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A Modern Day Fantasy Rp [6/10]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Mar 26, 2018.


How often do you use the Memory Book Thing?

  1. What is the Memory Book?

    23 vote(s)
  2. Never

    1 vote(s)
  3. Almost Never

    1 vote(s)
  4. Sometimes

    3 vote(s)
  5. Occasionally

    1 vote(s)
  6. Somewhat Constantly

    0 vote(s)
  7. Frequently

    2 vote(s)
  8. All the Time

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    "Hmmm, that's a lot of story to get through," James says before continuing. "Well let's just say there's an anti-Quantum in our group and their name is Arya. Quantum also always seems to put himself in situations that give him a major weakness so we're able to actually stand a chance . . . heh," he doesn't know whether to continue or not.
  2. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "Wait what?! He just happens to put himself in situations that are majorly disadvantageous for him? Like what? It seems way to convenient..."
    I check the group chat for any updates.
  3. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    Because regular fire clearly wasn't lethal enough to kill me.

    "Hey, uh, Mark?"
    *Throws neighbor down stairs*

    If the monster is distracted by the neighbor that I've presumably known for years and just probably injured, I hit it with the standard electric halberd. If it isn't distracted, i hit it anyway because it never had a choice.

  4. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Aren't you guys like outside? Your neighbor was outside talking to you when the monster lunged and then you went outside to stab it . . . Ill jsut say you throw him inside the house.

    You throw your neighbor APPARENTLY named Mark into your house and then strike the creature with your electric halberd. The monster abruptly stops spouting fire and looks disoriented. You miraculously did not get hit by any of the poisonous fire either. What now?

    "Well it's not really like that," James says. "He once tried launching a massive tesla cannon in the middle of the ocean to kill the whole USA. I think you can see how that failed."

    You then look back at your pad.

    - () KENdama has invited LittleBirdy into the group chat () -​
    TheOpticz: you shouldnt of invited her and trolled her that way
    KENdama: that's rude af though
    DoperThanDopestShardMage: i think that would've been funny lol
    DopestShardMage: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    alrighty then xd
    -() KENdama revokes the invitation to LittleBirdy () -​
    ImApparentlyAGlassCannon: Can you stop fooling around for once in your life? Quantum escapes and you're all still having fun? Vacation's OVER
    KENdama: woah woah chill, it's all jsut fun
    ImApparentlyAGlassCannon: I'll chill when I see Quantum back in his cell.
    - () ImApparentlyAGlassCannon has invited LittleBirdy into the group chat () -​

    [ T y p e M e s s a g e H e r e ] [ E N T E R ]
  5. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    I cast a Light Green Shard for protection and instantly follow up with a fireball thrown into their midst.
  6. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    I was actually thinking a porch but ok that works too
    (I needed a distraction)
    (this still works)

    Don't give it time to recover!
    Final Move: Uuuh I dunno just stab/maul/slice it with the electric halberd until it stops moving while still screaming the whole time (UIDJS/M/SIWTEHUISMWSSTWT)
  7. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I say to James, "That's kinda weird. Couldn't he already screw up mostly everything on his own? Anyways, I'm hungry. Gonna stress eat. Let's go to the cafeteria. Besides, I feel like that's a nicer place to chat."

    If he agrees - I tell Hanzo that if anyone else comes to the Security Room for me, to send them to the cafeteria. I then type,
    EyeOfOdin: Change of plans, if you guys are meeting with me, we'll meet in the cafeteria instead.
    EyeOfOdin: Standing is tiring, stress eating, the like.
    EyeOfOdin: Erm... can someone tell Birdy when she comes back? xD Thanks.

    If he doesn't agree - Pull a (idk chocolate? cracker? carrots?) out and offer him one. Then start munching. I ask him to describe the others to me.
  8. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    The light green barrier shatters after 4 hits from arrows but you're lucky enough that the rest of them fly around you. Then, you summon a flaming shard forming a fireball and launch it over the spear user and Elementalist and straight at the archers behind them. You are able to hit and injure a big amount of the cloaked men with you fireball but there still appears to be a load more coming out of the bank. You notice the spear user and the Elementalist charging at you again. What now?

    The creature takes another hit before launching itself out of your chaotic fury. It looks severely injured but can still pack a punch. It looks at you again and charges once again spewing poisonous fire although this time much larger than before.

    "Well we had to go force the waves onto the cannon so not really," James says in response to your question. "It wasn't really something Quantum could stop because Arya managed to cause a huge storm." You then tell Mr. Hanzo what to do and both you and James walk to the cafeteria. You notice it's practically empty except for 5 people. The man working at the front desk doesn't appear to be there. After taking a seat, you then type in your pad:

    Change of plans, if you guys are meeting with me, we'll meet in the cafeteria instead. :EyeOfOdin
    Standing is tiring, stress eating, the like.:EyeOfOdin
    Erm... can someone tell Birdy when she comes back? xD Thanks.:EyeOfOdin
    KENdama: works for me
    TheOpticz: Unlikely any1 but James, Ken, and Kayla from the group are actually reading this because the other three seem to be in little situations
    KENdama: that's true
    DopestShardMage: ^

    [ T y p e M e s s a g e H e r e ] [ E N T E R ]

    You then ask James to describe the others to you.

