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In the News (spoilers) Star Wars: The Last Jedi Discussion.

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Jamieverse, Dec 18, 2017.

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  1. Jamieverse

    Jamieverse Legendary Adventurer VIP

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    I wanna know how y'all thought of it, plus any comments or what you thought about it.

    Spoilers ahead, here is what I thought about it.

    Honestly, it was ok. I'm kinda mad they had to kill off Luke, since I felt like he would play more of a key roll as a living human rather then a force ghost. Also, I feel like instead of finishing up some unfinished plots from Force Awakens, they kinda just added more plot lines to the whole jumble. And at the end of the movie, it didn't actually really change. We're back where we are. Just some rebels running from the Republic. The only think I liked about the ending was when Luke heckin roasts the shit out of Kylo like 3 times.

    Plotwise, i'd give it a 6/10.

    Ok now, graphics were stellar. The visuals were beautiful. The landscape seemed so surreal, and the creatures, especially the ice fox thingies were so great. Only complaint would be the porgs, and Yoda. The porgs seemed to have a weird jolty move, as if they just had two strings tied to the arms to make them move. But in some scenes they were nice. Yoda, while I liked the throwback to the originals with the use of puppetry, it just seemed unnatural and weird. I wouldn't want a CGI yoda, but the way this Yoda looked made me feel like it was some weird Nick show. But the worlds, the space, the locations. All beautiful and stunning.

    Graphics: 9.5/10
    It went down because of the Porgs and the weird milk cow creatures on Ahch-To because what the fuck was that.

    The music was amazing as well. Honestly, the main titles were uplifting as usual, and whenever they bring the music to a sad, slow tune, I can't help but tear up. John Williams is truly a master. The final battle, and when Luke died was where I teared up the most. Simply amazing.

    Music: 10/10

    The cast was great as well. John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Daisy Ridley, Mark Hamill, and everyone else did fantastic. With love to Carrie Fisher, let her legacy live on. Only thing I thought was odd was her force flying through space. Didn't seem really... possible, but I mean it is Star Wars. But the cast, great.

    Cast: 9/10

    Final Thoughts:
    Honestly, if you go to the movies to enjoy a thriller, action packed with space lasers and stuff, this movie is the one for you. If you're more of a fanatic on Star Wars, this might get you a bit irked in some parts. But overall, this movie was well rounded, and while I don't completely agree with where Disney has taken the franchise, I hope they at least give it a great ending, and try not to milk this cash cow too much. A couple final things, but they're in bullet notes.

    • Space flying from Leia
    • Why the asian chick saved Finn. Honestly, I love him. But I feel like the scene would have been more epic, had he made a selfless sacrifice for the team. Also then Luke would be alive.
    • I hated Laura Dern at first. But god, did it pay off in the end. Because it portrays her as this selfish person, but in the end, she was really the most courageous. Hats off to her and how she played the part.

    OVERALL: 8.5/10

    Oi if you disagree, or have any theories, or even agree, tell me in the comments I want to talk with other fanbois.
  2. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    It was kinda obvious Luke was going to die. They would have had to do it anyway if he actually died like Leia.
    SUPER M and Jamieverse like this.
  3. Parzizal

    Parzizal .

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    Is it even fair to judge a movie by this scale? The prequels had a 2/10 plot but graphics music and cast would probably fall in the 9-10/10 category.

    Movie was trash Finn and Rose plotline didn't matter to the overall story and opens a heap of plotholes like "Why didn't they get fuel?" you can argue it was alright for character development but their characters develop inversely to how they should've. When Finn and Rose discovered that the first order and resistance buy from the same dealers they should've been repulsed by the resistance not willing to die for them.

    Purple hair lady should've told them her plan initially and it would've saved the movie 10 minutes of a useless mutiny that didn't even matter to the overall plot. Tonally this movie just seemed all over the place as well, the quips don't help established a grave situation such as the resistance getting blown up by tie fighters.

    Killing Snoke off was just ridiculous why didn't they just start the movie off with Kylo Ren being supreme leader, it didn't matter either way if they were going to kill off Snoke. Luke's death also feels very off, he should've died in this film but they don't build up the ending nearly as much as they should've, if they cut the useless Finn and Rose plot, and the useless mutiny then we could've seen Luke training Rey and it could've built up a death that has an impact.

    Overall Verdict: Rian Johnson is a hack and should be blacklisted in hollywood.
  4. Jamieverse

    Jamieverse Legendary Adventurer VIP

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    I agree with this too. I feel like maybe they had a ton of good sub stories and ideas, but they had to rush everything to cram it into 2 hours
  5. Microvac

    Microvac Everybody doesn't know VIP

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    I highly agree to this overall perspective you have. Let's discuss about more of flaws the movie have.

    1. The Finn and Rose plotline you mentioned, I'm going to talk about this too. Why do they have to add the Finn and Rose plotline? And why they even paired Finn and Rose so suddenly? Also, How'd they escape from the First order army of AT-M6 and AT-AT without using any ability based by Force when they isolated near 'em?

