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Archer/Hunter Petrified Horror Spell Build (patch Id Broke This! Now Unusable!)

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by NicBOMB, Nov 8, 2017.

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  1. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    EDIT 2: DO NOT USE THIS BUILD!!!! It no longer works!!!
    After scouring threads and threads related to the bow, countless WynnData pages opened, various combinations of items and powders, and piecing 3 different builds into one, I have made the Master Petrified Horror Spell Spam Build.

    Blue Mask
    Beetle Aegis
    Dark Channeler
    Diamond Fusion

    The problem with Petrified Horror is its attack speed IMO. The very very high SP req is also a problem, but if it had a higher attack speed, it would be easier to make a spell spam build with it; like cluster but with +39% spell and negative stats. Really I think Cluster is better than Pet Horror in too many ways to compare the two, but if Pet Horror ever gets attk+ or SP req drops (even just 10 in dex&str) in balance changes, it might be comparable to Cluster then.

    To start I wanted Anima for obvious reasons; Spell, HP%, HP Base, Defenses, +Elemental Dmg
    If I could have gotten the right amount of SPs without Blue Mask, then I would have used anima. When I ran out of SPs too quickly I realized I needed to change the helmet instead of compromising on my boots or accessories. I was interested in changing out the accessories, leggings, and boots before the helmet cause reasons I listed above. I started with 3 builds I found in different places, one of which was the Judas build. It should be obvious I used this one as the base for this build. I changed out the weapon first (obviously) then moved onto the helmet, at which point I predicted I would need more SPs and was completely correct. Now I have Blue Mask, Dark Channeler, and Summa defined as part of the build. I see the benefit of having another summa instead of a Moon Pool and swap it out. Summa gives the much needed SPs for this build without dropping the mana regen, like prisms or morphs would. Then I use wynndata's filters to get all chests with spell, thunder%, and earth%. I already had Beetle Aegis in mind, but this search solidified my choice since it really is the only one ;). Now I needed some boots, and still need MR/MS at this point due to 6MR/MS each. My first choice was to continue using Mementos, but -int killed that early on. I needed Boots with decent SP bonus so I chose Paradox. +11str/def was perfect for the build and its distributed SP reqs, 2MR/MS each, and spell% with an added exploding bonus were a nice touch. At this point the build is 'complete' since virtually any bracelet or necklace within the SPs provided are 'fine'. I do, however, suggest Nebulous, Prowess, Diamond Fusion Necklace, Drain, Gigabyte, Runic Coin, Prognosticum, Gold Static, Gold Hydro, Hamsey's Brilliance, Sinister, Planet Healer, Snowflake, and Charm of the Leech for neck and brace items (didn't expect that many options did ya?). All of these have some sort of bonus and cost to using. If you want added SPs to account for any your Blue mask doesn't have (cause no one has a +100 SP Blue Mask) use Giga or DFN or Prowess. +1 for reading the whole wall of text for completion. Remember, this build has -hp regen however you try and use it; don't forget HP potions. This is the best petrified horror build I could come up with.

    No Brace/Neck Link: https://wynndata.tk/s/KNdZEM
    Max SP Link (for someone who has an unparalleled need for SPs due to shitty Blue Mask or other item): https://wynndata.tk/s/V8L6A5

    EDIT: The ID rounding patch f-d this build. Make sure to use snowflake if you are in need of Mana. That or giga and a Mana bracelet.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
  2. _LokiFire

    _LokiFire Well-Known Adventurer

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    cool build i guess but u can't "spell spam" with super slow attk speed

    edit: which i know you already pointed out

    but this is a really good build
  3. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    @Salkasm @Pepinho @Headset_O can an admin lock this thread? the build doesn't work and I don't want anyone to accidentally try and use it. I do want it to stand as a reminder that this build once existed tho ;( RIP Spell Spam Super Slow thunder/earth archers everywhere [no one].
    Salkasm likes this.
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