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A Modern Day Fantasy Rp [6/10]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Mar 26, 2018.


How often do you use the Memory Book Thing?

  1. What is the Memory Book?

    23 vote(s)
  2. Never

    1 vote(s)
  3. Almost Never

    1 vote(s)
  4. Sometimes

    3 vote(s)
  5. Occasionally

    1 vote(s)
  6. Somewhat Constantly

    0 vote(s)
  7. Frequently

    2 vote(s)
  8. All the Time

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    EDIT NUMBER .... Idk: DISCLAIMER (Shut up Tsu, your disclaimer is different): I am the worst GM you can ever possibly meet.

    EDIT NUMBER .... Idk x2: DISCLAIMER: Uh, well this is more of a sandbox now so ya yeet. But like there's still some story.

    EDIT NUMBER .... Idk x3: DISCLAIMER: Uh this thread is cringe. Well I guess everyone already knew that, it's been cringe from the start and the meme book will never be fixed.

    EDIT NUMBER .... Idk x4 (ya yeet x1): DISCLAIMER: The OP is trash

    Hmm . . . I guess you could say this is a cliche type of setting . . . a concealed magical world in the United States, specifically New York City, New York. But anyhow, welcome to New York City! Let’s get to the background story of this roleplay.

    Welcome to New York City, one of the most populated cities out there. But what looks like a popular city has some dark secrets that play behind the scenes. Ancient Monsters dwell around wrecking havoc, hidden from the normal human’s eye by a magical barrier. However, a magical agency called the Magic Supervision and Authority Administration (M.S.A.A. for short) was created to stop the threats of the monsters that lurk.This agency was split into several “Orders” and each Order has the responsibility over one state. This tatic proved to be effective in covering a large area from the grasp of the monsters and other magic users who are abusing their powers. But what happens when one Order goes rogue and starts using more lethal and dangerous methods to clear out only a small group of criminal magic users. What happens when another Order starts to invade and conquer the other Orders to gain power to overthrow the leaders of the M.S.A.A? What happens when magic users start to gain more power and use it to commit criminal acts unstoppable by the M.S.A.A who are having internal conflicts? Who will rise up and become a hero and who will join the enemy side?

    Other General Info on the Backstory:

    Order SIRIUS is the Order supervising New York
    Order NIBIRU is the Order “conquering” other Orders.
    Order LEON is the one using Lethal Methods that aren’t humane.

    The General Types of Magic Users Introduced in the Story:

    Shardaic Mage

    The Shardaic Mage is a mage who summons shards of power to attack, defend, or manipulate the world around them. They do not need any equipment to summon Shards of Power but a staff can make it easier to do so.

    List of Shards of Power

    Shards of power are classified on tiers, 1 being the lowest meaning the most basic type of shard. Most Shards take energy to summon.You can summon multiple shards at once but it will take more concentration and a bit more energy to multi summon.

    16 Shards Total

    Light Red Shard (triangle symbol embedded)

    Basically a shard that when summoned, strikes the target with a flash of light (color of the flash is chosen by the user). Takes minimal energy to use.

    Light Green Shard (shield symbol embedded)

    A defensive shard that when summoned, a transparent barrier surrounds the caster. Beware, it’s not the strongest thing so it can collapse to heavy enough attacks. (color of the barrier is chosen by the user). Takes minimal energy to use.

    Light Yellow Shard (plus sign embedded)

    A healing shard that rejuvenates the caster and all targets physically and mentally. Does not take energy to use but has a cool down limit of 10 minutes.

    Light Blue Shard (circle symbol embedded)

    A shard that simply sharpens your five senses and can help when you are near death and your body needs a boost. Does not take energy to use but has a cool down limit of 5 minutes.

    Rainbow Colored Shard

    A complete RNG gimmick shard. Transforms into any other shard even if you don’t know about it. Requires the amount of energy needed to summon the shard it transforms into. Cooldown Limit of 1 minute.

    Speed Shard (Blue and White Shard)

    Doubles your speed. Drains the user depending on how long they use it for.

    Jump Boost (Green and White Shard)

    Doubles your jump height. Drains the user depending on how long they use it for.

    Clone (White Shard)

    Creates a clone image of yourself that does nothing but stands there. Drains the user depending on how long they use it for. Can have a neat combo with Invisibility to get away from people.

    Shock (Electric Blue and Yellow Shard)

    Shocks the target stunning them for a second or two. Takes a little energy to use but isn’t noticeably draining. Cooldown Limit of 10 seconds

    Light Red Shard (Upside Down Triangle Embedded)

    A shard that takes 3 seconds after summoning before striking the opponent with a flash of light. Has a longer distance than the other Tier 1 Light Red Shard and does more damage. Takes minimal energy to use.

    Light Green Shard (Upside Down Shield Symbol Embedded)

    A defense shard that when summoned, creates a shield that is twice as strong as the barrier of the other Tier 1 Light Green Shard. However, it’s a mere shield and not a full barrier that surrounds the caster. Takes minimal energy to use.

    Light Orange Shard (plus sign embedded)

    A healing shard that only heals ½ as much as the other Tier 1 Healing Shard but can be used more often. Cooldown Limit of 10 seconds. Takes a decent amount of energy to use and drains the user a little bit.

    Light Purple Shard (Target Symbol Embedded)

    A shard that highlights your target in light purple. You will be able to see your target through walls if they are surrounded in light purple. Lasts for 3 minutes. Takes a little energy to use but isn’t noticeably draining. Cooldown Limit of 30 minutes.

    Light Orange Shard (Flame Symbol Embedded)

    Creates a light source for you. Lasts for 5 minutes. Takes a little energy to use but isn't noticeable draining. Cooldown Limit of 15 minutes.

    Blue and Yellow Shard

    A gimmick shard. Swaps positions of user and living target. Target has to be in sight of the user to use. Light Purple Shard does not count for this. Takes a decent amount of energy to use and drains the user a little bit. Cooldown Limit of 5 minutes.

