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Generic Fantasy Reference Thread

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by hmtn, Feb 25, 2018.

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  1. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    ... That OP post was getting far too long, wasn't it? That's probably why I made this.
    *Cough cough totally didn't steal borrow this idea from fate's eye cough cough*


    Note: As this setting is being created on the fly, it is extremely malleable, and features are always in flux.

    Welcome to the world of Generic Fanatsy, an original unoriginal setting based on every fantasy trope I can get my hands on and then some. There's the standard evil empire ruling over a good chunk of humanity, all the elves live in a big ol' dying forest and are insufferable pricks, dark elves spend all their time underground backstabbing each other and plotting evil stuff, the dwarves also spend all their time underground, but mining and drinking, lizardpeople are in the swamp and the desert at the same time, a bunch of halflings/hobbits live in a big old hilly place, goblins, bandits, and cults have way more presence than a centralized government should ever let them have, and there's always at least half a dozen evil overlords with an army, a fortress, and viable plans to take over the world.

    This'll be fun.
    Without further ado, the worldbuilding so far:
    The current combat system, as of March 17th, 2018, is still dreadfully unbalanced. It will continue to be rectified in the future.

    Can be found HERE
    The current magic system, as of March 17th, 2018, was somewhat shakily put together. It will be rectified in the future.

    Arcane spells (normal spells) can be learned by anyone with enough mental fortitude and created by anyone with a lot of power at their disposal and a good imagination. It does not have any color. Arcane magic can increase in power by extensive training and use of a spell, which upgrades its rank and makes it more powerful. Arcane magic does not come from within. Instead, it comes from energy spilling into the mortal world from the base plane of magic, via its entry point. [Current entry point: ???]. In order to properly siphon magic from the surrounding area, one needs to have a magic focus, a lens which turns the ambient energy into something usable. A very basic ritual can turn basically anything into a magic focus.

    The current types of arcane magic are Basic Magic, the type you find in stores, and extremely powerful Legendary spells, which can only be learned at the end of some major quest, reading some sacred artifact, or learning it from the rare soul who has mastered one. Unlike normal spells, legendary spells can take months if not years to truly master the intricate magic patterns needed to cast them. Legendary spells are so strong that they near, but not quite reach, the potential of divine spells and are usually rank-less. Speaking of ranks, when somebody casts a spell enough and learns it well, they can figure out ways to more effectively streamline the power being given to them by their focus. This is referred to as a spell ranking up, and while some spells only go up five ranks, some transform into a greater spell, or become something different entirely. Greater spells usually preserve the rank, going rank VI, VII, etc. If a greater spell hits rank X, it has reached the pinnacle and cannot rank further, unless one uses specialized foci of some sort. Speaking of specialized foci, they are powerful magic focuses/computation machines that are able to automatically streamline the power for the caster, allowing them to cast all spells at ranks higher than they know.

    1) No healing/regenerative spells of any type. Any attempts will backfire horribly on the caster and target. Healing potions exist, but they only speed up natural recovery.
    2) No time travel. If this rule is somehow broken through divine magic or loopholes and such, the universe will always run on a closed loop.
    3) Portals between planes can only be opened once per day, on any plane. If somebody on a plane opens an inter-planar portal, they and everybody else cannot do it for the next 24 hours.
    4) It is impossible to use arcane magic against divine beings. Lesser divine servants however, such as angles, are not immune.

    The only possible way to cast divine spells is by being bestowed with the power by divine entities or being an angel, and can break the rules of arcane magic. They are also much stronger on average, with the weaker ones basically being legendary arcane spells. They are marked by a light blue color. Divine spells can only be blessed upon and made usable by a divine entity, so the actual power must come from the user. Use of divine spells without being a god generally has worse effects the further you are from being one. Demigods feel nearly no effect on a single cast, but prolonged casting can exhaust them. Archangels and Angels simply become exhausted with one cast, with a small chunk of their energy sapped. Mortals will have nearly all their energy sapped and will be unable to move unless they take a long rest. Length of rest corresponds to how much life force was used.

    Spell List moved HERE because the amount of nested spoilers in here was too goddamn high.
    While Divine Magic can only be used by divine beings, the Unholy Magic can be used by anyone who's willing to sacrifice their mind and health. Casting any Unholy Spell will either damage you physically or mentally (let's not get to how that's basically the same thing). If a person chooses to be effected physically he will slowly suffer from worse health, he will never die from using the Unholy Magic, but he might become extremely sick. His skin might turn gray, his teeth might fell out as well as his hair. He might go deaf or blind, or he might occasionally vomit blood. If he however chooses to degrade his mental state, going mad is the least of his worries. He might become more evil and demonic. His actions may be spontaneous and erratic. He might do things he wouldn't normally do. He would kill for no reason at all, or would do just for the thrill.

