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Community Event Your Wynn Adventure In 2017

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Pepo, Jan 1, 2018.

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  1. Chise

    Chise A loli dressing like a cheese >w< VIP+

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    The year of 2017 for being an adventure are kinda funny to me
    I return to wynncraft from my schoolwork when corkus is just released
    Then when I try to go to corkus, I find that there is actually a NPC who provide you a ship in Selchar when someone told me about in Deltas
    Which spent around 1 LE from me for just buying boats to travel from nermact to corkus
    (Dont ask me why I dont spam escape, because that time I totally dont know this is a thing)
    Then I try the fallen factory, ofc one of the reason is to explore the interior about the dungeon
    the first attempt of doing fallen factory is purely cancer for me, as I always dont know why I can stucked at that stupid parkour part for at least 30 minutes
    Then as I starting to get used to how you do the parkour part, I always have the troubles on keep getting screwed by those little mini-boss who keep push me back to them
    And making me failing the parkour OVER and OVER and OVER
    That time is simply frustrating and making me legit feels so upset and such.
    Then I starting to understand theres a thing call 'class-build', so I start trying to follow those builds provided by the community
    And ends up getting myself a 'spell-archer' build, and spamming my arrow bomb like without thinking nearly
    The time I try to follow the build, so I find that why not trying to fill the gapes by using some dungeon items
    So I take a look at the fallen factory reward, and finds out gigabyte might be a decent choice for me
    By that, I decided to grind for it.
    BUT, simply just to grind the gigabyte
    It makes myself throw my first ever chestnut horse into one of those stupid token collector hoppers, which I just get it like a few days ago I remember.
    Then I scream in real life so loud, and then quit wynncraft because of that

    Afterward I re-return back to wynncraft because of the recent Dungeons and Discovery update
    So I starting to spent my time to find all these discovery by myself, and comes out I can find them all using about a day without looking for the answers in forums.
    (For real, I really love the discovery section, specially on how the cutscene in the last discovery shown, that fight is legit EPIC)
    After that, I spent my rest of the time to continue grinding levels
    Find that im level 100 already, so I asked myself, why not go for a level 101 also?
    Finding that I have finished all the quest except the ??? quest, so I called some of my friends to help me
    Comes out that quest is purely drugs and takes me 8 hours to do it
    And the next day when I go back to school, I just fall asleep and miss my dictation
    Making myself repeating asking myself 'Is the one who making this quest wants to see how people suffers in different ways?'

    After all the journey to get this cosmic set, I think that my grinding life should be easier, so I decided to grind to level 101 for real this time
    And my lifespan in this entire december are basicly grinding in Molten Height and CSST
    Guess what, after all these suffering grind I still dont find a damn mythic in my entire wynncraft carrer (STILL DOESNT SEE ONE WHEN I POSTING THIS STORY)
    And then I finally get to level 101 a few days before the year of 2017 comes to the end, I feel myself that Im finally becoming a pro in the community,
    Just when I trying to show off this glory to other people in this community
    Someone in discord just tell me
    'But.. its just the archer class only, wheres your other class?'

    'Oh..Ok.. uhm..'
    And thats the end of my 2017 adventure in wynncraft

    And just because Im so greedy, so Imma just try to use one word to talk about this story
    which is​
    -Fin ​
    Uhm,.. if someone is seriously so bored and want to read my entire entire wall of text story
    Can someone try to see what word do I use the most, and see how many times did I use it maybe? Lol.. :I
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2018
  2. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Resisted the temptation of csst. NEVER DID IT ONCE WOO TAKE THAT ABUSERS
  3. LuckyLukas

    LuckyLukas Fell on a cauldron of luck potion

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    accidentally dropping all of my stuff
  4. TitanZERØ

    TitanZERØ Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    found discoverer
    sold for 13 stacks and warp
    bought thrunda
    bought apoc
    sold other apoc
    bought pure
    bought az and arch for extreme overprice
    sold warp for 12 stacks
    bought alka
    found arch
    bought warchief
    accidentally scammed someone with arch
    sold alka and bought guardian
    had auction
    bought white horse
    fixed the scam and lost money
    sold warchief
    sold guardian
    sold arch
    bought discoverer
    had another auction
    happy new year
    sold a crap ton of legendaries
    sold thrunda
    sold a crap ton of powders
    bought white horse
    sold white horse
    lost az
    sold apoc
    had 2 more auctions
    saw this thread
    get liked 4 times
    wins price
    gets 2 eb
    throws 2 eb in a hopper
    sike it was my white horse
    have a good day
    one word: money
  5. Snek

