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Community Event 100 Stacks Giveaway (ended)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Dalarn, Feb 15, 2018.

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  1. Dalarn

    Dalarn Useless content

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    I already gave you 8 stacks mythic wise already xD.
  2. Frozenman

    Frozenman The guy, who dropped his AZ

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    I'm not complaining xd. Good luck for others :D
  3. Dalarn

    Dalarn Useless content

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    I was perfectly clear. The time before the matrix and the time during it
  4. dead zeffe

    dead zeffe Guest

    I love when this « giveaway » hides just ur lazyness to do ur homework.
    Love it
    (Btw this giveaway is too Annoying to enter lmao)
    Pom likes this.

    DJTHEDIAMONDPIG Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    for the 50 stacks 500 word essay, ok here we go, and yes I am going to do it as a comment because I don't know how to do it any other way.

    Section 1: the theory. Us, humans, the most intelligent lifeform, well some of us are dumber than a dog. We live here on earth, our home, the only planet discovered to have life, but is it the only one to have had life ever? We could have possibly started on another planet so far advanced in technology we could stop time itself! But where did it all go? Well, while the past humans on that earth like planet, we'll call is zearth because it sounds cool, started from scratch we think we did too but we might be rong. As the past humans were partying on zearth celebrating the discovery of earth, a meteor started heading for them, but not any meteor, a rouge planet! A rouge planet and a planet that is launched away by its previous star. With no way to stop it they had two shuttles capable to reaching earth, they sent one man and one female, ages unknown. After a few years on those shuttles they arrived here, barely surviving off the plentiful food on them. But how does this all fit together in one masterful conspiracy, and yet a theory. NASA has discovered a planet about 15 years of space travel away with 2 planets in its orbit, one of them far away from its sun to support life and the right size, and the second could be the rouge planet that hit it. this might make some of you question if this is real! Well if earth is billions of years old this could be the proof of it. But what happened to the shuttles? Obvious answerer, they decomposed. Another question you might ask is "what about us evolving from apes or monkeys?" well there isn't any total proof of that, just a couple bones that they THINK are human/monkey. section 2: the proof that supports. Like I had mentioned earlier (if you didn't read this go back and reread this essay) NASA has discovered a planet in the "goldilocks zone" where a planet is the right distance away from its sun to not evaporate all water or freeze all water. They have a plan to launch satellites to take pictures of it in 2020-2050. They believe they will reach their fifteen-thirty years after launch. If this is true and that planet is where humans started it is the perfect distance away from a human to grow up and land here and start repopulating on this planet. And with advanced technology, zearth's space craft could reach earth in ten years, enough time for a 10 year old to reach age twenty and know how to survive on a new planet and repopulate. The only way this theory can be confirmed is by farther examination on those two planets. Section 3: the proof that doubts this. I'm just going to make a list, the Bible, we have never seen any actual proof, there is no way to tell the planets orbit around their sun to see if it is in the goldilocks zone exactly but we can make an educated guess, and all in between. Section 4: conclusion. In the end this is a theory, and a theory is a theory until proven true and made a law. Much like Einstein's general theory of relativity has not been proved. That is all I have to say and the NASA stuff is true. I hope this is convincing and I did my research on a few things. if you made it this far in the essay then give yourself a round of applause and a pat on the back because I think I have wasted my time. All in All (again) thank you for reading, this has been DJTHEDIAMONDPIG, signing out.