    Wielding uneven primal magic leads to Distortion.
    What is Distortion? It's a form of mutation caused by the uneven amount of elements used by the mage. It does not matter, as some think which element mage uses to become disorted, but how many he uses. So for instance, a mage using the 4 main elements and element of light, would cause more harm to himself then a mage wielding thunder and darkness elements. Another thing to note is that a person becomes more disorted the more types of magic he uses. Therfore the perefect balance balance can be achived by learning 6 elements, leaving the 7th one unlearned. It is often assumed that the 6 elements thjat should be learned, are 4 main elements, as well as 2 elements of equality. This is why the element of thunder is associated with chaos. If one were to learn all 7 elements however, to level of mutation caused to the individual, would be tremendous.
    But what mutations are there exactly? By learning only one element, the user might change the color of theirs iris's to the one of the element he's using (It is thought that this is how many eye colors were intrudeced to the world, by many magic users passing their mutated genes to their offspring). Learning 3 elements may cause changes in the pigmentation of the skin and hair. People wielding 3 types of elements may aalso develop wierd skin conditions. By using 5 elements a number of changes to the bone stracture and mind of the user may appear. They might grow taller, or shrink is size, their limbs may expand or shoten. In some cases the body might loose a lot of weight and become skeletal, or gain expedentionall amounts and become gigantic. When one learns all types of elements, they will suffer horrific mutations. By that point they may stop looking completely like they used to. The'll grow extra lims, eyes, and even other things, like horns or wings. The longer they live the more monstrous they become. One case speaks of a man who grew to amazingly large hight, while loosing nearly all body fat and muscle. His skin became gray like ash and leathery. His eyes had sunken back into his head, and became dark, empty holes. His lips had rotted off leaving black gums and razor sharp poiny teeth. It should also be noted that the disorted have an auro of abnormality around them, that shifts the reality in a way completely diferent to magic. The Ashen Man (as he became to known), could randmaly appear anywhere at any time, with no known reason. Eventually due to his distortion, he left his old life behind and became a dark omen lurring over the town of Asher.
    There's one more thing that should be noted. While the distortions are most of time only physical with some mental degradation. In some cases it may be the other way around, with severe loss of mental health and minor mutations to the body; and as the level of magic possessed by the user grows the more his mental state dissolves.

    Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Thunder, Heart, Soul, Mind, Will, Chaos

    Unholy Magics:
    Too disturbing for the Internet. Yes, he did actually describe them. - HM
    Eood valley is a small valley at the edge of the empire. It's so far from the center that it hasn't actually seen a taxman in generations. As for major landmarks, the only large settlement in the valley is the Riverthrone, regional capital of Eood and the neighboring valley, Kyre. the Riverthrone is built by the side of the Windy River, a long river that, well, winds through the foots of The Wall. The valley's southern and western borders lies at the foot of said Wall, a massive mountain range and likely the largest in the world. A mountain pass through its lower peaks leads to Kyre, and eventually the rest of the empire. Its northern and eastern borders lie in the Bloodwood, a hideously mutated and horrifying forest that extends hundreds of miles north.
    A valley directly to the west of Eood, this valley has two major advantages over its eastern counterpart. The first is the much larger city of Kyuuvar, situated at the banks of the Windy River, with the second one being the road leading from the capital, which passes through the city and down past The Wall, out onto the fog coast. Due to Kyuvaar being on a crossroad between the empire's main road and the Windy River, it is a major center of trade, much more so than the capital.
    Presumably where the Capital is. Not much info.
    A large marshy area that exists somewhere to the north of the wall. Has a death god, and is home to one of two varieties of lizardman, along with some humans.
    South of the wall, home to another variety of lizardman. Presumably dry and sandy. Not much info. Dez's homeland.
    Giant mountain range separating the Fog Coast from The Empire. Has the Windy River going through its northern foothills, and apparently a bunch of secretive dwarves live in the region. Named because it's literally a wall separating the northern and southern halves of the continent.
    A region south of The Wall. The Academy of the Arcane apparently has a lot of power here, despite it being located half a continent away. The people generally make damn good beer. Presumably a coastal region, also presumably foggy.
    Can be found HERE
    Can be found HERE
    Fighting Style

    Dilumen I, Emperor of Man, Protector of the Mortal Races, Safeguard of the Light
    Age: 347
    Race: Human
    Divine Caster

    He's in charge of a massive empire that he founded at the age of 92, uniting various kingdoms. How he's still alive is a mystery, and he has quite the theocracy theme going for him as a cover for the fact that he's actually a very pragmatic man. Doesn't work because everyone on the continent knows this, however.

