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«rp» Fate's Eye [7/7] ~arc 3~

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Maybe. Izanami sounded tense. But we have no ways to get close to that man...

    yeah, I know. We just have to keep him pushing.
    Archibaud readied his scythe.

    Greed grinned at Archibaud's motion. "Yes, I love this. Come at me—!"

    "Yaah!" Archibaud kicked off the ground and shot towards Rikuld, and at the same time the Sin shot his greatswords at the Scythe. But before they could make contact—————

    "Al Jama!"

    Everything— from Archibaud, to the greatswords, to Rikuld— everything stopped time. A second passed, then two— and everything started moving again.

    The freezing of time caused all moving things to lose momentum, causing the greatswords to fall to the ground and the two of them stumbling forward.

    What? What happened? Archibaud looked around— and realised that a figure was standing between him and «Greed».

    He was an ordinary looking man, with short black hair and sharp eyes. He wore a simple black cloak around him, as well as a plain looking sword on his back.

    Everything seemed ordinary about him— he had no fighting stance, no particular aura emitted from him which Archibaud could sense from really strong individuals. He didn't feel like a threat at all.

    However, Archibaud found the man extremely eerie and odd. Something was different about this man. His existence just felt weird.

    Rikuld was glowering behind the black-haired youth. "Why are you here, now of all times...?"
    A part of the roof broke.

    There were screams of pain as debris fell down on the defenseless crowd beneath the hole made. And from the holes, about a dozen bat-like creatures size of a human being came inside the shelter, screeching and flapping their wings violently.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2018
  2. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Marcus Rogul
    51 years old

    Race: Human

    Occupation: Hunter

    Appearance: He’s covered in layers of coats and pelts that give his body a bear-like appearance. His face is usually painted in greens and browns.

    Equipment: Several fur coats and pelts, longbow and arrows, two shortswords, pounds of meat from different animals, several water canteens, small hunting knife

    Abilities: Stealth, tracking, shooting with bow, dual-wielding with swords

    Magic: Earth Magic

    Divine Blessing: None

    Info: Marcus is an old hunter with less skin on his body than pelt on his back. He knows his way around forests, and mainly comes to towns to sell meat.
  3. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "Iza looks like we can get out while he's distracted by this man"
  4. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "I'll let you here for a second, 'kay?" I tell Kayde, carefully letting him lay down on the floor.
    As the dragon breathes fire to create a distraction, I quickly take out my bow and send arrows in the direction of the Sin, trying to shoot at the her arms in a place I can at least slow down her movements
  5. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I conjure a bow and arrow.
  6. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    I use my staff to cast a thick cloud of spores into the air above me, hoping not only to hinder the fiends to obscure their vision.

    Once I have some measure of cover, I experimentally try to siphon away some of Gluttony's miasma.
  7. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Rathius appeared out of the fire and attacked with his claws down at Bellatrix. Her chains crossed over each other in front of her, creating a shield that took Rathius's attack full on. Two chains deflected Angela's arrows from behind the fire shield skilfully, as if they had consciousness of their own.

    She dispersed all her chains, then slashed them down together. They hit Rathius's body, some managing to cut through his hard scales. Rathius aimed his head so that his attack didn't hit the people, then released a burst of inferno. But———

    "I'm sorry. All right? This had to be done."

    Bellatrix suddenly disappeared in front of Rathius, and he realised she was an illusion made by «Sloth». That meant—

    A large impact hit against Rathius's flank. He felt a bone crack inside him, and there was a huge pain in his stomach. Turning, he saw Bellatrix next to him, holding up her fist. The woman had punched him with inhuman power.

    And behind Rathius—–

    "Guh!" Angela stumbled over, feeling a huge impact and deep pain in her side. She felt blood rise up her throat, and some of her bones cracking. She realised that she hadn't told the dragon about «Lust»'s authority. He didn't know that others were affected when «Lust» herself or other were wounded.
    Alright, I don't have much to change about your character. Would you like a background or not, I don't mind either.

    Anyway, starting your character off.....

    "Dona!" A chunk of earth rose from beneath the old hunter's feet, raising him up into the air. From there he jumped onto a roof of a house, and examined the scene.

