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«rp» Fate's Eye [7/7] ~arc 3~

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    ''If the witch comes back I'm affraid to even think of the destruction'' Archibaud stops for a bit and quickly shakes his head to snap out of thinking ''Our oponents might have left but the attack might still be going on in the city. If we go aid the battle there might be less casualties''
  2. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I cover my mouth and cough blood on it, curling a little bit.
    Using the hand on the other side of where I was hit to take out my sword and slash the air with El Fula, aiming to cut the chains that are choking the dragon's neck.
  3. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    I leap towards another rooftop, running and jumping between houses.

    "How can you control so many at once? The strain should be killing you!"
  4. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Marcus swung his swords, slicing the first figure that came into vision in half. The other five leaped away from Marcus and came to circle around him, away from the swords' range.

    "Who are you?" Marcus growled. The figures did not answer.

    One of the figures took out a sai from beneath his cloak and leaned back. Marcus widened his eyes— and the man threw the weapon.
  5. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Marcus dives into a figure next to him, dodging the weapon due to it's obvious wind-up, and trying to cut up at least the legs of the figure he rams into.
  6. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    (You only have to use Fula, its smaller and uses less mana, and it can still cut the chains)

    Bellatrix is again pulled down towards Rathius. Angela's magic cut the chains around his snout, making them fall to the ground. Rathius started to lift his clawed hand over the Sin—

    "El Goa!"

    A huge burst of fire knocked Rathius back. Turning back, he saw Bellatrix standing up, laughing hard. She was the one who had done the magic.

    And then———

    "I'm ready."

    The Sin of «Sloth», who had been quiet up until now, spoke out loud. Bellatrix turned to her brother, then nodded. She turned back and looked at Rathius, Kayde, and Angela in turns.

    "Thank you for letting me experience love today. I'm sure we would meet again. Let's do this again when that happens, all right?"

    "Wait———!!!" Angela started to cry.

    Rigel opened his eyes — which were now glowing blue. He opened his mouth and....

    "Authority of Sloth. «Reset»."

    Rathius, Angela and Kayde did not feel anything. But through the whole city, «Sloth»'s Authority changed everything.

    "Goodbye, dragon boy." Rigel's eyes turned back to normal, and he grinned. He took hold of Bellatrix's sleeve, and they both took off, supported by the chains. They soon disappeared out of sight over the roofs. Rathius started to try and take off, but his wings were full of wings and too damaged to fly. So was Angela's wings.
    Izanami did not reply and was silent.

    Iza? Archibaud asked his spirit.

    Something's coming! Izanami suddenly screamed. A mind attack. I'll shield you—————

    And the whole atmosphere changed.

    Archibaud slowly opened his eyes. Nothing had changed in front of him. The whole area was messed up because of the fight with «Greed», but now that he was gone, there was nothing of a threat facing him.

    ....why? Izanami suddenly said in a trembling voice. There was a flash of light, and the scythe disappeared as Izanami materialised into her physical body. She took a few steps back from Archibaud, looking at him in horror.

    "What happened, Iza?" Archibaud asked, alarmed.

    Izanami shook her head, as if she couldn't believe the scene in front of her. "Why would you....."

    "Scythe Archibaud!" A new voice cried. Archibaud turned and saw a group of knights behind him. More knights appeared in front of him, surrounding him.

    "You are under arrest for bringing about the armed revolution, and attempted murder of the Current King Candidates and the Council of Elders!"

    "Ah— you see, this is the gift I received from the Witch. All witchfiends in this world belong to me! Ahaha!"

    Tyrinel rolled onto the roof and away from the oncoming worms which burrowed their heads into the ground.

    Rey raised a hand at Tyrinel, and Tyrinel readied his staff. That was when the atmosphere shifted.

    Tyrinel felt an enormous strain on his mind, and he cried out in pain. A powerful force was attacking his mind, trying to overwrite his memory—— And it was gone. He blinked, his sight swimming.