    Testox, King of Goblins
    Age: 42
    Race: Goblin

    A goblin has been making waves down in south, as he appears to somehow be in command of legions of goblins united in a way nobody has seen before. His armies stand in what may soon become a war against the city-states of the fog coast.

    Age: 662
    Race: High Elf
    Illusion Caster

    While he may not even be in the top 10 strongest mages in the world, this high elf stands out for being old, acting young, knowing so many people, managing to be in so many places, and his brand of highly unusual illusion-based magic. However, he's known to be on bad terms with Emperor Dilumen for some reason.

    Age: 83
    Race: ???
    Legendary Caster
    Barely alive, horrifically mangled, and definitely distorted in some way, it's unknown who or what this ....thing... used to be. However, what is known is that it is the strongest spellcaster on the mortal plane, and created the bloodwood for unknown reasons. Many breathed a sigh of relief when it disappeared from it's traditional territory on the coast north of the bloodwood, but some say it's only searching for something. His 2 calling cards are turning land into either a meaty horror or a dark crystalline hellscape. Actually casts rarely, and deals almost exclusively in massive world changing spells.

    Age: 993
    Race: Elder Dragon

    Living Death Blizzard
    An ice dragon known to live on Skyknife Peak, the tallest mountain in the wall, this dragon is notable for being both the oldest of her kind and the only one who even tolerates the mortal races. Rather grouchy for the last century, she expressed interest in flying north to duel Ikvarset before it disappeared. She decided to take a nap for a few years, but would probably needed to be woken up if that thing comes back.

    "Faye Knaim" (True Name Unknown)
    Age: ???
    Race: Human
    She's got something to do with Arc Night, I can feel it.

    Age: 74
    Race: Human
    Head councilman of the Academy of the Arcane, he may not be the most powerful caster in the world but he has the most influence. He has the emperor's ear and support from the people, for he's essentially a folk hero. He's known mainly for killing his rogue fellow councilman and eventual arhcenemy Verschaouk, a dark mage who many consider to be the precedent for the explosion of unnatural wizardry in the last few decades.

    Character Logs:
    The “colorful” and somewhat psychotic cast of the rp, past and present. This area details their actions.