    2.Let's see what happened in the opening scene. Mandator IV-class Dreadnought(The big one between Star dreadnoughts) attacks the basement of Resistance, which positioned in D'Qar planet, and the battle begins. Poe Dameron getting close to Mandator and getting their distraction by some kind of trash talk. Why the First order allows an enemy force to get closer to important force of their fleet? Even before of it, the fleet haven't put their most of firepower into the resistance fleet. How ridiculously stupid are they! Also, Resistance gets several bombardment ship(which are VERY SLOW) onto Mandator and drops the bombs and they loses all of bombardment ships. WHERE THE HELL ARE Y-WINGS OR B-WINGS TO THROW THE BOMBS INSTEAD OF THAT SLOW-LIKE-TURTLE SHIPS?

    3. Next one. A Mega-class star destroyer called 'Supremacy', is the largest 'ship' of Star wars. When you saw it for the first time, you would've 'WOOO' like this. And it does have protection fleet operating around. Now they're gotta eliminate the rest of Resistance. But... Supremacy is only one firing cannons. WHAT THE HELL ARE THE PROTECTION FLEET'S DOING? They've never fired a single cannon to the Resistance! Also, the cannon Supremacy have was pretty large, but it could not even break the shield of small ship for hours! And why don't they just hyperspace jump in front of em to catch? The cannon Supremacy's firing was drawing parabola. Is that even possible in the space without any gravitation influences?

    4. Holdo(Parzizal mentioned her as 'purple hair lady', I don't actually know how to spell her name) hyperspace jumps to the Supremacy, and destroyed the most of First order fleet. It must be coolest scene of this movie. But, I have to say that this one is IMPOSSIBLE. Hyperspace jumps just allows ship to move much faster by getting inside of ANOTHER SPACE! It does not even boosts the speed of the ship! That's not how it works!

    Okay, there's MUUUCH more flaws staying in this movie. But I will have to finish this because the flaws of movie are making me crazy. As you see, my perspective is based on the lack of strategy of space wars, and science. Hope someone discuss about Luke...

    Movie wasn't that trash. But I highly doubt this is the best star wars movie ever made. I was disappointed they had to make movie like this.
    Lemon and Jamieverse like this.
  6. Jamieverse

    Jamieverse Legendary Adventurer VIP

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    Totally agree. One thing I wanna know is Carrie Fisher.... How will they put her in the next movie? CGI, or find a way to make her die?
  7. Microvac

    Microvac Everybody doesn't know VIP

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    The actress has gone, but Leia's alive in the movie for now. It was their(Star wars movie developing team) fault for not giving her honorable death. If they try to put her in the movie by CGI, that would provoke her. And that must not happen. I think one of character in the movie will mention about her death.

    hope so...
    Dr Zed and Jamieverse like this.
  8. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Why are we arguing the logic of a movie about space wizards?
  9. Cybersoap707

    Cybersoap707 That one guy VIP+

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    Well, obviously Snoke faked his death and is the Prime Jedi, and Kylo either lied to Rey about her parents, or he was telling the truth about the parents but not the grandparents. Either way Rey is obviously a Kenobi.
    Jamieverse likes this.
  10. Jamieverse

    Jamieverse Legendary Adventurer VIP

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    My friend has this weird theory that somehow Snoke is inside Kylo's head lmao
    because we can
    Dr Zed likes this.
  11. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I saw the Last Jedi a few ago and it was... meh.

    Usually I don’t expect much from Star Wars films, so I wasn’t hyped or anything. It is just a fantasy about space wizards with swords. I did like the Force Awakens, but the Last Jedi made me cringe at some parts. Mostly the shirtless Kyle Ren scene and the stupid shit Rose says when she saves Finn... Besides that, I felt some parts were unnecessary (Luke getting fish and milk) and some scenes felt like they had no purpose (Rey falling down the pit).

    Overall, it was a decent movie though. The soundtrack and visuals were amazing as usual. And I liked the Casino scene and the ship battles.

    I’d give it a 6/10
    Jamieverse likes this.
  12. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    Apparently you must be a true Jedi master to violate the law of conservation of mass upon death
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  13. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Nah, you just don’t have to give a shit about existing
    Jamieverse likes this.
  14. Lendofoy

    Lendofoy Newbie Adventurer

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    I felt like Rose and Finn's plot wouldn't have mattered except for the very final scene. A kid, a force wielding kid, realizes there is more then just slave masters and cleaning. That would not have happened ( at least probably not ) without them. That scene, along with how Rose and Finn interacted with him epitomizes the heart of Star Wars as voiced by CGI young Carrie Fisher (Rogue One)

    For amazing visuals, amazing music, decent plot, and a choppy feel,
    I rate the movie 8.75/10

    I agree with you on the first three points, but not number 4. If hyperspace was an alternate space, then ships would only need to worry about entry and exit point. But as Han Solo said in A New Hope: "Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy! Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova, and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it?"
    So the fact that ships in hyperspace can be affected by things not in hyperspace proves that ships in hyperspace can affect things not in hyperspace.
    JoshLegacy and Jamieverse like this.
  15. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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    But hey, that's just a theory, a game theory.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  16. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Jamieverse and e! like this.
  17. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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    please dont use this hate symbol on my christian forum
    Jamieverse and Dr Zed like this.
  18. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    How ‘bout this?
    Jamieverse likes this.
  19. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    ...what the fuck!?
    Jamieverse likes this.
  20. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Is this better?
    Jamieverse likes this.
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