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A Modern Day Fantasy Rp [6/10]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Mar 26, 2018.


How often do you use the Memory Book Thing?

  1. What is the Memory Book?

    23 vote(s)
  2. Never

    1 vote(s)
  3. Almost Never

    1 vote(s)
  4. Sometimes

    3 vote(s)
  5. Occasionally

    1 vote(s)
  6. Somewhat Constantly

    0 vote(s)
  7. Frequently

    2 vote(s)
  8. All the Time

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    I was planning on ending this battle either this or next post depending on what you said.

    The Elementalist and Spear User get directly hit by the Ice Strike. It appeared to be a good blow too because both of them fall unconscious. However, there's a load more of them but suddenly, you hear whistling from behind you and a transparent green arrow strikes one of them and explodes and then jumps onto another person and explodes. You look behind you to see a Yondu wannabe Zach whistling with the other guy who whispered into Dr. Lakrow's ear desummoning an orange shard. After five seconds, the whole group is dealt with due to an exploding green arrow. The green arrow dissipates and Zach says, "Okay, I have to go to Order SIRIUS now to do something," he then types something on his phone and then says, "Mr. Lopez, I doubt your teleport shard is ready I assume?"

    "Nope," the guy presumingly named Mr. Lopez responds. "Just used it to get here. You're gonna have to walk."

    Zach sighs before saying, "Well it can't be helped." He then looks at you. "Nice meeting you. I hope we meet again soon." He starts running off down the street and takes a right.

    "I think Dr. Lakrow has some stuff to say to you," Mr. Lopez says as Zach disappears from your sight. The firefighters have also appeared to deal with the burning bank. What now?

    She fishes out her phone and yes, "Yeah, Zach says he's on his way now." She types something and then shows you the group chat.

    TheDJMechanic: Okay, burning bank and cloaked group dealt with. Coming now.
    KENdama: so that still leaves 3 of us unable to make it for the time being?
    TheOpticz: yes . . . wow i never knew you could count!
    KENdama: shut up
    DoubleSwordProWielder: ooh, Ken cursed!
    DO NOT START THAT AGAIN! :ImApparentlyAGlassCannon
    [ T y p e M e s s a g e H e r e ] [ E N T E R ]
    Correction: She fishes out her phone and says,

    replace yes with says (idfk what i was thinking)

    (trying to edit posts on mobile is a pain)
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2018
  2. Gebis8

    Gebis8 Lost

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    I quickly jump to the side and tries to load the crossbow with three arrows to fire at it.
  3. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "You guys seem... uh... interesting... You two want to wait until everyone gets here or should I start when Zach gets here... On second thought, lets wait for everyone, I don't want to discuss this while enjoying a meal. It would ruin my appetite. t least... more so that it already is."

    When I get my meal, make some small talk with them (How their families are [I'll change topics if they ask about mine], Hobbies [Reading], What they would change if they could [My ability. My help comes too slow to actually help.], Their favorite place to be [A cafe, cause I find myself there often for work.], etc.) Afterwards, gesture at people I don't know and ask who they are.

    When Zach comes - "Hey, grab something to eat, sit down, we'll wait for the others!" Then continue where I left off.
  4. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    I highly doubt I'm physically fit enough to keep this up for very long.
    I'm going to split this thing's head, that's what I'll do.
    Riiight down the middle.
  5. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I go back to the front desk to get my food
  6. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Arya noticing you yells, "No don't shoot!" but it's too late. The arrows bounce off the lion's fur and collide into other objects. You're lucky enough that none of the arrows hit anyone else. The lion redirects itself and charges at you being the one who shot the arrows. Arya curses something in Greek and then chants, "Sa-per!" A hieroglyph appears in front of the lion and causes it to miss you . . . narrowly. The hieroglyph fades away and the lion is turning around. What now?

