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SPOILER Theory- Dern's Relation To Wynn's Corruption

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Lucan3K, Aug 20, 2017.

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  1. Lucan3K

    Lucan3K I'm Broke in Videogames Too HERO

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    Dwarves created portals (like the, ones in fantastic voyage) to get to places. For the theory think of it like their technology okay? In the TOL quest we learn that the COW is one of the miners hosted by an evil presence. The miner's brother is just an idea of who the TOL NPC QUESTGIVER is that stands in front of the TOL. My idea that Dern is the Nether. This comes from how the nether PVP ARENA looks like a ruined city and shares many ties with corruption. Also in the Fantastic voyage quest the supposed Dernel portal and the place we go to is the basis of my theory. I also wanted to explain the weird chromatic anomalies surrounding the door of time as well. If you were wondering about Gateway island and it's significance. Id like to think Bob tried to build the portal to Dern there ( We know he was there for some time because of his campsite that includes a sealed letter to Nilrem) and perhaps he was studying the magical power of Gateway Island so he could build the portal to find the source of the corruption ( We also know Bob was oriented around fighting the corruption because he allegedly "died" fighting the COW. Thus, providing his sealed letters to Nilrem which hint at that fact) Alright to the Theory! Hope that covers most questions. Id love to hear feedback and also a disclaimer: THIS IS A THEORY! NOTHING HERE IS CANNON OR WILL 100% HAPPEN THIS IS COMPLETELY I, NEKROMANSER'S OPINION/THEORY. THANK YOU!

    1000s of years ago when Dwarves in dern were creating portals with the intent of traveling across large distances perhaps to other worlds? They accidentally opened a can of worms "Stranger Things style" and started releasing a supermassive corruption that engulfed and shattered their cities and province. In the wake of the rapid destruction the Dwarves in the "Capital City" were pressed for time, so they opened up one last portal to escape to anywhere to any other landmass on the world (they built it too fast and also they didnt care where it took them) and that portal opened up about 100m below some quiet detlas/elkurn suburbs. The Dwarves realized this wouldn't help them escape so they left the city having the corruption on their tail. They didnt have enough time to close the portal. They fled. Soon the dwarves made one final stand on the last bit of non-corrupted landmass on their province. Built another random portal. It was now or never. This created the door of time. The Dwarves fled out of the portal into the Nivla Forest plains. Built some buildings and made a small town. Soon later a large group of wynn patriots (like the Corkus Patriots) came and did not like the Dernel people living on their land without permission. They told them to leave through the portal they came in. The dwarves left and teleported to another location (What is now Ancient Rodoroc)

    The humans could sense the bitter corruption behind that gate so the humans did the best they could and sealed the portal. To this day the portal has been emitting strange anomalies of corruption resulting in time variation. over the hundreds of years, the once Dwarven town crumbled to rubble, forever lost. All that remains is the door of time and its subtle corruptive time anomaly. The dwarve's portal materialized into a cave beneath the Great Fire Volcanoes of north-eastern Gavel. The Dwarves signed a peace treaty with the Villagers and created a massive underground, seperated city called Ancient Rodoroc. Many years later, Ancient Rodoroc's only exit was destroyed by a massive dragon.The dwarves slayed the beast in the frozen peaks leaving it to rot. The Dwarves then built a larger city above the ruins of ancient Rodoroc and to this day is their metropolis. Safe from corruption.

    Back in wynn 100s of years later the door of time's effects are noticed by few. All is well. Until one Nemract miner mines in the wrong spot... he surfaced the "Nether Portal" (actually a portal to a now corrupted Dernel city) It exploded with brilliant light destroying everything around it annihilating miners and creating massive spikes of obsidian. The one survivor fled to Nemract. The world shook, every soul in Wynn could see the corruption blast spread like wildfire. In a nearby tower, a powerful wizard named Gundalf cast a massive spell slowing the speed of corruption, he couldnt stop it though. The damage has been done, and over the next 30 years the corruption continues to slowly spread. The one survivor from the initial contact contacts a recruit from ragni to kill his brother... the one who initially surfaced th portal. He had been absorbed by corruption and turned itno a host of an all powerful being. The CORRUPTER OF WORLDS. As for the dwarves? Dern may not just be done with them yet...
    Lol I was talking to my friend about dern and this theory materialized in my head! I just had to write it down somewhere!
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2017
    _TheRealJesus likes this.
  2. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    It isn't.
    Willi, Flare2B, Tisaun and 9 others like this.
  3. Flubby