    I hope the essay theme didn't change, it used to be something about the matrix.
  6. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    I want to win because I am poor, I am grateful for everything I have been given. (including being banned)
    If humans evolved from another planet and came here, it would probably mean the end of all life in this current galaxy, mostly because of the idea that those who have already gotten to the point of galaxy colonization are probably going because they need other ways to support their civilization. This would also mean we have passed a barrier of being sentient towards others, which is an idea of how we all will end up killing each other, like how we have nuclear weapons with a push of a button. This would also mean NASA has gotten to a point where travel between systems is possible, which would require much thinking and technology, the closest habitable planets known to us are over 4 light years away. This would also be incredible, as humans should come to an end at some point. We also used to think that we were just the bigger part of the universe, the center, but we are just a couple million years in many billion years. There are billions of stars to visit, diseases to cure, video games to play, and not enough time. If there was only one shot at life humans should only do what makes them feel good. If it is working together to build a galactic empire, it means we are far ahead of the barrier. Of course, this should mean nothing, as in the end, the world will come to an end somehow, and there is just nothing we can do, because it is the nature of things. If we must we can always think of new ways to live our lives, to the best, but humanity will come to an end somehow, one way or another. Our empire would fall, and we wouldn't be able to do anything about it, but we always keep looking forward, because we know that there is something else to do, another journey to take, another thought to be turned into reality. Those are the game changers, the people who brought us from monkeys in the jungle eating bananas to intellectual hoarded of property that can express the world in so many ways. From Socrates to Stephen Hawking, we step forth to understand the world in infinite possibilities. Our only limit, is what is what we think. If there is a way to get around it (which there always will) we will take it. If there is a faster way to do it, we will do it that way. If humans have gotten that far, we will have learned to adapt so quickly that our existence could be removed and then revived in an instance, and we wouldn't even care about it for one single bit. We are just a bunch of atoms making up compounds, making up some weird things called organic materials, making up cells, which make up tissues, which make up organs, which make up organ systems, which make up organisms, which make up populations, which make up communities, which make up ecosystems, which make up biomes, which make up planets, which make up systems, which make up galaxies, which make up clusters, which make up super clusters, which make up the observable universe.

    This is of course, from an optimistic nihilism standpoint.

    Our eyes see 2 pictures, just stacked on top of each other. This is because we have 2 eyes. Our senses as we know it can only experience a fraction of the world.

    Matrices are just an array of objects arranged in a grid.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
  7. Chove

    Chove IGN: Chove

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    #2 20 stack giveaway
    im grateful for everything that i have |i want to win because im very poor and need money for a mythic D:
  8. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    do this on weekend lol
  9. Avidify

    Avidify 10 > 50 stacks of LE in 1 month || Pricechecker CHAMPION

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    1. Quite interesting videos o.o

    2. Id like to win this giveaway because it would help me out in purchasing a Spring to make the dual strati/Spring build ive been thinking about making, but cant afford a Spring atm, And I am grateful for this giveaway, and friends family etc.

    3. Well I dont have that many screenshots, but i did find this from a long time ago between me and you xD

    Oh, and its sad to see you go. I can remember seeing you around for quite a long time lmao.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018

    DJTHEDIAMONDPIG Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    reply if you agree with me, I've wasted my life writing this on the forums and not for a school project
  11. Hero-of-SBSG

    Hero-of-SBSG Shy Guy exploring wynncraft HERO

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    Can I take 30 stax please?
  12. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    These are the videos that really make you think, I believe most of what they say to be true, but I feel like i'm not the one to do what they want me to do.
    Honestly I just want to win this giveaway because with all this money I can do all the fun things I want to do. Like have all the mythic daggers and make builds and try legendary island or fun challenges.
    This is going to sound pretty generic, but my family. My family is the only reason i'm able to be here right now, in a comfy house with a full stomach and a laptop to play games on. My family is the source of everything that i'm grateful for, because without them I wouldn't have all the things I have now to be grateful for in the first place.

    for some reason the forums wont let me post pictures so https://imgur.com/a/KTnMs
  13. NamesAreHard

    NamesAreHard Mage Enthusiast (She/He/They) CHAMPION

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    because im poor and want things while putting minimal effort into getting those things
    my family, memes, net neutrality, video games, the fact that im homeschooled
    does my signature count?
  14. Infinite

    Infinite God-Level Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Entering for number 2

    Before I say anything I just have to acknowledge your generosity to the community, 100 stacks is quite the profit. Im not sucking up i'm just stating the obvious, and that channel *sigh* Interesting to say the least.

    Now for why I want to win this giveaway. Obviously more all the lonely and poor potato merchants in the game. Also because I have been making a pretty decent mage build and I just need Gaia to top it off, and right now I do not have the money. I know there are probably some people out there that need the money more than I do (Unlikely) but that won't stop me from dreaming. Also because i'm the only gosh darn one who capitalizes their Is and puts these things: '

    Right now I am grateful for this Tier IV loot chest taking so fcking long so I could write this, my family for supporting me <-- obvious and for having watched so many movies and T.V series that I am able to make absurd references to shows and movies people haven't even heard of. Also because of my holy playlist of all the best 80s songs.

