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[rp] The Light Of Lyria [closed]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Eirika & Ephraim, Aug 20, 2017.

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  1. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    ((I understand that, with the limited information you have, it may be a struggle to construct a character that fits with Lyria's society in looks and name. Consult me in PMs for help. I could write paragraphs on a race's appearance.))

    Your mind still feels so incomplete, yawning holes boring into your skull. Who are you? What is this place?
    "The answers you seek may come in time, if you survive long enough. But for now, simply answer: What is your name? Think carefully. I will not hesitate to call you something dumb for the rest of your short life."

    Nixis Vezz

    As you speak your name, your head's desire for answers is quenched. The mist presses around you, and suddenly you have it. A personality. True feelings. What these are, however, are up to you.

    "Yes, that's better, is it not? Now, give me your race. The knowledge of which I have planted should tell you what you desire."

    Horror, Chaotic Good

    Your body seems to shift at that. What was once a dark blob is now an outline of you. But it's incomplete.
    "Your appearance?"

    Gender: Male, Lived for atleast 189 years
    Eyes: Black eyes
    Skin: Purple/blue-ish with blach hair. Musclar body.
    Hight: 6,2 feet tall
    Extra limbs:
    He has a slender arm attached on his left shoulder blade.
    An extra row of eyes, like a spider.
    Two long and pointy bone sticking out of his upper arm.
    He tries to cover most of these 'extras' with clothing.
    The shadows again shift, forming every minute detail. Then, they still and solidify. You are, at last.
    "Now, your chosen ability. What will it be?"

    Drain: Drains energy from it's target. Used to sleep others. Only kills if used for a very long time, or if target has zero to no energy.

    Power suddenly courses through you. The rapid thump heartbeat can be heard in the void as adrenaline surges high. But then it's gone, and you feel mortal again. Something to regain, perhaps.
    "Perfect. Now, anything else you would like to add?"
    "I hope this life will be better."
    And you like to hear you're the greatest, so there.

    @Erika & Ephraim
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2017
  2. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    ((Thanks. Cannot believe I missed that line in the rules... Actually, what are the characteristics of a kitsune here?))
  3. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    Race: Kitsune
    Age: 1-1000

    Kitsune are shapeshifters, being able to become anything and anyone to hide their fox characteristics. They get more tails as they age, a new one every 100 years. They can have a maximum of nine, and will die if they ever do lose their last tail.

    Appearance is what you'd expect- a human with fox ears, fox tail, etc.
  4. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    ((Could be fun... I guess I'll make some quick edits. Angels are too commonly used anyway.))

    [Name Question]

    "Kori." ((This is indeed an alias I use in some places))

    [Race Question]

    ((Hmm... I've used Kitsune in another rp, so... Screw it.)) "Kitsune."

    [Appearance Question]

    "420 years old, gold-ish hair, blue eyes, slender body structure, around 6 ft tall. light skin."

    [Ability Question]

    "Harnessing Lightning."

    "Perfect. Now, anything else you would like to add?"

    "Start me in Laureleaf. An inn or something would be nice. Also, Yourethegreatestattheendofyourapplicationifyouvereadtherules ((andalsoIamquiteembarrassedaboutmissingithefirsttime.))."
  5. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    ((Accepted. I'm working on everyone's responses at the moment. Yours will be added shortly.))
  6. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    ((Okay. Have fun.))
  7. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    ((changed mind totally joining, more or less active though.))
    Your mind still feels so incomplete, yawning holes boring into your skull. Who are you? What is this place?
    "The answers you seek may come in time, if you survive long enough. But for now, simply answer: What is your name? Think carefully. I will not hesitate to call you something dumb for the rest of your short life."

    Damia Frieda

    As you speak your name, your head's desire for answers is quenched. The mist presses around you, and suddenly you have it. A personality. True feelings. What these are, however, are up to you.

    "Yes, that's better, is it not? Now, give me your race. The knowledge of which I have planted should tell you what you desire."

    Draconian/Lycan mix? Is this ok?

    Your body seems to shift at that. What was once a dark blob is now an outline of you. But it's incomplete.
    "Your appearance?"

    16, 5'10", Sorta thin but stronger than she looks, Dark orange, Darker orange?

    The shadows again shift, forming every minute detail. Then, they still and solidify. You are, at last.
    "Now, your chosen ability. What will it be?"

    Manipulation of earth. Basically earth bender/ elemental mage idea.

