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A Modern Day Fantasy Rp [6/10]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Mar 26, 2018.


How often do you use the Memory Book Thing?

  1. What is the Memory Book?

    23 vote(s)
  2. Never

    1 vote(s)
  3. Almost Never

    1 vote(s)
  4. Sometimes

    3 vote(s)
  5. Occasionally

    1 vote(s)
  6. Somewhat Constantly

    0 vote(s)
  7. Frequently

    2 vote(s)
  8. All the Time

    1 vote(s)
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  1. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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  2. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Im the controller of this thing so i can spoil whatever the heck i want. There's a dark purple shard, tier 4, im pretty sure you can assume what it does.

    You start to see some of the cloaked figures run out of the bank with files in their arms. The police and fire department have arrived but can't commit to any action yet with a big crowd. Some of the cloaked figures are escaping. Dr. Lakrow starts contacting several people on her phone but you doubt any of those sources will be here at the action in time. What do you do?

    This is a nice convo you're having with a 13-year-old girl.

    The cloaked figure's patience finally cracks and they use their normal voice. "Shut-up!" the voice says wavering a little bit. You then realize it's a young girl's voice and that you've been getting rekt by a little girl. What do you do now?
  3. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    Well, then. This may be fun.

    I cast a Smoke Bomb right in their midst and let myself and the doctor see through it.

    EDIT: I then step out of the car.
  4. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    The crowd of spectators scream as the smoke bomb is cast. Several of the cloaked figures stop and look around for they weren't expecting this. The police and fire department have a harder time trying to control the town and progress is slow. Then, one of the cloaked figures sees you. He yells for two other of his companions to come over to fight. The same person then summons two undead Roman Legion Soldiers, both with spears, and they charge at you. What do you do?

    [Memory Book of Magic Updated]
    Necromancers Exist
    Smoke Bomb (light grey shard with explosion symbol embedded):
    Casts a smoke bomb wherever the user desires. The location has to be in sight of the user. You and whoever you desire can see through the smoke bomb. Takes a decent amount of energy to use and drains the user a little bit. Cooldown Limit of 30 minutes.
  5. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    I use the Blue and Yellow Shard to swap with the summoner, hoping that the undead are stupid enough not to notice. If that doesn't work, I blast him and his undead with Reprisal Pyrobolum.
  6. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    If there is a file about Quantum's magic, I'll read up on it. Otherwise, I'll scan headquarters using True Sight to see if anything else was heading towards or away from the scene.

    OOC: Does teleportation leave a trail of magic that I can see or does the magic only appear at point A and B. Also, can I assume that I assume that I know what each color of magic means? If so, can I have an explanation for it? :p
  7. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    The tactic proves to work effectively. The undead soldiers run straight into their summoner fatally wounding him. The Necromancer uses the last bit of his energy to desummon the soldiers before falling unconscious. However, you have to deal with his companions now. The figure to your left summons a purple/red glowing Scythe and the figure to your right appears to be an all rounded elementalist. What next?

    @Tsu, @Nikolai Mael, @BlueSlimerino, great! you all responded. on mobile though, cant give a good response

    @Tsu, teleportation gives a trace of magic only at Point A and Point B.

    Super Basic Explnation
    Purple/Red = Evil
    Yellow = Neutral / Good
    Green = Purely Good
    Blue = Undefined
    Orange = Neutral / Evil

    There are more but again, im on mobile so yeh
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2018
  8. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    "Look, kid. We don't really have much time till the cops get here, so you can either put down your bow and leave, or make this day that much worse for both of us. By us I mostly mean you, by the way."
  9. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    You and a guy with a sword fail to hit Quantum as for he does another hand gesture and teleports to the other side of the barrier. The fireball slams into the barrier but no apparent damage is dealt. The person on the other side of the barrier notices this and summons a dark green shard creating a body shield to protect himself against Quantum.

    [Memory Book of Magic Updated]
    Hex Masters Exist
    Quantum = Order SIRIUS Prisoner and Hex Master
    Dark Green Shard: Tier 4 Shard that creates a protective body shield around the user.

    Well, you're on the same side of the barrier with Quantum and the rest of the adults. Only James is blocked off from the battle.

    Quantum performs another hand gesture teleporting him to the other side of the barrier to avoid the attacks. A fireball is launched from behind you but is a little late and smashes into the purple barrier. However, the barrier seemed to take no damage. James noticing this summons a dark green shard creating a body shield to protect himself against Quantum.

    Now Quantum is on the other side of the barrier separated from you and the other Adults. He's dealing with James.

    [Memory Book of Magic Updated]
    Dark Green Shard: Tier 4 Shard that creates a protective body shield around the user.

