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Most Useless Things In Real Life

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by ghoti0315, Oct 31, 2017.

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  1. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    Ok this post is about what is the most useless thing in real life. Give your opinions and explain.It can be either a joke or for real.
    Real one: For me, it is exam. I come from Hong Kong, and I know that the whole education system is exam oriented, which makes students focus much in exam skills rather than the knowledge. Take Chinese, which is my local language, as an example. Some of my classmates got extremely high marks/grades cuz of exam skills (like it takes a sentence from the passage, and asking you what emotions does it express, etc.) when I got low marks/grades when I put alot more effort in learning Chinese in an authentic way, but not exam skills.
    Joke one: Yo ofc it is oxygen. Why? Lets split this into three parts. First, oxygen is basically no use. When you breathe it in, you die. Why? You will know it after 100 years. And even though you don't breathe in oxygen, you still die. That means, oxygen don't make difference in human's life. Second, if the concentration of oxygen is more than half in the air, you can't smoke. Not only you, bt any other people else. Why? If you lit a lighter when there is a high concentration of oxygen in air, you know O2 can even relight a glowing splint, so basically it can set everything on fire. Third, it reacts with metals, to form metal oxides, which are basically useless.
    k thats the end with these shit, thanks for reading this post lol
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  2. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    You started on the topic of school so I'm going to continue on that.
    Over here you need to choose subjects in when your around 14 or 15. A lot of people already know what they want to choose, I haven't chosen exactly yet but I mostly know what I want. There are a lot of subjects that I really don't want to choose, for example: French, German, Greek, music and art. My problem mainly lies with the languages, I have to study a lot now but next year I don't need that knowledge anymore so I'll forget, that just results in hours of studying wasted. That's why I think it's stupid we can't drop a few subjects, mainly languages a year before you choose other subjects.
    Supertaster and SUPER M like this.
  3. Scarfitt

    Scarfitt Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I was forced to learn Latin for about 5 years and don't see the point. It's nice to learn for a couple of months as it can help you with other European languages but past that it's just a waste of time, unless I'm going to the Vatican I don't think there's anywhere in the world I'm going to actually be able to use it.
  4. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    then there is the point where in school they say we should respect opinions yet they always say art and music is useless and wont take you far (at least in my case)
    i did like to say school might be useful but after some teachers telling me that, the only thing i can feel is hate and the need to nail a knife on these teachers
    of course there are other things important but because of more jobs requiring science/language oriented subjects doesnt mean its useless
    specially because then you would be calling the creators of your favourite music and cartoons creators utter piece of shit that is wasting their time
    example of school subjects not being that useful:
    i want to be graphic designer or something related to drawing
    >has every single subject, science, maths, english, french, language, more stuff, yet no art or music
    how do you want me to become something then

    i did like to stop learning french (sorry french people, but i dont like your language, hope you understand) or science (because jesus christ im having troubles on this and its not even related to what i want to be) but i cant
    moar stuff i wanna add:
    there is also stuff like geography and history
    its completely ok they want us to have knowledge and that but if it has no other purpose than that it should be something optional
    i see the point on geography since we cant go to somewhere if we dont even know where it is, but i dont see the point in history, because its more of a thing that you should choose to learn, because its just history, it has nothing that might help you in real life but to follow some conversations' topics, so it should be something that you should be able to choose to know or not (because at least i, am not interested on knowing how many kings there were in X kingdom or if arquimedes invented x thing)
    im sure there are the one guys who will want to know, but it should not be something we should memorize
    btw if there are any jobs that require history, tell me so i might change my opinion on history

    also im bored of every single living being telling me to study because "Oh if you dont study you wont have a job and you wont know what to do with your life" or the typical "Because yes"
    1. we dont even know what we are supposed to do, we dont know anything else than "Memorize, Vomit, Get top kek grade, fall into anxiety's/depression's claws, pass, still depressed, and finally... Become another society's minion"
    2. i hate when the teachers give us as excuse to study the "Because i say so" or "Because we have to" excuses
    im waiting for the day a human being gives me an actual reason to study rather than the boring, repetitive "Because yes" excuse
    they ask us to explain and say the why of everything we do right? then please be an example and give us an actual argumented reason

    note for next time: decide 2 times if joining this topic or not because at this rythm i could be here for 2 hours
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2017
  5. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    I only follow Latin so I don't have to follow German and French three more years. And I'm better at Latin then French or German.
  6. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    History is not only used to learn history, it also learns you a lot about writing and analyzing sources. That means it can also be used for jobs in journalism and politics sometimes. I'm sure there's those are the ones I could think of.
    SUPER M likes this.
  7. BrickBuilder03