    User: Aarakocra
    Joins on the edge of a building. Proceeds so climb building and commit home invasion, stealing a book. Sneaks down, sees a lizardman. Generally remains sneaky before running into a cultist and killing him, earning the first achievement. Proceeds back to roof and climbs down to ground. After seeing Dez's fight, he gets out of there as fast as he can, running into Team A (See: Team A)
    Eventually, stuff happens, and he nopes his way out of Team A. Thorston then arrives back in the Riverthrone. He goes to a shop to buy a new weapon, ending up resizing the rapier Leon found. It's after this he goes to a tavern, drinking a bit and meeting a strange old man by the name of Eradius. They proceed to drink with each other, and Eradius reveals some... unsettling information. Thorston returns to his room and sleeps.
    The next morning, he grabs his stuff and sets out to pickpocket some people. After some pseudo-adventures, he finds an old, abandoned house. He goes upstairs, and, after a deadly encounter with some desert guy after a bar of some exotic metal, he heads into the house's basement, where creepy shenanigans ensue. After escaping said house with serious desert-guy stab wounds, he makes his way down to a building by the docks, where he bandages his wounds with stuff he found in a medical kit.
    While he slowly but surely starts being able to move again, he reads his copy of Eood Valley - A History, forcing the GM to write way more than he's (not) being paid for. Once he's done with that, he absconds the fuck out of that neighborhood, stolen riches on his back. Seeing as he's milked everything he can out of this town, Thorston decides to leave towards Kyre valley.
    He reaches the first major city he's seen, Kyuvaar, and starts off buying some potions.
    As he's buying them, some crazy wizard comes out and starts wrecking everything around him. He gets out of there with his life, although one of the guards has straight up extorted money from him. Looking for a place to stay for the night, Thorston finds a surprisingly well-kept yet abandoned house in a back street. After finding a raccoon infestation he almost immediately falls asleep.
    Thorston wakes up, leaves the house, and pokes his head down into a large hole. After realizing he's fallen into the pit of 'not enough torches', he heads back up and buys some. After this, he goes to a blacksmith to see if he can sell off some plundered goods.
    He ends up requesting the smith to make him some lethal implements out of said plundered goods, and spends the next few hours searching for other materials.
    It's after he's gotten the materials that he's walking back to the blacksmith and gets hungry, stopping in a nearby tavern. He overhears some people talking about recent events (wrecked city) and eats.
    Once he's done with that, he returns to the blacksmith, giving him the materials.
    While the sword's being forged, Thorston decides to return to the sewer, where he soon runs into a stalker. With a nope right out of there, he returns to the streets above.
    The streets above have a mob and fire.
    Maybe the rich neighborhoods could help, so he heads there, thieves some jewelry, and is nearly killed by a weird jester before some weird screaming starts up. It turns out the enture city is apocalypsing, and he proceeds to nope his way to an inn on the northern end of town.
    The beds are rock, and a third of his bunkmates die, but he himself is unharmed.
    Thorston wakes up, retrieves his stuff, waits for someone to take out a corpse, and stalks his only surviving bunkmate when she leaves.
    User: BlueSlimerino
    Wakes up tied up to a post in a small dark room. He breaks free, is found, and uses the power of music (& enslaving minds) to attempt to get out of a situation involving a bunch of cultists. He sees a giant rat (with shortsword and clothes), acquires a weapon, and fights his way out of the building. Eventually, he walks down to the Riverthrone and gets a drink, hunting for info. After he inform the adventurers of the cult north of them, he walks out into a street full of cult figures, into a magic shop and buys a minor illusion book. Dez learns the spell, proceeding to don a cult cloak and listen to some of the cultists. With mind control. After this, he heads to a tavern, luckily overhearing Eradius mind-control the bartender. With this info, Dez takes many notes and the bartender himself into his own hands, and interrogates him outside. Soon enough, he's approached by a large man in a suit of dark plate with a galaxy motif, and they talk. Dez gets some more info and a number off him. After this, he find the man again, and they go off to find the magic shop. Looks like it's closed for the night. After Dez returns, He writes down the number [312557] and burns the scrap of paper it was inscribed on, read a book, and go to sleep.
    The next morning, Dez goes to the magic seller and have her look at his scroll. It turns out to be a scroll of silence. Next, he sees some cultists and follow them to what is presumably their lair, where he impersonates one and successfully intercepts a stolen delivery.
    A few minutes later, Dez finds himself helping a kid named Owen reach his father. In the process, he get hints of a surrounding, existing world, and I find myself going to the tavern. It’s there that Owen reunites with his father. However, at the time a bar fight is going on, and, long story short,he find Leon again and we agree to explore the outskirts of town together. We eventually get lured into a warehouse for a big climactic battle, where Leon dies.
    After the climactic battle, Dez wakes up in a cart with a sleeping Eradius and a lady that Introduces herself as Fayuma. After a short talk, he's threatened into joining their group. After nabbing some potions, he heads off to their first wrap-up job, entering the tower and taking care of some serial killer. The killer's already dead, and everyone settles into different conversations. At this point, he hops back into the cart and prepares to set off to their next job, [SEE CULT GROUP]