    I don't see how I can make this better than just any other one so I guess i'll put a gavel meme xD

    For the conversation:
    Salted and the 5000 potion scam of the 420st century.jpeg

    And for the gavel meme...
    Gavel, hah, more like... ... Bagel hah, hah hah....jpeg
  15. SlyamPoetry

    SlyamPoetry dedicated pikotaro fan!!!!! CHAMPION

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    50 stacks giveaway entry:

    Long before the Forerunners existed Gods roamed the Milky Way. These were the Precursors, a civilization that had reached the theoretical ceiling of the technological advancement scale. They could traverse the spaces between galaxies and accelerate the evolution of life, seemingly on a whim.

    The Precursors upheld the concept of the Mantle, which stated that "Guardianship for all living things lies with those whose evolution is most complete". Though others would uphold this belief after they were gone, the Precursors took it further than anyone else before or since. They believed that the entire universe was living, but in a way that was beyond the comprehension of biological organisms. The Precursors felt that the Mantle extended to the entire universe, including energy and matter. This was the conceit behind 'neural physics', upon which all of their technology was based.

    The Precursors created all the other races in our galaxy. Each race they created, they tested to see if it was worthy of carrying the Mantle. If it was not the Precursors would eliminate their creation and try again. One such attempt occurred on the planet Ghibalb, where the race that would come to be known as the Forerunners was born. But the Forerunners failed their test.

    Slated for oblivion, the Forerunners learned of their creators' plans for them and rose up against their makers. They seized the Mantle for themselves and the surviving Precursors fled from the Milky Way, passing into myth (how the Forerunners managed to win a war against Gods is unknown).

    The Forerunners prospered, and the comforting lies they told themselves about being the rightful holders of the Mantle were accepted as fact. They did not realize that before their defeat the Precursors had created one last potential heir - humanity.

    As of 110,000 B.C., prehistoric humanity was a spacefaring race on par with the Forerunners. Human colonists stumbled upon a ruined world at the edge of known space. Here they found an ancient stasis capsule containing a hibernating being they dubbed 'the Primordial'. It was brought to a vast arena on Charum Hakkor for study. Humanity discovered a way to rouse the being and even converse with it for short periods of time. It self-identified as the last living Precursor. Although its responses were mostly confused and unintelligible, we came to regard the thing as an oracle of sorts, coming to it for guidance and a greater understanding of existence.

    We encountered the Flood parasite before the Forerunners. It ravaged our empire and spread out across our worlds, infectiously taking hold of everything in its path. In this hour of need we consulted our oracle. What it told us was so horrifying that those humans present committed suicide under the weight of the revelation. Soon the humans were defeated by the Forerunners and devolved back into the Stone Age, and our knowledge about the truth of the Flood's nature was lost. It turned on the Forerunners next and their military commander, the Didact, waged war with it for 300 years. Eventually the Forerunners exhausted all other options and fired the Halo Array, killing themselves in the process. The chief lifeworker of the Forerunners and wife of the Didact, the Librarian, has a soft spot for us and leaves us with 'Reclaimer' status, meaning Forerunner technology will only answer to humans in a post-Forerunner Milky Way.

    this is the halo storyline but that storyline is pretty interesting and it took me a while to think of it

    20 stacks giveaway entry:

    What's up with that guy's V-neck and widow's peak

    I have like 10le and I desperately need money to get some actual build startup
    I'm grateful for the fact that some people trust me and offer to lend me their mythics, and my current standings. I'm also grateful for a glass of orange juice.

    Last edited: Feb 18, 2018
  16. HueTheColors

    HueTheColors This journey is for you Adomorn HERO

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    1. I like the videos it's hot af. Like the guy is just advertising the shit out of that. But he is lowkey fucking thicc.
    2. I'm grateful for all my parents have done for me and stuff, and I'm deadass being serious of this lmao. What I want to do with the money, is start an investment. It's like what my mom once told me. "You can't do nothing unless you do homework."
    Oh and I want it cause I want to get rich and I knew you for like 1 year dad.
    3. Here's me roasting an Egirl.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2018
  17. Diero

    Diero Diero HERO

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    Why i want to win this giveaway: I like money!
    Things i'm grateful for: Actually having a mythic
  18. PotatoShaga

    PotatoShaga Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I'm grateful for being alive, which is rarer then finding a shiny Mewtwo and mythic
    I'm not sure ingame for wynncraft, but I got this while playing on mineplex

    Attached Files:

  19. CRE2525

    CRE2525 The trade market is a cruel place VIP

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    I didn't 100% follow these guidelines, but I hope you still accept this fictional paper/essay thing I wrote. Enjoy!