    Snek Resident idiot

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    I dropped a Scythe into the seaskipper's hopper. Fortunately I have 2 and it was the one with worse IDs that I dropped.
    I bought a Lv49 Legendary dagger (I think it was called "Twin Daggers") for a class I don't even like and haven't used in nearly a year
    I got to level 78. FINALLY.
    I realized why people hate the Chained Beast so much
    My friend (He's level 7) bought a spear he didn't want for way too much money, then sold it for less then what he got it for.
  6. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Returned. Left.
    Sar likes this.
  7. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    Well wow, you are giving me the possibility of actually writing my whole story and you think I won't?

    Well first, let me give the one word :

    (cuz it was both unbeliveable, and also because Mythics were an enormous part of my Wynncraft 2017)


    First, i'm going to give a small reminder :
    I tried leveling up with my friends at first, but since when I love something I try hard really really hard, they gave up lol.
    Then I found 2 english friends wich I talked with in vocal and they were super nice. I forgot one's name, wich I found super sad because he's the guy I remember the most of xD but the other was called "Lusuco" anyway, to not cause confusion, i'll name the guy I forgot the name "Poiu" and the other guy "Lusuc"

    So I had already a high level mage, but found it too boring (at level like 91 I think) so I started a warrior and then it was already level 75.
    At that point, I started wondering how I could get Apocalypse, wich sounded like a super cool spear, so I try to find good spots where to grind it, but gave up fast, seeing as of how it was hard to drop anything.
    I then tried to buy it with LE, I think the cost of it was something like 2.5 stax. At that moment, I only had 2 stax, and asked my friend Poiu if he could lend me some LE.
    He accepted, and gave me as much as he owned, wich was super nice!
    So I bough the Apoc, my first ever mythic trade.
    I leveled up until I learnt of "Guardian" a spear that semt like it was fitting my playstyle more than perfectly! Hp, tankiness, but without slowness!
    After paying back my friend, I ended up selling guardian, and realized the potential of selling mythics, at this moment of the story, I was barely making 1/2LE per day (more when I had good quests or I could sell some items to random guys I found) and in one trade... I sold it for 3 stax.
    Now starts my craziness for Guardian, for months, I try to find some on sale, often I see people owning a Guardian, but they all liked those so much, that they won't sell it!
    Then, when watching a vid of @Creecreeprs a french mod and youtuber, I saw he owned a Guardian, my quest to buying it off him has begun!
    I started talking to him about it, and like others, he liked it too much to sell it, I harassed him for weeks, making my offer above market price to tempt him and... HE ACCEPTED!!
    I finally had Guardian, and it was a surprise, I loved it even more than I thought I would have!
    Since then, I haven't spent a moment without a Guardian.
    Then, I started hanging more on the forums, and found Romzy, wich to me, is still the koolest guy ever, he helped me to build my second shop, and I enjoyed keeping it up and having customers.
    I was so active on the market that I knew every price, and started to get myself known as a Price Checker (wich some that went under a pause still think I am, but I quitted it, i'll explain why later) I enjoyed it, and eventually, when I had enough LE, started trading mythics.
    Having fun with those is the first and biggest tip
    Knowing prices is the second biggest tip to trading mythics
    Then comes the activity wich is only third.

    Having fun makes you want to continue the game.
    Knowing prices allow you to buy and sell without losing in the process.
    Activity makes you find the best deals.

    Luck never was a factor to me, I never found a mythic or bought a mythic that would be buffed just afterwards making the price go up.
    I combined all of those 3 factors, and eventually stopped my own thread to get only to mythic trading wich would give me way more LE.
    Then, I went to a week vacation to Canarias... and the idea that made my year so bright came to me "Create a mythic group"
    Here starts the Mythic Emporium story, wich I'm going to tell you later, as I think its enough for now, I do hope you enjoyed that storytelling :D

    (PS : If some stuff doesn't seem right in time, you might be right, be sure to let me know, some stuff is confusing in my mind and I'm lazy to go check every posts of mine in the forums)
    Lex! and Creecreeprs like this.
  8. dreamer101

    dreamer101 Luto Aquarum enjoyer HERO

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    One word: Sellf-Scamed

    If it wasn’t already a word then it is now.
  9. orange0402

    orange0402 I got exposed by pyro VIP

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  10. Totum

    Totum watching mythics lose value HERO

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  11. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    one word story that isn't a word but 4 words into one:
    CylinderKnot likes this.
  12. Cenpyla

    Cenpyla Zap HERO

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    I'm not aiming for any prizes, just thought this would be fun to do.