    Blind (Dark Grey Shard)

    Blinds the target for 5 seconds. Target has to be in sight of the user to use. Light Purple Shard does not count for this. Takes a little energy to use but isn't noticeable draining. Cool Down Limit of 5 minutes.
    16 Shards Total

    Enigma of Time (pink shard with clock symbol)

    A shard that when summoned, surrounds the target in a field of transparent pink ribbons slowing their movements. Takes a little energy to use but isn’t noticeably draining.

    Gust (grey shard)

    A shard that summons a series of waves of wind upon the target. Takes a little energy to use but isn’t noticeably draining.

    Reprisal (magenta shard with {} embedded on it)(latin for “fire” or “fire upon”)

    A shard that shoots a series of magical bullets that do mediocre damage. Takes a little energy to use but isn’t noticeably draining.

    Teleport (orange shard)

    A shard that can teleport you a reasonable distance away. Takes a decent amount of energy to use and drains the user a little bit. Cool down limit of 5 minutes.

    Reprisal Unus Fors (light magenta shard with {} embedded on it)(latin for “fire one chance”)

    A shard that shoots ONLY one bullet that deals the same damage of all the bullets combined in the Tier 2 regular Reprisal Shard. Takes 3 seconds after the shard is summoned to shoot but the shot zips at lightning speed unlike the other two Reprisal Shards. Has quadruple the distance of the regular Reprisal shard. Takes a decent amount of energy to use and drains the user a little bit.

    Reprisal Homing Telum(magenta shard with [({})] embedded on it)(latin for “fire homing weapon”)

    A shard that shoots a series of homing magical bullets that do less than mediocre damage. Takes a little energy to use but isn’t noticeably draining.

    Aquamarine (blue shard with water droplet symbol embedded)

    Allows you to breath underwater for 5 minutes. Cooldown Limit of 1 day. Takes a little energy to use but isn’t noticeably draining.

    Wind Mimic (Grey Shard with wave symbols embedded)

    A directional shard. Tells you the direction of where the wind is blowing and also tells you where North is. Takes a little energy to use but isn’t noticeably draining.

    Crush (Grey Shard with Rock Symbol embedded)

    Drops a rock the size of a bowling ball onto the target where they were 0.5 seconds before. Takes a decent amount of energy to use and drains the user a little bit.

    Enhancement (Blue Shard with brain symbol embedded)

    A gimmick shard. Makes you be able to summon your shards twice as fast but do half the effect. Lasts for one hour. Cooldown Limit of 12 hours. Does not take energy to use.

    Anti-Invisibility (Black Shard)

    Shoots a beam of wind at whatever direction the user aims at and makes any being invisible visible. Cooldown limit of 10 minutes. Takes a decent amount of energy to use and drains the user a little bit.

    Personal Clock (Colorless Shard with Clock Symbol Embedded)

    Tells you the time of the day (I’m gonna regret this shard). Does not take energy to use.

    Smoke Bomb (light grey shard with explosion symbol embedded)

    Casts a smoke bomb wherever the user desires. The location has to be in sight of the user. You and whoever you desire can see through the smoke bomb. Takes a decent amount of energy to use and drains the user a little bit. Cooldown Limit of 30 minutes.

    Reprisal Pyrobolum (dark magenta shard with {} embedded on it)(latin for “fire shotgun”)

    Instead of shooting a series of bullets, it shoots a shotgun wave of bullets (meaning it shoots all the bullets at the same time). Each bullet does mediocre damage. Takes a little energy to use but isn’t noticeably draining.

    Dump (Aqua Blue Shard with waves embedded)

    Dumps target with a huge sheet of water. Takes a decent amount of energy to use and drains the user a little bit. Cooldown Limit of 5 minutes.

    Burn (Orange Shard with flames embedded)

    Sets target(s) on fire. Takes a considerable but not too major amount of energy to use and drains the user a decent amount.
    12 Shards Total

    Fireball (flaming shard)

    When summoned, a fireball is formed and shot from the shard in the direction of the intended target. Takes a considerable but not too major amount of energy to use and drains the user a decent amount. Cool down limit of 5 seconds.

    Ice Strike (ice shard)

    When summoned, a path of ice travels on the floor from the caster to the intended target causing them to get cold and slow down movements while dealing a good amount of damage. Takes a considerable but not too major amount of energy to use and drains the user a decent amount. Cool down limit of 5 seconds.

    Thunder Strike (yellow shard with lightning bolt symbol embedded)

    When summoned, strikes down the target where they were 0.5 seconds ago with a lightning bolt from the sky. Takes a major amount of energy to cast and drains the user a considerable amount. Cool down limit of 30 minutes.

    Invisibility (transparent grey shard)

    Keeps the user and any other targets invisible for however long the shard is summoned. When it is desummoned, the user will no longer be invisible. Takes a decent amount of energy to summon and drains the user a little bit.

    Reflect (Color of projectile it is reflecting)

    Reflects any projectile threats. Will do nothing against melee threats. Takes a considerable but not too major amount of energy to use and drains the user a decent amount. Cooldown limit of 30 seconds. (Basically the "no u" of this world)

    Summon/Desummon (Light Green Shard)

    Summons/Desummons your staff. Takes minimal energy to use. Only works if you actually own a staff. You can't just grab a staff out of nowhere.

    Domain (Colorless Shard)

    A gimmick shard. Makes your opponent weaker and yourself stronger in the certain area the shard covers but the exact opposite when outside the area. The shard stays for five minutes after summoning. Takes a decent amount of energy to use and drains the user a little bit. Cooldown Limit of one hour.

    Aura of the Warrior (Red Shard)

    A shard that gives a physical strength boost for the amount of time it is summoned. Drains the user depending on how long they use it for. Cooldown limit of one hour.