    SECTION 5:

    Main: Hex Master
    Secondary: Shadow Elementalist

    Magical Abilities List:
    Since we do not know which hand gesture applies to each move, this is just a list of several things he can do. The names of all of these abilities are also names just recommended by high officials for we do not know their actual names.

    Mini Explosion Hex:
    Purple Symbol appears and causes a small explosion

    Mini-Gun Hex:
    A series of bullets are shot from the user's hands after doing the hand gesture

    A purple fireball is formed in front of Quantum and shot at the target.

    A purple meteor is formed and falls from the sky onto the target.

    Only seems to work if he can see the destination.

    Long Distance Teleport:
    From past history, it seems to take some time before this action can work (like it has to be charged up).

    Causes targets to trip and fall.

    Self-Explanatory. One of the few hexes that seem to take energy from Quantum.

    Spear Rain:
    Rows of Spears are formed usually above Quantum. He can do whatever he wants to with those spears.

    Magic Disruption Hex:
    An invisible hex that from speculation, takes time to cast. It affects a certain area and denies targets any usage of magic (exceptions are pure ancient magic).

    Creates a barrier of any size. Hard to destroy.

    Mini Shield:
    Creates a small rectangle, purple, and transparent shield. Hard to destroy.

    Basically mirrors what target is doing with purple particles for a period of time.

    Completely freezes targets making them unable to do anything. Takes heavy concentration though and takes time to cast.

    (End of Page 1 of Magic Abilities)

    You notice there are about 5 more pages after that. What next?

    Purple / Red = At the peak of their magic ability but using it for evil
    Yellow = At the peak of their magic ability but are neutral / good
    Orange = At the peak of their magic ability but are neutral / evil
    Green = At the peak of their magic ability but are using it for good
    Blue = Undefined

    You can hear the girl desummon the arrow and sling her bow around her body. She's finally given up. "You don't know who you're dealing with," she says softly before walking down the road. What now?
    Nice xD
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2018
  10. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I will read the fifth and sixth page of magic. If there's a file saying what Quantum's weak to (or how they captured him), I will read that. Otherwise, I will use Second Sight on Quantum (in case someone's currently feeding him information).
  11. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    Head home and blend in with the other several million people around me, hoping that she doesn't remember the name I never told her.
    Also either wait for a plot hook or sleep it off.
  12. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    Niko summons a blue/yellow shard, switching the sword and Quantum's positions. The sword drops, and Niko charges at Quantum in an attempt for close combat/ physically restraining him.

    Niko (to Lopez): Just have everyone fire off their spells as they would if I wasn't here. Also, I'll probably need a couple more of the usual later. You know how it is.
  13. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    SECTION 5:
    (Page 5)

    Causes the target to feel mental pain and fear out of nowhere. All of their loved ones turn invisible in their vision and they get a saddening sense of loneliness. Kind of like Calypso's Curse. Appears to take some concentration to do.

    Demon's Kiss:
    Inflicts the worst types of pain possible in the world on the target. Appears to take major concentration to perform.

    Slow Painful Poison:
    Self-Explanatory. Appears to be easy to cast.

    Ruptures the ground underneath the target causing major damage. Appears to be easy to cast

    Allows him to control his target and slowly drain their life source. Appears to take major concentration to perform.

    Midnight's Ascension:
    Changes the time of day to midnight. Gives Quantum a physical and mental boost for what seems to be an hour.

    True Spear Rain:
    Summons a barrage of spears from the sky and rains down on the victim for 10 minutes.

    Nibiru Nerfed:
    A huge asteroid from space falls onto the target. One of the few hexes that drain Quantum

    Infernal Firestorm:
    Summons a purple fire that cannot be put out but can be contained.

    Dying Man's Wishes
    A teleportation spell that takes a while to charge up. When cast, it shoots a deadly, penetrating, red beam at the target and teleports Quantum to wherever he desires. He only appears to use this spell when he's near death or in a dire situation. Speculated to drain him massively.

    Summons a dead Magia Tenebris member. Appears to take a decent chunk of energy.

    Barrier Revamped:
    Four symbols surround Quantum making a square. Impenetrable but appears to take some concentration to cast.

    Mirror Revamped:
    Makes three clones that surround the target and mirror what the target does with purple particles.

    (End of Page 5)

    SECTION 5:
    (Page 6)

    Makes the target feel crippled for a day.

    Makes his hexes three times as powerful and effective.

    Hellish Maelstrom:
    Surrounds the target in a blood red maelstrom with fire and chokes them.

    The Rest of Page 6 is Blank. Looks like the end of the list of spells.