    Flubby left and accidentally became leftist VIP+

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    I honestly find this impossible to believe, given you have provided no substantial evidence. If you support each claim you make, even moderately, given the scope and scale of this, it would have some merit but as is, this is really just unsubstantiated conjecture.
    ThomAnn100 likes this.
  4. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    Whaat? Uh, I don't think they did (although I don't know a lot of the dwarven lore).

    The miner who became CoW is over 1,000 years old.
    Kelight is a villager.
    Villagers came to Wynn about 100 years ago.

    It's not.
    In Wynnexcavation Site D, you get some.. "dialogue."
    Two fundamental forces exist in our world. One of Darkness, and one of Light.
    The Darkness and Light grew closer, but never touched...
    At least, not on their plane of existence. They fight for influence over our land from afar.
    However, when the two touch through influence, it is not twilight that is formed. But a land of corruption.

    This land is the Nether.
    It's basically the Realm of Corruption. Just as there is a Realm of Light, and (undoubtedly) a Realm of Darkness (or Shadow, as some speculate), there is an in-between.

    I'm pretty sure the portal was already there. While there is no evidence to prove otherwise, it is unreasonable to think that Bob built such a portal, as there is no evidence supporting that claim, either. There's a rule, called Occam's Razor. It basically states that the more assumptions you make, the more unreasonable that statement is. The simple way is the better way, or is, at least, more correct.

    This is a baseless claim.

    No, he "died" to a pack of wolves, in Nesaak.
    There is a being, of which Bob wrote in in the Sealed Letters. He says that he will seal it away with his life force, and he also states that this being is in a land "far" away.
    This being could have been CoW, but it's not far away. And not very hard to fight.
    There is also the Dern beast, on Dead/Alive island, which might be the being Bob is fighting/sealing away.
    However, the presence of the sealed letters indicates that Bob journeyed into Dern (or what is presumed to be Dern), and fought something there, such as the Eye.

    This is baseless speculation, and as such, I cannot comment on it. There is nothing to confirm or deny, as it's so open-ended.

    There are 3 things that we know about the door of time.
    1) It's important.
    2) It warps time.
    3) It's been slowly opening ever since the Gavel update.
    I don't see how humans could've sensed corruption. There is no evidence that humans ever had and will have this power. The only corruption in Wynn was from the Nether portal. There is no evidence that it ever came from somewhere else.

    Uh, what?
    This contradicts what we know about pre-corruption emerald rush Wynn.
    The roots of corruption were always in Wynn. As far as we know, the mining team that surfaced the nether portal did nothing more than that. We actually don't know anything about the miners who uncovered the portal, we're just told that it was uncovered, and it made people enraged at their comrades whenever they were near it (the portal). CoW was created when Humans were mining in the Nether, 2 months after another mining team dared to go in. 2 months later, the undead were found, CoW was created, and Ancient Nemract was destroyed, presumably in the same day. The attack was most likely undead swarming out of the portal, then attacking the closest Human settlement. The rest of the mining team's (who uncovered the undead) spirits found their way to the Pit of the Dead.
    Lord of the Clock is a spoof of the Lord of the Rings, and is pretty much there for the lols.
    Recruits, too, should not be a thing. From what we know, Ragni started recruiting people to help defend against the undead.
    All of what you have said in this paragraph contradicts the established lore (still pretty sure that lord of the clock isn't canon).
    tl;dr, most (if not all) of your claims have no evidence backing it, as such I can only explain this post as a fanfic, rather than an actual theory.
  5. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    The Nether has more ties to Corruption than to Darkness. Grian himself calls Dern the "dark land", not "corrupted land".