    Dez eventually falls asleep and is carried up to a bed in an inn.
    Dez wakes up in the inn, and, wanting to figure out what his weird pendant does, resovles to find a good magic shop. To accomplish this, he traumatizes some random gentleman in the street and heads to the southwest corner of the city, where he's immediately sidetracked by castle tourism. Luckily for him, said castle is filled with a bunch of wizarding nerds, and he finds someone who can help him soon enough.
    He gets some answers, some promises, some money, and quite a bit of anger via this, and leaves for a spellbook shop.
    3 new spells later, it's apparently pet shopping time. He buys a bird, pacifies a dragon, and goes over to the nearby magic academy in order to figure out a way to make the pacifying charm permanent. He succeeds, returns, pacifies, and extorts the shopkeeper. He heads outside and tips a nearby jester's arguably amazing show before heading to an inn, where he accidentally runs into the weird wheelchair villain and his hire, and gets a death squad dispatched on him.
    Escaping the death squad with a nice somersault and a invisible run, he makes it to another tavern, where his reading of alter self is interrupted by two guys on a manhunt.
    Apparently, it's for the 2 guys that are hunting down the entire group, and they hide out for a few hours before using fire and panicking crowds as a diversion to escape and regroup.
    However, a bump and a passerby later, Dez decides he wants to go and investigate some giant weird earth elemental that suddenly activated for some unknown reason directly after a massive surge of magic hit the area, and with his party of Matt (one of the 2 guys) and some random passerby who says his name is Kale, heads there, fighting through a death squad on the way.
    After the death squad, they also start getting spoOooOokily haunted, via [SEE TEAM PT]
    User: Some Weird Bill Nye Knockoff
    Joins in study. Gets drunk. Steals shit. Provokes OP. Fights the owner of the study. Sets most of the study on fire before dramatically knocking him out. Eventually, he heads up to the top floor of the tower that the study was in, finding a giant door, smashing a mirror and mind-controlling a mage of water by the name of Serelia that comes up the stairs. After mind controlling her and learning of their plan (opening the gates to heaven and getting rid of gods), he heads downstairs and fights a mage of fir. The mage knocks him off the stairs, dealing him near-lethal damage. Eradius eventually limps his way to the front door, where the mage of fir and the formerly mind-controlled Serelia. In a rush of adrenaline, he kills them both. Eradius wakes up, carried by team A to the town, and decides to leave and get a drink. At the bar, he manages to squeeze out some info on the local "cultists", learning their evil plan. Eventually, he goes upstairs, where he meets a mouse-man by the name of Thorston Elwood and they decide to drink together. Here, he delivers an incredibly unsettling backstory and a few implied threats, and far above, a god watches with a mix of apprehension and joy. He sleeps.
    When he wakes up, he heads out into town and visits the magic seller, trading some gold with a lizardman in order to buy a delayed bomb spell. After exiting the shop, he goes and finds a magic item store in order to sell off some gems he found. He also buys some more stuff, including an experimental foci that messes with spell ranks, but leaves with more money than he started with. Go him. Next, he goes off to the pet store, where he tries to buy a large murder-animal/mount. However, he doesn't have enough money, so he takes a short visit to the mercenary company, and after realizing that it wouldn't give him what he needs, the tavern. It's there that his coat gets him (intentionally) mistaken for an elemental mage, and he infiltrates the cult. After a series of events result in a warehouse battle, he's left with a near-dead Dez and an escort to the tower. Eradius naps on the way there, making him go through his entire backstory in a pm/in his head. Eventually, the cart ends up back at the tower. Heading inside, he truly realizes how unbelievably incompetent some of these people he's stuck with are.
    Eradius begins speaking to one of the elemental mages, an ice mage, wherein it soon becomes clear that they're having two completely different conversations. Subpar sitcom hijinks with a weird bear-thing ensue, and [SEE CULT GROUP]

    Eradius falls asleep during the trip, and soon finds himself in a dream-conversation with someone named Serena. Things get dream-violent after some bad dream-wine, and Eradius is dream-killed. He wakes up and [SEE CULT GROUP]
    Eradius wakes up in the high class inn, finds a note, promptly stops caring, and takes a bath.
    He then proceeds to have a friendly chat with a guy, go to sleep, and start dreaming.
    Inside the dream, he brutally tortures and kills(?) some weird dream-specter thing, violating the title of this day and being technically even sneakier than anything come before.
    He wakes up and buys some bread, ignoring the fact that everyone in the inn's dead because why care about that?
    This is followed by a general meandering around the city, attempting to fulfill the apparent paradox of finding magic-related places that have no connection to the academy of the arcane.
    He manages it, and buys two spellbooks. There's also this weird black tome, but it's clearly evil and he steers clear.
    A few minor incidents follow, such as him killing a guard, having multiple others hunt him down, unearthing a large street with a massive explosion that kills hundreds, etc, but that's only kinda important. What follows is a dramatic escape into the sewers, where he fights a courier dude using the most creative methods he can. He murders his way back outside and into a camping supplies shop, where he kills even more people. This cycle of violence ends with a crater and a transformation into the form of a certain Dez lizardman guy person, where he returns to the inn and finally notices the blood.
    He hops back into the sewers and screws around a bit from there.
    A lot of screwing around and a crater later, he dodges almost every threat in the city to find himself a potion to heal himself from the one he didn't dodge.
    Deciding the gtfo out of there, he heads to the north of the valley to get drunk, pass out, and find everyone dead, with the possibility of whoever did it still being around. All things considered, he enters the mine.
    He exits the mine maybe an hour later, with another kill. Enough is enough, and he sleeps.
    Eradius wakes up and hits the road, immidietely being accosted by some idiot bard. It'll be a long day.
    Frigid materializes on a lower mountain peak, sledding down, talking with a dwarf, and failing at freezing a river.
    He enters the city, doesn't do much, and leaves for the river again. Here, he looks for a boat to go to forge.

