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Media Main Storyline

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Dr Zed, Nov 25, 2017.

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  1. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    If you’ve been here since pre-gavel, you probably remember this:

    It wasn’t the first mention of the Main Storyline, but it did confirm that it was going to be added. Though that was nearly 2 years ago, and there still hasn’t been any word about it. Now this thread isn’t about complaining that it’s not out yet. Rather, what I wanted to ask is that are they still going to make some sort of storyline and if so, how will high leveled players be dealt with? I’m assuming that the Main Storyline will extend to most, if not all level ranges, and it would be pretty unbalanced and boring if a lvl 100 player completed a section meant for lvl 5. Wynncraft said they would never do a reset, so I’m curious about how they would work around it, especially since most of the players are lvl 80+.

    So if they aren’t working on the Main Storyline anymore, I would like to know what the initial project was like and what they planned for it within the bounds of what the owners are willing to say. I know Grian said in his profile post that he has all the lore written out, but that could just be a framework to build quests within the lore.

    Speaking of quests, will quest xp be severely reduced if the Main Storyline comes? As far as I know, the current quests are supposed to be side quests, so it wouldn’t make sense to have your side quests level you up by themselves.

    Also, how will the quest book change? Will it stay the same and there will be something else to notify your progress in the Main storyline, or will it be completely different?

    Any mod/CT/owner feedback would be appreciated. If they can’t say anything about it, that’s fine. I’m just wondering, that’s all.

    Edit 1: It's confirmed they are still working it (Probably what was expected)
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
    Stycore, Aya, Jacquie and 7 others like this.
  2. Tobulance

    Tobulance Famous Adventurer Media HERO

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    uhhh im just randomly replying my thoughts dont mind me.

    When they released Gavel they reccomended restarting a class to enjoy the entire game over again from the start, id imagine the same would apply here, i think it would make a lot of sense for the story to progress by level, if anything im curious how they will handle separating main story stuff from the quests in the quest book, like making it stick out.
  3. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    It’s fine, I encourage any discussion about this. I guess a reset would be optional then, but idk how it would sit with most players. Perhaps they would mind because they would lose their progress, or perhaps not because they would experience new content.

    I was thinking they would have cutscenes for each area, and the current quests would stay in the quest book. But that begs the question of how the quest book will be integrated into the Main Storyline. I’ll add that to the thread.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
  4. Tobulance

    Tobulance Famous Adventurer Media HERO

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    no but what im saying is the quest book is designed to help you remember what you were doing if you logged off, if they dont have something like that for the main storyline people could forget how to progress. Maybe there could be something in player stats that gives a current objective or something, that would be neat
    Dr Zed likes this.
  5. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    That’s what I meant when I said the quest booked begged the question about what you just said. I agree with what you said
  6. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    I'd love a reset personally, but I'm sure a lot of people don't and I understand that. They'll probably just suggest starting over!
  7. i eat bees

    i eat bees i eat bees HERO

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    They have been working on the main story line and they still are, They absolutely never abandoned it for all I know.
    It's supposed to be one of the biggest updates in the history of Wynncraft- Probably as big if not bigger than Gavel.
    Think about it like this- All of the currently existing quests inside of Wynncraft, Are technically side quests.
    Grian has already confirmed that the main story line is completely written down and just needs to be added into the game (Like you said) which means they absolutely are not going to give up on it.
    I can estimate that we'll see it in the next year and a half or so, Multiple months after the code rework.
    We don't know anything regarding to the level layout of the main story or experience rewards or but I can easily assume that a massive part of it is going to be based around Molten Heights as a result from the current lack of content in the area, And I can also assume it's going to be similar to the layout of a normal RPG's campaign such as Witcher 3 that will lead you throughout the map and make you find side quests on the way.
    Would also be good to mention that Salted confirmed multiple times that he has a lot of really good ideas for the future of Wynncraft and multiple surprises (Probably main-story related).
    I really have high hopes for the main story and I'm expecting it to take a fairly long time to complete, But honestly- As much as it sucks, All we can do right now is wait (An least you wanna apply to the CT which I heavily encourage if you think you got the right set of skills).