    This does raise questions though. We need to know how the Nether's portal got there in the first place, given the fact that Corruption is heavily associated with it, and Corruption is created through Light and Darkness combining. This means that there had to be a war between Gavel and Dern at one point.

    But, in the lore, we know that Corruption began after the Portal was first found. This isn't possible if Light and Dark create Corruption, which would mean Corruption would already be there.

    This makes me wonder if the Nether, in Wynn terms, is not where awful people are sent when they die, but is a realm created after Light and Dark merged.

    Based on this it could be that Corruption is not created from light and dark combined, but from the Nether, which is fed power as Light and Dark fight. Then the corruption spreads from the portal, each time the Nether grows stronger.
  6. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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  7. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Can I get a tl;dr for these wall of text?
    Kaelan~ likes this.
  8. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    tl;dr a shit load of assumptions
    Kaelan~ likes this.
  9. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    I'm pretty sure this is basically disproven. The beast of Dern Island is definitely dead, and not just sealed away. You can see its skeleton in a cave underneath the island, which is clearly not sealed. Also, Siwel says that the warrior from Ragni killed the beast. This is another indication that it was actually defeated and not just sealed away. While this probably was Bob, we can reasonably conclude that it was not his final battle. I feel Siwel in his guilt would also probably have said if the warrior had died. Another major clue is the letter found on Gateway Island, which seems to be the last one. This to me suggests that Bob went through there, and that his final battle took place in the realm the portal leads to. There is a further clue in Fantastic Voyage as well, Relend says:
    I almost forgot, I saw a note by that portal of dread. would you mind if I tell you what it read?
    "Whoever enters this portal, beware the darkness inside." Well, I didn't see anyone else in that place, I suppose they died.

    We know that Bob went to Gateway Island. We also know that someone left a note by the portal. This could either have been Bob or Captain Goldenclaw, though with Goldenclaw's age you'd expect the note to have decayed if left in the open, given the state of his corpse. We also know that someone probably died in the realm. It couldn't have been Goldenclaw, his corpse is near Jofash Dock. We know that the Sealed Letters were written just before Bob's death. We can reasonably conclude that it was Bob. It's also telling that the portal was broken. Perhaps this is how Bob sealed (or attempted to seal) the realm off? We don't know what it was that he was fighting, but I believe this is by far the most likely location, and Dead Island seems very unlikely.
    Tisaun, ThomAnn100 and Poiu429 like this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Ah, I am tagged, let's read...
    First sentence and I am already disappointed, I'm not even going to bother reading further.

    This sentence, as you claim afterwards, if the basis of your theory. It's ok if some parts of theories leave blanks for you to fill in, but this... You can't have your theory basis be something so random like that.

    Where does it say Dwarves created portals? Where does it even hint at it? You are saying "Belive me on this random idea, then here's a theory if that random idea is true". It just doesn't work.
    Ok I lied and did bother to read further, and I regret it.

    Dern is a place of darkness, with a black and purple color scheme. The nether was created when dark and light clashed, and has a red and black color scheme. Dern is, by all logic, a place of Darkness. Nether is corruption. Two very different forces.

    I skimmed through the rest and it still doesn't make sense. You say Dwarves build portals, and that Bob tried to build one. Does this (in your eyes) make Bob a dwarf? Legit if there were Dwarves markings or something around the nether portal, this would hold more reason.

    I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be rude, but I really can't understand how you came to ANY of these conclusions...
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2017
    Tisaun, ThomAnn100 and NinjaPro8000 like this.
  11. NinjaPro8000

    NinjaPro8000 Famous Adventurer

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    Forgetting the rest of this theory, all your reasoning for this entire post is here. So if I can disprove this paragraph, I render the rest of it irrelevant correct?
    Well then.... Going from the start of the paragraph