    12 hours. Not gonna be a fun wait. He passes the time by breaking and entering, stealing some loot, and getting distracted by a weird stone spire. Turns out the spire is dangerous and created by some giant monster, but Dez blows it up before it can do real damage. Frigid, not knowing this, decides to head to the site of the explosion and investigate.
    Before being able to head there, however, he's stopped and talked to by some guy named Matt. Matt gives the answer to the explosion ('blowing up a giant monster'). Satisfied, Fridgid returns to the docks to build a makeshift raft and leave.
    User: Tsu
    Ling has already been walking for a few days, and chats with Han while looming ever closer to a city that seems to be a magical beacon. She enters the city, finds the beacon, learns nothing but that it's in some sort of castle, and strikes a conversation with some guy who has a dragon sleeping next to him. The dragon was apparently pacified by someone, and she goes looking for the person before her amulet goes crazy, sucks up a bunch of magic, and generally screws her over. She cries for a little while, until the void in magic is canceled out by some huge surge of it that lets her use spirit spells.
    The huge surge may or may not have caused a massive earth elemental to explode out of the academy, however, and she's soon at ground zero, along with another newly-minted spirit that died in the wake of the massive beast.
    She gets out of there via a bit of prophetic feline power, running into Dez, where he steers her right back into the thing and [SEE TEAM PT]
    Willy materializes in the town's market, wherein he's immediately recruited into some kind of harebrained assassination at a party. Shenanigans ensue, and he essentially begins the party with a stomachfull of... lard. He completes the mission soon after, is paid in gold the next morning, and dies inside a collapsing bar.
    User: Reti
    Wakes up in a field, located somewhere in the Riverthrone. Instantly gets threatened, and pops up, ready to fight. After the fight doesn't go so well for him, he runs out of town. He meanders a bit before re-entering town and hooking himself up with a group of adventurers.
    They prove friendly enough, and he soon persuades them to join him on a personal trip to an elven village some ways north bordering the Bloodwood. They find a boat and begin casting off.
    Vivienne wakes up on the boat, and apparently sleeping on a deck is really bad for your back. He converses a bit, and the group decides to go to a small town by the river to stretch their legs a bit and get off the boat.

    The town's consumed by flames about 30 minutes later, tragically ending the lives of everyone inside.
    User: Gigavern
    Joins falling from the sky, 1 mile up. Eventually meets up with Leon, and they decide to adventure together. (See: Team A)
    After they return to the inn, Robert decides to sit at a table, like a statue. He does this for the entirety of the night.
    In the morning, he gets up and [See: Team A]
    However, Robert rematerializes inside the tavern several minutes later, ordering a drink and starts solo-investigating the cult himself. He arrives not much later at the scene of the warehouse battle, taking Leon's remains and burying them outside the town. A vigil begins.


    And then stops, apparently, because he's soon threatened by an assassin guy with a sword. A terrible assassin too, blatantly announcing his presence while stating his name and occupation. With this distraction, along with hints of a puppet government in Kyuvaar, he decides to head there west along the river. His journey is interrupted by some bandits, who he swiftly defeats. He enters Kyre valley, and continues on towards the city. He freezes again, all statue like, for the night.
    Robert abruptly starts moving again long enough to get into the city. He then finally freezes, forever.
    User: Nem
    [From before actions were sorted into days]
    Joined standing on a dock. Went over to a guy, asked for location. Eventually went to a tavern and learns of the horrific Bloodwood, heading towards it with the intent of cleansing. Eventually, he met Robert, a warrior who fell out of the sky. [See: Team A]

    After returning to the Riverthrone, Leon met a lizardfolk named Dez, who he proceeded to have some adventures with. He headed back to his room soon after this, and, after a small midnight excursion, meditated or something. In the morning, he met back up with Robert, and [See Team A]

    Leon dies under a pile of rubble while fighting Leren.
    User: Florfy5
    Joins inside tavern. Spies on other patrons. Hears some news about something happening up north, informs some guards. Decides to speak to wizard(?), attains ally. Walks out of town, going towards the tower. He enters the tower and meets a man calling himself Kyovit, Mage of Thunder. After almost killing him, Kyovit flees and injures his companion. With a divine healing spell, however, she saves her. They proceed up the stairs, searching the second floor. It's at this point that they're jumped by Kyovit, who is swiftly killed. The two of them take a well-deserved rest for a little bit. Soon enough, more enemies invade the tower. Lazarus and Vesuia lay an ambush on the second floor and kill all 3 of them. As night has fallen, they decide to rest.
    The next morning, Vesuia leaves and he heads off towards the tower. It is silent as he enters, but he quickly finds and loots some items. After he explores more of the tower for a bit, more intruders (well, they own the tower it's more that he's the intruder) enter before being ambushed by him in a spectacular fashion. Talkery ensues. Negotiations apparently go horrendously, and he's stabbed through the gut, dying.

