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Most Hated Dungeon

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by DiamondSted, Nov 21, 2017.


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  1. DiamondSted

    DiamondSted Lvl 80 Archer <3

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    What Dungeon do you hate the most?

    TBH, for me I DESPISE Underworld Crypt or whatever the one by Nemract is. Yea, it's easy, but at the end, the soldiers do NOTHING AT ALL to kill the main boss, and since I can't kill the Boos myself, i'm stuck there forever!
    Gogeta likes this.
  2. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Sand-Swept Tomb. It's extremely short and boring and way way way too easy to complete, hence the obsession with its Corrupted version...
    Gogeta, funnysillyman, Aya and 27 others like this.
  3. Jalapeno9

    Jalapeno9 Shadow of my former self HERO

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    Ice barrows. What ohter dungeon i would hate. Lets see how bad that is

    - Realy long lenght
    - Very strong mobs
    - Hard puzzles
    - Mob swarms
    - Slipery parkour
    - Run to end before wall appear on your face
    - Boring sections.
    - Unkillable minibosses
    - Hardest dungeon boss
    And lastly not good rewards in dungeon shop except potion of wisdom
  4. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Dungeon realms
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  5. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    sand-swept tombs is boring compared to the others. it's just kill some mobs, parkour, kill a few more and its done. lame.

    ice barrows also kind of sucks just because of the fucking walls.
    RemiDaYeen likes this.
  6. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    I just tested it. The dungeons as a whole were intended to, alone, take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Of course, SOME dungeons, cough cough Sand-Swept, failed to do this and are much shorter than normal, and of course earlier once like the Decrepit Sewers are shorter since it's only the first dungeon. Even having to stop in the middle to work around a GM-server testing bug, I still finished the Barrows in about 12 minutes with an average thunder warrior build, which has average effectiveness overall in the dungeon, at-level, with no legendaries.
    I can't think of the mobs you're referring to, honestly I can't. The Icy Stares and Poltergiceds and Nesaak soldiers, the primary enemies, are all normal-strength, and in fact the Icy Stares attack half as often as they should.

    The Illusory Specters, the INVINCIBLE enemies, are slow and inflict normal amounts of damage.

    The Freezing Guards and Frozen Soldiers have high health sure, but seeing as they're practically immobile they're harmless, and their mass weakness to Earth, an element which every class naturally inflicts via their spells, makes them topple like dominoes.

    The Minibosses are all just Tough-Strength mobs, excepting the Shade of Theorick, which is a gimmicked enemy.
    There's no puzzles in dungeons anymore. Do you mean the second parkour section with the invisible path? Because that's a simple matter of observation.
    In the Poltergiced's chamber, yes. That's the entire point, and it's manageable then due to their low movement and wide open space. That's literally the entire challenge. In the ice wall tunnels, they're much lighter than the Poltergiced's chambers, only looking crowded due to the immobile Frozen Soldiers standing around.
    The ice parkour is incredibly easy and has been dumbed down multiple times. I had to clear it three times due to bugs forcing me to redo the segment rather than my failing it, because each time I ran into no issues clearing it. And no I didn't have any walk speed effects.
    So you don't like this segment. Personal opinion, fair enough.
    Which segment are you talking about here, the ice walls again? Seems to have enough difficulty on its own merit to remain exciting.
    I'm assuming you're talking about the Shade of Theorick. If you'd been paying attention throughout the rest of the dungeon, you'll have noticed he had an earth weakness. And this weakness is MASSIVE. You'll be chopping off 3000-6000 damage per hit with any earth damage at all, and all classes have spells which inflict earth damage. This is the closest thing to a puzzle the dungeon got. If you use earth damage, especially as something like an Assassin, it's absolutely cake.
    You haven't fought corrupted dungeon bosses, obviously. Theorick isn't any stronger than he should be, except health-wise, and that's getting fixed next update anyhow. Even then, he doesn't have that much more health than usual. The ghost minions can all be dealt with and accounted for, and Theorick himself has very little in the way of offense except his basic attack. The ice spike spell can be debilitating, sure, but it hardly deals any damage and is very easy to avoid.
    Funny joke.