    Bomb (Black Shard With Orange Explosion Symbol Embedded)

    Wow. Self-explanatory. Shard appears in front of you and throws a bomb in the direction that you are facing. Explosion only harms living things and cannot damage non-living things. Takes a considerable but not too major amount of energy to use and drains the user a decent amount. Cooldown Limit of 15 seconds.

    The Traveller (Colorless Shard with Map Symbol Embedded)

    Guides you to your destination with a lit up path that only you and whoever you wish can see. Drains the user depending on how long they use it for.

    Pummel (Dark Green Shard with Explosion Symbol Embedded)

    Basically think of warrior uppercut in Wynncraft lmao except a huge chunk of dirt pushes up the target instead. Takes a major amount of energy to cast and drains the user a considerable amount. Cooldown Limit of 10 seconds

    Alta Petens Ignis (latin for “Aiming Fire”)(Magenta and Orange shard)

    Summons three homing magical thistles that set fire on the target or whatever they touch that gets in the way. Takes a considerable but not too major amount of energy to use and drains the user a decent amount.


    Tier 4+ Shards take experience and usage of the previous tier 3 shards and will be added once someone has reached the level to use Tier 4 Shards or a powerful NPC Shardiac Mage shows up
    3/10 Shards Total

    Long Distance Teleport (Dark Orange Shard)

    A shard that can teleport you a really long distance away. Takes a considerable but not too major amount of energy to use and drains the user a decent amount. Cooldown limit of 30 minutes

    Body Shield (Dark Green Shard)

    A shard that creates a protective body shield around the user. Color of the shield is chosen by the user. Drains the user depending on how long they use it for. Cooldown limit of 10 minutes.

    Short Distance Teleport (Light Orange Shard)

    A shard that only allows small teleport jumps. Takes a little energy to use but isn’t noticeably draining. Cooldown limit of 5 seconds. Practical in fighting.
    1/8 Shards Total

    Alternative (Purple and Blue Shard)

    Changes the effect of each shard... an alternative thing happens on the shard this is used on. (Summon the shard and then this shard at the same time). Takes a little energy to use but isn’t noticeably draining. No cooldown.
    3/6 Shards Total

    Arcus Pluvius Reprisal (Latin for "Rainbow Fire" [Green Shard with Target Symbol])

    It takes one second for the green shard to summon the eight other shards surrounding it in a circle. The surrounding shards are all different colors of the color spectrum. The nine shards then shoot really powerful laser beams of their respective colors. Takes an extremely draining amount of energy. Cooldown of 3 minutes.

    Exsilium (Latin for "Exile" [Golden White Shard with Wings Symbol])

    A powerful beam from the sky strikes down on the target. Takes an extremely draining amount of energy. Cooldown of 10 seconds.

    Avellatur Perditionem Devorans (Latin for "Fiery Destruction" [Dull Flaming Orange Shard])

    A shard that when summoned, takes 3 seconds to shimmer before disappearing for another 2 seconds. Then, a super fast thing flying flaming trail will go towards the target and explode them doing obliterating damage and will set a huge circle of area on fire. The explosion includes this dope orange golden circle thing... lel
    Takes an extremely draining amount of energy.
    Cooldown of 10 seconds.
    2/4 Shards Total

    Mirror (Transparent White Shard that surrounds mimicked shard)

    A gimmick shard. Allows you to use a shard you casted just now again. However, the shard takes double the energy to cast and you will not be able to use the shard you mimicked for it's cooldown limit + 12 hours.

    Counter-Strike (Faint Dark Red Shard)

    You take the full damage of your opponents attack but deliver back the same attack with 3x the damage against your opponent. Takes an extremely draining amount of energy. No cooldown.

    Weapon Master

    The weapons master is someone who uses magical weapons to fight in combat which can include after experience summoning and desummoning your magical weapon, and the magical abilities you can use. There are of course, rarity types going from common, basic, rare, special, legendary, mythic, and ancients. I allow mastery in any type of weapon (yes including guns, and old ancient weapons)

    List of Basic Magical Abilities (meaning not all abilities)


    Basically makes your weapon sharper with the blade part being illuminated in light green light. For bows, guns, and other ranged weapons that use ammunition, the ammunition is illuminated in light green light. If it’s something like a staff where there is no blade, the whole weapon is illuminated in green light and deals more damage.


    Sets the blade part of your weapon on fire (which doesn’t hurt / affect you or destroy the weapon). For bows, guns, and other ranged weapons, the ammunition gets set on fire. If it’s something like a staff where there is no blade, the ends of the weapon are set on fire.


    Coats the blade part of your weapon with ice. Makes the weapon deal slightly more damage and freezes enemies. For bows, guns, and other ranged weapons, the ammunition gets coated in ice. If it’s something like a staff where there is no blade, the whole weapon is coated in ice.


    Makes the blade part of your weapon electric. The electricity does not hurt you. For bows, guns, and other ranged weapons, the ammunition gets electric. If it’s something like a staff where there is no blade, the whole weapon gets electric.

    There are other Basic Abilities but they depend on the weapon you are using.

    Each type of weapon also has abilities unique to themselves.

    The elementalist is the basic cliche bender of the element they specialized in. You can specialize in several different elements but your mastery in each will be weaker compared to someone who focused completely on one element. If you decide to be an Elementalist, just say which element(s) you decided in the application.


    Examples would be other types of magic from novels/games or previous beliefs such as the Egyptian Magicians, Greek / Roman Demigods, Witch, Sorcerer, Necromancer, etc.

    You may play any type of role alignment (ie. good, evil, neutral, chaotic good, etc.)

    You may also play the role of any type of person.
    | | |

    Examples Are but NOT Limited To:

    A person/agent working for the M.S.A.A.

    A Spy in the M.S.A.A.

    A Magician following the Egyptian Tradition / A Greek or Roman Demigod
    (you could do this role following the precedents of a novel like the Kane Chronicles and the PJO Franchise by Rick Riordan or something even though it may seem like it doesn’t follow the background story)

    A Normal Human Being who somehow caught on to the magic world (although this role might be a bit boring imo)

    A magic user mercenary (aka the neutral role I guess . . .).