    "Okay, so uhhh, there's me, your average Shardaic Mage. There's Kayla, a fire Elementalist and a bow weapon master. There's uhhh, Zach, he's uhh, hard to explain. Basically, he like, controls these green pixels to do whatever he wants? . . . and he makes these pixels be in sync with like music I guess? . . . Anyway, then there's Jamie. She plays the violin. It's a magic violin that makes . . . uh magic stuff? She's even harder to explain than Zach. Then there's Ken . . . he dual wields two swords and has a magic kendama . . . And then there's Arya, she specializes in Ancient Magic, you know like Greek Magic, Egyptian Spells, Norse Runes, all that stuff. Quantum's disruption hex doesn't work on her as well as several of his other hexes, it's why we call her the anti-Quantum." James then turns around to look at the front desk. "Huh, the guy's still not back. I wonder what's taking so long?"
  9. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "So Music, a Kendama, a violin and a bit of magic here and there.... that's how Quantum was defeated? Sounds like an... interesting combination. Anyways, do you mind calling me when the guy (at the front desk) comes back? There's something I want to check on."

    Second Sight Alexis or Quantum. (just one of them)
    Otherwise, if I have seen Arya or Jamie, Second Sight them (just one of them).
    If none of the above work (haven't seen/disruption), then try my theory - Second Sight Niko.
  10. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Quantum disrupts you from all his allies since there's a disruption hex planted in the area he's in. You've never seen Arya or Jamie so it's just Niko although @Nikolai Mael needs to respond for that.
  11. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "Just signed the contract today"
  12. Gebis8

    Gebis8 Lost

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    I ask the other girl what she wants, why she is here and if the lion had something to do with it.
  13. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    "Ah, that makes sense. Hell of a day for you to join Order SIRIUS. Anyway, what's your name?" the guy asks

    She says to you, "I'm here to transport Jamie somewhere but I guess the Nemean Lion picked up my scent. My name's Arya by the way." You can see Jamie furiously typing on her phone and then pocketing it while grabbing out her violin and bow (the thing you use to play the violin). The translocational spell seems to have worn off and everything is back to normal. The Nemean Lion charges at you with lightning speed. What now?
  14. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I literally only trust this guy because in my mind he has a scottish accent

    ''The names Zander, what about you?''
  15. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    Niko: Well, not much for me to do here, so I guess I'll head off to... try something I was thinking about.
    Niko heads off to the room he uses for more private matters, then lays down about 5-6 knives. He'll then try to manipulate all of them at the same time, see if his ability has improved by now.
  16. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    "My name's Chaz aye," he grins as he says that. Then you see the man come back to the front desk with a covered plate. You can only assume that it's yours.

    Idk what that room may be. Maybe the dorms?

    You successfully manage to manipulate 4 knives with ease but struggle trying to manipulate a 5th, much less a 6th. However, still very impressive indeed.

    You can't seem to be able to Second Sight Alexis or Quantum at the moment and you've apparently never seen Arya or Jamie so you decide to Second Sight Niko. The scenery changes from a cafeteria to a room you've barely ever been in. You can see yourself (Niko) lay down 6 knives and try to manipulate all of them but only succeed in manipulating 4 of them. However, your vision is cut short because James shakes you out of it telling you the man at the front desk is back. He appears to have a covered plate with him as well so you assume that someone else had ordered something. Then James tells you to look at the entrance of the cafeteria.

    "Kayla's arrived," James says. You turn around to see a 13-year oldish girl with a bow slung over her back and a silver cloak in her left hand. Her expression says that she's not in the mood for fun and jokes as if she's witnessed something earlier today she didn't want to talk about. She notices your group and comes over to sit down.

    "Hi, I'm Kayla," she greets. What now?
  17. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "Hello. Now that he's back, let's eat." I stand up to go to the front-desk. "Anything you guys want or you going to come up and order with me?"

    1) If they have me order: I go up to the front desk. Waiting until he drops his plate off, I say, "Hello. My friends over there (point a thumb behind a shoulders to them) want [insert what they wanted here] and I'll take a bowl of noodles. The spicier the better and uh... no seafood either. Also, who's the new person?"

    2) If they come up with me: I walk up with them to the front desk. Waiting until he drops his plate off, I say, "Hello. I'd like a bowl of noodles. Preferably not seafood."

    If they don't think it's the time to eat:"But you know, it's gonna take a while for them to get here. And I'm hungry. I don't really want to tell the story twice. But it's mainly because I'm hungry. And I don't really want to eat by myself while making you two wait."
  18. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Kayla just shakes her head portraying the message, "Lost my appetite earlier. Don't want to talk about it." James, however, decides to come up with you to order. The person who ordered that covered plate has still not gotten up to get it.

    Waiting until he drops his plate off, you say, "Hello. I'd like a bowl of noodles. Preferably not seafood."

    "I'll take the usual, sir," James says.

    The man nods at both of you before ringing a bell and saying, "Whoever ordered shrimp, come grab it now!" He then goes back into the kitchen area and both of you sit back down.
  19. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    This is getting tiresome...

    I back away and cast an Ice Strike at the ground in front of me.
  20. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Muttering under my breath, "Lets see how long it takes to screw up..."
    I look over to Kayla. "Any updates on the others?"
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