    You charge straight into the flames and swing the halberd down onto the creature's head. For some odd reason, however, the flames parted and let you through when you charged in as if someone else was watching and influencing the battle making sure you wouldn't get hurt. The creature howls before dissipating into smoke and a puddle of blood. What now?

    You get the dish and then go back to your seat. Uncovering it reveals a load of shrimp lumpia, in fact, too much to where you think you can only finish half.

    "Aye, Shrimp Lumpia. Never tried that before," Chaz says.

    After looking at the chat, you say, "You guys seem... uh... interesting... You two want to wait until everyone gets here or should I start when Zach gets here... On second thought, lets wait for everyone, I don't want to discuss this while enjoying a meal. It would ruin my appetite. At least... more so that it already is."

    "I guess you could say we are a rather interesting group," James says. "Very diverse in magic, I suppose."

    The man at the front desk still hasn't returned . . . probably taking longer than usual since he's the only one working currently. You decide to proceed with your planned small talk to pass the time.

    "So how are your families?" you ask.

    "Good, I guess," James says. "Life has been . . . as normal as it can get for magic users like us." He pauses. "I don't want my father to hear about Quantum's break out," he mutters.

    Kayla seemed to be contemplating a plate of lies before saying, "Family issues at the moment." She says nothing further although it's an obvious lie. James flashes you a look through and you decide not to push it.

    As James is about to ask you about your family, you switch the subject. "How about hobbies you guys have?" you say. "I have a hobby of reading alot."

    Kayla this time answers first. "Roaming the streets. Catching any criminals. Basically doing whatever's legal when I feel like it."

    James then answers. "School. Reading. Studying. And then doing anything during my free time."

    You nod and go on with your next question. "What would you change if you could? I think I would change my ability . . . my help comes too slow to actually help."

    "I don't see it that way," James says before saying. "I would change schools. The school I have has horrible rich kid bullies. I can stand my own but the other students can't."

    "Which gives you more of a reason to stay then," Kayla says. "You can help the other students out and defend them."

    "Eh," was all Jame's response was.

    "If I were to change one thing . . . " Kayla pauses before a dark expression covers her face. "Nevermind . . . things I don't want to face again . . ."

    (Okay, this convo took me A LOT of time to actually write because I had to look back at all the histories of these NPCs (more like Characters now tbh) and relate it to their behaviour and the way they act)(I'm just gonna end it a little short since I need to respond to everyone else as well lol)

    Zach still hasn't appeared to be here yet and the man is still working in the kitchen. What now?

    (I'm just feeding you tiny pieces of their backstories at this point)
  7. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    "Seriously? Some weird test? I'm not joining your cult!"
  8. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: kek. Tbh, I'm trying to stall till everyone gets here so I can finish my noodles. xD

    "Hey just wondering, have your guys abilities... 'evolved' over the course of you using them? Because I feel as if I could better, but I'm not to sure how to go about it. After all, most people don't have such a niche ability, where their eyes..." I shrug and smile sheepishly.
  9. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "Me neither, I just ask for something with shrimp." I start eating, after I eat 1 I say " you want some? This is to much for me."
  10. Gebis8

    Gebis8 Lost

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    I attempt to get up the stairs with the others in an attempt to get to my appartment and the staff.
  11. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    A figure swoops down from the rooftops in front of you. They are in a black cloak with golden symbols and runes on it. "You should be thanking me right now that you aren't dying to the poisonous fire of the Chimera. Do you really think I would be able to tame the Chimera anyway? And I'm not part of any cult!" the figure says. They seem to be mid-twenties judging from their voice.

    "Yeah I could say my power evolved I guess," James says. "I think experience and usage of your powers is what helps you uh, 'evolve' and learn new things and different abilities. In a way, I think our whole group evolved with our experiences . . . I can see improvements from her before and now," James gestures at Kayla who was staring at the floor seeming to be in a train of thought.

    When she hears the word 'her', she perks up. "Hm, what? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

    "Mr. Harris asked if our abilities 'evolved' over the course of using them," James says for you.