    Power suddenly courses through you. The rapid thump heartbeat can be heard in the void as adrenaline surges high. But then it's gone, and you feel mortal again. Something to regain, perhaps.
    "Perfect. Now, anything else you would like to add?"
    You the best!! Also can I live in Edana?

    ((is this ok))
  8. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Your mind still feels so incomplete, yawning holes boring into your skull. Who are you? What is this place?
    "The answers you seek may come in time, if you survive long enough. But for now, simply answer: What is your name? Think carefully. I will not hesitate to call you something dumb for the rest of your short life."


    As you speak your name, your head's desire for answers is quenched. The mist presses around you, and suddenly you have it. A personality. True feelings. What these are, however, are up to you.

    "Yes, that's better, is it not? Now, give me your race. The knowledge of which I have planted should tell you what you desire."


    Your body seems to shift at that. What was once a dark blob is now an outline of you. But it's incomplete.
    "Your appearance?"

    About 267 years old,sheet white skin but dark gray hair, 6 feet tall thin male, doesn't look super strong but still can easaly carry 1-8kg

    The shadows again shift, forming every minute detail. Then, they still and solidify. You are, at last.
    "Now, your chosen ability. What will it be?"

    Transforming into small animals/insects ((lizards,frogs,dragonflys,etc. But no only animals smaller then a cat))

    Power suddenly courses through you. The rapid thump heartbeat can be heard in the void as adrenaline surges high. But then it's gone, and you feel mortal again. Something to regain, perhaps.
    "Perfect. Now, anything else you would like to add?"

    you are the greatest and you're ego needs fuel
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2017
  9. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Your mind still feels so incomplete, yawning holes boring into your skull. Who are you? What is this place?
    "The answers you seek may come in time, if you survive long enough. But for now, simply answer: What is your name? Think carefully. I will not hesitate to call you something dumb for the rest of your short life."

    Yuu Veen

    As you speak your name, your head's desire for answers is quenched. The mist presses around you, and suddenly you have it. A personality. True feelings. What these are, however, are up to you.

    "Yes, that's better, is it not? Now, give me your race. The knowledge of which I have planted should tell you what you desire."


    Your body seems to shift at that. What was once a dark blob is now an outline of you. But it's incomplete.
    "Your appearance?"

    34, 5"4, Thin and lanky. Somewhat slouching constantly. Black hair color, sheet white. Black eye color.

    The shadows again shift, forming every minute detail. Then, they still and solidify. You are, at last.
    "Now, your chosen ability. What will it be?"

    Mind control - limited duration and costly. The more time Yuu spends channeling it, the longer the duration will be.

    Power suddenly courses through you. The rapid thump heartbeat can be heard in the void as adrenaline surges high. But then it's gone, and you feel mortal again. Something to regain, perhaps.
    "Perfect. Now, anything else you would like to add?"

    Yes, you are quite powerful. I humble thyself in awe of your greatness.
  10. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Good luck with all these applications.
    Eirika & Ephraim likes this.
  11. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    "Time to do all these..."

    *One Eternity Later..*

  12. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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  13. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    I have done most of you. Some are still to come, bear with me. I have an AP summer project that demands to be finished.

    I am here, talking to six at once and here is you internally proclaiming yourself great. Yes, I heard that. This is my domain, after all. Whatever. Maybe Life will kill you for me..." they trail off, leaving you in an empty abyss. But then the stars close in.

    All you can see is light.


    You wake under a canopy of gold. Far above you, thousands of gilded leaves sparkle in the early dawn. The verdant grass drips with dew, long stalks untouched by the chilling draft filtering through the oaks. It tickles your face from the spot where you lay.

    But everything is silent. No birds in sight, not even distant chirps. No cicadas, no owls, nothing. Only the whisper of the trees as their branches sway.

    "Yes, it most certainly does! Well, I'm running out of ways to say the darkness swallows you, so just-,"

    The darkness swallows you.


    You are immediately hit by the revolting smell of rotting- before you even have time to open your eyes. Arrayed in straight and orderly lines expanding off into the distance is hundreds of corpses. None of them even twitch, eyes staring ahead.

    As for what they're looking at...

    A dark elf stands on a raised podium, leaning on a black iron staff with a hint of disdain for the undead. Still, forces a smile that does not travel to his eyes. "My servants! Highwatch falls today!" And still there's an eerie silence as no undead responds. It'd sure be awkward if one of you was actually sentient.

