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Guide An In-depth Guide To Making A Suggestion

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by euouae, Jan 13, 2018.


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  1. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP

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    Have a good idea for a dungeon? A quest? Or a new gameplay aspect? Post it in General Suggestions! See what everybody else says!
    Remember, that even the best suggestions might not get into the game.

    I had no idea where to put this. If I put it in the wrong section tell me

    Now, on the actual guide. This will be seperated into many sections:
    Section 1: General Information
    Section 2: Quest Suggestions
    Section 3: Dungeon Suggestions
    Section 4: Landscape Suggestions
    Section 5: Gameplay Suggestions
    Section 6: Cosmetic Suggestions
    Section 7: Website Suggestions
    Section 8: Class Suggestions

    1.1: Making the Suggestion Descriptive
    It's important to make your suggestion descriptive, or else lots of people will end up being like "add more information!" or "Have you even read 'How to Suggest'?" (Speaking of 'How to Suggest', take a look at that). To prevent it from being bombarded from these remarks, here are some tips.

    1. Is your suggestion a vague idea or specific summary? If it is vague, it has to be more descriptive.
    2. If your suggestion include item quantities, have you specified exactly how much?
    3. If your suggestion contains enemies, have you specified their basic theme and basic idea?
    All in all, just try to make your suggestion specific.

    1.2: Handling Feedback
    When someone gives you feedback, positive or negative, you need to know the basics.
    1. Say or express your thanks for giving feedback.
    2. That's really it.
    1. Say or express your thanks for giving feedback.
    2. Disagree with them and tell them your counterarguments for their remarks (in a civilized and non-hostile way) or agree with them and tell them you agree.
    3. Avoid starting a flame war, even if the feedback giver gives the feedback with a bad connotation.

    1.3: How to Give Feedback
    Not only can you help handle feedback, but when viewing others suggestions, you can help view the feedback.
    I have a format I mostly follow when I give feedback.

    1: Presentation
    Did the suggester avoid walls of text?
    Did the suggester organize everything in a satisfying way?
    Is the suggestion easy to read?
    Are there any grammatical errors?
    Do formats and colors help organize the suggestion? Or make it worse?

    2: Content
    Is the content well thought-out?
    Has the content been suggested before?
    Is the content of quality? (With your opinion)

    3: Realism
    Does this idea fit in with Wynncraft?
    Does this idea make sense?
    Does this idea fit in with lore?
    Does this idea relate to anything in Wynncraft?

    4: Implementation
    Is this idea easy to implement in-game?
    Is this idea worth implementing?
    Why should this idea be implemented?

    1.4: Good and Bad Feedback
    I will finish off this section with the good and bad feedback. (@hot_meme reminded me)

    Hey, your idea is pretty good! I like it so far, however, you could improve [Comment]

    I think you could tweak some stuff a bit, like [Comment] and [Comment]. Nice job though!

    I can see where you are going, however, I don't think this should be added, because [Comment], but I think it could work.

    Add more detail bruh

    Dude you suck at making suggestions you didn't even do [Comment]

    I hate this suggestion.

    1.5: Adding a Poll
    Add a poll! This will show the viewer's opinions on your topic. It's recommended to have these poll options:

    Yes (+1 Support)
    Yes, but a bit of tweaking (+0.5 Support)
    Maybe (+0.5 Support)
    No (+0 Support)

    You can edit the options a bit, but make them mean the same.

    1.6: Counting Support
    If you did the support option above, try to count the support to make your idea more appealing. I'll give examples. Get ready to do a bit of math. I may do some mistakes, tell me.

    Imagine this scenario:

    93 People answered Yes
    28 People answered Yes, but with tweaking
    5 People answered Maybe
    7 People answered No

    What is the total support if 133 people did the poll?

    Define your Variables (said math teacher)

    t=Tweak a Bit
    S=Total Support

    Obviously, the equation will be S=y+0.5t+0.5m (no n because +0 support).

    In this case, the total support will be 93+14+2.5, equaling 109.5. This is 109.5 support.


    Basically, divide the total support by the amount of people doing the poll.

    Define your Variables (Said same math teacher)

    S=Total Support
    n=People Who did the Poll
    P=Percentage Support

    So, P=S/n. In this case, percentage support would be P=109.5/133.
    Use an online calculator. In this case, it gave me 0.823308271. Round to the nearest hundredth (or thousandth). It's going to be %82 percent support.

    2.1: Examples of Good Suggestions
    I'm going to start off this section with the good quest suggestions I've seen.