    In the Capital of Arcuntar Kingdom, there were chaos all around. No civilian walked on the streets— everyone had evacuated. He saw smoke rising from various places around the town. Apparently the biggest damage done was to the northern part of the city: a simultaneous invasion of witchfiends, resulting in heavy casualties in both royal guards and civilians alike.

    Marcus had entered the Capital from the West gate, and were trading for meat with a merchant when the alert went on effect. He had hid himself an alley using his stealth skills until things seemed to calm down, and then came outside to get an understanding of the situation.

    He sighed out deeply. Suddenly, his unusually high hearing picked up a hushed conversation and shuffling footsteps. He lowered his body on the roof, then peered down.

    A few figures clad completely in black cloaks moved down the empty market. Some of them went into shops and stole a few goods, putting them into pouches they held.

    Robbers? Marcus thought. But they seem to be working in a group. There are at least thirty of them. And to go around when the city is on crimson alert....

    They were suspicious.
    ....Yeah.... Izanami answered uncertainty. Honestly, I don't like the strange feeling that youth is emitting. Something's seriously up with him.

    "Why are you here, now of all times....?" Rikuld Kavenhaitos growled at the black-haired youth.

    He turned back and glared at the Sin. "«Greed». This is no time to be playing around. We are leaving."

    Rikuld scoffed. "Don't interrupt me. Or else...."

    "Else what? You can't kill me, and you know that." The youth said in a quiet tone. "I've let «Pride» escape already. «Wrath» had finished her job, and now the Sword Saint is heading back. Even you won't stand a chance against that monster, do you?"

    Greed bared his teeth, then turned with a snort. "—ha. Alright, I'll do what you say for now."

    The youth sighed exasperatedly, and shook his head. "Honestly."

    He then turned to Archibaud, and again Archibaud was assaulted by the same weird feeling.

    "Scythe Archibaud." He cocked his head to the side. "We, the Witch's Order, will retreat for now. You—" He blinked. "I see. You won't forget. Well, whatever. I'm not like «Pride» or «Lust» in letting 'favourites' live, but I'll ignore you for now. I feel like we're going to meet again."
  8. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Marcus stalks them, sticking to the rooftops, and trying to make as little noise as possible.
  9. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The bats swooped down at the screaming crowd. Just then—

    Blue light flashed from around James, and a glowing horn came out from his forehead. The mana in the atmosphere started to form into ice crystals that slowly floated into the air. Ice in shape of arrows appeared all around James, and he aimed them at the witchfiends.

    What should I do.... If I knock these creatures down, they are going to land on the crowd. James thought.

    Remember: You can conjure/form anything with ice.
    There were pained cries of the vulture creatures above Tyrinel as their eyes were hit by the poison.

    Tyrinel, moving inside the thick cloud of gas he had created, started to siphon away Rey's miasma. But.....

    "What is this boy...?" Tyrinel had to stop, and he murmured in surprise. The boy's body was filled with miasma— an infinite supply, coming out of something dark embedded into his soul. There was no way Tyrinel could suck out all that miasma out.

    "Ahaha! A poison user! Your powers are good in dealing against my Authority, right! Aha, this is fun!" Rey cried from somewhere in the cloud of gas that had covered the entire area.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2018
  10. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    I muse, "Hmm... very interesting. How did the witch embed so much miasma in your soul without obliterating you?"

    I wait for him to start to respond, then use the sound of his voice to try and pinpoint his location and throw my poisoned dagger.
  11. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    As Marcus followed them, he noticed that every figure wore gloves on their hands, and there was a white symbol marked on it.


    An organisation...? Marcus thought as he watched.

    Suddenly, he saw that the cloaked figures had stopped in their paths. In front of them were about a dozen knights, who seemed to have noticed the cloaked men.

    "Who are you!?" One of the knights shouted, and they readied their swords.

    Even though these cloaked men have larger numbers, their opponents are knights. There are no way—

    The cloaked men suddenly started dashing at the knights at full speed. In their hands gleamed various weapons like kunai, sai, short daggers, etc.

    Attached Files:

  12. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Marcus takes out his bow and steadily takes aim, trying to sneakily pick off some of the cloaked figures with arrows to the backs.
  13. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "Aha, you see, it's a gift! They're gifts all of us have, given by the Witch of Envy!"

    Witch of Envy? Does he mean the Jealous Witch? Tyrinel thought, but he didn't hesitate.