    BrickBuilder03 A penguin that likes turtles. VIP

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    My experience with school is probably very different then yours and I am skipping multiple years of school and getting close to straight As. My favorite subjects are physics and math. However I have to tell you that the science education is broken and missing the point. The general population does not care about refraction and wave properties, blackholes or the spacetime continuum and this should not be what we teach in science. We should teach the scientific method to everyone and make sure that they understand it since it is by far the best method of acquiring knowledge. After teaching it we should demonstrate it in the most interesting ways possible and not by "discovering" that the boiling point of water is 100°C. If I were a teacher under this system where I had to present a few interesting lessons per year I would probably show my students a bit of how we discovered the quantum realm and how we use physics in different fields. I would also be open with the purpose of my subject. I would end off with letting my students analyze a flawed research paper that I made and let them discover why they shouldn't trust it. This could also be used for assessment. The very last lesson would be about how often we get things wrong and show them how much we fail at finding the truth, even when using the scientific method.

    This would teach you everything in science that is important for everyone no matter what they may do in the future.
    ThomAnn100 likes this.
  8. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    i mean, science is useful but the problem is:
    they tell me this is the basic stuff we need in life
    how is it basic that we have to do a maths problem with equations, conversions and density formulas and that in 2nd grade of high school? i mean, the basics of maths are the 4 basic operations and some other stuff like a bit of potencies and fractions but i dont see the point on for example, the conversion factors
    why do i need to do a 5 minute operation for passing 4km to meters when i can just do 4 · 1000

    the scientific notation (i think its called like that in english) still made sense since it saved time of putting countless amounts of zeros
    but the conversion factors are a useless technique that costed us a whole exam's grades (most of my class failed on the exam of it kek) for a technique that isnt even efficient at all

    i did like that in science they tell us the important stuff and interesting science facts but no we have to waste our times memorizing 500 formulas, the chemical elements and inefficient math techniques
    kk cool
    still im pretty sure i would learn a lot more history if they just told me about it once somewhere
    because you know, when you get curious about something:
    * You open Google (or your common use navigator)
    * You google that thing
    * You spend the rest of the day reading the Wiki of that thing
    * ???
    * Profit
  9. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Most teachers say wiki isn't reliable, but personally I'd say that wiki should be used as a jumping point. It only really covers the most basic of stuff and if you actually want to learn more then you can use the references at the bottom that everyone seems to forget about.
    Personally, I find that the whole school system of "memorize everything" is useless. For me it would be so much more practical if it was a "understand everything" basis, since then you could actually apply it to real life (somewhat). Course, I'm not against tests in stuff, I heard that they're more testing your capacity to learn rather than your knowledge.
    SUPER M likes this.
  10. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    i would approve how tests work but to me they look pretty inefficient
    the only kind of tests i have ever taken on school that seem to work are P.E. ones (and they arent even paper tests, they are physical skills' tests)
    dont you believe me?
    english in my class:
    most of them get nice grades
    i talk 5 words in english to theme and they dont even know if im talking chinese, martian, spanish, galaxian, robotic or english

    1st year: Kek grades
    2nd year's starter test: Anyone barely got a 5

    and the french thing happened in 3 months
    see what i mean? also that tests affect greatly at how much you learn
    i mean, i cant be the only one who feels like learning is impossible if there is a force that stresses you (AKA tests)
    tests simply dont work at all, you can show that you learned something in better ways, but written tests just dont work at all, they might work once or twice but most of the time they dont show anything
  11. Scarfitt