    Moons Light
    by @WynnBeenix
    The Deathly Orchestra
    by @CraterHater

    2.2: Avoiding Fetch
    Some quests in Wynncraft are infamous for being extremely fetchy. Because of this, the quests are mildly disliked. To avoid fetch in your suggestions, avoid "Okay! Can you get me [Some of an item]?" If the NPC needs something, make a better way to present it. Like, "I had this item, but [So and so] stole it, Im afraid you must fight them to get it back." or "I heard there is an item at [Location], but it looks like it is on a large plateau. You have to get up somehow."

    2.3: Making the Lore Realistic and Fluent
    No one likes a quest with either mixed up lore or really slow lore. To prevent this, think of this idea. Does this lore make sense? Is the lore special/exciting? Is the lore progressing at the right speed? @captainganon also mentioned avoiding quests that tie in deeply with existing lore or can have potentially large effects on the world, because "a) the lore is in a big mess right now and b) the main plot should be left up to those creating the entirety of it, without random bits thrown in by everyone else."

    2.4: Writing the Suggestion in Quest Notation

    Do this:

    [NPC]: Text
    Avoid this:
    Ok, then [NPC] says [Text]

    Do this:
    [Quest Completed!]
    [Quest Name]
    [Reward 1]
    [Reward 2]

    Avoid this:
    After you complete the quest, you get this stuff.

    Why quest notation? Because it makes the viewers more able to read it.
    2.5: NPC Characteristics
    It's important to give each NPC their own life, not just like a blank, expressionless, being. You can do this with connotation. For example,

    1: Hey, what little brat dares to go on my property! Get off right this instant!
    2: Get off my lawn.

    You can notice in the good one, the NPC clearly has a personality, showing that they are quite mean. You can also add intentional spelling mistakes to show their personality even more.
    2.6: Pulling it All Together
    Time to pull all the things in this section together!

    THE NPC: The NPC is best when there are multiple, and each one has a clear personality, projected through their connotations.
    THE INTERACTIONS: The interactions are best when they are non-fetchy, and has parkour, puzzle, and combat.
    THE LORE: The lore mixes well with original lore, and doesn't go too deep.

    This is my grade rubric for the great quest suggestions.


    A: NPCs have split personalities, clear grammar, the quest has multiple, fun interactions, and the lore mixes in well with the original lore, and does not mess up the main story. The presentation is in Quest Notation, and has rare/no grammar mistakes (excluding intended ones).

    B: NPCs have personalities, but not as obvious. The quest is fun, but can be fetchy at some times. The lore makes sense, but sometimes goes too deep. Some of the quest is in Quest Notation, with some grammar mistakes (excluding intended ones).

    C: NPCs have personalities that hard to notice. The quest is fun, but can be fetchy at some times. The lore sometimes does not make sense, and the presentation is simply just rows of text.

    D: NPCs are too ordinary, with barely any personality. The quest is very fetchy. The lore does not make sense, and the presentation is a wall of text. Somewhat, the quest could work though.

    F: NPCs have no personality. The quest is all just a very not-fun series. The lore makes absolutely no sense. The presentation is a wall of text, or a series of sentences.

    3.1: Examples of Good Dungeon Suggestions
    Like above, lets start with some good suggestions.

    Virulent Void
    By @Dark5010

    3.2: The Location and Theme
    First of all, you need to know where to put your dungeon. It's recommended to put it somewhere where no other dungeons are. Mostly in Gavel. The theme depends on where you are. For example, Dark5010 put his dungeon in the Sky Islands. Therefore, he based his dungeon on void. It's recommended that your dungeon theme relates to a problem in that biome. For example, if you put your dungeon in the Kander Forest, the theme could be about decay.
    3.3: The Stages
    Now, this is where you have to take your creativity to the next level. Using your location and theme, think of the stages. Remember, each dungeon can have:

    A Parkour Stage
    A Combat Stage
    A Puzzle Stage
    A Boss

    However, like @CookedPelvis said, you can't limit your imagination to these few stage types. Think about it! If my kander forest dungeon had a parkour segment, would it be hopping on decayed trees, or jumping on areas that don't have decay? This part is all up to you. I'll see you later, when you are done planning/revising, come back and look at Step 3.4.
    3.4: The Bossfight
    Something important: the bossfight must be special, for example, in Lost Sanctuary, you must kill 8 Creepers, gather their drops, and drop them in a hopper to blow up the floor. In Underworld Crypt, it's like a game of chess, except Wynn version. Again, this part is up to you. Make sure the boss keeps to the theme.
    3.5: The Lore
    This is where you release your storytelling skills. Make sure the lore is realistic, and mixes well with original lore. However, make sure not to alter existing lore, or dive too deep into the full storyline.
    3.6: The Rewards and Requirements
    What should your level requirement be? Brainstorm and think about your boss and location. What should the rewards be? This part isn't required, but makes your suggestion shine. How many emeralds, approximately? What special fragments?
    3.7: The Dungeon Quest
    Like I said above, this is required, but makes your suggestion look better. It's recommended to look at Section 2: Quest Suggestions if you'd like to make a dungeon quest. Theres a main part in all dungeon quests. The boss is always mentioned, and a gateway is always opened. It's recommended the gateway is opened dramatically, but doesn't waste time.
    3.8: Pulling it All Together

    A: Dungeon is in a great location and has an amazing theme. The overall dungeon is fun to do, and the boss is not overpowered or underpowered. The bossfight is fun and special, the lore makes sense and does not interfere with the main storyline, and there are rewards and a dungeon quest that are both reasonable.

