frequently

    2 vote(s)
  8. All the Time

    1 vote(s)
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  1. SpookyTigger

    SpookyTigger I’m a pro at kermitting sewer slide.

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    "Terribly vague. Can you elaborate on that?" I heighten my mental sensing capabilities and try to get a reading on Cuffs.
  2. Arch

    Arch The Forum's Town of Salem Host

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    Steetface on. “Simple. We create shapes and gestures in the air and magic happens.”
  3. SpookyTigger

    SpookyTigger I’m a pro at kermitting sewer slide.

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    I give him a skeptical look, but leave it for another time. He won't tell, not now. I turn back to the Doctor. "So where are you from? What do you do? And I don't mean what country or whatnot. Mr. Lopez referred to you as the 'boss'. The boss of what?"
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2018
  4. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Kayla looks startled when you put your hands on her shoulder. Aquila puts her attention on you when you do so. But when you say that little joke, she stifles a laugh putting a hand to her mouth. This also causes a snort and laughter from Noctua and another withering death glare from Aquila.

    "Alright, fine," Kayla says. "I'll try it."

    "How the heck are you doing this?" Noctua says in your head. "Making me see a first after first after first."

    "Ah," Dr. Lakrow starts. "Have you ever heard of the M.S.A.A?"

    (Idk if either one of your characters [@Arch and @MistaTigger] have ever heard of the M.S.A.A but I assume you guys havent)
  5. SpookyTigger

    SpookyTigger I’m a pro at kermitting sewer slide.

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    "No. No, I haven't," I look back at Cuffs and Cander. I don't think they have either.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2018
  6. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    "So that's it."
    "We're all going to fucking die, then."
    (are my parents home/awake yet?)
  7. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: Tbh, I'll probably be racking up points with Kayla to lose it all with Aquila... like I guess it makes sense since I peeked on Aquila first (Second Sight) but never Kayla... .-.

    I pat her shoulder. "That's more like it."
    I quickly stand up and run out the door before Aquila can do something (hopefully).
    Calling a waiter (or a waitress, perferrably) I order 3 strawberry cheesecakes (and whatever Noctua says rn) but and ask if they can make two of the stawberry cakes really cute (idk, frills? Bunny designs? Cute words?).
    I then go back to the private room. And glance at their faces.

    If they say something as I walk in: (I'll respond to that later)

    If they don't say anything and the seat next to Kayla is open: I slide in next to Kayla and put an arm around her shoulder. "So, does Aquila always look at guys like this? (Assuming she's sending death rays at me. Otherwise, replace 'like this' with 'how she did before") I know she just adores me but..."

    If they don't say anything and the seat next to Kayla isn't open: I sit down in my normal seat. "Hey Aquila, what type of guys are you into? Asking for a friend." I then VISIBLY glance at Noctua (cause screw him, that's what he gets for being helpful.)
  8. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "As long as you lnow most of them it should be fine"
  9. saltii

    saltii Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    cringe worthy application \/ @Azura

    Character Name (if you have a nickname, add that as well): Salyti , awkward name I know but like I don't care that my parents hate me so why should u?

    Age: 23.

    Gender: Male.

    Role Alignment: (ie. Lawful Good): I claim to be Lawful Good but I'm more like Chaotic Good as I claim to do things for good when really I just want free food, drinks, money, things in general. I have bad manners and say I'm protecting the city because I'm part of the M.S.A.A. and people should respect me. I go overboard with fighting and don't take my tasks seriously. I saw I'm a hero, I do good things when it's needed and when I'm getting yelled at but the other half of the time I screw around and pick fights with bad guys, monsters, that sort of thing, even without proper clearance. hope you see the kind of person I am :p, In the rp that is. I make jokes and provoke people, I'm just one of a kind aren't I? Also when I destroy things I claim its for the good and that they should pay me for making me fight at their stores, buildings, restaurants, stuff like that.

    “Role”: (ie. Spy in M.S.A.A., or Mercenary) I'm a very bad agent for the M.S.A.A. this will make sense if u read my role alignment. Oh right and I'm in Order Sirius and probably low, cough very low on the ranks.

    Class: (ie. Greek Demigod, or Shardaic Mage): Shardaic Mage, that sounds and seems pretty cool, using shards to rip people into shreds is not something I do everyday but I could give it a try. Also I have a question can I use any shards? Or only ones I know and have practiced with... I'm really strong but that is usually overlooked as I'm never serious. oh and uhh the shards I'm best at are plain old DESTRUCTION SHARDSSSSSSSS. But I can use other shards

    Equipment / Belongings: I have a katana that has a gem infused in its base, it helps in summoning and controlling crystals and uhh that's it, everything else I get ill probably steal some time in the story... You never read that.

    Clothing: I have white hair, brown eyes, a black zipper sweater, i wear it opened with a white t-shirt under it. I don't wear the hood up and usually keep my hands in my pockets until I need to fight.