    Combat will not be based off of numbers given but more off of common sense (which I probably do not have). Kind of like we’re telling a story instead of having two people stand there and take hits with numbers.

    We are almost done. Now it’s just the application time!

    Character Name (if you have a nickname, add that aswell):



    Role Alignment: (ie. Lawful Good)

    “Role”: (ie. Spy in M.S.A.A., or Mercenary)

    Class: (ie. Greek Demigod, or Shardaic Mage)

    Equipment / Belongings:


    Backstory (optional but recommended):

    Money / Income (depends on backstory):

    I really don’t care how overpowered you make your character in the application (I’ll just have to buff the enemies you face I guess). Just don’t try to make it sooo overpowered that it isn’t just fun anymore.

    Please post applications in the thread. You can also PM me your application if you want to keep your role and stuff a secret to others.

    [Memory Book]
    [ Weapons Seen ]
    Latin for "Hunt"



    A silver recurve wood bow with symbols encarved into the bow.

    Lightweight. Pulling back takes minimal effort.

    The symbols on the bow allow for easier magic casting.

    The symbols on the bow can "catch" and redirect magical attacks.

    The Weapon Master ability of cloning works on this bow.
    Romanian for "Iron Wire"... Close enough to "Iron String" :/



    A normal looking wooden recurve wood bow.

    If struck by something, a large transparent strong barrier will form around the wielder.

    Although it has no sharp edges, it can cut through several different things.

    It is unbreakable.

    If you pull it back for a longer duration of time, tiny grey sparks will fly off the tip and a clicking sound will be made. This is simply sharpening and giving the arrow more power over time.

    You cannot use the Weapon Master abiltiy of cloning on this bow.


    Legit just look at the Wynncraft bow Return to Ether and there you go.

    Sling it on your back and you sprout wings that actually work.

    It's Arrow Storm spell shoots a load of fast, magical, blue, homing feathers that are shot at rapid succession.

    The Weapon Master cloning ability on this bow works.
    Latin for "Fire"



    A bow that looks like a black handle attached two fiery wings together.

    Only shoots fire arrows.

    Better Firebending.

    Weapon Master ability of Cloning does not work on this bow.
    Latin for "Mist", "Vapor", "Smoke", "Haze", "Fog", "Cloud"...



    A faded and kind of transparent white, grey, and light blue bow with a misty aura surrounding it.

    Can cause a little fog, or mist, etc. in the area of which only the wielder and desired friends can see through.

    The arrows shot out of this bow are half visible and surrounded by a misty aura.

    The Weapon Master ability of cloning does not work on this bow.
    Latin for "Weather" or "Storm"



    Just think of the Wynncraft bow Gale's Force except more thundery xd.

    Can shoot thunder . . . (uses a lot of energy doe)

    Can cause a thunderstorm (uses a lot of energy lmao)

    The Weapon Master ability of cloning does not work on this bow.


    A wooden recurve bow with some moss and a yellow / green glow around it.

    Serves as a good light source.

    Makes magic summoning easier.

    Weapon Master ability of cloning does not work on this bow.
    Latin for "Spring"


    (Tbh, this bow would suit Aquila better... but the water bending could mask Kayla's fire bending)

    A wooden recurve bow with moss, vines, some flowers, and somehow not falling water and ice on it.

    Shoots arrows of pure water and ice.

    Makes magic casting extremely easy.

    Faster natrual health regen.

    Boost in power of magic.

    Water and Earth bending.

    Increased positive growing of livings things around the bow.

    Better health.

    Weapon Master ability of cloning does not work on this bow.
    Latin for "Roast"



    Just think of a bow that looks like it was made out of coal and lava.

    Firebending is more powerful.

    Shoots arrows of molten lava and coal.

    Hurts and burns user over time.

    Weapon Master ability of cloning does not work on this bow.


    Think of a more extreme version of the actual bow design of Stratiformis in Wynncraft. There you go.

    Wileder can vanish into thin air.

    Extremely Lightweight. Pulling back arrows takes minimal effort.

    Makes the wielder extremely vulnerable to attacks.

    If slung on the back, can sprout wings that actually work.

    Makes the wielder be able to go really fast.

    Can create a fog caused by Stratiformis clouds where only the wielder and anyone wished to see through.

    Arrows shot out of this bow are pure air.

    Better air bending.

    Weapon Master ability of cloning does not work on this bow.
    Latin for either "Instance" or "Perseverance"



    A grey wood recurve wood bow.

    Minor boost on reflexes, eyesight, courage, perseverance, and boldness.

    Weapon Master ability of cloning does not work on this bow.
    Latin for "Out of Air" or "On the Air"



    Faded and Transparent version of Aether.

    Wielder can turn invisible.

    Wielder can turn into thin air and "teleport".

    The arrows shot out of this bow are pure air but extremely weak.

    Lightweight. Pulling back arrows takes minimal effort.

    Better air bending.

    Weapon master ability of cloning works on this bow.
    Latin for many different words...
    "Morally Pure"



    A simple white marble bow with the essence of all the other elements around it. Roots near the handle, ice and water above the roots, fire orbs twirling around the bow, miniature thunderstorms seen inside the bow with some small electricity cackling outside the bow.
    On each end of the bow, there's two long blade things that change from color to color on the color spectrum. The string is also pure white.

    Wielding the bow is taxing and draining.

    Powerful Control over all elements.

    Extremely Powerful Magic Casting.

    A little godlike sensation.

    The Weapon Master ability of cloning does not work on this bow.