    "I do hate it when people make resolutions to ignore me in their thoughts. Be that way, I suppose."

    The soldiers form ranks around you, shoulders and feet straightened as best possible. A stout man with a in loose black attire moves to inspect, brushing the smallest amounts of dust off of shoulders, before nodding and moving down the line. All the while, the officer in ceremonial armor rattles off, voice booming.

    "Ye lads are in luck. Yer unit and... another one- are being requested at the capital. Can't imagine why they'd want a bunch o' rookie conscripts, but then again they spend 'alf o' their day pluckin' gold feathers o' that ruddeh angel they call queen." There's a few half-hearted chuckles at that, though a lot of still shifting uncomfortably at the idea of leaving their life-long home.

    "Safer there then 'ere, lads." The captain sighs.

    ((Several feet taller))

    The sky has only just been touched by dawn, a blood red light flowing overhead and spilling onto the torn black flag of the Ur. Nearly every prisoner seems beaten, but to say they all are would be a lie. Through the nonsensical thoughts and mutterings of the ogres that accompany your line, you feel a few beacons of hope. New slaves, most likely, but strong the same as you.

    Flashes of some of the things the slaves reminiscence about enter you- being dragged past a new shipment of Ur explosives by the gate. One scarred man letting the wolves out, slaves running wild only for them to be hunted and thrown back in.

    The ogres who had been at the entry join you, marching you toward the golden sea of grass lying beyond. With massive clubs drawn out, it seems almost stupid to run.

    The elf seems pleased at your easy acceptance, lips quirking in an obvious smile even in the dark. "Like I did say while explaining, the ship arrives at noon. We must have already intercepted it by then. That in itself should be no hard feat with the Mer's pledge of allegiance."

    "Do I even have a choice anymore?" Aerilaya rolls her eyes.

    "Not particularly, no."

    "Yes, my lord, I live to serve you and will obey your every command. Lucky for you, I am in a very good mood." They grumble. "Ring the bell for dry cleaning. Wait..."

    The fog begins to swirl, picking up the pace until it is an inferno of stars and light.

    You burn much too brightly


    Your vision clears to the crackle of a hearth and the low mutters of elves. They lean over tables, engaged in intense games of wit and sipping some murky liquid that's hopefully tea.

    There is all manners of strange woodland creatures scattered about- so much that you don't really look odd even in regular form. Some kind of dryad serves at the counter, for instance, and the wooden instruments in the corner appear to be playing themselves. It's peaceful- for now, at least.
  14. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    I play along, staring at the elf, while trying to remember what the hell Highwatch is.
  15. Tezzeret

    Tezzeret You dare bring light to my lair? You must DIE! VIP

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    "I will be able to sneak on board the ship, and pick off the sailors. With the Mer distracting them, it will be an easy mission."
  16. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Still working on me?
    If so, I added my characters appearance in my application. (Page 2, first message.)
  17. Florfy5

    Florfy5 a person

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    "This place seems nice. I wonder what those elves are drinking..."
    I'll head to the bar and see what there is to order.
    I just saw the tags...
  18. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    As I look up at the high walls, I suddenly have a flash of recognition - Or at least I think I do.
    I have a name on the tip of my tongue, a name just out of reach, something I just cannot put my finger on.
    I'm sure this is a common feeling, so I'll dismiss it and move on. I'll just watch the captain finish his speech for now.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2017
  19. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "But I am gre- Wait what?"
    I sit up and take a look around me, completely confused as to where I am and what's going on. The silence chills me to the bones. I finally get up, choose a direction, and walk that way.
  20. brokenmotor

    brokenmotor Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I try to catch the gazes of the few slaves with fight left in them. I realize that one of them is right behind me. I glance back at him, and the slave seems to have a plan. I try to tune into what he's thinking - something about cooking? or food?

    I catch his gaze, and he stares at me with some surprise. I don't think he was expecting to find a slave that wasn't broken. He starts whispering rapidly in a mix of my language and a foreign language - I catch snippets of what he's saying, like "trick", "seasoning", "humans", "city", and "escape". Then, it dawns on me what his plan is. He wants to trick the ogres by convincing them that Humans will taste better with seasoning, and lead them to the nearest well-guarded city. I nod vigorously at him. "Two people will be more convincing than one," I whisper back, and he smiles. Then I look around. I don't see anything but an endless sea of grass. "Where's the nearest human fort?" I ask him.
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