    User: Azura
    Materializes sitting on a dock, and she soon gets caught up in two men's murder stories.
    She follows them to a tavern wretched hive of scum and villainy, stealthily managing to nearly kill herself.
    Instead, she leaves and has something else happen almost immediately, something dramatic that causes a cultist to leave the building in alarm. Their leader has been stabbed, presumably by one of the murderous men, and they have disappeared.
    Not very far apparently, as she manages to stealthily track them into a trap they set, once again managing to nearly kill herself.
    She trudges out, trying to find some kind of healer, and comes across Eradius' giant excavation project of a street. Crossing it, she leaves off for a potion vendor, and heals there.
    After this, she meanders down in search of refugees, and finds a funeral by the docks. She successfully doesn't manage to get any info out of them about why they're refugeeing, and decides to fight a massive nearby fire instead.
    She back and forths a bit, but the fire problem seems to fix itse-
    Kae lags to death.

    Owen - A kid living in the Riverthrone. Recently moved in from a place people call "Forge".
    Ulysses - Owen's Dad.
    Sbelsah Ler - Riverthrone magic vendor.
    Vesuia - Half-Elf girl. Decent wizard. Almost certainly a reserve character for the GM.
    Hooded Being - Only seen in Nem's visions. Probably hostile and dangerous.
    Eneer - Adventurer guy. Has a large bow.
    Rolof - Perpetually seasick swordsman.
    The silent one - some guy in a hood. Doesn't really talk.
    Serena - Weird elven dream lady.
    Zethrair/'Kale'/Zaris?: Illusion mage in team PT, taking after someone(?). Seriously though, what's his deal?
    Rykos - Member of the academy, specializes in magic items.
    Zakhar - Eradius hates him for some reason. Might be a Dinkleberg, a good person that he hates anyway, or maybe there might be an actual violent history. Who knows?
    Headmaster (Kyuvaar): Weird raspy old... guy who speaks with.. weird pauses. Taught Dez weave knot.
    Kadesh/"Ghostie": A mage at the academy of the arcane killed by the elemental. Has a desert name despite never being to the desert. His apparent unfinished business has to do with the elemental. Following Ling around in team PT.
    Durokan - Former Archmage of Gateway Tower. Ordered in original force of Mercenaries/"Cultists". Current whereabouts unknown.
    Leren - Alchemist working with the cult. Currently busy being dead.
    Various Elemental Mages - High ranking members of the Gateway Tower. Eradius is impersonating a 9th one. 6/8 Dead.
    Fayuma - Member of the cultists/mercenaries. Deputy leader of some kind since their regular leader died.
    Yalor - Current Archmage of Gateway Tower. Maybe killed by Dez.
    Rykeal - Ice elemental mage of gateway tower.
    Karun - Large, burly man working with the mercenaries.
    Maros - He's a hobbit or something. Kind of a magic item nut.
    Matt - Rogue-type who seems decently strong. Follwing Dez around in team PT.
    Mooks - Disposables. it's so rare that the protagonists have access to disposables, isn't it?

    Groups: Multiple characters doing things together.
    Note: Due to not having an actual name, the team is referred to as Team A. This is simply an OOC designation and in no way reflects what the team is actually called.

    Note: Effectively disbanded, in case the spoiler didn't already tell you.

    Team A is formed by the meeting of Leon and Robert, proceeding to the Bloodwood. After a bit of walking, they run into Thorston Elwood, who joins up with them. The team treks into the Bloodwood, eventually coming across a statue with a trigger, leading to an underground area. After exploring the underground area, they find items such as an axe and a chest full of items. Leon picking up the axe, a red glow encompasses him, but that's about it. Exploring further leads to a giant cathedral where they fight a guy names Leren and hold his potion hostage. The guy eventually buffs himself beyond belief and breaks Thorston's shortsword.