    [ New Weapon Master Abilities Seen ]
    Dual Wielding Weapon Master Basic Ability: Gust

    Bladed Weapon Master Basic Ability: Electricity

    Bladed / Ranged Weapon Master Professional Ability: Arcane Explosion

    Sword Weapon Master Mediocre Ability: Shockwave

    [ Important NPCs ]
    Race: Human

    Clan: N/A

    Age: In their Twenties (Unknown)

    Magic Type: Axe Weapon Master

    Role Alignment: Chaotic Evil

    Reputation: Apprentice of Quantum
    Race: Guardian Angel

    Clan: N/A

    Age: (Unknown)

    Magic Type: Bow Weapon Master and Ice / Water Elementalist

    Role Alignment: Lawfully Good

    Reputation: Most Helpful and Interactive Guardian Angel

    Fun Fact: Aquila = Eagle in Latin
    Race: Human

    Clan: F8 or Fate

    Age: Mid Twenties (Unknown)

    Magic Type: Rune Master

    Role Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    Reputation: Leader of F8 / Fate. Friendly but enemy of M.S.A.A.
    Race: Human

    Clan: N/A
    Order: SIRIUS

    Age: (Unknown)

    Magic Type: (Unknown)

    Role Alignment: (Unknown) Good??

    Reputation: Dope Leader of Order SIRIUS
    Race: Human

    Clan: N/A
    Order: SIRIUS

    Age: (Unknown)

    Magic Type: Shardaic Mage

    Role Alignment: Lawfully Good

    Reputation: Good Leader (when Dr. Lakrow is gone doing other things)
    Race: Human

    Clan: N/A
    Order: SIRIUS

    Age: (Unknown)

    Magic Type: "Electromagic"

    Role Alignment: Good

    Reputation: Good Mechanic. Always in Security Room.
    Race: Human
    Username in Chat: InsertCreativeNamehere

    Clan: N/A
    Order: SIRIUS

    Age: 14

    Magic Type: Shardaic Mage

    Role Alignment: Good

    Reputation: Modest but really talented Shardaic Mage
    Race: Human
    Username in Chat: KENdama

    Clan: N/A
    Order: SIRIUS

    Age: 16 - 18??? (Unknown)

    Magic Type: Dual Swords Weapon Master and Magic Kendama

    Role Alignment: Chaotic Good

    Reputation: Energetic. Explosive magic.
    Race: Human
    Username in Chat: TheDJMechanic

    Clan: N/A
    Order: SIRIUS

    Age: 20

    Magic Type: Uhhhhhh, summons green pixels and moves those things in sync with music....

    Role Alignment: Good

    Reputation: Amazing Detective and DJ. In love with music lol.
    Race: Human
    Username in Chat: LittleBirdy

    Clan: N/A
    Order: SIRIUS

    Age: 13 - 15??? (Unknown)

    Magic Type: Uhhh, magic violin. Good enough.

    Role Alignment: Lawfully Good

    Reputation: Creates Pirate Ships, wot.
    Race: Human

    Clan: N/A
    Order: SIRIUS

    Age: (Unknown)

    Magic Type: All Rounded Elementalist

    Role Alignment: Neutral / Good

    Reputation: N/A m8
    Race: Guardian Angel

    Clan: N/A

    Age: (Unknown)

    Magic Type: Scythe Weapon Master and Air Elementalist

    Role Alignment: (Unknown)

    Reputation: Smart Af but has a trash sense of humor

    Fun Fact: Noctua = Owl in Latin
    Race: Human?

    Clan: ???

    Age: ???

    Magic Type: Weapon Master???

    Role Alignment: Neutral Evil???

    Reputation: Some godlike assassin or whatever?
    Race: Guardian Angel

    Clan: N/A

    Age: ???

    Magic Type: All rounded Elementalist and Bow Weapon Master

    Role Alignment: ???

    Reputation: ???

    Fun Fact: Corvus means Raven and Crow in Latin.
    Race: Human

    Clan: N/A

    Age: 14-17?

    Magic Type: Earth Elementalist

    Role Alignment: Evil?

    Reputation: ???
    Race: Guardian Angel

    Clan: N/A

    Age: ???

    Magic Type: Uh, love stuff?

    Role Alignment: Evil?

    Reputation: ...

    Fun Fact: Columba means Dove in Latin.
    Race: Guardian Angel

    Clan: N/A

    Age: ???

    Magic Type: ???

    Role Alignment: Evil?

    Reputation: Bully that knows everyone's fears and thinks he's on the top.

    Fun Fact: Cornix means Crow in Latin.
    Race: Human

    Clan: N/A

    Age: 14-15?

    Magic Type: The Amzaedus Spells

    Role Alignment: ?

    Reputation: ?

    [ Groups / Gangs/ Cults / Orders of Notice ]
    [ ORDERS ]
    Order SIRIUS = Order Supervising New York
    Order NIBIRU = Conquering Order
    Order LEON = The Brutal Order
    Order AQUILA = Destroyed Order that was holding prisoner Alexis

    [ CLANS ]
    Basically want to destroy the world and summon this divine being who wants to rule the world.
    Other Info:
    Quantum's Clan
    Lex's revenge on the M.S.A.A. basically.
    That Starbucks place
    Other Info:
    Uh, they attacked Order SIRIUS same day Quantum escaped . . .
    Uh, The Wholesale Warehouse
    Other Info:
    Well they tried to abduct Gebis8's character and failed.

    [ Other Info ]
    Hex Masters Exist
    Necromancers Exist
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2018
    Tsukiji and i eat bees like this.
  2. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    Here we go, pinned RP tab #3 (#10 pinned overall)
    Because who cares about "full schedule" and "GPA" and "Your future, young man!"

    Warning: Cliché YA Novel Incoming. Proceed at own risk.