    I haven't been all that active this year, so I don't have too many stories to tell, but I have a few. Like the story of how I went from having four stacks of LE to having 6LE. And sappy guild crap, and silly guild crap.

    Back near the beginning of 2017, I had just started to level up my Warrior, and was around level 40. I wanted to get an item from the Ice Barrows dungeon, but I was too lazy to do it legitimately with my Warrior, so I used my endgame Archer to grind it instead. At the time, my Archer had a Thunder build, based on the Az I had.
    Earlier that day, one of my guildmates critisized me for having my drop button on "Q", and for not knowing how to drop a stack of things without going into my inventory (Ctrl-Q).
    I was at a stage in Ice Barrows where I had to grind the mobs in the room, which dropped tokens, and throw a certain number of tokens into the hopper to proceed. I decided that I'd practice using Ctrl-Q, since it was a low level dungeon. Problem was, I use Optifine, and Ctrl was my zoom button at the time. So when I went to throw my stack of tokens into the hopper, I zoomed in, causing me to be unable to see my hotbar when I threw my items. I pressed Q, throwing what I assumed was the tokens into the hopper. But when I zoomed out, I noticed that my tokens were still in my inventory, and then a second later I realized that my bow was gone. Then I heard the sickening click of the hopper eating my Az that I had mistakenly thrown into the hopper. This all happened in a couple of seconds.
    I flew through the five stages of grief all in one afternoon.
    Denial - Tried to file a bug report to see if I could get my bow back, even though I knew full well that Wynn has a no-refund policy.
    Anger - Threatened to quit Wynn, fumed about how unfair it was that I couldn't get my Az back (albeit to myself), etc.
    Bargaining - Considered selling my 40/40 White to get funds to get an Az back. Tried to figure out any way to get enough money to get it back.
    Depression - Realized I was just plain old broke and I wasn't going to sell my White.
    Acceptance - Luckily, I read a thread that showed that the Hive bow with 5 t6 Thunders was better than an Az anyway, so I just set my sights on getting to endgame and finishing Qira.
    I'm fine now. I don't even use a Dex build anymore, I'm working on making a new build for my Archer.
    However, after that happened, I spent 40LE on those 5 t6 Thunders, and then a great deal more LE on gear for the classic WS build (which I regret making and have since sold, trust me, it's not worth it), and that's how I went from having multiple stacks of LE to being broke as shit.

    Yay another storyyy

    I go through phases where I'm active for a few months, then inactive for a few months, then active again - Rince and repeat. I returned to Wynn briefly when Corkus was released, but I did not stay for long, since I had no one to play with, because my guild was clogged with inactive and duped players that I couldn't kick, preventing me from recruiting anyone. And, personally, Wynn isn't as fun when you play alone. So, after exploring Corkus for a bit, I went inactive again. I tried to keep up my shop thread for a bit, but I eventually let that go as well.
    If I'm being honest, the fact that guilds were broken and my guild had no hope of revival just broke my heart and tore me up on the inside. There was one particular day where the reality that ChE was dead really sunk it, and I cried. I never cry for anything other than shows and books (oddly enough). I've shed many tears over ChE, embarrassingly enough. But all I was waiting for, even when I went inactive, even when I hadn't touched Wynn in the longest time, was for guilds to be fixed. I daydreamed about what I would make the guild thread into, what I would do with the dead Discord server, how I would organize and design the blog page I made for it- And I'd prepare for it, too, as much as I could. I really and truly had no idea when guilds would be fixed. I figured it would happen in a year or two, just knowing Wynn's reputation, never believing the SoonTM. Dead ChE left a hole in my heart.
    Fast forward to very recently. November of 2017. I was playing a game of 100% Orange Juice with an old Wynn friend I had recently reconnected with and a few IRL friends. I was probably kicking ass, when I got a Discord notification. I started to freak out the moment I saw it was from the Wynncraft server, thinking there was a sale or a content update, or something of the like. I clicked on it and read jpresent's bug fix list, and I swear, time STOPPED. Time stopped, my heart stopped, the entire world stopped, because GUILDS ARE FIXED.
    I proceeded to cry once more whilst saying "Guilds are fixed, guilds are fixed," over and over with my Wynn friend (to the annoyance of my IRL friends, who haven't touched Wynn since pre-Gavel). I went to bed that night happier than I had been in an insanely long time.
    The next day, I logged on and kicked all of the inactive duped members (which had to be one of the greatest feelings ever), forced convinced my Wynn friend to join my guild, rang the church bells and screamed @everyone in the announcements of my guild's server, and put together and posted a new recruitment thread.
    Ever since then, ChE has been gloriously alive, more so than ever, growing rapidly. I couldn't possibly ask for a better guild, nor better guild members, and every moment I spend recruiting new people and interacting with and playing with my guild makes me so, infinitely happy.
    It is pretty embarrassing that a guild in a Minecraft server makes me this emotional.