    1)Dwarves never created portals.
    2)If I'm going to think of magical portals as Dwarven technology, then why doesn't corkus, THE MOST TECHNOLOGICALLY ADVANCED COUNTRY, have portals?
    3)COW isn't even a miner, he was their leader, and leaders don't do S**T.
    4)Looking past the point that Kelight is a villiger, that was 1000 years ago. You are saying Kelight is 1000 years old.
    5) Does COW even have a brother? And If it was Kelight, why does he refer to the COW as a
    6)Dern is not the Nether. Dern is a diffrent Realm from the Nether. Dern has a totally diffrent color scheme from the Nether.
    7)Dern does not share ties with the corruption. The nether is the realm of corruption so it makes sense that the nether SHARES MANY TIES WITH THE CORRUPTION
    8)This next sentence probably should have been what you opened up with.
    9)The door of time fits into this somehow, great now I need to take a look at the rest of this theory.
    10)But, i thought the Dwarves built portals, Is Bob a dwarf now?
    11)Just because somebody stayed there, doesn't mean you built the place. Just because I stayed in a nice hotel, doesn't mean I built the hotel.
    12)Why would bob build the portal to the nether if it already exists?
    13)Bob never fought COW.
    14) Even your disclaimer is false because theory is not a synonym for opinion.

    I haven't read your actual theory, because, i'm confused of how your references even fit together.

    EDIT: I did read this theory, it's not even really about dern. Is the whole point of this is that Dwarves are Dernish? Here is a better way to disprove all of this theory, How can the portal of time send you to Rodoroc. There isn't a portal in Rodoroc, and you need a gateway on both sides.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2017
    Tisaun and ThomAnn100 like this.
  12. Lucan3K

    Lucan3K I'm Broke in Videogames Too HERO

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    My mistake, I thought I had read something about bob fighting COW somewhere in the forums. also the COW being the brother of kelight... I guess that this theory is complete trash. Also, before hating on this opinionized theory, try explaining the significance of dern, the nether and the door time into one somewhat cohesive story. Sure my timing and citations need work but I think with some major fixing this could somewhat make sense. Also, the nether isn't dern. Its my idea and I now know that is a wrong idea. Im just trying to explain the unexplained. Sorry if I was way off to whatever you guys know.

    All I can say is, :l really dislike the put-downs. When I say I want feedback I mean "Oh hey, I read your theory and there are some things that aren't accurate/ never happened" To conclude, If you hated this theory so much why did you read/finish it and continue to write a crude reply?
  13. NinjaPro8000

    NinjaPro8000 Famous Adventurer

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    Welcome to fandoms.
  14. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    More famous people have dealt with angry fandoms
    NinjaPro8000 likes this.
  15. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    Dwarves created portals (like the, ones in fantastic voyage) to get to places. They did? For the theory think of it like their technology okay? Okay In the TOL quest we learn that the COW is one of the miners hosted by an evil presence. The miner's brother is just an idea of who the TOL NPC QUESTGIVER is that stands in front of the TOL. Already confused My idea that Dern is the Nether. TF This comes from how the nether PVP ARENA looks like a ruined city and shares many ties with corruption. No. Nether is root of where corruption is from, Dern is a dark place. Different. Also in the Fantastic voyage quest the supposed Dernel portal and the place we go to is the basis of my theory. I also wanted to explain the weird chromatic anomalies surrounding the door of time as well. If you were wondering about Gateway island and it's significance. Id like to think Bob tried to build the portal to Dern there WHY WOULD BOB BUILD A PORTAL? HM( We know he was there for some time because of his campsite that includes a sealed letter to Nilrem) and perhaps he was studying the magical power of Gateway Island so he could build the portal to find the source of the corruption ( We also know Bob was oriented around fighting the corruption because he allegedly "died" fighting the COW. Thus, providing his sealed letters to Nilrem which hint at that fact) Alright to the Theory! Hope that covers most questions. Id love to hear feedback and also a disclaimer: THIS IS A THEORY! NOTHING HERE IS CANNON OR WILL 100% HAPPEN THIS IS COMPLETELY I, NEKROMANSER'S OPINION/THEORY. THANK YOU!
    Bull! Not even going to bother continuing. THIS IS A FAN FIC NOT A THEORY
    Or something like that...