    "Oh, it already happened. I guess I should go now then." Rey said, and he clicked his fingers. The earthworms no longer came after Tyrinel.

    "Wait.... what did you do to me...." Tyrinel growled at the young boy. But before the Sin could respond, a purple 'gate' appeared.

    From there came out a plain-looking, black-haired youth. His eyes immediately caught Tyrinel, and he cocked his head.

    "Tyrinel Amir. Interesting— resistance to the miasma. That way you resisted «Sloth»'s Authority."

    "Shade!" Rey cried happily and went up to the youth. He looked down at the Sin and smiled.

    "Hello, Rey. And you're not supposed to call me by name in the open, not yet. Though that's not my real name anyway—" He turned a meaningful look at Tyrinel. "I guess we'll meet again, 'Purifier'." He then walked into the circular pocket in the air and disappeared.

    Rey looked back and grinned. "As Shade said, we'll meet again! I'll be waiting!" And «Gluttony» too, disappeared after the mysterious youth.
  7. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    Wait, do I still remember or not? Your wording was somewhat unclear.
  8. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    You remember. sorry
  9. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Rathius transforms back to normal. For a second he stands tall but soon after he falls to the ground, knocked out from the fight.
  10. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    ( Wings full of... wings? Just pointing that out )
    I try to stop the man's fall, holding him "Hey, hey are you alright?" I give his face weak slaps to bring his attention
    "Can you help me out here with your friend? He seems to be the worse." I ask the boy that just appeared from the dragon
  11. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "I'm confused, I was near the castle all the time why am I'm to blame for this? Im innocent just ask the candidates I was protecting them from a member of the witches cult"
  12. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Marcus cut the figure's legs, making them fall back with a cry. Marcus was put off on his pace as he heard the figure's cry; it belonged to a woman.

    Rolling, he went up to another figure and swung his swords. The figure somersaulted backwards, then pulled out two curved knives. He readied the knives, then rushed forwards at Marcus. And so did two other figures from behind.

    (I forgot to give you the spells for Earth magic.
    Dona: A chunk of earth rises into the air. Can be used as defence, for blocking sights, or for raising oneself up into the air.
    El Dona: The user can create pressure expand from whatever he's touching, such as from his weapon or from his own hand. Whatever El Dona works on explodes from inside.
    Ur Dona: Hard chunks of earth rises all around from the user, covering him in a large dome of about 10-meter diameter. Is quite durable.
    Al Dona: A type of geography control. The user can control chunks of earth to cause devastating damage.

    Marcus can use up to El Dona with ease. Ur Dona tires her. Al Dona can drain him completely.)
    Oops, sorry. That happens when I'm writing on auto-drive.....
    Tisaun likes this.
  13. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    He shouts, focused on where the figure in front of him will step. He also readies his swords for a spinning turn, expecting the knives of the figures behind him to be mostly stopped by his thick pelts.
  14. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Rathius grits his teeth and opens his eyes. "Damn it. Kayde!" He cried weakly, then staggered towards the knight on the ground.

    Kayde had passed out, and blood was seeping out even when it was frozen. Rathius seemed shocked at the knight's condition, and he was lost for words for a few seconds. "It's my fault... if I hadn't let him go out on his own, he wouldn't have...."

    Angela knelt to a nearest civilian lying on the ground with wounds from «Lust»'s Authority. "Are you okay?" She touched the woman's cheek, then widened her eyes in shock. The woman's cheek was without warmth. Her expression was frozen with her eyes wide open. She was dead.

    "No.... way....." Angela staggered back, looking at the group of almost a hundred civilians and knights. If they were all in the same condition, then———

    "Freeze right there!" A voice of a young man shouted. Turning, Angela saw a blue-haired youth in a bloody knight's costume standing in front of a whole group of royal guards and knights.

    "...Diabel?" Rathius muttered as he saw the blue-haired knight. Diabel lifted his palms, and a green spirit appeared. The orb of light shot towards Angela and Rathius— and bound them with a powerful force of wind.

