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Community Event Mythic Dagger Giveaway

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by GaryIsAdopted, Oct 1, 2017.



  1. Larzlapiz dabs on haters

    80 vote(s)
  2. Larzlapiz doesn't dab on haters

    41 vote(s)
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  1. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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    I imagine how many people would be pissed off if this giveaway is fake.
  2. Glamazon_


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    1. FAHDCouture
    2. I'm gay. I'm gay. I'm gay. I'm gay. I'm gay. I'm gay. I'm gay. I'm gay. I'm gay. I'm gay. I'm gay. I'm gay.
    3. I'm gay xo. I'm gay xo. I'm gay xo. I'm gay xo. I'm gay xo. I'm gay xo. I'm gay xo. I'm gay xo. I'm gay xo. I'm gay xo. I'm gay xo. I'm gay xo.
    4. GlamazonLapiz
    5. Earwax and hot dogs
    6. I'm desperate xo
    7. I have no idea who they are but Salted is a cute name so I choose Salted
    8. Well quite frankly I find Amadel stupid because honestly what idiot would call something Amadel? It sounds like a rip off Arabic brand which sells horrible kaftans which have horrid designs and bad quality.
    9. 3843
    10. Yes
    11. done
    12. i only use my hands for a fun time
    13. i don't know what a haiku is
  3. RogP

    RogP back VIP+

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    1. IGN: RogP
    2. A full fledged essay about global warming(not a sentence, atleast 12 sentences, the more detailed the better):

    Although many people in the world run movements to prevent the issue of global warming, they still contribute to the issue.
    Every day, people emit carbon dioxide, and trees remove that carbon and convert it to oxygen, but there are plenty of other things that
    discharge CO2. It truly is ironic that people who prevent global warming are a cause to the issue.

    One action that causes CO2 to be released into the atmosphere is simply existing. The human population has grown over 7 billion,
    and the world is overpopulated with humans. A simple solution to this to die, but no one is willing to do that on their own, so other people
    do it for them.

    The second action that people don't recognize as a cause of global warming is technology. Humans do not realize that their phones radiate and give
    off greenhouse gasses. A simple solution to this would be to throw out all your cell phones and computers, but self-centered humans will not do

    Unfortunate as it is, global warming will only get worse regardless of any efforts to prevent it. Many uneducated and ignorant humans have no
    idea what is causing it or that it even exists. At least I won't be alive when the glaciers melt to experience the flooding of all land on Earth.

    3. Another essay about why dabbing is amazing (same rules as first essay)

    Dabbing is amazing for several scientific reasons.
    These reasons are unknown to the entire human population except me.
    Somehow, god granted me this knowledge to share it with all of you.

    First of all, a dab a day makes you live eternally.
    One twist is that you must dab while riding a unicycle with one leg while riding a pogo stick with the other.
    As incredibly difficult as it is, the effort is worth it.

    Second of all, every time you dab, a baby is born.
    One twist is that the baby can come from any species of animal or the baby may even be the first one of it's kind.
    Someday when you dab, a baby ocillosaurus pottmouse frog may be born right in front of your eyes!

    Truly, dabbing is amazing by providing us these incredible powers that no one thought existed.
    I never understood the importance and amazingness of dabbing until god showed me the light.
    Remember, dabbing is the answer to all your questions!

    4. A different name for @LarzLapiz: larzpencil
    5. What @Major_Lue smells like: a major loo
    6. Why u want mythic: money
    7. Favorite owner of server (grain slated jlamma): jlamma
    8. Another essay about why amadel is stupid(same rules as first one)

    Amadel is stupid for various scientific reasons. These reasons have been deduced through rigorous tests
    and studies conducted in labs and schools around the world. Some information in this essay will shock you.

    Amadel was born in Ethiopia in 430 B.C. He was a confused lad. One day he was bitten by a wolf and he was
    diagnosed with severe stupidity. On a scale of one to ten, it was an 11.

    Amadel grew up to be successful, regardless of his stupidity. Sadly, his success did not last as his greed empowered him.
    He was greedy to take over a mystical land called Wynn. Sadly, his attempt failed and he was exiled to another mystical land, Dern.

    DO NOT SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH ANYONE. This is classified content and any sharing of it will result in being exiled to Dern.
    To finish off, Amadel was incredibly stupid mostly because of his disease, but his actions such as his attempt to take over Wynn contributed
    to his stupidity.

    9. A number 1-5000: 9822
    10. Are you gay: no
    11. Vote on poll: ok
    12. An original drawing of larzlapiz or dab:
    13. A haiku about larzlapiz pokeballs:
    pokeballs are cool(5)
    larz lapiz has pokeballs(7)
    larz lapiz is cool (5)
    GaryIsAdopted and LarzLapiz like this.
  4. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Uh, when does this end again?
  5. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Uh, what now? We did all that crap for no reason? Is that what your saying?
    What what? Are you saying we did all that crap for nothing?
  6. Allamak

    Allamak Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    He is perm banned and there is no chance for unban, so your answer is yes
  7. Salkasm

    Salkasm [[Hyperlink Blocked]] Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    Due to these rather sad circumstances the thread is locked. If the owner wants it unblocked please msg me or any mod. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
    Allamak likes this.
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