    "Well . . ." she starts. "I don't really know . . . I don't think so . . ."

    "You're kidding right," a new voice says. You all turn to see a male who looks 20ish and is smirking. "Kayla here has grown a lot in her magic prowess but she doubts herself too much."

    "Shut up Zach," Kayla says. "I don't doubt myself that much . . ."

    "Now that's a lie," James grins.

    "What are you talking about?" Kayla says. "When have I ever doubted myself? I'm just being honest here!"

    "Uhh, 12 months ago . . ." James starts and Kayla's face turns red.

    "Shut up James," she warns. James only chuckles and gets a glare from Kayla.

    "Anyway moving on," Zach coughs. "I guess you are 'EyeOfOdin' am I correct?"

    Jamie seems to read your mind and covers you playing a three string cord on her violin and sending a magical wave at the Nemean Lion. It explodes on contact disorienting the lion allowing you time to reach the stairs and rush to your apartment. You grab the staff and rush back down to see the lion getting tag teamed by the two girls. However, it appears that they don't have a good way to get rid of it because the lion's fur keeps blocking out most of their fatal blows. What now?
    "Aye, sure why not!" Chaz grabs one of the shrimp lumpia's and takes a bite out of it. He appears to like it very much. "This is good stuff," he munches on his food. "I'm curious," he says changing subjects. "What type of magic user are you, aye?"
  12. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "That's right. Zach right? Go get yourself something to eat and then sit down, we'll wait for the others. Uhh.. on second thought, he's not back yet. Why don't you just sit down for a bit."

    If I can hear conversations nearby - I look around. I focus my sight on the person taking a share of the shrimp plate and then turn back. "If you guys don't mind, I'm going to do something for a bit again. Just call for me when something happens." I close my eyes and use Second Sight on the person I focus on.
    I wonder what abilities this new face has...

    Otherwise - "I'll leave you guys to talk for a bit since I'm more of a outsider. I'll be right outside," I say. I get up and walk outside the cafeteria. Leaning against the wall, I activate true sight, to look at the magic within people, trying to see how much more I could push my ability.
  13. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "I think that the right term would be shardaic mage, and you?"
  14. Gebis8

    Gebis8 Lost

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    I attempt to attack the lions tail to draw it’s attention so that I can attack it in the throat.
  15. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    "Me? Ah, I'm what you'd call an all rounded Elementalist, aye!" Chaz exclaims. "How good are you at your ability?" But before you can answer that question, you notice a girl stand up from across the room and quick shoot an arrow into the kitchen. You can hear the arrow ricochet off of several objects before landing on someone who yelps in pain. You see that person fall down unconscious behind a couple objects. They appear to be a hooded figure who definitely is an outsider of Order SIRIUS. Everyone is staring at the girl before a person next to her applauds her. Soon, everyone in the room is applauding her. What now?

    You swoop into the fight attacking the lion's tail. The lion turns around to you but then gets smacked in the throat hard by your staff. It finally shows an expression of being hurt and this gives the two girls a couple ideas. Arya casts another spell "W-peh!" and another hieroglyph appears on the lion's mouth causing it to open it's mouth wide. She then says, "Stulti Carcer!" which appears to lock the lion's legs in place. Unable to move, Jamie fires a rapid succession of three string chords sending explosive waves into the lion's mouth. The lion dissipates into ash after the last stroke and all there's left to deal with is a broken wall.

    "Hi-nehm," Arya casts and a hieroglyph appears on the broken wall fixing it and restoring it back to what it was before it was broken by the Nemean Lion.

    Jamie then proceeds to put back her violin into her case like nothing ever happened and says to you, "Again, Empire State Building. Tomorrow with Dr. Lakrow. Don't forget." Then she grabs her violin case, readjusts her Yankees Cap, and says, "Don't be late. Dr. Lakrow has a tight schedule."

    Arya then casts one last spell,"Pervorsio!" before disappearing with Jamie out of your sight. What now?