    B: Dungeon is in a good location, and has a great theme. The overall dungeon is fun, but can be a bit grindy. The boss is a bit overpowered or underpowered. The bossfight is a little generic, but a bit special too. The lore mostly makes sense. There are rewards, but no dungeon quest.

    C: Dungeon is in a decent location, and has a decent theme. The overall dungeon is kind of boring. The boss is somewhat overpowered or underpowered. The bossfight is generic. There aren't any rewards or dungeon quest.

    D: Dungeon is in a bad location and has a bad theme. The overall dungeon is boring. The boss is overpowered or underpowered. The bossfight is generic. The dungeon still somehow could work.

    F: Dungeon is in a bad location and has a bad theme. The overall dungeon is boring. The boss is overpowered or underpowered. The bossfight is basically a normal fight.

    4.1: Good Landscape Suggestions
    Revamp the Bottom of the Ocean!
    By @LabyrinthMaster
    4.2: How Will it Work?
    Landscape suggestions can vary from a lot of topics. For now, I will just talk about revamping landscape and adding landscape. The basic guideline, however, is DON'T INTERFERE TOO MUCH WITH EXISTING LANDSCAPE. When this happens, the result is just a mix of confusion and "nonononono, don't add this".
    4.3: Improve Vs. Add
    Make something better.
    Well... you know what it means.

    Improving is obviously much easier than adding landscape. For example, @LabyrinthMaster did the suggestion on improving. Below are the guidelines for adding or improving landscape. If you will add the landscape, go to 4.5: Adding Landscape. If you are improving, go to 4.4: Improving Landscape.
    4.4: Improving Landscape
    4.5: Adding Landscape
    4.6: Will it Fit In?
    4.7: Pulling it All Together

    Section 5: Gameplay Suggestions
    Section 6: Cosmetic Suggestions
    Section 7: Website Suggestions
    Section 8: Class Suggestions
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2018
  2. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    add examples of good and bad types of feedback

    also make sure to add copy and pasting the "Giving Feedback" thread in the bad types

    but hey good thread this should be helpful
    euouae likes this.
  3. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP

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    thanks for the feedback!
    adding the stuff now
  4. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    man why didn't i think of this

    For now, all the feedback I can give is for 2.3: you should also avoid making quests that tie in deeply with existing lore, or can have potentially large effects on the world, just because a) the lore is in a big mess right now and b) the main plot should be left up to those creating the entirety of it, without random bits thrown in by everyone else.

    For example, having a quest where Bob is revealed to be alive and actually evil, and then he summons the Eye and almost destroys the entire continent isn't going to fly with the guys in charge of the lore (either because that's not what is planned or because that's exactly what is planned).

    If you ever decide to add a section for website/forum suggestions, all you really need to say is that it has to be possible using Xenforo

    good guide
    euouae and Dr Zed like this.
  5. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP

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    thanks, i'll add that stuff
  6. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP

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    bump dump bump
  7. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Is that the definition of a 'fetchy' stage in a quest? I always just assumed it was stuff where there's no real challenge, it's just 'go and get me X amount of Z items' or words to that effect. I mean, that is more or less the same anyway... I'll just leave now...
    euouae likes this.
  8. DaFamousRedPanda

    DaFamousRedPanda forever ded VIP

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  9. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP

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    rump bump as I add more stuff
  10. CookedPelvis

    CookedPelvis Famous Adventurer HERO

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    why even bother. mob stats from suggestions never make it ingame. its the ideas that count.
    Might as well just include a yml in your suggestion if you're going go bother with meticulously adding colors to your text.


    something different would be better. you've seen what we can do in the new quests, be creative, and dont feel limited by 3 categories.

    some NPCs use dialect to emphasize their background and personality.

    again, dungeons can include different elements than before.

    Otherwise, another great guide.
    euouae likes this.
  11. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP

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    thanks for the feedback pelvis.
    added spoilers so people don't blow their brains out looking at walls of text.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2018
    CookedPelvis likes this.
  12. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP

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  13. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP

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    saved from permanent bumper oblivion
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