    Criistal is one of the best items in the game; the only two necklaces better than it in terms of XP are Altum Spatium which requires completion of ??? and Hexed Amulet, which reduces your skill points severely. Criistal also gives a minor walk speed boost plus some decent loot bonus, guaranteed.

    Frankly, all of the legendary rewards from the Ice Barrows are overpowered. Shade gives insane amounts of walk speed, air damage, and agility, Hearthfire has great health, insane life steal, and similarly insane fire defense, HEARTBREAK GIVES ATTACK TIER FOR NO DOWNSIDE, Iron Foot is crazy powerful for earth builds, and Blasphemy gives ridiculous amounts of mana steal. If you think these items are bad, you're not looking at them properly.

    Considering its two most immediate comparisons, Sand-Swept Tomb and Undergrowth Ruins, are the easiest dungeons in the game(yes, even easier at-level than Decrepit Sewers IMO) Ice Barrows does seem to come as a rude awakening sure, but it's right on track. It's the other two dungeons that need to pick up the slack instead.
    Gogeta, coolname2034, MOOOSH and 17 others like this.
  7. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Or Pendant of Prosperity, don't forget that lovely lass of XP Neckless with less downsides than Hexed. Skill Points are pretty darn important, even losing one sucks. Health is meh in my opinion.
  8. Gigavern

    Gigavern Giant Fern VIP+

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    That's loot bonus not xp bonus.
    coolname2034 and SUPER M like this.
  9. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    But yeah it doesn't have a XP Bonus, but the Loot Bonus is always nice for such an easy quest.
    Or I am blind.
    coolname2034 likes this.
  10. CylinderKnot

    CylinderKnot Custom Title

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    Of the dungeons that have at least one part that annoys me, I'll list them from least terrible to terrible.

    Galleon's Graveyard
    It's a very fun dungeon except for the ship battle. The battle is a glitchy mess that takes forever if you don't have good luck. If two cannonballs collide in any row, the entire row is cleared, which is very problematic when the enemy ship fires a wall of cannonballs.

    Underworld Crypt
    The dungeon is okay until you reach the final boss room. You're supposed to summon soldiers to kill the boss, but their artificial stupidity means that they will go for the minions and die before they reach Charon. If you kill the minions first, Charon will just summon more, and you'll end up killing a soldier or two because they got in your way of your spells. At first, I couldn't even find the pressure plates because they're gray and on top of gray blocks.

    Sand-Swept Tomb
    It's too short and is a straight shot to the end. Kill some mobs, walk along a hallway, kill some more mobs, walk along a glitchy hallway, and fight the boss. It's boring, and I expected more from a tomb-themed dungeon. That's why the corrupted version is super popular along with its insane XP gain. (BACK UP! BACK UP! BACK UP!)

    Undergrowth Ruins
    After the hard Ice Barrows dungeon, you have a dungeon that's far too easy for its level. I only died once because the server lagged out during the boss battle, and when I logged in, I saw the "You have died" message. Fortunately, you can grind this dungeon for T4 powders, which helped me a lot with the Tribal Sanctuary altar.

    Ice Barrows
    This dungeon isn't even fun. It's pretty easy until you fight Theorick, which is a huge pain because his minions move very fast and hit hard, and Theorick regenerates like crazy. Not counting any of the corrupted dungeons, Ice Barrows is easily the hardest dungeon and undoubtedly the most frustrating for me.
  11. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I have to say, I haven't really done many of the new (I.e. Current) dungeons, but I hated the long parkour stage in the old animal dungeon. It took ages to get to, even as an archer trying to escape up the main tree, and the parkour along the roof was not hugely difficult, just long, somewhat confusing with the leaves, and if you fell you died and had to go from the start. That was the furthest I got in terms of dungeons, and it was by far the worst that I did. That first stage was pretty annoying as well actually. And the boss seemed really difficult as an archer, but that might have been because of bad armour.
  12. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    There's also Vapor, which is probably one of the best offensive fire rings
  13. HackerCat

    HackerCat Well-Known Adventurer

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    I liked Underworld and Sand-Swept Tomb the least, just because of how frustrating the boss fight is and how straightforward it was respectively. I personally liked Ice Barrows, I thought it was a decent challenge at a low level. I liked Galleon's Graveyard, especially the parkour. Boss fight was boring though.