    One more story! A funny and short one.

    Myself and two of my guild members (Hyper and Endrus) were running around trying to get all of the secret discoveries. We got all the Wynn ones, and decided to do the Necklace of a Thousand Storms discovery. We were about halfway through it, at the part with the bloody cages, and they weren't working so we were running around trying to figure out what to do. I went AFK for a moment, and when I came back, Hyper was pushing me close to the edge of a cliff. I thought it was funny, so I didn't move or stop him, I let him push me off and into the water. He followed me down, and Endrus followed as well, and he started to push me through the water. Then he got an idea. He had Endrus (a mage) repeatedly heal the both of us (archers) as he pushed me across the ocean floor. Our decided destination was Llevigar. Halfway through pushing me through the ocean, I came up with the idea that we could duel and he could shoot me with arrow storm to push me through the ocean (whilst Endrus continued healing me rapidly). So that's exactly what happened.
    We made it to Llevigar, and Hyper arrow shielded me up onto the shore. He then shot me through the gate and up the stairs (taking advantage of the increased knockback with distance) and to the bank, where I got my Statue, and he got his Depressing Bow.
    Long story short, Hyper pushed me from Corkus, through the ocean to Llevigar, took the Seaskipper to Nemract, to Detlas, took the airship to Cinfras, to the Forgery, to CSST, back to Cinfras, took the airship back to Detlas, to Ragni, to Troms, back to Ragni, to Nemract, and took the Seaskipper to Zhight Island, where we ended our adventure.
    This took us a total of about 2 or 3 hours, and we took screenshots at every place we stopped. Here's the album of all the screenshots.
    Hyper also tried to get me on top of the hourglass in Detlas, but it didn't work, so we settled for the second highest point in Detlas.
    We never finished Necklace of a Thousand Storms. :)

    So yeah yay there's my stories ;D
    99loulou999 likes this.
  13. Rexeoleo

    Rexeoleo To achieve purity is to achieve 101 without csst VIP+

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    One word story:

  14. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    or luck maybe? :p
  15. TacoRiKoLieAko

    TacoRiKoLieAko Pooprinos HERO

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    Found over 22 mythics from June 2017.
  16. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    My 2017 wynn experience:
    Starting off with waiting an eon for corkus
    and when that happened, i got 3 mythics in april
    was a good month BUT IT DOESN'T END THERE
    i play video game and get lvl 101
    i play the game more and get 4 lvl 100s and 2 101s
    so in july i got 2 more mythics, because i can
    the month of december i got another mythic, was a disco and i sold it for a thrundacrack and archangel
    also dungeons & discoveries came out
    also during this i had almost no le.
    i did have 2 whole stacks at one point but both of them are gone now.
    I got [HERO] in December
    a lot of things to boots my ego
  17. Swimming_Pool

    Swimming_Pool ate a pineapple, tastes like pinecones and apples

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    1 word story:

  18. Tornor

    Tornor Mayor of Kandon-Beda VIP+

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    1 word story:


    Such sad times for my luck
  19. SgtClips

    SgtClips Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    My best 1-word story from Wynn 2017 must be:
  20. dead zeffe

    dead zeffe Guest

    Bought Gaia for 4 stacks
    Traded it against Fatal +Build + 32les
    Lost the 32les
    Traded Fatal + 3 stacks for Cataclysm
    Lost Cataclysm after the hard nerf

    1word story: snt
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