    Backstory (optional but recommended): Though he only watched his family die in front of him he always tries to smile. He never wants to show his weaknesses after his family died and never wants anyone close to him to die. He plays everything like its a joke and just a game because he knows how horrifying the real world is. Being driven by revenge and not being strong enough get revenge on the people who killed his family he was only left with one option. To get stronger. He traveled to a city called New York because he heard of mages that were powerful, strong, and using magic he would be able to get revenge. I'm rambling so much XD lol. Anyway short story he went to new york, after a while found someone to train him, joined M.S.A.A. was promising and then turned out to be a big disappointment as an agent. Though I'm strong I'm never serious, that's what justifies me from being op. Pretty bad story but I didn't have time to think of a good one based around wanting revenge and that driving me to get stronger when I'm actually serious. Also it would server as a good way for my character to evolve into a better person.

    Money / Income (depends on backstory): Lives in a pretty crappy apartment unlike the rest of the M.S.A.A. agents as I'm bad at my job and don't care that much, I make enough to live and get enough food for every day but I'm greedy (thats probably why I take food for the "good of the city")

  10. Arch

    Arch The Forum's Town of Salem Host

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    I shake my head saying, “Nope. Never heard of that organization.”
  11. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: Azura, is this basically Kayla (except this is cooler)? >.< Also, Hai StormLizard. :D

    OOC: Dude wear some pants! Unless you're trying to impress the ladies? Meet at Gramercy Tavern, I got a room set up. ;p

    OOC: That looks... really fun. o-o Try throwing some rocks around in the base, I hear alot of people (5) are doing it. >.>
  12. SpookyTigger

    SpookyTigger I’m a pro at kermitting sewer slide.

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    I like this guy. @Azura let im in
  13. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    So after seeing that I have to respond to a boat load of people and add another person into the story, I will be responding to you all in different posts so that each post doesn't get too long.

    Proof that the real HMTN is alive and well.

    And uh parents . . . sure idk? Well they came home late and it's 8 now or something so maybe they're still asleep.

    The news continues on to mention that the current theory for this sudden change in events is that the asteroid's mass was so dense that it pulled the Earth a little towards it furthermore accelerating gravity and then finally crashing into the Statue of Liberty. However, this is just a theory and easily proven wrong by other matters of physics pointed out by high-class scientists. Afterwards, it is announced that the Statue of Liberty will be getting instant repairs and any deadlines set on work will be delayed by one day. Continue watching?

    "Heh, we'll see," Chaz says grabbing one of the pool sticks lying down next to the table and getting the triangle thing. Wat now?

    ok ok ok ok how tf do i start you off lol. Oh wait, i meant to say: "WELCOME". oops.

    And @Tsu this is basically Kayla with a different attitude except she grew up in New York and she has a WAY different role alignment which justifies her as a person. Kayla is a glass cannon physically and emotionally.

    You find yourself roaming around the streets (wow im creative aswell) and after a while, you notice a guy in a black cloak with golden runes and symbols exit Gramercy Tavern. What now?
    You both see Dr. Lakrow sigh before continuing, "The M.S.A.A. is basically the magical version of the government. This government is split into 50 Orders, one for each state. I am the leader of Order SIRIUS. Now do you see why I would have no intention of exploding a bank?" Dr. Lakrow directs at Cuffs and Cander.
  14. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I also grab the stick and wait

    OOC:Can somebody tell me how to actually play pool because i have absolutely bo idea.
  15. SpookyTigger

    SpookyTigger I’m a pro at kermitting sewer slide.

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    "Can I join this order? I'll be of good use." This is exactly what I've been looking for since I came here. From here, I can get stronger.
  16. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    Niko: Well, that’s a shame... Got a physical description for me? Actually, tell me on the way, it seems I have a few more... people to talk to...

    I’ll then carry him with me and then head over to the security room for info on the other intruders.
  17. Arch

    Arch The Forum's Town of Salem Host

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    “What!?” I exclaim. “You just . . . want to join them straight away? No extra details, or anything? You should know what you’re getting into before you actually join,” I eye Dr. Lakrow.
  18. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Mobile and i missed @Tsu ‘s post rip.

    That post is giving me a nightmare to respond to cuz of how badly ur triggering Aquila lmao.
  19. SpookyTigger

    SpookyTigger I’m a pro at kermitting sewer slide.

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    "I'm aware. But I guess I could be getting ahead of myself. Even if it turned out to be bad, I can fend for myself. I'll live. My main mission is to get stronger, not to join for the sake of good or bad."
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2018
  20. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC You should walk in and hang out with the girls and me. ;p;

    I know two different ways.
    The first: You take turn hitting the cue ball (solid white) into the other balls. If you hit a ball into a hole (that isn't a cue ball), you get a point and get to hit the cue ball again. If the cue ball is hit into a hole, the opponent starts and places the cue ball onto the table somewhere (not sure where. .-.) If a ball isn't put into a hole, it's the opponent's turn.
    The second: Same rules as the first, except whoever hits the eight ball (black with an 8 on it) gets to choose stripes or solids (there are 7 of each). If all the balls you chosen are put into the holes first, you win. (Yes, your opponent can hit your ball into the holes too).

    The pool table is a rectangular with 6 holes, kinda like this. The cue ball starts where the x is and the other 15 balls are where the A is, placed in a triangle. (dots are spacers cause it didn't like my formatting...)

    And, uh yeah. That's what I know. (I may be wrong so someone correct me)

    OOC: If she hates me enough, then I'll always be on her mind (albeit burning and dying in hell but still).
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