    "You're there!" He threw his dagger, and it shot straight at where the boy sounded.

    A second passed, then two. The cloud of gas started dispersing as its effect started to wear off.

    The form of Rey became visible a few meters away from Tyrinel. He narrowed his eyes at the unbelievable scene in front of him.

    Rey had opened his mouth wide and had caught the dagger between his sharp teeth. He had skillfully done so so that the poison didn't touch the inside of his mouth and his teeth. Slowly he grabbed at the hilt and pulled the dagger out of his mouth.

    The boy grinned. "That was nicely done. Almost got me there! Ahaha!"
  14. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    "Hm. I'll be wanting that back. And no, that was not my permission to throw it back at me."

    "Now, then. I get the feeling that you're stalling. Waiting for something..."

    "The giant worm!" I realize, suddenly.

    I look for the swiftest path that will get me off of the ground. As I do so, I take out and drink a potion to enhance agility.
  15. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    He growled at Lust, who was standing next to him.
    He waited for her to use her chains again, and when she does, he'll try to bite right through them.
  16. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I say to the youth "Who are you?"
  17. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Markus shot three figures down at the back before some others noticed his presence. The rest, about twenty of them went off to fight the knights, while six cloaked figures turned direction towards Marcus.

    The cloaked figures clashed with the knights, moving around with surprisingly high agility and slashing with their close-range weapons at open guards. The knights fought back valiantly, but it was clear who would win.

    Marcus dropped his bow onto the ground and drew his two swords. And the figures appeared before him on the roof, having jumped up extremely high up.
    "Awww, boring. You noticed." «Gluttony» muttered quietly.

    And the ground exploded. Five earthworms rose into the air, then targeted their heads at the house where Tyrinel was. He gritted his teeth and jumped off before the entire house was obliterated by the witchfiends.
    Bellatrix flung her chains at Rathius's face, but the dragon bit down into them, catching them.

    The Sin stumbled forward, then looked up at Rathius— and grinned with her eyes.

    "Goooot you."

    The chains wrapped all around Rathius's snout, clapping his mouth shut. The chains continued circling around him until his neck, and started choking him. Bellatrix spread her arms and started laughing out loud happily.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2018
  18. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "I have no obligation or right to tell you my name right now." The boy shrugged and raised his hands in an apologetic manner. "I'm sure the next time we meet, I'll be able to name myself, Archibaud."

    "Come on, get going." Rikuld said in a deep voice behind the youth. He sighed and shook his head.

    "You're the one staying here even after everything's done, fighting an opponent you don't have to. God damnit." Rikuld only snorted at this. The youth then raised his hand, and purple light shimmered.

    "Al Limak!"

    The light started to circle in the air, slowly forming an empty pocket in the air. Rikuld sent a look at Archibaud. "We'll meet again, Scythe." He then without hesitation walked into the pocket— and disappeared.

    The youth turned and bowed. "Until we meet again." He then walked into the magical circle, leaving an evil grin. The magic slowly faded and dispersed into mana.

    Archibaud sighed in relief, and at the same time, found that his hands were slightly shaking. He grasped them together and shook his head.

    Iza? Archibaud asked the silent Spirit in his consciousness.

    .....That magic he used, Al Jama and Al Limak, that's Shadow magic. Izanami suddenly said. Not any kind of witch magic that «Greed» was using, but simple magic.

    Shadow magic? I thought that affinity was mostly useless other than causing debuffs.

    It is. Jima and Limak, as well as most of powerful spells Shadow and Light magic have, is supposed to be lost 400 years ago during the Age of Witches.

    Wait wait wait.
    Archibaud shook his head. That's impossible. That means....

    Yes, it might be that he is more than 400 years old. But that's not the worst scenario. There might be a chance, somebody extremely strong and more than 400 years old supporting this 'Witch's Order' behind the scenes. If that's true, then it's no joke. An order that works for the sealed Witch, with people from the Age of Witches controlling the strings. There's a real threat that the Witch— the worst calamity that destroyed a third of the world— might come back again.
  19. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Marcus stays where he is and crouches down low, prepared to spring and slash at the guts of the first figure to come towards him.
  20. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "I got you." He thinks to himself.
    He gives a mean look at the Sin and lifts his head. He then rapidly starts to spin his head, taking the sin with him.
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