    Character Name: Issac (Will come up with last name when/if needed)
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male

    Role: Wait, magic? What?!
    Alignment: True Neutral, Skews Chaotic (Does this sound fun? Y/N)
    Class: Weapon master
    Equipment / Belongings: Mains a halberd, probably will build up an Erza-Style arsenal. Also a computer and a switch because those are great.
    Clothing: Standard teen apparel. He lives in a house, you know. Currently jeans and a green hoodie.
    Backstory: (optional but recommended):
    You realize the whole "might be boring" bit is basically a challenge, right?
    Found out about this whole magic thing like 30 seconds ago when he entered an antiques shop, snooped his way into the back, got traumatized, backpedaled, grabbed a nearby medieval weapon, and instantly decided he was disgusted enough to kill the everlasting fuck out of what was going on back there. Otherwise, he's basically normal. This weapon master thing he doesn't know he can do yet is pretty cool, though.
    Money / Income: (depends on backstory): Lives with his parents. because, you know, 17.

    Wait.... this is basically wish fulfillment. God, what have I done!?!?
  3. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    Seems pretty good. I'm still on the fence about joining though, I've been pretty swamped with schoolwork for the past while.
  4. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    kk thanks for checking this out

    Welcome! A halberd main should be interesting enough to me lol.

    After quite literally stumbling outside the Antique Store on Lexington Avenue, you are met by a person somehow making a shard float in the air, an orange shard at that. They appear to be a man in their mid-forties and are looking straight at you.

    "Hmmm, I didn't expect such a huge alarm from Order SIRIUS to be caused by just a teenager!" he exclaimed as he snatched the orange shard and desummoned it. "Tell me kid, what did you do to cause a code red alarm from the M.S.A.A?"

    Keep in mind your character has zero idea on what the heck the M.S.A.A. and Order SIRIUS are.
  5. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    ok uh magic is real lets panic no wait panic later for now act like you know what you're doing ok good plan let's go

    "Was just taking care of some less-than savory elements, sir. Not a problem."


    "By the way.. do you have anything for the blood? This is going to look terrible when I get home."
  6. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    The man raises an eyebrow and a few slow seconds pass by. Then he bursts out laughing and you can only assume this is because of the second comment you said. "Okay kid, what really happened back there?" his face turning serious. "And if it has to do with murder . . . let's just say this won't be the least savory moment of your life."


    Very Smooth.
  7. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    Isaac proceeds to vividly describe what exactly he saw that caused him to flip out and go all murderous. It's unbelievably horrifying.

    I refuse to actually describe it because I probably won't come up with something that lives up to that.

    Isaac: "Go in, see it yourself, if you haven't eaten lunch yet."
  8. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Seems fun and I have recantly gotten more free time so why not

    Already apolegize for all the misspelling english is not my first language
    Character Name (if you have a nickname, add that aswell):Zander but if there is some one he doesnt trust that much he says hes name's Leonard

    Age: 29

    Gender: Male

    Role Alignment: Something between Chaotic Neutral and Chaotic evil (more towords evil)

    “Role”: A spy that own a jewlary store as a cover up (2/3 of the jewlary are fake)

    Class: Shardaic Mage

    Equipment / Belongings: Magic shard of a mystical gem, jewlary stuff

    Clothing: Regular looking cloths to not stand out to much, glasses

    Backstory (optional but recommended): Originally a normal guy until his brother gave him a mysterious gem before being killed by M.S.A.A order LEON for thinking that he was a crime lord. Zander first found out about magic when the gem shattared into dust leaving only a shard of it. after some time of personal reserch he found out that it can go inside his body at his will as long as its next to him giving him magic powers. Being angry about his brothers death he started ploting a plan to extirmenate order LEON. and he somehow recantly became a member of M.S.A.A who still hasnt been put into an order. He did this while also running a shady looking jewllery store that's suprisingly making a bit of profit thanks to the dumb people that cant tell a diffrance between a fake and the real thing

    Money / Income (depends on backstory): Makes 10k a month but like 9k of that is spent on taxes, the shop, rent, ect. Lives in a very nice studio apartment
  9. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    Sounds interesting, I might take a shot at this.
    Character Name (if you have a nickname, add that as well): Goes by "Niko"

    Age: 30-ish

    Gender: Male

    Role Alignment: Neutral

    “Role”: Member of the MSAA, SIRIUS order

    Class: Weapon Master(?), w/ minor telekinesis

    Equipment / Belongings: Just a longsword

    Clothing: Cloaked, as little revealed as possible

    Backstory (optional but recommended): Not much is known about the eccentric Niko. He's usually tasked with either testing new recruits or general sparring due to his... unique characteristics. He seems to possess extremely high levels of endurance, up to the point where he appears to shake off seemingly fatal blows without any apparent issues. His constant need of mannequins is... somewhat unsettling, though not as unsettling as the way he speaks. When he speaks, it's not like you're hearing it, but more like it's spoken in your head. And though he seems powerful enough to go out on his own, for reasons unexplained, he must be monitored either in person or remotely at all times. Both he and his sword... there's something... off about them.

    Money / Income (depends on backstory): Everything required is provided by the order, he practically lives there.
    Character Name (if you have a nickname, add that aswell): Niko

    Age: ???

    Gender: Male (?)

    Role Alignment: Neutral

    “Role”: An artifact stored in the SIRIUS order

    Class: Shardaic Mage, w/ some telekinesis

    Equipment / Belongings: None

    Clothing: None

    Backstory (optional but recommended): The sword that Niko carries. This is the true Niko, a spirit bound within the sword, while the "Niko" wielding him is nothing more than a mannequin that Niko manipulates. The fact that Niko is the sword rather than the person is known to only a privileged few. The sword was found in the aftermath of a attack on some order (IDK, come up with something that makes sense) by NIBIRU. While manipulating the mannequin or flying about on its own, its abilities are more limited, due to having to concentrate on controlling either the body or itself (minor telekinesis). However, when wielded by another who can use magic, the sword can not only use more powerful magic, but also act as an extension of the user's magic, somewhat amplifying it. As for personal desires, it simply wishes to join the "rest of its kind" (weapons with spirits inhabiting them, I guess), and being part of an order supervising magical phenomena seems like the most logical way to go about this.