    1000s of years ago when Dwarves in dern were creating portals with the intent of traveling across large distances perhaps to other worlds? They accidentally opened a can of worms "Stranger Things style" and started releasing a supermassive corruption that engulfed and shattered their cities and province. In the wake of the rapid destruction the Dwarves in the "Capital City" were pressed for time, so they opened up one last portal to escape to anywhere to any other landmass on the world (they built it too fast and also they didnt care where it took them) and that portal opened up about 100m below some quiet detlas/elkurn suburbs. The Dwarves realized this wouldn't help them escape so they left the city having the corruption on their tail. They didnt have enough time to close the portal. They fled. Soon the dwarves made one final stand on the last bit of non-corrupted landmass on their province. Built another random portal. It was now or never. This created the door of time. The Dwarves fled out of the portal into the Nivla Forest plains. Built some buildings and made a small town. Soon later a large group of wynn patriots (like the Corkus Patriots) came and did not like the Dernel people living on their land without permission. They told them to leave through the portal they came in. The dwarves left and teleported to another location (What is now Ancient Rodoroc)

    The humans could sense the bitter corruption behind that gate so the humans did the best they could and sealed the portal. To this day the portal has been emitting strange anomalies of corruption resulting in time variation. over the hundreds of years, the once Dwarven town crumbled to rubble, forever lost. All that remains is the door of time and its subtle corruptive time anomaly. The dwarve's portal materialized into a cave beneath the Great Fire Volcanoes of north-eastern Gavel. The Dwarves signed a peace treaty with the Villagers and created a massive underground, seperated city called Ancient Rodoroc. Many years later, Ancient Rodoroc's only exit was destroyed by a massive dragon.The dwarves slayed the beast in the frozen peaks leaving it to rot. The Dwarves then built a larger city above the ruins of ancient Rodoroc and to this day is their metropolis. Safe from corruption.

    Back in wynn 100s of years later the door of time's effects are noticed by few. All is well. Until one Nemract miner mines in the wrong spot... he surfaced the "Nether Portal" (actually a portal to a now corrupted Dernel city) It exploded with brilliant light destroying everything around it annihilating miners and creating massive spikes of obsidian. The one survivor fled to Nemract. The world shook, every soul in Wynn could see the corruption blast spread like wildfire. In a nearby tower, a powerful wizard named Gundalf cast a massive spell slowing the speed of corruption, he couldnt stop it though. The damage has been done, and over the next 30 years the corruption continues to slowly spread. The one survivor from the initial contact contacts a recruit from ragni to kill his brother... the one who initially surfaced th portal. He had been absorbed by corruption and turned itno a host of an all powerful being. The CORRUPTER OF WORLDS. As for the dwarves? Dern may not just be done with them yet...

    Meric's Theory:

    Bob is actually Enzans third long lost brother, here me out on this,
    one of the first quests you get is Enzans brother
    now in most MMORPGS the first few quests are important
    now do you think Wynn would add a useless quest this early on? NO
    They must be important!
    Therefor enzans brother is the king of Ragni,
    and is related to Bob as they are important people

    A few years later after being a powder dude high on t6 powders

    Bob goes to the roots of corruption, and makes a portal

    They need to create a Pheonix Wright game starring mat

    would be amazing...

    Tisaun and NinjaPro8000 like this.
  16. Lucan3K

    Lucan3K I'm Broke in Videogames Too HERO

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    alright whatever xD
  17. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    It's fun to speculate about the lore and all, but it's pretty much impossible to make a theory that is probable. There is too little information and the info. we do have is conflicting. Plus, we need to wait until the Main Storyline comes up before we can assume anything is canon or not.
  18. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    This was a common belief awhile ago. CoW was one of the endgame bosses, and the lore that Grian posted on the forums seemingly tied into that.
    Then Dead/Alive island happened (previously it was Enderman Island, and I don't think there was a quest there [correct me if I'm wrong]. Once the sealed letters happened, there was a possible connection to Bob (although as Hodsonius says, this connection is unlikely). Gavel came out, and with it a quest called Fantastic Voyage, placing what seems to be the beginning of a sealed letter on Gateway island. The realm you go through was connected to Dern, and thus, this being that Bob fought was something in Dern, like the Eye. Presumably.