    Scarfitt Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I agree that the scientific method is something that should definitely be taught more in schools, I only really learnt it from something my school does out of the curriculum, but I disagree that we shouldn't be taught about it. Wave properties definitely aren't that interesting (although I think black holes are something everyone should know about, cause they're awesome) but they still form a basis of physics. Same with most other lessons you learn in Chemistry or Biology. You don't need to know how a kidney works, but if you don't your going to struggle to become a doctor, and you don't need to know that petrol is a hydrocarbon, but without ever being taught that, 1. People need to know how these things work if they ever want a career in that field and 2. While it may not be interesting to some, it's very interesting to others. Despite the fact that some people in my class find organic chemistry boring, I find it fascinating. My point is, school is supposed to give you a well rounded education, not just teach you what you want to know or else we'd never progress. For example, in England you only get to choose all the subjects you want to study at A-Level, which happens to be when you're 16 and you no longer have to go to school.
  12. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    this is what i mean with some subjects being optional
    while i find history and science incredibly boring, im pretty sure there are those dudes out there who find it really interesting
    not removing the subject, but more of making it something optional, not a forced subject

    in my school they teach everything but arts, because "Oh its not gonna be useful" or "Oh nobody likes it"
    i find every subject we have right now really boring yet it did be nice i could pick music and plastic arts as subjects
  13. pippi~

    pippi~ ritoru demon

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    As we're on the subject of school subjects, I might as well leave this here. idk if it's relevant though.
    SUPER M likes this.
  14. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    important things they dont teach you in school Video Edition

    i like that video
  15. BrickBuilder03

    BrickBuilder03 A penguin that likes turtles. VIP

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    Tl:Dr We want almost every subject to be somewhat optional. This would benefit everyone since the less gifted can put focus on the core subjects and reach a sufficient level. The more gifted could take more subjects and achieve a greater level of understanding and width. Possible disadvantages of this could be younger people having to choose their own future before they were ready, however I think that the advantages would outweigh the disadvantages.
    Nihilego36 and ThomAnn100 like this.
  16. Scarfitt

    Scarfitt Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Agreed, schools should have to teach you how to deal with real life problems. I'm lucky enough to have (hopefully) been taught enough so that I'll know how to live as an adult but I know many people haven't/weren't.
    I feel really sad now :(
  17. Ailurophilic

    Ailurophilic cool cat lady

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    When you're dutch and you've got the binas to save your ass :sunglasses:

    Teachers can't just tell you the interesting science facts because you need to know how to apply these facts too, they probably want you to enjoy their subject but they're bound to a curriculum so they can't just do the fun stuff, unfortunately. Even though physics might be boring at times, it teaches you to be very careful (significant figures, writing down the correct unit and correct power of 10 etc.) which is pretty useful in my opinion.

    The same thing goes for a subject like history; as someone has already stated above you learn a lot about writing and analyzing sources, but you also learn to make connections between certain events for example.

    Some subjects can be really boring but they do teach you stuff that can be useful later in life, even if you don't want to pursue a career in that field.
    ThomAnn100 likes this.
  18. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    >being careful
    >nobody in my class does even know what they are doing

    U sure it works anyways?
    they teach you important stuff, but its always in camo mode between 60 lines of pointless text

    its ok we have to learn advanced stuff but it did be better if they first teached us how to be persons instead of robots

    i mean, its not like its obvious we are just being enslaved by a stupid system and we cant do anything because we are already old so we can get free
    it might look like im exagerating on my last sentence but if you think about it, technically we are being slaves
    dont let small kids fall in the trap too ;n;
  19. Ailurophilic

    Ailurophilic cool cat lady

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    Yeah, I'm pretty sure it works, actually! I don't know what grade you're in but most of it starts making sense in high school with a lot of practice and hard work. I used to struggle a lot with science in 8th-10th grade but I'm taking a lot of science classes right now and I'm pretty confident I'm gonna pass my final exams this year. Perhaps you should ask your teacher to explain it again or ask another teacher for help if your own teacher is an incompetent asshole (I know the feeling, but you gotta pass the class anyway so might as well try to make the best out the situation).

    I don't get much of your last sentence but I assume you're trying to say we are enslaved by some 1984-ish system and it's too late for us to get out of it because we're too old(??). Do you mean school by this, or the way society works in general?
    ThomAnn100 likes this.
  20. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    society in general
    if you think about it, we are just the minions of some superior guy
    unless im missing some important detail of course
    actually, im good with explaining stuff, the thing comes to do stuff with formulas they put me
    trust me, i can find the solution to stuff and i can explain it but i completely die when it is some "Have this thing and this, calculate blah blah blah using blah blah blah"
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