    The sword itself can't be destroyed, and while Niko cannot be "killed" in the traditional sense, he can be sealed, which essentially does the same until unsealing. All speaking he does is telepathic.

    Money / Income (depends on backstory): I mean, it's an artifact stored by the order, what need does it have for money? I guess he'd like a polish or sharpening every now and then.
    If this seems a bit much, feel free to change it to make it... work, for lack of a better term.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2018
  10. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Ooh, Shardaic Mage with a special type of magical shard as well! Welcome!

    As you give the receipt to another one of your fooled customers at your jewelry store, a familiar woman wearing a white coat with a Gucci bag walks into the building. It's Dr. Lakrow, the person who manages all new recruits in the M.S.A.A. and is the leader of Order SIRIUS. "Not a bad way to make money," the lady complements looking around the place. She walks up to the front desk (where you are) and lowers her voice, "I'm not going to ask how you manage to get all these fakes." She then straightens up pulling out a paper from her bag and puts it facing you on the desk. "The 50, excuse me, 48 sane leaders of the M.S.A.A have decided to put you in Order SIRIUS under my leadership for it is locationally advantageous and proves to have the best trainee system of all the 50 Orders. Welcome! All you have do is sign the bottom of the paper and you're in." Dr. Lakrow pauses for a bit and then finishes, "Extra information is on the back as well as my contact information. Have a wonderful rest of your day Mr. Zander." The leader of Order SIRIUS closes her bag and exits the building, her formal posture never breaking.

    Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes! Welcome! And nothing long is too much for me, I enjoy reading these type of backstories.

    The sparring / training room in the Order SIRIUS complex wasn't as filled as it was on previous days. A lot of the higher up officials in Order SIRIUS were busy taking care of matters in the city and there were only a handful of adults left to supervise the massive complex. Currently, Mr. Lopez was supervising the training room for the school he was working for is on Spring Break and Mr. Lopez had a lot of downtime. He looked a little awkward there being a Shardaic Mage who never really used any weapons and constantly glanced at the door or the clock as if to see when the other grown-ups would come back. Suddenly, you 'hear' a familiar person's voice to the right of you. "Niko! I challenge you to a sparring match!" You turn to see the same energetic 11-year-old boy who you keep defeating every day. "This time, I will win for sure with a new technique Ken taught me!" Without even getting your permission to start a sparring match, he summons in a long sword and a short sword and charges at you.

    Just a friendly match. Try not to kill the kid please xD.

    The man's expression turns from serious to absolutely disgusted and mortified as you explain the situation. "You know what?" the man throws his hands up. "I'll just leave you to do you. Ugh, kids these days," the man grumbles to himself as he summons another orange shard darker than the previous one and vanishes out of sight.

    [Memory Book of Magic Updated]
    MAGIC ???
    Orange Shard = ???
    Dark Orange Shard = Teleport??? Vanish???
    M.S.A.A = ???
    Order SIRIUS = Thing from M.S.A.A???
  11. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Before I sign I read what is asked of me once I join and any other things that may not be allowed
  12. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    Niko sidesteps right before impact, then starts walking towards one of the lockers (I'm assuming there are lockers in the room, otherwise, just say I had the thing on me).

    Niko: Hold on for a bit kid, let me grab something that... won't kill you outright.

    He then pulls a mannequin out of the locker, detaches the chest and arm, summons a couple of light green shards to reinforce said parts, then turns around, with the parts used as a makeshift sword and shield.

    Niko: Alright then, let's see how you fare in close combat. Begin when ready.
  13. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Ill try not to blast this paper with too much text. I also forgot to say the location of your jewelry store: Link

    (Front Side)



    We, the fifty leaders of the fifty Orders of the M.S.A.A. have discussed and talked about your entry into the M.S.A.A. and have decided to put you in Order SIRIUS for it is locationally advantageous and can provide the best trainee service. We expect you to be behaved, to follow all orders instructed to you (unless the order is so bizarre and unbelievable), and to not commit irrational actions due to emotion in and outside of the magic world. There is zero-tolerance for any action committed to expose the world of magic to normal human beings. Doing this will lead to a sentence of "life without parole" which is also known as a life sentence in jail. However, we are very lenient if you are to use your magic to your own advantage in the real world. Just do not abuse our leniency and you will be fine. If you happen to be forced to use your magic to fight off a monster in the normal world and it somehow exposes magic to a normal human being, we will have to hold a court to judge whether you will be sentenced or not. You will most likely be excused though as for it is the M.S.A.A's duty to protect anyone from potential magical harm. The entrance into the Order SIRIUS complex is this paper you are reading. You have to hold the paper and say one word: Your name. Doing so will teleport you straight into the main hall of Order SIRIUS but it will only work once you sign the paper. There will be directions in the complex that are labeled "New Recruits" and will guide you to a waiting room where a person will guide you. That is all for now.

    Thank you for your time.

    The Magic Supervision and Authority Administration Council



    (Back Side)

    The Back Side is a ton of handwritten cursive instead of typed text.

    From Dr. Lakrow,

    Contact Info:
    Phone Number: (Insert Phone Number Here
    (I don't want to accidentally write down an actual person's phone number))
    Email: [email protected]
    M.S.A.A Email: [email protected]
    To Contact Everyone in Order SIRIUS: [email protected]

    A lot of new recruits that we have always think that the Order SIRIUS building is a hidden building on the streets. To warn you ahead of time, it's not. It's an underground facility that can only be accessed by teleporting or by a secret underground route unknown to normal human beings.

    Ignore the number fifty and think of the number 48 instead. Two Orders are not cooperating the way they should be.

    Some people think that getting sentenced with "life without parole" threat takes place in the normal world jails. If you are sentenced with "life without parole" in the magic world, you will be locked up in the most secure M.S.A.A. base built.
    Yeah there are lockers

    The kid (whose name is Jacob) this time does something different than what he normally does in your usual sparring matches. He positions his swords in an X position facing you and swipes both swords behind him creating a gust of wind to 'disarm' you. It is apparent that he just learned this move as for it proves to be ineffective.