    Team A eventually escapes, with Thorston using a rapier they found earlier. They kill a wolf-like abomination in the forest, setting back off towards the Riverthrone. While walking down the path, they notice a passed out guy by 2 dead people. Thorston nopes out of there, and leaves Team A. Leon and Robert end up picking up the still living guy and carrying him back to the Riverthrone, which they notice has a whole lot more cultists all of a sudden. Eventually, the guy (Eradius), wakes up and leaves. The sun is setting at this time, and Leon notices the sheer amount of cultists in the town. Him and Robert, disturbed by this, take an evening visit to the local Lord. He gives them information, but in the process the cult learns he isn't really a puppet. To take out the massive amount of assassins they send towards him, he blows up his manor. Team A proceeds to enter the town, where Robert stands blankly in front of a tavern while Leon talks to a lizardman. Robert sits down and creepily stays still, while Leon [SEE SOLO ACTIONS]

    In the morning, Leon and Robert pay a visit to Bloodbath and Beyond Weaponworks, and Leon buys a tower shield. After this, they leave the store and see a contingent of cultists ferrying something important. The cultists dispatch two fighters to distract Leon and Robert until they finish their actual plan, which is to steal the potion and key right off Leon. Not that he knows that, because it worked. Not that it mattered, because Dez stole them right back. Next off, they pay a visit to a tavern, where they get involved with Dez's attempt to scare people out of a fight. After said fight, Leon and Dez talk a but and leave for the outskirts of town, joining Team A, however temporarily. Robert, due to a lack of activity, spontaneously dematerializes at this point, but it's not like anyone noticed.....[SEE SOLO ACTIONS]

    At the outskirts of town, Leon and Dez begin following a suspicious looking man in a white cloak, not realizing until they reach their destination that a whole lot of people are following them. The subsequently end up in a designed trap and fight Leren once more, alchemist of the cult and guy who generally likes messing with parts of reality that shouldn't be. During the fight, Leon is crushed and killed while Dez [SEE SOLO ACTIONS].

    With Dez being the only remaining member, Team A is effectively disbanded. Any future teams will be designated with other monikers, even if they were members of this one.
    The Greater Imperial Mercenary Forces, initially introduced under a guise of being a cult, are shady people doing shadier things.

    The group's first major expedition with PC's in tow begins when leaving the tower. They're attacked by some weird giant bear-like abomination, and quickly murder it via sheer group size. This group consist of the player characters Dez and Eradius, named characters Fayuma, Rykeal, Karun, and Maros, along with some other unnamed characters and a horde of disposable mooks.

    After a small road trip, they arrive at the much larger city of Kyuvaar one valley over. Dez falls asleep, and Eradius wakes up from his weird dream thing. He buys some cookies then goes to sleep. The group disperses into the city the following morning.
    Until they get a real name, I'm sticking them with this. It kind of references the video game of the same name and Paranatural. Go read Paranatural.

    This team, initially composed of Dez, Ling, Matt, Kadesh, Zethrair, Han, and some raven, formed over the corpses of a death squad. Said squad was sent by some weird guy in a wheelchair (70% chance it's Leren) that wants to kill Dez.
    Their purpose: Poke around in the elemental for stuff, mainly something Dez forgot in the academy building. Noble goal. Upon entering it, they come into conflict(?) with 3 'incredibly friendly' stone humanoid things that appear to be spawned from it. They kill them, find the wand, and use it to blow up the elemental.

    The team soon pseudo-disbands, losing Kadesh, Zethrair and Matt. This is quite the stroke of bad luck, as they soon find themselves in conflict with the tattered remains of the death squad and the wheelchair guy (who is probably Leren). They fight, and Leren dies (again). That subplot hopefully done with, they buy a room in an Inn and Dez sleeps.
    Just Dez. Ling spends the time acquiring magic items like some kind of mystic magpie.
    The next morning, the team splits in half.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2018
  2. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    @Amun_Ra :)
    JoshLegacy likes this.
  3. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    I'll cease un-not locking this with a bump, then.
  4. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    Bumping again.
  5. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    Can't you just use google drive so we don't have to see 2 threads?
  6. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    Quite a bit of work for something that will give no tangible benefit, other than apparently gutting 1 extra thread in an already massive list.
  7. SUPER M


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  8. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I was bored do I read the artifact list and you have it a bit wrong. Dez sold the space time braker(I think so atlest, I got gold for it) not loaned it to rykos, he loned the pendant
  9. SUPER M


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    That's not the only thing HM got wrong ...
  10. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    Yes, I do regularly screw up. That is an established fact.

    I'll fix it once I'm off mobile
  11. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    (this is one of those bump things i think)
  12. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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  13. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I'll just do this once a week I guess. xD
  14. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Every Sunday I suppose.
  15. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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  16. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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  17. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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  18. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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  19. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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  20. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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