    As for your question on quest book change Admins have already confirmed that they want to and probably will implement Lotem's suggestion HERE, I imagine there will be a new section showing your progress on the main story coming with the main story line.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
    Greeni, Dr Zed, Lotem and 1 other person like this.
  8. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    You're probably right, it's just that they haven't confirmed nor denied they are still working on it in the last 7 months. Not to mention that @XavierEXE stated that they didn't work on the Molten Heights storyline yet, which was supposed to be a test so to speak of the Main Storyline. And again, the timeline Grian wrote down could just be for future quests, so idk.

    It doesn't help either that we barely have any information about what the Main Storyline is. That's why this thread is more so about the ramifications of if the Main Storyline were to be implemented.

    Who knows, maybe this update has secretly been for the Main Storyline all along (or part of) and we will all be shit faced for the third time.
  9. i eat bees

    i eat bees i eat bees HERO

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    Definetly not considering the code rework hasn't been released yet and Grian confirmed that the following update will only contain a couple of quest and city remakes.
    Also if they released the main story line now it'd probably be shit, They need to take more time.
  10. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    True. They definitely need a lot of time for the main story line to be good for sure. Perhaps they have been mostly silent all this time because there wasn't that much to really show. I still find it odd though how they haven't said anything at all, except for at Wincon.
    i eat bees likes this.
  11. Yogi

    Yogi Tech savvy warrior

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    Usually whenever I leave a story on a cliffhanger, I'd sometimes purposefully leave it on a sunday since that's the day I take a break. I do this because I've noticed that when monday rolls out, my viewer count essentially doubles in size whenever I release the first chapter of the next Arc. I believe that it's good that there aren't any leaks or updates on the storyline since it would be smarter to leave you in suspense (or rather it sounds smarter from my perspective). If you want updates that the storyline is being "worked on" then that's different but if you want actual teasers, I believe it's best to leave you hanging until the actual release ^-^
  12. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I would only ask about the content of the main story line if the main story line is no longer being worked on (I hope not). Besides that, I'm just asking about the ramifications of if the main story line were to be implemented, not any content. Leaks at this point would ruin the main story line if it is still being worked on.
  13. funnysillyman

    funnysillyman lil uzi fan VIP+ GM

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    Hey! We're glad to see that you're excited for the MSL. I'm sorry to say, but MSL is not ready to be released. This doesn't mean we've forgotten about it, it's just that other things have taken priority. I know you might say "But Spring, doesn't MSL have the highest priority?" And to that I say: I don't know. I'm not in the head of Grian, I don't know why MSL isn't the highest priority. We are still working on updates though! I really hope you all love the next update- I feel like it will reignite the passion to play Wynncraft again. As Grian has said, yes, the game is stale right now. This upcoming update should refresh you all with the game. I hope you enjoy it, I really do. Thanks for being patient, and MSL will be out before you can say pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.
  14. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Thanks for the response! I'll edit the thread then.
  15. i eat bees

    i eat bees i eat bees HERO

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    I feel like all of the CT members have this exact message copy pasted in case this sort of thread gets created.
    Czg and ThomAnn100 like this.
  16. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    At least we know it's still being worked on :/
    i eat bees and Yogi like this.
  17. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    I guess the main storyline will probably take us to Fruma and Dern at some point, I imagine we'll have to wait until they're released before we see it.
  18. Grian

    Grian Map designer, Content MD & Wynncraft founder Media GM Builder

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    Main story has been planned for over 2 years, you're right! (Although its now been so long it will likely change from it's original format)

    The reason it was never created was because the tools we needed were never coded. It got put on the back bench like a lot of other things.

    However, now we have script the amount of code we need is significantly lower. We're still hoping to make the MSL as it's such a wasted opportunity otherwise.

    Hope this answers your question!

    (I won't dare give any kind of deadline or i'll cause a riot if we don't deliver)

    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
    omegalol, Poiu429, BusyEXE and 31 others like this.
  19. DiamondWarrior59

    DiamondWarrior59 Tryhard Shopkeeper

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    Holy shit, Grian is back.
    Sindiok2 and Dr Zed like this.
  20. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    So the details about how it will be implemented are kinda fuzzy atm since the code isn’t complete yet? Like the quest book rework, a nerf to quest xp, and a potential player reset?
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