    [Memory Book of Magic Updated]
    Dual Wielding Weapon Master Basic Ability: Wind (Summons a big wave of medium moving air typically used for disarming opponents)
  14. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    Niko: Interesting, interesting... Jacob, was it? You've got the right idea, a weapon master without a weapon isn't much of a master now, isn't it? Put some more force into it, and it might just work. Now then, how's your defense lad?

    Niko then charges at Jacob, torso "shield" first.
  15. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    Isaac calmly stands in the road before collapsing in rage and disbelief. Now is the time to panic.
    Nothing about the giant weapon? Nothing about corpse cleanup? Nothing about the whole 'magic ' thing? Nothing about the blood!?
    Quite a while later, who knows how long, Isaac finally calms down.
    He returns to the antiques shop to do the whole cleanup thing (him+corpses) and to also look for anything this recently-departed owner and co. had on magic.
  16. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Another first happens. The kid puts the arm holding his long sword up barely able to push the shield off while holding the short sword behind him turning it's blade transparent and bright yellow with a techno looking design on it (which you've never seen him do before). Then, almost like a professional, he swipes the shield with the same arm that's pushing off the shield and then thrusts his short sword into the shield causing an explosion that pushes you off him but only by 5 feet due to Jacob being new to the ability.

    This happens in the span of 3 seconds from the moment Jacob puts his arm up to push the shield off.

    [Memory Book of Magic Updated]
    Bladed / Ranged Weapon Master Professional Ability: Arcane Explosion

    After successfully cleaning up the corpses and hiding them somewhere, you find absolutely nothing on them that have to relate with magic. They were simply just regular human beings who were oblivious to the fact that they were selling weapons full of magic capabilities.
  17. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    OOC: Does Niko know that it's a professional ability, or is this just for the reader? I'm going to assume that he doesn't.

    Niko: Excellent! You've improved since the last few bouts. But can you keep it up?

    Niko then charges in, weapon ready to smack the kid repeatedly, feinting every now and then to see how he reacts.
  18. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    "Huh. So what should I do with this massive wea-"

    OOC: Question: Since those (formerly) living aristocrats jokes weren't magic, the alert was caused by me.
    Sooo, what exact ability(ies) did I use? If it's up to me than I pick basic electric.

    Mainly, what I need now is an arsenal + maybe armor.
    What other weapons are in the store?
  19. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    He doesn't. I'm also going to work on this little Memory Book feature a little more.

    The kid gets absolutely rekt and cries.

    Jacob tries to parry the wave of attacks but fails and gets hit every once in a while. Finally, he does something different and covers his long sword in ice minorly slowing down your movements. He then steps back a couple feet to avoid the onslaught of attacks. "I'm not giving up yet Niko!"

    That works for me.

    You find a WIDE variety of knives, guns, swords, sabers, halberds, shields, armor . . . okay, I think you get the gist. Geez, they even have cannons! Maybe taking just a light dagger might work because you already have that halberd in your hands.

    Here's the link to their actual store.
    UPDATE 1: Memory Books were added for each character on the main post.
  20. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I'm interested...
    Actual Name: Roderick Caillte (In case someone recognizes me)
    Current Name: Tim Harris (My new identity)
    Code Name: The Watcher (For when I’m on a job)
    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Role Alignment: Lawful (Doing whatever I want as long as it doesn’t strictly go against the law (Ex. No running in the halls. I can jog and it’s not against my role assignment)

    “Role”: Lookout; Surveillance for SIRIUS (Look out for enemies, potential recruits, etc.)

    Class: Just a few abilities. Not really a class. Somewhat complicated.

    True Sight: Ability to see through any unwanted details (EX. Ignoring a wall to see what’s behind. Ignoring lies to see the truth.) Also, can see magic. (So like someone’s magic potential) (Turns both eyes golden)

    Second Sight: Can be used to experience the same senses as the target (EX. Seeing through their eyes, hearing what they hear). I don’t retain my own senses. (Turns both eyes gray)

    Enhanced Sight: Can have my sight zoom in and out (I can see things in the distance). I have near perfect accuracy.

    Equipment/Belongings: Bottle of Eye Drops x10 (Maybe a few more…), Sunglasses (Magically Reinforced), Pistol (Effective range of about 250m. Range might be too big and require tweaking. >.>), Clip (12 Rounds) x3, Magic Communication Watch? (xD)

    Clothing: Casual clothes, typical of a commoner (kek)

    Backstory (optional but recommended):
    When I was 12, I found out about my ability, Second Sight. Being as naive as I was, I snooped around uncaringly. But then, I looked into something I shouldn’t have (idk, I’m not too creative. >.< Some important documents pertaining to the MSAA or something?).

    A few days later, I was apprehended and taken into custody. A while after that, I was brought into a room where someone explained the situation. Since I knew more than I should, I had two options. Join the group, and work for them, or refuse and stay locked up for the rest of my life. Of course, to everyone’s else’s knowledge (of people I know), I have already died in an accident. They made sure of that.

    That was the day when I, Roderick Caillte, became Tim Harris. I was sent to train for seven years, where I awakened my second ability, Enhanced Sight. Afterwards, I performed surveillance for two years. The organization used me to gather information and keep an eye on people. The experiences I gained awakened my third ability, True Sight. Now, I was someone who did both surveillance and counter-surveillance.

    This gave me a higher ranking in the organization, since there wasn’t much they could hide from me anyways. (My information was very crucial in some discussions). (In other words, I’m the superior of the head of surveillance, but not the head of surveillance).

    My current objective is to find potential recruits (magic-users) for the organization, while keeping an eye out for possible threats.

    Money / Income (depends on backstory): Somewhere around the salary of the official head of surveillance.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2018
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