    "Gah!?" "Ugh!" The two of them were painfully lifted into the air.

    "Good work, knight." A voice sounded from next to Diabel, and a single woman stepped forward. A green haired woman wearing a light armour stepped forward, next to Diabel. Her eyes widened at the sight of carnage, then turned an enraged glare at the two figures that were lifted into the air.

    "Now. How would you explain what you have done?" Said the King Candidate Estelle Belstain, in a freezing cold voice.
  15. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "Quit talking and get that knight to safety!" He says, pointing at Kayde.

    He looks at the knights and yells at them. "What are you idiots standing there?! Do something, dammit!"
    He starts to fill with rage.

    "I don't care what you do with me.. just get him to safety."
  16. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "Just ask the candidates? Then here I am, fool."

    With her shoes clicking against the stone pavement, a stunningly beautiful redheaded girl appeared from between the knights. The King Candidate of Arcuntar Kingdom, Tristia Felodore.

    "Witch's Cult? What nonsense are you sprouting? Without me, all of the other Candidates and the ludicrous Elders would be dead. Because you, Scythe, betrayed the Kingdom and attacked us." Tristia said, her eyes filled with anger.

    "What are you talking about!" Archibaud growled.

    Tristia lifted the fan she was holding and swung it through the air. "I am no longer talking. I won't leave traitors like you on these streets which will become mine."

    Sparks emerged from the fan, and an invisible force hit against Archibaud. The Scythe was knocked back far into the air before he hit the ground. He got up quickly, but he felt his body trembling slightly without his will. What's happening? He thought with gritted teeth. Tristia again swung her fan, and the invisible force hit Archibaud again.

    "Iza!" Archibaud cried and reached his hand for the spirit watching from the side. But there was no response. The spirit in form of a little girl was looking at the scene with horrified expression, not moving.

    "I would love to kill you here, Scythe." Tristia said in a low voice. "But for now, I shall bring you to the court for judgement."
  17. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "Hey, didn't you see the two Sins right there?! They did all this, you have to believe me!" I point with my head at the rough direction of where the two of them were, trying to get Estelle to believe me
    "This is just a big misundestanding, you shouldn't be here accusing us of things we didn't do, help the wounded!" I shout at the knights
  18. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    You feel dull pain in your backs as the knives stab into the pelts, but you aren't cut. The figure in front is sent flying off the roof(oops Dona wouldn't have worked because its on the roof but whatever), and you cut one of the figures behind you in half.

    There were two figures left. They saw that their allies were cut down in only a few seconds. They looked at each other, then turned and jumped off the roof to the main group. Looking at that direction, Marcus saw to his shock that the knights had been annihilated by the cloaked figures.

    Marcus has too choices; he can either chase the figures, or seek to get info from the woman whom he'd cut her legs.
  19. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    “Alright, asshole.”
    I turn to the woman, keeping the knives in my back, and go towards her.
    “What’re you tryina pull, here?”
  20. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Estelle looked at Angela and Rathius. "Says the traitors who had attacked them. But they're right— knights! Search for survivors, and heal them!"

    The knights save for Diabel and a few others all went to the crowd. Rathius saw at the corner of his vision one healing artist treat Kayde's wounds.

    "Now." Estelle turned back, and glared at Angela. "Angela Serafina. I don't know of what nonsense you're sprouting about Sins or whatnot."

    "Please— believe me..."

    She turned back to Diabel. "Please release the girl."

    Diabel hesitated, then released Angela. She fell weakly to the ground. Estelle walked up to Angela, and the seraph looked up towards her master. Then—

    Estelle brought down her palm, slapping Angela across her cheek so hard, it made her fall to the side with a pained cry.

    "Please do not taint my reputation with mud more than this, Angela Serafina." Estelle said with a shaking voice. "I give you a day off— and you go off bringing about a massacre on innocent people. I have no reason to talk to you— I banish you from the Belstain house. The court will decide on your punishment." The young woman turned. "Though I'm sure the punishment will be death."
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