    I forgot to do this.

    [Memory Book of Magic Updated]

    Sa-per = Egyptian Spell Meaning "Miss"
    W-peh = Egyptian Spell Meaning "Open"
    Stulti Carcer = Greek Spell Meaning "A Prison Fool"
    Hi-nehm = Egyptian Spell Meaning "Join"
    Pervorsio = Greek Spell Meaning "Warp"

    You can't seem to hear the other conversations around you so you say, "I'll leave you guys to talk for a bit since I'm more of a outsider. I'll be right outside." You then walk outside the cafeteria and activate True Sight.

    You again can see a light in everyone's body. James still has a yellow light in his body while Zach has a mix of yellow and green light in his. Kayla has a light green light with a small white aura surrounding that light. You've never seen something like that before so you can only guess what it means. The new guy has a light orange light in him with a little tinge of red and the guy next to him has a yellow light like James. You notice the rest of the people in the room also have a light yellow or yellow light.

    Purple / Red = At the peak of their magic ability but using it for evil
    Yellow = At the peak of their magic ability but are neutral / good
    Light Yellow = Has a lot of potential but are neutral / good
    Orange = At the peak of their magic ability but are neutral / evil
    Light Orange = Has a lot of potential but are neutral / evil
    Green = At the peak of their magic ability but are using it for good
    Light Green = Has a lot of potential but using it for good.
    Blue = Undefined
    Dark Grey = At the peak of their magic ability but are True Neutral
    Grey = Has a lot of potential but are True Neutral

    You then try to push your ability further to see if you can get anything else. You start to be able to catch little snippets of the group's pasts. You can see James' first encounter with Quantum in a dark alleyway. There is a truck (the big kind with a huge trailer . . .) behind Quantum and a black cloaked figure in between James and Quantum. Suddenly, another figure appears out of nowhere and starts attacking Quantum using various spells. The battle somehow ends in a stalemate with Quantum fleeing using what you think is the "Dying Man's Wishes" hex and the two people (not James) majorly injured. He was apparently just a spectator that time.

    Then you look at Zach and see's his first encounter with the group which only appears to be Arya, James, and Jamie at the moment. You can see them casually conversing about a missing kidnapped person before Zach challenges them to a little music battle since they have no money to pay him to investigate. He says it's to interest him and that he'll investigate for them for free if someone is able to mimic the tune he plays. It appears Zach used to be a magic investigator/detective before. Then Jamie steps up saying she'll represent the group and Zach agrees. He forms a transparent green stereo and starts playing a soundtrack. Jamie summons a modified electric violin and is miraculously able to mimic the soundtrack (don't ask me how. I wouldn't be able to describe it well). Zach complies and agrees to help them out.

    You then move on to Kayla and have a much harder time seeing their past history. You're only able to catch little glimpses of her fighting Quantum and this other guy before she stands up, unslings her bow, and quick shoots into the kitchen with a full drawback arrow. The arrow ricochets off of several objects in the kitchen before finally landing on her target. Her target was a hooded figure standing next to an unconscious cook you were talking to earlier at the front desk. The guy falls to the ground with the arrow in his chest but pulls it out of his body before he falls unconscious himself. You notice the arrow has a really weird and dull tip . . . so dull that it probably wouldn't be able to kill a person (you've basically been looking through the kitchen wall). The arrow's tip looks modified so it can bounce off other objects easier. She then sits back down with everyone staring at her before Zach applauds her for that shot. Soon, the several people in the room start applauding. (They saw the hooded figure fall down). What now?
  16. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I keep eating and observe the girl carefully
  17. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Btw, there's now 16 Tier 1 and Tier 2 Shards, Gotta Add Tier 3s
  18. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    So can I also use the new ones or only the old ones?
  19. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    I've been thinking about it. You can use all tier 1s, tier 2s, and tier 3s. You have to learn tier4s and up.
  20. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Ok thanks for clearing it up
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