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Art Arrival Motivation

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by CuteSeatrout, Sep 7, 2017.

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  1. CuteSeatrout

    CuteSeatrout Marshmallow Fox VIP

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    Ello and I'm back with a new artwork, but this time with a new kind of background! Apparently, I tried to experiment with various techniques on how the way I make backgrounds. Luckily this time, I'm really impressed with the style that I've done on this artwork. It is simplistic yet easy to look at.

    As always, feedback is appreciated!

    Coolfood, yotamdin, Luxio and 19 others like this.
  2. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    I like it.


    The stairs don't really look like stairs, perhaps due to the paper-cut-out layered approach to the rest of the piece (it doesn't invite perspective, and you have drawn the stairs in a perspective that does not exist in this piece). If I can see the side of the platform (the stairs) then I should be able to see the side of the wooden beams and everything else.

    Adherence to the rule of thirds (which you seem to have done) isn't always a good thing. The platform looks a bit large and seems like it would fit better in a panning shot rather than a static picture. It makes it look like the characters are in the midground (that's not a word, is it?), not the foreground.

    Other than that, I really like the way you drew the rest of the background, and it fits the whimsical characters quite well.
    Power :3 and CuteSeatrout like this.
  3. CuteSeatrout

    CuteSeatrout Marshmallow Fox VIP

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    Thanks for the feedback! I've check the artwork again and actually found out the problem. It seems that I didn't add the perspective properly so it looked like a paper cut-out scene. Also, are there limits on the rule of thirds? If do, please explain to me, I'm interested to those things.

    Nonetheless, I'll try to add an actual perspective on upcoming artworks. Thanks for that!
  4. cp2013

    cp2013 Travelled Adventurer

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    this is very nice, very clean. if I had one negative (besides for the stairs as mentioned in a prev post) it would be the windows as they aren't similar in shape (one is egg shaped the other a circle) it also seems like the characters are so full of color and the buildings around them are drab and lackluster even though they are put together so well. other than that this is very well done!!
    CuteSeatrout likes this.
  5. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    I think the perspective is completely fine, for Poiu saying that's the problem with the stairs. The problem with the stairs, I think, has to do with the shading. the ledge of the stairs is a darker grey, while the wall furthest from the stairs is a light grey, and it should be the inverse way because of the depth of the perspective. And, based off the position of your lighting (which you positioned on the right of the composition) the stairs are missing their shadow on the wall.

    So, here's a little edit I made:


    Personally, I prefer the original better, since the more muted stairs make you focus on the main bus scenery, so I think it's just people being very nitpicky about the stairs :p Maybe this might make you understand what Poiu meant that the rule of thirds isn't always beneficial, when I say the original stairs make you focus on the bus scenery more. Probably cutting off the composition one step from the stairs might help.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2017
    Power :3 and CuteSeatrout like this.
  6. Mouse :)

    Mouse :) cicetil is no longer a slave VIP+

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    I love your logs! They look simple brown, but if you zoom in they're really detailed
    CuteSeatrout likes this.
  7. Emmie

    Emmie D.va main btw HERO

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    I like your flat paper cutout style you did this time, and I like how you only choose to outline your characters and you made them brighter then the background. It really makes them pop and it reminds me of how an artist I like, Atey Ghailan, used to outline his characters sometimes (example: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3bwyv). There are a couple of things I'd like to point out though: the first is your stairs, as several others have mentioned.

    In my opinion, the problem is that the stairs don't read as stairs; it just looks like a wall. You do have the light to the side of it, but there are a couple problems with this. The first thing is that it is so far to the right of the drawing, while your focal point is on the left. This means that when you first see it it looks like a wall, but when you look to the right you then see that it's stairs (if that makes sense I'm not sure how to explain it). The second problem with the stairs is that most of them are in shadow, with a light on the right side. This implies that there is something to the left off of the canvas that is casting that shadow, but by looking at the characters and the direction of the light beams the light source is on the right. I think the only reason you added the lighting on the stairs is because you needed to tell the viewer that they are stairs and not a wall. I have a better idea (in my opinion) of how to do this. I just drew it because I think that would be better than trying to explain it in words: https://prnt.sc/gixgay. Obviously you would put a little more effort into it than I did, but you get the idea. You wouldn't even need to add the shadow to right at this point because the viewer can already tell that it's a staircase, but if you do want something, it has to be a shadow not a highlight, in order to keep the lighting consistent.

    The second problem I see with your piece is with your characters. There are 3 things I would change about them. There's a problem with your character on the left, the right side of the face goes in front of the rails. I would also avoid covering up the eyes like you did with the one on the left and with the bear. I would also avoid tangencies The last thing is, in general, you want to avoid having tangencies in your art, like you do with the bottom of the fox's head touching the railing. Here I highlighted what I mean: https://prnt.sc/gixg8j.

    lol this turned into an essay what the fuck happened
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2017
    cicetil, CuteSeatrout and Fox like this.
  8. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    Your stair suggestion of having the steps facing front actually fixes as well the issue of the character's faces being covered up by tbe rail, since with a stair design like that there wouldn't be any rails if the entire extension was stairs.

    I didn't point out the character's being covered since I'm pretty positive the design for this piece was meant to be unedited and realistic, not composed. So, with tbat perspective in mind, it isn't necessarily a problem the characters being covered.

    Also wiith that realistic perspective in mind, that the staircase isn't supposed to look extremely clear, since due to the side angle it isn't going to, so I wouldn't change the staircase angle either, unless the artist was striving for something more composed.

    Thought I'd share, since I think analyzing the intentions the artist may have had are the ones that truly say whether if something is a problem/mistake or if something was deliberate.
    CuteSeatrout and Emmie like this.
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