    It's impossible, so we don't do it. I mean, the only thing I can think of that kind of (really doesn't) connect the Door of Time, Dern, and the Nether is..
    they're all important
    dern might have some connections to the eye, whatever that is
    the nether is a realm of corruption
    the war of the realms is important
    mr. caritat mentions a being who might be the eye in his possessed spiel
    uh, yeah
    theory, woo

    The community here is pretty frank. Many of the members put their ideas and criticisms out bluntly (I do this too, so I'm not like, trying to diss members of the community). It's easier, it gets the point across, and the person who got criticized won't make the same mistake again. But we're not trying to be elitists who think our opinion is the best and yours just sucks, and if you don't accept ours, you suck too. And I'm pretty sure this isn't the only fandom you've been a part of.. there are worse.. much, much worse...
    Helping to explain the lore gives you a better understanding of, well, the lore (i could've said that better), and now that you know it, you can make better, more accurate theories. Which is good, because, ah (this is going to become tautological, so I'm going to stop now)..

    Tisaun and sdkgjnio like this.
  19. Lucan3K

    Lucan3K I'm Broke in Videogames Too HERO

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    I rest my case, thanks Poiu
  20. Lucan3K

    Lucan3K I'm Broke in Videogames Too HERO

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    Was just reading up about the eye.
    What if The eye created the portals? (Door of Time) and if the eye is truly a being of all powerful evil could it be slowly opening the door of time to invade wynn so it can offset the balance? What I mean by the whole balance thing is sort of a cliché, but hear me out. In most stories with light and dark, yin and yang etc. they are perfectly balanced until one side (usually dark, in this case allegedly Dern)does something to offset the balance resulting in chaos, destruction etc. So im wondering if the door of time opening and its weird time anomalies have something to do with the "eye" or something involving dern trying to influence wynn? Also correct me if im wrong but in fantastic voyage didn't absolutely no time pass since you entered the portal to what is allegedly "Dern" and from when you came through the abandoned mines? if so that is huge! If im wrong in which im pretty sure that none of that ever happened, then stabbing at the significance of gateway island will be a bit of a tough subject to explain.
    my thing about dwarves being from dern is something im like 70% sure I heard somewhere from an NPC, again probably not because there is no proof, but you never know. I mean, there is (edit: NO PROOF) proof that they are from dern, BUT theres no proof the are originally from Gavel either. Also people were talking about how dern either has to be massive or is somehow moving around the outside of the provinces. Because we know dern is south of rymek and east of the abandoned mines (https://map.wynncraft.com/#/1004/64/-990/min/0/0) then how come the jungle which is far west from dern is called DERNel jungle? Also the ancients supposedly fled from dern to the darnel jungle which means Dern HAD to be connected to darnel jungle but our sources and the map tells us otherwise. So if Dern is moving we have a few questions...

    A) How Tf is Dern moving
    B)How fast is dern moving (continental drift slow, or teleporting fast)
    C) How come dern moves and other provinces don't
    D) IS dern even a fricking province?
    E)Kind of random but we know fruma has a door against the ocean that is west of wynn meaning fruma is west of wynn (also starter area) SO how big is fruma? if dern at some point was at the darnel jungle fruma was probably just west of it. (again look at the map and you can understand what I mean. Fruma most likely is kidney shaped curving beneath the jungle. It would make the most sense) So could dern at some point have an influence/effect on Fruma? There's no way to tell I know, but just think about it. (EDIT: you ca visibly see the door to fruma on the wynn map, so imagine that empty space behind it leads all the way to darnel jungle. https://map.wynncraft.com/#/-1606/64/-1321/min/0/0)

    My answer is, The eye or some powerful being that is somehow linked to dern and is trying to do something. (we don't know the eye's motives) If its allegedly moving an entire province, an all powerful being wouldn't do that for the hell of it. Also the ancients didn't leave dern. THEY ESCAPED. Something on dern as we know is dark and malevolent. Is that the eye or am I just pinning the wrong tails on the wrong donkeys? All I know is the eye is part of this in some way or somehow, something here is larger than we think. Any ideas?
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2017
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