    Oh hi @CylinderKnot

    Decrepit Sewers
    Pretty easy, although I think that is the point. The grinding got a little bit annoying. I liked the Corrupted version much better, where the Witherhead basically spams arrow storm.

    Lost Sanctuary
    Not much to say about this one. It's just a long grind again.

    Underworld Crypt
    The dungeon is fine except for the boss fight. I kept killing my own Grakens with my meteors while he was putting his face into the minions i was supposed to be killing. They do have a lot of health for their level and I wasn't a big fan. I eventually had to use my melee attack to kill Charon myself, as I couldn't kill the minions and not kill Graken at the same time...

    Sand-Swept Tomb
    Too straightforward. No puzzles at all. Too much grinding. Didn't like this a bit.

    Ice Barrows
    Unlike most others, I liked this dungeon a lot. The mobs were relatively challenging, and the whole dungeon had that kind of "cold" feel, with the walls and the parkour and all that. On the parkour you actually had to use your brain for once (I mean, if you don't hold shift and take hours to finish) which is something I appreciated. The minibosses were relatively challenging (I had to learn to use Ice Snake by trying to kill the Frostbitten Wight) and Theorick is a real challenging boss fight for me, with him using all his spells and stuff. Loved the dungeon.

    Undergrowth Ruins
    Piece of cake compared to the last one... The parkour was fun but the rest was pretty easy.

    Galleon's Graveyard
    Loved the parkour, ship fight was pretty buggy, boss fight was not as challenging. (He should be able to pull you in then use a multihit thing for extra challenge.) But overall I liked this dungeon a lot.

    (I haven't done Fallen Factory yet but it looks awesome from the videos I've watched)
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2017
    CylinderKnot likes this.
  14. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    2nd easiest dungeon, only just behind CSST
  15. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Fallen factory is fun, and the map is really cool, with the steampunk first sections and the hi tech boss fight sections. There were a few glitches, but I did it with a slightly higher level player, like level 95, and it was fine. What class are you? Archer escape is useful in certain stages. And yes, there are a few bugs, but not as many happened as I was kind of expecting. The main one was on the conveyor belt, the flame wall disappeared for a while which was pretty confusing. I would reccomend discord/Skype/other voice chat applications if you do a coop run, because some of the stages are quite difficult to coordinate if the other person doesn't know what to do and you're trying to fight a massive crowd of mobs, and work out how many items to throw in the hopper, and defend the other guy.
  16. Golfbawl

    Golfbawl [] CHAMPION

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    I honestly don't think the problem is dungeons at all. I think that they should be difficult (so sandswept and undergrowth should be harder), but the first time around they can be fun and interesting to do.

    The problem, I feel, lies in the fact that you have to grind a dungeon multiple times in order to get a reward that's worth the time. Like, CLS 7 bloody times for 1 pair of leggings?
    I get that the dungeon items should be really hard to obtain, as they are really powerful, but forcing a player to do a dungeon multiples times is not making it harder, it is just making it so tedious to the point where I would rather be doing homework than grinding the dungeons.

    The new dungeons are amazing compared to the old ones, no comparison. However, there is still a lot of room for improvement, especially in the rewards system.
    orange0402 likes this.
  17. Keeko100

    Keeko100 static VIP+

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    Am I the only one that actually really likes the Ice Barrows? Its the closest thing we have to a raid in Wynn IMO
    Cruuk and HackerCat like this.
  18. China

    China you used to call me on ur banana VIP+

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    screw dungeons, let's CSST
  19. Artemis Lance

    Artemis Lance Reporting Kirov

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  20. SizzlingBacon

    SizzlingBacon Enlightened Adventurer CHAMPION

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    i hate fallen factory
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