    My entry to the 50 stack giveaway:

    Throughout the galaxy, humans originating from a planet several light years away began the search. The search for a habit, one that would replace the old. They resembled the way current society functions- if they took the same road to their technological state as us, it is not known. What is known is that they stumbled upon Gliese-581G. Temperate and stable, the planet was inhabitable; however, unlike the humans of today, these people could not survive with such ease. Getting to the planet would be a challenge, surviving there would truly test their strength and ingenuity.

    What was to be done was to aid themselves with evolution- the way that they had brought themselves to the point they had already achieved. The human anatomy was developed; something natural selection had designed meticulously to perform the aspects which make up life itself. The human embryo was the key. Within a species, when an embryo is produced, it becomes more and more complex as it advances towards being born. The humans were to exploit this- use the undeveloped embryo as the habitants which would forge humanity in the frontier of the planet we now live upon- to evolve into a species designed by nature to survive. The process was difficult: it took decades to develop the ultimate pioneer. The pioneer built with the ability to evolve to the ecosystem that was deemed impossible for humanity.

    Finally, the embryos were sent. It took many years. In five separate expeditions, they left the planet; each with a separate course, in hopes that at minimum one would arrive. The people of the planet embraced the victory, the victory that they believed meant the survival of the human race; however, the ideas of Gliese-581G were cast aside as decades passed during the travel. It soon became a memory. It was in this time where the these humans become mystery. Something happened. Today, scientists to students theorize their demise, although that is a completely different topic to the paper you are reading now.

    On the planet, some centuries after its take off, a ship collided with R-986 and was obliterated. All embryos were killed. Fortunately, somewhere between five and ten years later, a second ship touched down safely. The embryos, designed to evolve to suit this foreign ecosystem, began their perilous journey. Not much is known about the method of the embryos, or what they acted like, or what they did to survive, but what we deduce today is that natural selection was tough. Life was nasty, brutish, and short. Yet they persisted. The animalistic instinct to survive prevailed, and the history of the planet, and humanity as we know it, was born.

    As this paper is written, humanity has traveled back from where we originated. Our greatest achievement, of returning to our ancestors, was overcome. The team of scientists and explorers are currently on their journey throughout the planet where life itself was conceived. What they have already discovered is extraordinary: vast oceans, thriving organisms deemed “Class Planti” by the people who once flourished there, freezing poles and baking desserts, as well as structures and remnants of a past society. We hope to discover how the most complex aspect of our universe, life itself, originated. What questions will be answered? What questions will arise? It is yet to be revealed. Where we came from is an incredible place, which we are all fortunate to be experiencing in our time. What we will discover on “Earth” is yet to be seen, and our jump back to our roots may be humanity’s greatest leap of all.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
  20. China

    China you used to call me on ur banana VIP+

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    so basically there was this guy named geoge washinton and he was from the planet of bortron 7, he flew here in a big plane, and saw that the world was a huge ball. so then he said this strange planet looks like a ball! then he brought slaves from bortron 7 to occupy earth. but during this time, an evil scientist by the name of hitleer brainwashed all of the slaves including geoge washinton. geoge started america, and other influential peeple started other countries. but the council of bortron 7 was furious, so they sent an army of 7,000 weebs to fight hitleer, in the progress of this, anime spread thru the earth like ebola. soon millions of people became weebs and the war was ended. then the council of bortron 7 was extremely salty so they invented the dab to slowly kill the humans ( the now developed bortronian slaves ) the dab only ended up giving a lot of brain damage, not enough to kill humanity. bortron 7 still had 1 more weapon. they released a horrible epidemic that caused people to say "do you know da wae" and it was all generated off of red mice that made strange clicking noises and spit on people. this almost caused the end of humanity. humanity is now slowly growing stupider, as i speak, a man is losing thousands of brain cells watching a so-called "youtube video". up to today we are still being plagued by the horrible epidemics bortron 7 sends down to us! we must unite in order to defeat these wretched peeple! i believe in u and u and u! we will defeat the bortronian council! we must! we have to! yes we do! a great example of another epidemic was the ppap virus that they sent to us through youtube. it was a bortronian man dancing a strange dance while talking about pineapples and pens. another was the evil device "the hoverboard" which took many lives away from our beloved earth. now let's unite together to take the bortronians down!

    do you know da wae
    idc about the moneys this was simply a service to mankind!
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