    Also, judging from this list of spells, it looks like Quantum isn't trying in that hallway.

    SECTION 3:

    You skim over this section until you can find how they were able to capture this guy.


    Quantum's defeat was because of a huge battle. He and his companion Alexis were about to bring down the Sky Islands and make them crash on New York City and expose the magic world to the human race. However, a group of teenagers and adults were able to delay him for a bit until the race of Guardian Angels decided that it was finally time to intervene. With the help of several big groups and a dysfunctioning M.S.A.A, they were able to restrain and capture Quantum and his accomplice. They are now held in two of the biggest orders, Order SIRIUS and Order AQUILA.​
  14. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I will give Order AQUILA a call (if there's a way to make it super urgent, then yeah, make it happen) to ask about Alexis' condition.

    Edit: If the call doesn't go through, contact Mr. Lopez and inform him a bit on what Quantum can do. Tell him to have the others fight more carefully, and to figure out what Quantum was was trying to achieve.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2018
  15. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    I attempt a multi-summon, casting Enigma of Time to disable the scythe-wielder and then immediately unleashing a Reprisal upon the elementalist.
  16. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    About an hour and 30 minutes later, Isaac arrives at his suitably generic middle-class home in an area of New York that will remain vague.

    Now, let's try a few things.
    • Summon weapon inside the ground. Does this or does this not leave a hole?
    • Weapon telekinesis.
    • Electric knife + water gun.
    • Summoning/de-summoning quickly enough that he can gain momentum for a strike but not really have to lug around a massive halberd.
    After that, play videogames or something until 10. It's time for a high school dating sim that definitely won't have any magical elements/people tomorrow.
  17. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    The Enigma of Time is successful in disabling the figure with the Scythe but the Elementalist easily blocks the Reprisal Shard by bringing up a chunk of the earth like he's watched too much avatar. The field of time dissipates and the Scythe user and the Elementalist do a double attack with the Scythe user charging at you and the Elementalist shooting fire at you. What do you do now?

    It doesn't work at all. Otherwise, locked up Weapon Masters would easily be able to escape prisons.

    No . . . well not yet . . .

    You successfully manage in electrocuting yourself.

    Yay, you actually improve something useful. Now go to sleep.

    Quantum just looks at you boredly and teleports to the other side of the barrier again. Apparently, hexes don't have a cooldown limit. "Alright give me some breathing room. Playtime's over," Quantum smirks before casting a huge fireball at James (which looks like it can easily take down the barrier around him). James barely has time to react with a light orange teleport shard which only brings him behind the purple barrier. Quantum's fireball effectively shatters the purple barrier he created and the Shardaic Mages of the group start driving an onslaught of bullets on Quantum. However, Quantum does two hand gestures which creates two mirrors of the group of Shardaic Mages. He forms one of these groups in front of him to protect himself from the bullet rain and another group behind the Shardaic Mages to attack. What do you do now?

    [Memory Book of Magic Updated]
    Light Orange Shard: Tier 4, Small Teleport Jumps, 5 Second Cooldown, Practical in Combat

    Mr. Lopez knows who he's dealing with. He was there, that paragraph you read took place not too long ago. Some of the other adults in the group . . . might not know though . . .

    You find a super technologically advanced phone on the wall of the Security Room with the numbers of the 49 other Orders. You dial into Order AQUILA and let it buzz for a bit but no one picks up. "That's rather strange," Mr. Hanzo sees what you are doing. "Other Orders always pick up unless they are in a crisis. Which Order did you dial in to?" Mr. Hanzo asks you.
    There's 8 shards in each tier from tier 1 - 3, it takes a while to add all the shards in
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2018
  18. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    I cast Blind on the Scythe user, then grab him while he's disoriented and use him as meat shield to block the flames.
  19. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I summon 5 light red shards around me and shoot one at him each time he just teleported himself somewhere else
  20. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    As the Scythe user is burned by the flames, he howls in pain and drops his Scythe. But it looks like the Elementalist doesn't care to what happens to his friend. As his friend drops the Scythe. the Elementalist summons lightning from the sky. The lightning hits you and the Scythe user. However, the lightning seemed . . . really weak and didn't affect you that badly. You wonder why. Then, you look at the Elementalist and see him collapsed on the floor. There appears to be a casual looking guy next to him, probably the one who knocked him unconscious. Then, you realize that there are more cloaked figures who entered that bank and you notice about half of them running down the street with files in their hands. The police and fire department finally have been able to control the crowd and a couple police officers are chasing down the running figures. What's next?

    Uhh, you sure? I'd rather defend myself and the other people in the group right now then get rekt by a mob of purple dust.
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